980 resultados para College stories, American.
We show that by introducing appropriate local Z(N)(Ngreater than or equal to13) symmetries in electroweak models it is possible to implement an automatic Peccei-Quinn symmetry, at the same time keeping the axion protected against gravitational effects. Although we consider here only an extension of the standard model and a particular 3-3-1 model, the strategy can be used in any kind of electroweak model. An interesting feature of this 3-3-1 model is that if we add (i) right-handed neutrinos, (ii) the conservation of the total lepton number, and (iii) a Z(2) symmetry, the Z(13) and the chiral Peccei-Quinn U(1)P-Q symmetries are both accidental symmetries in the sense that they are not imposed on the Lagrangian but are just a consequence of the particle content of the model, its gauge invariance, renormalizability, and Lorentz invariance. In addition, this model has no domain wall problem.
In this work, using the fact that in 3-3-1 models the same leptonic bilinear contributes to the masses of both charged leptons and neutrinos, we develop an effective operator mechanism to generate mass for all leptons. The effective operators have dimension five for the case of charged leptons and dimension seven for neutrinos. By adding extra scalar multiplets and imposing the discrete symmetry Z(9)xZ(2) we are able to generate realistic textures for the leptonic mixing matrix. This mechanism requires new physics at the TeV scale.
We consider the supersymmetric extension of the 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos. We study the mass spectra in the scalar and pseudoscalar sectors, and for a given set of the input parameters, we find that the lightest scalar in the model has a mass of 130 GeV and the lightest pseudoscalar has mass of 5 GeV. However, this pseudoscalar decouples from the Z(0) at high energy scales since it is almost a singlet under SU(2)(L)circle timesU(1)(Y).
The deflection of a massive photon by an external gravitational field is energy-dependent. Interesting enough, any massive quantum particle, no matter what its spin is, undergoes dispersive deflection in external gravitational fields. Exploiting the dispersive deflection of the quantized massive electromagnetic radiation by the gravitational field of the Sun, we find an upper bound for the photon mass.
We consider formation of dissipationless shock waves in Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive interaction between atoms. It is shown that for big enough initial inhomogeneity of density, interplay of nonlinear and dispersion effects leads to wave breaking phenomenon followed by generation of a train of dark solitons. Analytical theory is confirmed by numerical simulations.
We show that in an SU(2)circle timesU(1) model with a Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-like invisible axion it is possible to obtain (i) the convergence of the three gauge coupling constants at an energy scale near the Peccei-Quinn scale; (ii) the correct value for sin(2)theta<^>(W)(M-Z); (iii) the stabilization of the proton by the cyclic Z(13)circle timesZ(3) symmetries which also stabilize the axion as a solution to the strong CP problem. Concerning the convergence of the three coupling constants and the prediction of the weak mixing angle at the Z peak, this model is as good as the minimal supersymmetric standard model with mu(SUSY)=M-Z. We also consider the standard model with six and seven Higgs doublets. The main calculations were done in the 1-loop approximation but we briefly consider the 2-loop contributions.
We suggest a time-dependent dynamical mean-field-hydrodynamic model for the collapse of a trapped boson-fermion condensate and perform numerical simulation based on it to understand some aspects of the experiment by Modugno et al. [Science 297, 2240 (2002)] on the collapse of the fermionic condensate in the K-40-Rb-87 mixture. We show that the mean-field model explains the formation of a stationary boson-fermion condensate at zero temperature with relative sizes compatible with experiment. This model is also found to yield a faithful representation of the collapse dynamics in qualitative agreement with experiment. In particular we consider the collapse of the fermionic condensate associated with (a) an increase of the number of bosonic atoms as in the experiment and (b) an increase of the attractive boson-fermion interaction using a Feshbach resonance. Suggestion for experiments of fermionic collapse using a Feshbach resonance is made.
We present measurements of the inclusive production cross sections of the Upsilon(1S) bottomonium state in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. Using the Upsilon(1S)->mu(+)mu(-) decay mode for a data sample of 159 +/- 10 pb(-1) collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, we determine the differential cross sections as a function of the Upsilon(1S) transverse momentum for three ranges of the Upsilon(1S) rapidity: 0 <\y(Upsilon)\<= 0.6, 0.6 <\y(Upsilon)\<= 1.2, and 1.2 <\y(Upsilon)\<= 1.8.
Using the numerical solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation and a variational method it is shown that (3 + 1)-dimensional spatiotemporal optical solitons can be stabilized by a rapidly oscillating dispersion coefficient in a Kerr medium with cubic nonlinearity. This has immediate consequence in generating dispersion-managed robust optical soliton in communication as well as possible stabilized Bose-Einstein condensates in periodic optical-lattice potential via an effective-mass formulation. We also critically compare the present stabilization with that obtained by a rapid sinusoidal oscillation of the Kerr nonlinearity parameter.
The ratio of the B+ and B-0 meson lifetimes was measured using data collected in 2002-2004 by the D0 experiment in Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. These mesons were reconstructed in B&RARR;μ(+)ν D*-X decays, which are dominated by B-0 and B&RARR;μ(+)ν(D) over bar X-0 decays, which are dominated by B+. The ratio of lifetimes is measured to be τ(+)/τ(0)=1.080&PLUSMN; 0.016(stat)&PLUSMN; 0.014(syst).
We present a measurement of the fraction f(+) of right-handed W bosons produced in top quark decays, based on a candidate sample of t (t) over bar events in the lepton+jets decay mode. These data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 230 pb(-1), collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p (p) over bar Collider at root s=1.96 TeV. We use a constrained fit to reconstruct the kinematics of the t (t) over bar and decay products, which allows for the measurement of the leptonic decay angle theta(*) for each event. By comparing the cos theta(*) distribution from the data with those for the expected background and signal for various values of f(+), we find f(+)=0.00 +/- 0.13(stat)+/- 0.07(syst). This measurement is consistent with the standard model prediction of f(+)=3.6 x 10(-4).
We identify and analyze quasiperiodic and chaotic motion patterns in the time evolution of a classical, non-Abelian Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) dyon pair at low energies. This system is amenable to the geodesic approximation which restricts the underlying SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs dynamics to an eight-dimensional phase space. We numerically calculate a representative set of long-time solutions to the corresponding Hamilton equations and analyze quasiperiodic and chaotic phase space regions by means of Poincare surfaces of section, high-resolution power spectra and Lyapunov exponents. Our results provide clear evidence for both quasiperiodic and chaotic behavior and characterize it quantitatively. Indications for intermittency are also discussed.
Back-to-back correlations of particle-antiparticle pairs are related to the in-medium mass-modification and squeezing of the quanta involved. They are predicted to appear when hot and dense hadronic matter is formed in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions. The survival and magnitude of the back-to-back correlations (BBC) of boson-antiboson pairs generated by in-medium mass modifications are studied here in the case of a thermalized, finite-sized, spherically symmetric expanding medium. We show that the BBC signal indeed survives the finite-time emission, as well as the expansion and flow effects, with sufficient intensity to be observed at BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).
We set up a new calculational framework for the Yang-Mills vacuum transition amplitude in the Schrodinger representation. After integrating out hard-mode contributions perturbatively and performing a gauge-invariant gradient expansion of the ensuing soft-mode action, a manageable saddle-point expansion for the vacuum overlap can be formulated. In combination with the squeezed approximation to the vacuum wave functional this allows for an essentially analytical treatment of physical amplitudes. Moreover, it leads to the identification of dominant and gauge-invariant classes of gauge field orbits which play the role of gluonic infrared (IR) degrees of freedom. The latter emerge as a diverse set of saddle-point solutions and are represented by unitary matrix fields. We discuss their scale stability, the associated virial theorem and other general properties including topological quantum numbers and action bounds. We then find important saddle-point solutions (most of them solitons) explicitly and examine their physical impact. While some are related to tunneling solutions of the classical Yang-Mills equation, i.e. to instantons and merons, others appear to play unprecedented roles. A remarkable new class of IR degrees of freedom consists of Faddeev-Niemi type link and knot solutions, potentially related to glueballs.
We present a search for supersymmetry in the R-parity violating resonant production and decay of smuons and muon sneutrinos in the channels mu ->chi(0)(1)mu, mu ->chi(0)(2,3,4)mu, and nu(mu)->chi(+/-)(1,2)mu. We analyzed 0.38 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected between April 2002 and August 2004 with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The observed number of events is in agreement with the standard model expectation, and we calculate 95% C.L. limits on the slepton production cross section times branching fraction to gaugino plus muon, as a function of slepton and gaugino masses. In the framework of minimal supergravity, we set limits on the coupling parameter lambda(')(211), extending significantly previous results obtained in Run I of the Tevatron and at the CERN LEP collider.