993 resultados para Colonial America


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The Premio Cervantes, one of the most prestigious prizes awarded for literature in the Spanish language, was established in 1976 as Spain negotiated the Transition to democracy in the post-Franco era. This article examines the context in which the prize was created and subsequently used to negotiate inter-continental relations between Spain and Latin America. The article highlights the exchanges of economic, political and symbolic capital which took place between the Spanish State, its representative, the King of Spain, and winning Latin American authors. Significantly, the involvement of the Spanish State is shown to bring political capital into play in a way that commercial prizes do not. In so doing, the Premio Cervantes gives those formerly at the colonial periphery the opportunity to speak out and negotiate the terms of a new kind of relationship with the former colonial center.


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El presente estudio de caso se propuso analizar la renovación urbana como estrategia de recuperación del centro histórico de Bogotá, utilizando como objeto de investigación, el proceso de renovación urbana que atravesó el Barrio Santa Bárbara Colonial, hoy conocido como Nueva Santa Fe, en el período 1976 (fecha de planteamiento del proyecto) a 2000 (año en el que se implementa el P.O.T), lo que significa nuevas condiciones en términos urbanos para ejecutar proyectos dentro de la ciudad), para lo cual se va a utilizar el concepto de vivienda, dentro de la renovación urbana, como variable que servirá de hilo conductor en el desarrollo del tema. El concepto de renovación que concierne a esta investigación está enmarcado en la década de los 70s y 80s, para lo cual se hace una breve referencia a la década de los 50s y 60s como antecedente de la creciente tendencia que tuvo la renovación urbana en Europa, continente que ha marcado una fuerte influencia en Latinoamérica y a su vez en Colombia. Con base a dicha estructuración, se da cuenta del tipo de investigación a desarrollar, una investigación cualitativa interesada en reflexionar sobre la forma en que se desarrolló la renovación urbana en el sector, haciendo evidente sus falencias y más adelante, los errores que se siguen cometiendo en los planteamientos actuales que tienen que ver con este tratamiento.


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Una de las principales preocupaciones de la historiografía de America Latina ha sido entender las similitudes y diferencias existentes entre las sociedades hispanohablantes y las lusohablantes del continente. Habitualmente, junto a la afirmación de que ambas Américas son herederas de las mismas tradiciones fundamentales la africana, la ibérica y las precolombinas-, se insiste en sus diferencias estructurales y se subrayan los matices de sus similitudes. De esta manera, semejanzas y contrastes se contraponen permanentemente, produciendo un juego en el que los objetos investigados las America española y la portuguesa- se acercan y se distancian, generando entre ellos cordeles que se prolongan y se envuelven, para crear ese lienzo que es la historia de America Latina. Los artículos que componen este libro dibujan parte de este tapiz e ilustran cómo los espacios locales se integran en una órbita imperial clara y manifiesta, que ejerció presión sobre las personas que componían cada sociedad.No obstante, éstas construían realidades a partir de sus propios intereses y posibilidades, que respondían a un contexto regional específico.


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Projective, depth interviews with U.S. Asian immigrants revealed their ambivalence toward the U.S. commercial sector’s colonial-era representations of Asian people. These commercial representations provide polarized depictions of Asian immigrants as either threatening aliens or as model citizens. These portrayals reflect “racialized otherness,” or racial stereotyping that represent Asian immigrants as inferior. Our findings indicate that Chinese immigrants strategically use everyday consumption related to foodways to resist the reverberation of American immigrant myths. In some instances, immigrants’ consumption practices instantiate a regional Asian identity. In other instances, however, immigrants’ consumption practices reflect a separation from the past and an acceptance of a new although not exclusively American way of life. Notwithstanding immigrant consumers’ resistance practices, the findings call for future research into immigrant consumers’ reactions to visual representations of race, ethnicity, and gender.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Na primeira metade do século XVIII, duas revoltas sacudiram as capitanias do Pará e do Maranhão. A primeira delas teve como protagonista o procurador das câmaras de São Luís e Belém, Paulo da Silva Nunes que, no espaço de quinze anos, “acumulando documentos e renovando queixas” apresentou um dos mais contundentes esboços de acusações contra os jesuítas, documento esse mais tarde utilizado por Pombal em sua campanha contra os regulares da Companhia. Nessa revolta, discutia-se a legalidade das formas de cativeiros dos índios e o poder temporal dos aldeamentos indígenas por parte dos padres da Companhia, o que dificultava o acesso dos moradores à mão-de-obra escrava. A segunda revolta teve como principal arquiteto um morador da cidade de São Luís chamado Gregório de Andrade da Fonseca, que se rebelou contra alguns representantes da administração local, especialmente os da Ouvidoria, que se opuseram aos privilégios que ele havia obtido graças às redes de clientela constituídas na região. Essas revoltas possuem importância capital por apresentar uma série de elementos da cultura política que caracterizava as relações entre os habitantes do Estado do Maranhão com os segmentos estabelecidos na Corte.


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The information technology and the increasing interest in the American Latin studies, especially about Brazil, are the objective of these reflections. In the research about the colonial period in Brazil, a group of works, systematized and divulged by electronic means, beyond the usual sources – Portuguese, Italian and Brazilian Universities and Institutes – are from Europe and North America, and its access is facilitated by the worldwide network. Platforms and collections such as Europeana and others less known constitute important sources to the studies of this field. We will comment here some fundamentals to contribute to the subject sources of colonial Brazil.


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Con este trabajo sobre la nobleza de la ciudad de Quito, Christian Büschges amplía el campo de los estudios socio-económicos y políticos sobre las así llamadas élites coloniales, con un análisis que se enfoca de manera especial en las mentalidades y representaciones estamentales, que tan fuertemente marcaron las relaciones sociales del antiguo régimen colonial.


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Exploitation of the extensive polymetallic deposits of the Andean Altiplano in South America since precolonial times has caused substantial emissions of neurotoxic lead (Pb) into the atmosphere; however, its historical significance compared to recent Pb pollution from leaded gasoline is not yet resolved. We present a comprehensive Pb emission history for the last two millennia for South America, based on a continuous, high-resolution, ice core record from Illimani glacier. Illimani is the highest mountain of the eastern Bolivian Andes and is located at the northeastern margin of the Andean Altiplano. The ice core Pb deposition history revealed enhanced Pb enrichment factors (EFs) due to metallurgical processing for silver production during periods of the Tiwanaku/Wari culture (AD 450–950), the Inca empires (AD 1450–1532), colonial times (AD 1532–1900), and tin production at the beginning of the 20th century. After the 1960s, Pb EFs increased by a factor of 3 compared to the emission level from metal production, which we attribute to gasoline-related Pb emissions. Our results show that anthropogenic Pb pollution levels from road traffic in South America exceed those of any historical metallurgy in the last two millennia, even in regions with exceptional high local metallurgical activity.


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In my thesis I looked at Cold War interventionism by America. In the Post WWII period, many countries were searching for freedom from colonial rule, and many were attracted to the idea of communism or socialism. In this context of a destabilized world and power struggle between the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R., revolutions often became points of interests and parts of this larger power play. Any type of revolution was a destabilization, in a system that was unstable at best, and peace between the powers rested precariously on the idea of “Mutually Assured Destruction.” I would like to look more specifically, at the Latin American Region, which seemed full of upheaval, and was an area of much intervention, especially during the Reagan Administration. This administration had varying goals and conflicts about the region. The large amount of interventionism in the 1980s was in part a response to the Vietnam War, which was seen as an American failure, since prevention of communism did not occur. Following this, American strength needed to be shown again in the international stage, especially in Latin America, due to its close proximity to America. I would like to explore the intervention in Grenada and see if it followed a pattern of intervention in the region. This will be contrasted with the case of Nicaragua, which seemed more typical of interventions in the region. The causes of intervention in the region as well as the reasons these interventions took such different courses will be explored and investigated.