913 resultados para Communication in law
Controller area network (CAN) is a fieldbus network suitable for small-scale distributed computer controlled systems (DCCS), being appropriate for sending and receiving short real-time messages at speeds up to 1 Mbit/sec. Several studies are available on how to guarantee the real-time requirements of CAN messages, providing preruntime schedulability conditions to guarantee the real-time communication requirements of DCCS traffic. Usually, it is considered that CAN guarantees atomic multicast properties by means of its extensive error detection/signaling mechanisms. However, there are some error situations where messages can be delivered in duplicate or delivered only by a subset of the receivers, leading to inconsistencies in the supported applications. In order to prevent such inconsistencies, a middleware for reliable communication in CAN is proposed, taking advantage of CAN synchronous properties to minimize the runtime overhead. Such middleware comprises a set of atomic multicast and consolidation protocols, upon which the reliable communication properties are guaranteed. The related timing analysis demonstrates that, in spite of the extra stack of protocols, the real-time properties of CAN are preserved since the predictability of message transfer is guaranteed.
This paper discusses the changes brought by the communication revolution in teaching and learning in the scope of LSP. Its aim is to provide an insight on how teaching which was bi-dimensional, turned into a multidimensional system, gathering other complementary resources that have transformed, in a incredibly short time, the ways we receive share and store information, for instance as professionals, and keep in touch with our peers. The increasing rise of electronic publications, the incredible boom of social and professional networks, search engines, blogs, list servs, forums, e-mail blasts, Facebook pages, YouTube contents, Tweets and Apps, have twisted the way information is conveyed. Classes ceased to be predictable and have been empowered by digital platforms, innumerous and different data repositories (TILDE, IATE, LINGUEE, and so many other terminological data banks) that have definitely transformed the academic world in general and tertiary education in particular. There is a bulk of information to be digested by students, who are no longer passive but instead responsible and active for their academic outcomes. The question is whether they possess the tools to select only what is accurate and important for a certain subject or assignment, due to that overflow? Due to the reduction of the number of course years in most degrees, after the implementation of Bologna and the shrinking of the curricula contents, have students the possibility of developing critical thinking? Both teaching and learning rely on digital resources to improve the speed of the spreading of knowledge. But have those changes been effective to promote really communication? Furthermore, with the increasing Apps that have already been developed and will continue to appear for learning foreign languages, for translation among others, will the students feel the need of learning them once they have those Apps. These are some the questions we would like to discuss in our paper.
The conquest of the West by the stagecoaches and then by railway, Ford and the automobile civilization, the Moon landing by Apollo 11, Microsoft, Apple, CNN, Google and Facebook have appeared to us as celebratory examples of the willingness and ability of the US to overcome the distance and the absence through so-called modern progress of transportation and communication. Undoubtedly, the imaginary and the instrumental power associated to transports and communication of the last century and a half are identified with the mental images that the world has of the US. A world that has eagerly imported and copy their technology and technological culture. Beyond the illusions, this attempting, which has always been praised to transcende space and eclipse the time to get to places and peole increasingly distant and fast, has always a dark side: the political control of population, commercial advertising, the spread of the rumors, noise and gossip. However, since at least the nineteenth century, the political project incorporated in modern transportation and communication technologies was not shared by some of the most remarkable thinkers in the US not only in that century, but also in the 20th century. This paper begins by rescue Ralph W. Emerson and Henry D. Thoreau legacy regarding to communication. Emerson conceived communication as a give-and-take with no coordination between the two, and does not involve contact with the other. Thoreau, in turn, argued that modern trasnportation and communications inventions are but pretty toys which distract attention from serious things, nothing more than 'improved means to an end that is not perfected.' Secondly, we show that this skeptical view of the techological improvement of transport and communication was proceed in an original way with James W. Carey, a media studies thinker who became known for his criticism of the transmission view of communication.
Dissertation presented to obtain the PhD degree in Biology
Consumer behavior: Sport Zone. The analysis of "The impact of in-store activations (communication) in the consumer's emotions" Several studies have been conducted on the consumer behavior. This study aims to analyze and understand which factors are important to consumers’ emotions when the purchase decision occurs, the brand awareness, brand loyalty and the campaigns/activations’ impact in the above factors. Two research surveys were conducted to realize this study, the first online and the other was an interview to the Agency Up Partner who conceived and put into practice this Fitness campaign. First of all, was the consumer’s survey, a survey with 100 answers, to understand which factors are taken into account when a campaign in-store is held, in which the atmosphere is mainly used to arouse consumer’s desire to purchase, and also emotions. Second, the interview with the agency was realized to find out on what they were based on when they delineate it, and if the raise of emotions was taken into account in the origin of it. Concluding, emotions have a significant impact on formation of consumer in-store behavior, satisfaction and loyalty. As we could assay through of how this Fitness campaign was carried out as well as the optimal feedback received by consumers, improved attention over in-store marketing activity strongly influences consumer behavior at the point of purchase. “Sport Zone: A new store concept where the love for sports is combined with functionality”
As the worldwide growth of social media usage and institutionalization by organizations rise worldwide little is known about the degree of professionalization that has occurred. By comparing data between two asynchronous countries this research project offers insights into its strategic usage as well as discovering an interesting dynamic between activity and professionalization.
QoS, MANET, Ad-hoc networks, Simulation, wireless communication
In recent years, the strategy for the control of schistosomiasis has placed increased emphasis on the role of health education, public information, and communication. This should, not only bring about specific changes in behavior aiming at disease prevention, but also stimulate participation of the community in health programs. Beyond this, it is desirable that both community members and researchers should seek better life conditions through a transformative social action. The present paper addresses these concerns; first, by critically reviewing some health education programs that were developed in Brazil, and, secondly, by analyzing and suggesting ways to improve this area.
Summary Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO is a soil bacterium which was isolated near Morens (Switzerland) and which protects plants from root-pathogenic fungi. This protection is due to extracellular secondary metabolites whose synthesis is regulated by the two-component system GacS/GacA in strain CHAO. Extracellular signals of bacterial origin activate this regulatory system. These signals are different from N-acyl-homoserine lactones, are extracted by dichloromethane and appear to have a low molecular weight. Preliminary evidence was obtained from a small molecule m/z 278 produced by strain CHAO. Similar signals capable of activating GacS/GacA-dependent regulation in strain CHAO were found in a large number of different Gram-negative bacteria. Once activated by signal(s), the sensor GacS is assumed to phosphorylate the response regulator GacA, which positively influences a regulatory cascade, resulting in the synthesis of secondary metabolites. This cascade includes three GacA-controlled small regulatory RNAs and two translational repressor proteins. The regulatory RNAs titrate the repressor proteins; this allows translation of target genes and the synthesis of exoenzymes and secondary metabolites such as antibiotics and hydrogen cyanide. A GFP-based sensor for signal detection was constructed in strain CHAO by fusing the gfp reporter gene to the rsmZ small RNA gene. CHAO mutants defective for signal production were isolated following transposon insertion mutagenesis. In one class of mutants obtained, the gacS gene was inactivated, indicating that GacS/GacA positively controls signal production. In a second class, the thiC gene required for thiamine (vitamin B1) biosynthesis was disrupted. Addition of excess (> 10E-6 M) thiamine to the medium restored signal production. By contrast, when the thiamine concentration was just sufficient to allow normal growth, no production of signal(s) was observed. The mechanism by which thiamine activates signal production remains to be elucidated. Résumé Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO est une bactérie du sol, isolée près de Morens (Suisse), qui a la capacité de protéger les plantes contre des champignons pathogènes de la racine. Cette protection provient de métabolites secondaires excrétés par la bactérie, dont la synthèse est régulée par le système à deux composants GacS/GacA. Des signaux extracellulaires d'origine bactérienne activent ce système de régulation. Ces signaux, différents des N-acyl¬homosérines lactones, sont extraits par le dichlorométhane et semblent avoir une petite masse moléculaire. Une molécule (masse m/z 278) a été mise en évidence par des expériences préliminaires chez la souche CHAO. Des signaux similaires, capables d'activer la régulation dépendante de GacS/GacA chez la souche CHAO, ont été trouvés chez un grand nombre de bactéries à Gram négative. Une fois activé par le(s) signal(aux), le senseur GacS est supposé phosphoryler le régulateur de réponse GacA, qui influence positivement la cascade de régulation menant à la synthèse des métabolites secondaires. Cette cascade inclut trois petits ARNs régulateurs contrôlés par GacA et deux protéines répresseurs de la traduction. Les ARNs régulateurs titrent les protéines répresseurs, ce qui permet la traduction des gènes cibles et la synthèse d'exoenzymes et de métabolites secondaires tel les antibiotiques et le cyanure d'hydrogène. Un senseur basé sur la GFP pour la détection de signaux a été construit dans la souche CHAO en fusionnant le gène rapporteur gfp au gène de petit ARN rsmZ. Des mutants de CHAO déficients pour la production de signaux ont été isolés au moyen d'une mutagenèse par insertion de transposon. Chez une classe de mutants obtenus, le gène gacS a été inactivé, indiquant que GacS/GacA contrôle positivement la production de signaux. Dans une seconde classe, le gène thiC nécessaire à la biosynthèse de thiamine (vitamine B1) a été interrompu. L'addition en excès (> 10E-6 M) de thiamine au milieu restaure la production de signaux. A l'opposé, quand la concentration de thiamine est juste suffisante pour permettre une croissance normale, aucune production de signaux n'a été observée. Le mécanisme par lequel la thiamine active la production de signaux reste à élucider.
Acoustic signalling has been extensively studied in insect species, which has led to a better understanding of sexual communication, sexual selection and modes of speciation. The significance of acoustic signals for a blood-sucking insect was first reported in the XIX century by Christopher Johnston, studying the hearing organs of mosquitoes, but has received relatively little attention in other disease vectors until recently. Acoustic signals are often associated with mating behaviour and sexual selection and changes in signalling can lead to rapid evolutionary divergence and may ultimately contribute to the process of speciation. Songs can also have implications for the success of novel methods of disease control such as determining the mating competitiveness of modified insects used for mass-release control programs. Species-specific sound “signatures” may help identify incipient species within species complexes that may be of epidemiological significance, e.g. of higher vectorial capacity, thereby enabling the application of more focussed control measures to optimise the reduction of pathogen transmission. Although the study of acoustic communication in insect vectors has been relatively limited, this review of research demonstrates their value as models for understanding both the functional and evolutionary significance of acoustic communication in insects.
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. État du Maharashtra. Dhule]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Madhya Pradesh. Chhattisgarh]