998 resultados para Coloring Agents


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Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate by a visual method of comparison the color stability of nonpigmented and pigmented facial silicones after accelerated aging. Materials and Methods: Two kinds of silicones were used in this study; one specifically formulated for facial prostheses and the other an acetic silicone for industrial use. Twenty-four trial bodies were made for each silicone. These were divided into colorless and intrinsically pigmented groups: ceramic, make-up, and iron oxide. The groups were submitted to accelerated aging for nonmetallic materials. An initial reading and subsequent readings were made at 163, 351, 692, and 1000 hours using a visual method of comparison. The values were annotated in a spreadsheet by two observers, according to scores elaborated for this study. Results: All groups presented color stability in the visual method. According to the results obtained and analyzed in this study, we can conclude that both silicones, Silastic 732 RTV and Silastic MDX 4-4210, behaved similarly, they can therefore be indicated for use in maxillofacial prosthesis. The time factor of aging influenced negatively, independently of the pigmentation, or lack of it, and of silicones and no group had visually noticeable alterations in any of the accelerated aging time, independently of the addition or not of pigments.


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The potential for malignant transformation of oral lichen planus is still controversial. The expression of proteins related to cell proliferation and apoptosis in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia was analyzed to evaluate the true potential for malignant transformation of this disease. Twenty-four cases of each lesion were subjected to the streptoavidin-biotin technique for identifying the immunohistochemical expression of PCNA, p53, bax, and bcl-2 proteins. Of the 24 cases of oral lichen planus, 14 (58.33%) were positive for PCNA, 10 (41.67%) for p53, 4 (16.67%) for bcl-2 and 12 (50%) for bax, whereas of the 24 cases of epithelial dysplasia, 20 (83.33%) were positive for PCNA, 10 (41.67%) for p53, 6 (25%) for bcl-2, and 20 (83.33%) for bax. Chi-squared test showed no statistically significant differences between the expression of p53 and bcl-2 in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia, regardless of the grade (P > 0.05). However, the expression of PCNA and bax was significantly increased in epithelial dysplasia (P < 0.05). The results of this study showed that alterations in expression of these proteins are observed in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia, suggesting the potential for malignant transformation in both lesions.


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The purpose of this study was to assess color alteration of the paints used for iris painting in artificial eyes. Five disks of heat cured acrylic resin were confectioned by microwave energy for each paint analyzed, in a total of 40 specimens. Each specimen consisted of a colorless acrylic resin disk and another of equal size, of scleral white colored acrylic resin, with the painting interposed between the two disks. The specimens were submitted to an accelerated aging process in a chamber under ultraviolet radiation for 1,008 hours. To assess color variation, a reflective spectrophotometer was used. The results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey test (p < 0.05). All the paints underwent chromatic alteration. The oil paint presented the highest resistance to accelerated aging.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the apical leakage of roots filled by three different gutta-percha techniques: lateral condensation, Tagger's hybrid and E&Q Master. Forty-two extracted single-rooted teeth were used. The coronal part of each tooth was removed and the root received biomechanical preparation using a 60-K file. The roots were randomly divided into three groups according to the technique of filling the root canal: Group I, lateral condensation; Group II, Tagger's hybrid; Group III, E&Q Master. The roots were submitted to dye leakage test with Rhodamine B for 7 days, using vacuum during the initial 30 min. The teeth were sectioned longitudinally and the leakage was measured in a linear fashion from apex to crown. Statistical analysis indicated that lateral condensation and E&Q Master techniques showed lower leakage than Tagger's technique (P = 0.0016). However, statistically no difference was found between lateral condensation and E&Q Master system techniques.


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One of the greatest challenges faced by buccomaxillofacial prosthetists is to reproduce the patient's exact skin color and provide adequate esthetics. To reach this objective, professionals must use materials with easy characterization and that maintain color over long periods of time. The objective of this study was, thus, to evaluate the color stability of two types of silicones, Silastic 732 and Silastic MDX4-4210. Twenty-four test specimens were made from each type of silicone and were divided into a colorless group and groups intrinsically pigmented with ceramics, cosmetics or iron oxide. The specimens were submitted to an accelerated system of aging for non-metallic materials. Readings were carried out initially and after periods corresponding to 163, 351, 692 and 1,000 hours of aging, using a reflection spectrophotometer analysis, and color alterations were calculated by the CIE L*a*b* system. The data were submitted to variance analysis and Tukey's test at a 5% level of probability. The results demonstrated that, irrespective of the period of time analyzed, all the materials underwent some type of chromatic alteration (ΔE > 0). The test specimens made with Silastic 732 and MDX4-4210, without pigmentation, presented the lowest color alteration values after 1,000 hours of aging. Of the pigments, ceramic presented the lowest color alteration values and cosmetic powder presented the highest values. Thus, it may be concluded that the materials without the incorporation of pigments presented similar color alteration values, and did not differ statistically. The cosmetic powder used in this study was the pigment that most altered the color of the test specimens. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.


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This study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of 2 mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) cements - White-MTA-Angelus and a new formulation, MTA-Bio - on odontoblast-like cell (MDPC-23) cultures. Twenty-four disc-shaped (2 mm diameter x 2 mm thick) specimens were fabricated from each material and immersed individually in wells containing 1 mL of DMEM culture medium for either 24 h or 7 days to obtain extracts, giving rise to 4 groups of 12 specimens each: G1 - White-MTA/24 h; G2 - White-MTA/7 days; G3 - MTA-Bio/24 h; and G4 - MTA-Bio/7 days. Plain culture medium (DMEM) was used as a negative control (G5). Cells at 30,000 cells/cm 2 concentration were seeded in the wells of 24-well plates and incubated in a humidified incubator with 5% CO 2 and 95% air at 37°C for 72 h. After this period, the culture medium of each well was replaced by 1 mL of extract (or plain DMEM in the control group) and the cells were incubated for additional 2 h. Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay and the data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Cell morphology and the surface of representative MTA specimens of each group were examined by scanning electron microscopy. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between G1 and G2 or between G3 and G4. No significant difference (p>0.05) was found between the experimental and control groups either. Similar cell organization and morphology were observed in all groups, regardless of the storage periods. However, the number of cells observed in the experimental groups decreased compared to the control group. MTA-Bio presented irregular surface with more porosities than White-MTA. In conclusion, White-MTA and MTA-Bio presented low cytotoxic effects on odontoblast-like cell (MDPC-23) cultures.


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This study compared the sampling efficacy cia cytobrush and metal spatula for exfoliative cytology of the oral mucosa. Thirty students with no detectable oral alterations upon clinical examination were submitted to exfoliative cytology of the lateral border of the tongue, using a metal spatula on the left side and a cytobrush on the right side. The smears were stained using the Papanicoiaou technique and evaluated for cellularity, cell type, cell distribution, homogeneity, and cellular distortion, as well as the presence ol mucus, inflammatory infiltrate, and hemorrhage. A statistical test (Z-test) with a 95% confdence interval (Cl) showed a significant difference between the metal spatula and cytobrush in terms of cellularity (p = 0.02) and homogeneity (p = 0.01). No difference between the two methods was observed regarding cell type (p = 0.4, Z-test) or cell distribution for the 95% confidence interval (p = 0.2, Fisher's test). Cell distortion and the presence of mucus were observed in five cases that used the metal spatula and in two cases that used the cytobrush. No hemorrhage or inflammatory infItrate was detected in any of the slides. Based on the results of this study, the cytobrush produced qualitatively better smears in terms of cellularity and homogeneity compared to the metal spatula.


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Background: Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a premalignant condition intimately related to exposure of the lips to sun rays. Aim: The objective of this study was to evaluate the elastic and collagen fibers in the lamina propria of AC. The degree of epithelial atypia was correlated with the quantity of elastic and collagen fibers. Materials and Methods: Fifty-one cases were investigated. One slide was stained with hematoxylin-eosin for the evaluation of atypia, the second was stained with Weigert′s resorcin-fuchsin for the assessment of elastic fibers, and the third slide was stained with Mallory′s trichrome for the analysis of collagen fibers. Results: Ordinal logistic regression analysis revealed a significant correlation between the presence of atypia and collagen fibers (P<0.05). Conclusions: It was concluded that there seems to be a reduction in the quantity of collagen fibers in cases of moderate and severe atypia. No correlation was observed between the degradation of elastic system fibers and the grade of dysplasia.


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Most of the problems of endodontic origin have a bacterial etiological agent. Thus, there is a continued interest in seeking more effective chemical substances that can replace the camphorated paramonochiorophenol or antibiotics as intracanal medicaments. Among the possible substances, ozone has some interesting biological characteristics: bactericidal action, debriding effect, angiogenesis stimulation capacity and high oxidizing power. The purpose of this study was to chemically evaluate the presence of ozone in sunflower, castor, olive and almond oil, as well as in propylene glycol and byproducts of ozonation, such as formaldehyde. These compounds were ozonized, inserted into empty and sterile vials, and analyzed by testing the reaction between ozone and indigo, for determining the presence of ozone, and subjected to the chromotropic acid test for determining the presence of formaldehyde. It was observed complete absence of ozone in all samples tested and presence of formaldehyde. The bactericidal and healing action of ozonized oils could be attributed to products formed by the ozonation of mineral oils, such as formaldehyde, not to the ozone itself.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation on intracanal dentin surface by SEM analysis and its interference in the apical seal of filled canals. After endodontic treatment procedures, 34 maxillary human incisors were randomly assigned to 2 groups. In the negative control group (n=17), no additional treatment was performed and teeth were filled with vertically condensed gutta-percha; in the laser-treated group (n=17), the root canals were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser (1.5 W, 100 mJ, 15 Hz) before filling as described for the control group. Two specimens of each group were prepared for SEM analysis to evaluate the presence and extent of morphological changes and removal of debris; the other specimens were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue dye (pH 7.2) for 24 h for evaluation of the linear dye leakage at the apical third. SEM analysis of the laser-treated group showed dentin fusion and resolidification without smear layer or debris. The Student's t-test showed that the laser-treated group had significantly less leakage in apical third than the control group. Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the morphological changes on the apical intraradicular dentin surface caused by Nd:YAG laser resulted in less linear dye apical leakage.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of specific parameters of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on biofilms formed by Streptococcus mutans, Candida albicans or an association of both species. Single and dual-species biofilms - SSB and DSB - were exposed to laser doses of 5, 10 or 20 J/cm 2 from a near infrared InGaAsP diode laser prototype (LASERTable; 780 ± 3 nm, 0.04 W). After irradiation, the analysis of biobilm viability (MTT assay), biofilm growth (cfu/mL) and cell morphology (SEM) showed that LLLT reduced cell viability as well as the growth of biofilms. The response of S. mutans (SSB) to irradiation was similar for all laser doses and the biofilm growth was dose dependent. However, when associated with C. albicans (DSB), S. mutans was resistant to LLLT. For C. albicans, the association with S. mutans (DSB) caused a significant decrease in biofilm growth in a dose-dependent fashion. The morphology of the microorganisms in the SSB was not altered by LLLT, while the association of microbial species (DSB) promoted a reduction in the formation of C. albicans hyphae. LLLT had an inhibitory effect on the microorganisms, and this capacity can be altered according to the interactions between different microbial species.


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Azo dyes, the most widely used family of synthetic dyes, are often employed as colorants in areas such as textiles, plastics, foods/drugs/cosmetics, and electronics. Following their use in industrial applications, azo dyes have been found in effluents and various receiving waters. Chemical treatment of effluents containing azo dyes includes disinfection using chlorine, which can generate compounds of varying eco/genotoxicity. Among the widely known commercial azo dyes for synthetic fibers is C.I. Disperse Red 1. While this dye is known to exist as a complex mixture, reports of eco/genotoxicity involve the purified form. Bearing in mind the potential for adverse synergistic effects arising from exposures to chemical mixtures, the aim of the present study was to characterize the components of commercial Disperse Red 1 and its chlorine-mediated decoloration products and to evaluate their ecotoxicity and mutagenicity. In conducting the present study, Disperse Red 1 was treated with chlorine gas, and the solution obtained was analyzed with the aid of LC-ESI-MS/MS to identify the components present, and then evaluated for ecotoxicity and mutagenicity, using Daphnia similis and Salmonella/microsome assays, respectively. The results of this study indicated that chlorination of Disperse Red 1 produced four chlorinated aromatic compounds as the main products and that the degradation products were more ecotoxic than the parent dye. These results suggest that a disinfection process using chlorine should be avoided for effluents containing hydrophobic azo dyes such commercial Disperse Red 1. © 2012 Elsevier B.V..


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Bites from snake (Bothrops genus) cause local tissue damage and systemic complications, which include alterations such as hemostatic system and acute renal failure (ARF). Recent studies suggest that ARF pathogenesis in snakebite envenomation is multifactorial and involves hemodynamic disturbances, immunologic reactions and direct nephrotoxicity. The aim of the work was to investigate the effects of the Bothrops leucurus venom (BlV) in the renal perfusion system and in cultured renal tubular cells of the type MDCK (Madin-Darby Canine kidney). BlV (10 μg/mL) reduced the perfusion pressure at 90 and 120 min. The renal vascular resistance (RVR) decreased at 120 min of perfusion. The effect on urinary flow (UF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) started 30 min after BlV infusion, was transient and returned to normal at 120 min of perfusion. It was also observed a decrease on percentual tubular transport of sodium (%TNa+) at 120 min and of chloride (%TCl-) at 60 and 90 min. The treatment with BlV caused decrease in cell viability to the lowest concentration tested with an IC50 of 1.25 μg/mL. Flow cytometry with annexin V and propidium iodide showed that cell death occurred predominantly by necrosis. However, a cell death process may involve apoptosis in lower concentrations. BlV treatment (1.25 μg/mL) led to significant depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential and, indeed, we found an increase in the expression of cell death genes in the lower concentrations tested. The venom also evoked an increase in the cytosolic Ca2+ in a concentration dependent manner, indicating that Ca2+ may participate in the venom of B. leucurus effect. The characterization of the effects in the isolated kidney and renal tubular cells gives strong evidences that the acute renal failure induced by this venom is a result of the direct nephrotoxicity which may involve the cell death mechanism. © 2012.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)