998 resultados para Cold-adapted yeast


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The mechanisms responsible for cytokinesis and its coordination with other events of the cell cycle are poorly understood. Genetic studies of cytokinesis in fission yeast are one useful approach to this problem. A number of conditional mutants of fission yeast that show defects in the formation of the septum of cytokinesis have been identified. Cloning of the genes affected in these mutants has begun to shed light upon the elements required to direct the construction of the division septum and also upon how the initiation of septum formation may be coordinated with mitosis.


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The adapted metabolic response of commercial wine yeast under prolonged exposure to concentrated solutes present in Icewine juice is not fully understood. Presently, there is no information regarding the transcriptomic changes in gene expression associated with the adaptive stress response ofwine yeast during Icewine fermentation compared to table wine fermentation. To understand how and why wine yeast respond differently at the genomic level and ultimately at the metabolic level during Icewine fermentation, the focus ofthis project was to identify and compare these differences in the wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae KI-Vll16 using cDNA microarray technology during the first five days of fermentation. Significant differences in yeast gene expression patterns between fermentation conditions were correlated to differences in nutrient utilization and metabolite production. Sugar consumption, nitrogen usage and metabolite levels were measured using enzyme assays and HPLC. Also, a small subset of differentially expressed genes was verified using Northern analysis. The high osmotic stress experienced by wine yeast throughout Icewine fermentation elicited changes in cell growth and metabolism correlating to several fermentation difficulties, including reduced biomass accumulation and fermentation rate. Genes associated with carbohydrate and nitrogen transport and metabolism were expressed at lower levels in Icewine juice fermenting cells compared to dilute juice fermenting cells. Osmotic stress, not nutrient availability during Icewine fermentation appears to impede sugar and nitrogen utilization. Previous studies have established that glycerol and acetic acid production are increased in yeast during Icewine fermentation. A gene encoding for a glycerollW symporter (STL1) was found to be highly expressed up to 25-fold in the i Icewine juice condition using microarray and Northern analysis. Active glycerol transport by yeast under hyperosmotic conditions to increase cytosolic glycerol concentration may contribute to reduced cell growth observed in the Icewine juice condition. Additionally, genes encoding for two acetyl CoA synthetase isoforms (ACSl and ACS2) were found to be highly expressed, 19- and II-fold respectively, in dilute juice fermenting cells relative to the Icewine juice condition. Therefore, decreased conversion of acetate to acetyl-CoA may contribute to increased acetic acid production during Icewine fermentation. These results further help to explain the response of wine yeast as they adapt to Icewine juice fermentation. ii


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We have reexamined the role of yeast RNase III (Rnt1p) in ribosome synthesis. Analysis of pre-rRNA processing in a strain carrying a complete deletion of the RNT1 gene demonstrated that the absence of Rnt1p does not block cleavage at site A0 in the 5' external transcribed spacers (ETS), although the early pre-rRNA cleavages at sites A0, A1, and A2 are kinetically delayed. In contrast, cleavage in the 3' ETS is completely inhibited in the absence of Rnt1p, leading to the synthesis of a reduced level of a 3' extended form of the 25S rRNA. The 3' extended forms of the pre-rRNAs are consistent with the major termination at site T2 (+210). We conclude that Rnt1p is required for cleavage in the 3' ETS but not for cleavage at site A0. The sites of in vivo cleavage in the 3' ETS were mapped by primer extension. Two sites of Rnt1p-dependent cleavage were identified that lie on opposite sides of a predicted stem loop structure, at +14 and +49. These are in good agreement with the consensus Rnt1p cleavage site. Processing of the 3' end of the mature 25S rRNA sequence in wild-type cells was found to occur concomitantly with processing of the 5' end of the 5.8S rRNA, supporting previous proposals that processing in ITS1 and the 3' ETS is coupled.


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Cordycepin (3′ deoxyadenosine) is a biologically active compound that, when incorporated during RNA synthesis in vitro, provokes chain termination due to the absence of a 3′ hydroxyl moiety. We were interested in the effects mediated by this drug in vivo and analyzed its impact on RNA metabolism of yeast. Our results support the view that cordycepin-triphosphate (CoTP) is the toxic component that is limiting cell growth through inhibition of RNA synthesis. Unexpectedly, cordycepin treatment modulated 3′ end heterogeneity of ACT1 and ASC1 mRNAs and rapidly induced extended transcripts derived from CYH2 and NEL025c loci. Moreover, cordycepin ameliorated the growth defects of poly(A) polymerase mutants and the pap1-1 mutation neutralized the effects of the drug on gene expression. Our observations are consistent with an epistatic relationship between poly(A) polymerase function and cordycepin action and suggest that a major mode of cordycepin activity reduces 3′ end formation efficiency independently of its potential to terminate RNA chain elongation. Finally, chemical-genetic profiling revealed genome-wide pathways linked to cordycepin activity and identified novel genes involved in poly(A) homeostasis.


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We describe methods for obtaining a quantitative description of RNA processing at high resolution in budding yeast. As a model gene expression system, we constructed tetON (for induction studies) and tetOFF (for repression, derepression, and RNA degradation studies) yeast strains with a series of reporter genes integrated in the genome under the control of a tetO7 promoter. Reverse transcription and quantitative real-time-PCR (RT-qPCR) methods were adapted to allow the determination of mRNA abundance as the average number of copies per cell in a population. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) measurements of transcript numbers in individual cells validated the RT-qPCR approach for the average copy-number determination despite the broad distribution of transcript levels within a population of cells. In addition, RT-qPCR was used to distinguish the products of the different steps in splicing of the reporter transcripts, and methods were developed to map and quantify 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation. This system permits pre-mRNA production, splicing, 3′-end maturation and degradation to be quantitatively monitored with unprecedented kinetic detail, suitable for mathematical modeling. Using this approach, we demonstrate that reporter transcripts are spliced prior to their 3′-end cleavage and polyadenylation, that is, cotranscriptionally.


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 RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) transcription and pre-mRNA 3' end formation are linked through physical and functional interactions. We describe here a highly efficient yeast in vitro system that reproduces both transcription and 3' end formation in a single reaction. The system is based on simple whole-cell extracts that were supplemented with a hybrid Gal4-VP16 transcriptional activator and supercoiled plasmid DNA templates encoding G-less cassette reporters. We found that the coupling of transcription and processing in vitro enhanced pre-mRNA 3' end formation and reproduced requirements for poly(A) signals and polyadenylation factors. Unexpectedly, however, we show that in vitro transcripts lacked m⁷G-caps. Reconstitution experiments with CF IA factor assembled entirely from heterologous components suggested that the CTD interaction domain of the Pcf11 subunit was required for proper RNAP II termination but not 3' end formation. Moreover, we observed reduced termination activity associated with extracts prepared from cells carrying a mutation in the 5'-3' exonuclease Rat1 or following chemical inhibition of exonuclease activity. Thus, in vitro transcription coupled to pre-mRNA processing recapitulates hallmarks of poly(A)-dependent RNAP II termination. The in vitro transcription/processing system presented here should provide a useful tool to further define the role of factors involved in coupling.


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Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar o desempenho, o rendimento de carcaça e a morfometria intestinal de frangos de corte criados em diferentes temperaturas e que receberam na fase pré-inicial ração contendo ou não extrato de leveduras e prebiótico. Foram utilizados 1.440 pintos machos de 1 dia de idade, criados em diferentes câmaras climáticas. As rações, acrescidas ou não de extrato de leveduras e prebiótico, foram oferecidas somente na fase pré-inicial (1 a 7 dias). A partir do oitavo dia, todas as aves receberam a mesma ração, reajustada de acordo com as recomendações usuais. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 3 × 2 × 2, composto de três temperaturas de criação (calor, conforto e frio) e dois níveis de extrato de leveduras (com ou sem) e prebiótico (com ou sem). O desempenho das aves foi avaliado considerando o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar e a viabilidade aos 42 dias de idade. Também foram avaliados o rendimento de carcaça e a morfometria intestinal. O calor ambiente prejudicou o desempenho e o rendimento de carcaça. A inclusão de prebiótico na ração pré-inicial aumentou o ganho de peso e melhorou a conversão alimentar das aves criadas no calor. A inclusão dos produtos na ração de frangos de corte criados em ambiente de calor e no frio tem efeito benéfico sobre as vilosidades das aves.


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Although many Brazilian sugar mills initiate the fermentation process by inoculating selected commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, the unsterile conditions of the industrial sugar cane ethanol fermentation process permit the constant entry of native yeast strains. Certain of those native strains are better adapted and tend to predominate over the initial strain, which may cause problems during fermentation. In the industrial fermentation process, yeast cells are often exposed to stressful environmental conditions, including prolonged cell recycling, ethanol toxicity and osmotic, oxidative or temperature stress. Little is known about these S. cerevisiae strains, although recent studies have demonstrated that heterogeneous genome architecture is exhibited by some selected well-adapted Brazilian indigenous yeast strains that display high performance in bioethanol fermentation. In this study, 11 microsatellite markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of the native autochthonous S. cerevisiae strains in various Brazilian sugar mills. The resulting multilocus data were used to build a similarity-based phenetic tree and to perform a Bayesian population structure analysis. The tree revealed the presence of great genetic diversity among the strains, which were arranged according to the place of origin and the collection year. The population structure analysis revealed genotypic differences among populations; in certain populations, these genotypic differences are combined to yield notably genotypically diverse individuals. The high yeast diversity observed among native S. cerevisiae strains provides new insights on the use of autochthonous high-fitness strains with industrial characteristics as starter cultures at bioethanol plants. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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As a species of major interest for aquaculture, the sex determination system (SDS) of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, has been widely investigated. In this species, sex determination is considered to be governed by the interactions between a complex system of genetic sex determination factors (GSD) and the influence of temperature (TSD) during a critical period. Previous studies were exclusively carried out on domestic stocks with the genetic and maintenance limitations associated. Given the wide distribution and adaptation potential of the Nile tilapia, we investigated under controlled conditions the sex determination system of natural populations adapted to three extreme thermal regimes: stable extreme environments in Ethiopia, either cold temperatures in a highland lake (Lake Koka), or warm temperatures in hydrothermal springs (Lake Metahara), and an environment with large seasonal variations in Ghana (Kpandu, Lake Volta). The sex ratio analysis was conducted on progenies reared under constant basal (27 degrees C) or high (36 degrees C) temperatures during the 30 days following yolk-sac resorption. Sex ratios of the progenies reared at standard temperature suggest that the three populations share a similar complex GSD system based on a predominant male heterogametic factor with additional influences of polymorphism at this locus and/or action of minor factors. The three populations presented a clear thermosensitivity of sex differentiation, with large variations in the intensity of response depending on the parents. This confirms the presence of genotype-environment interactions in TSD of Nile tilapia. Furthermore the existence of naturally sex-reversed individuals is strongly suggested in two populations (Kpandu and Koka). However, it was not possible here to infer if the sex-inversion resulted from minor genetic factors and/or environmental influences. The present study demonstrated for the first time the conservation of a complex SDS combining polymorphic GSD and TSD components in natural populations of Nile tilapia. We discuss the evolutionary implications of our findings and highlight the importance of field investigations of sex determination. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The p21-activated kinase, Shk1, is an essential serine/threonine kinase required for normal cell polarity, proper mating response, and hyperosmotic stress response, in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This study has established a novel role for Shk1 as a microtubule regulator in fission yeast and, in addition, characterized a potential biological substrate of Shk1. Cells defective in Shk1 function were found to exhibit malformed interphase and mitotic microtubules, are hypersensitive to the microtubule disrupting drug thiabendazole (TBZ), and are cold sensitive for growth. Microtubule disruption by TBZ results in a significant reduction of Shk1 kinase activity, which is restored after cells are released from the drug, thus providing a correlation between Shk1 kinase activity and active microtubule polymerization. Consistent with a role for Shk1 as a microtubule regulator, GFP-Shk1 fusion proteins localize to interphase microtubules and mitotic microtubule spindles. Furthermore, loss of Tea1, a presumptive microtubule regulator in fission yeast, exacerbates the growth and microtubule defects of cells deficient in Shk1 function, and results in illicit Shk1 localization. Moreover, loss of the Cdc2 inhibitory kinase Wee1, which has been implicated as a mediator of the Shk1 pathway, leads to significant microtubule defects. Intriguingly, Wee1 protein levels are markedly reduced both by partial loss of Shk1 function and by treatment with TBZ. These results suggest that Shk1 is required for proper regulation of microtubule dynamics in fission yeast and may interact with Tea1 and Wee1 in this regulatory process. ^ To further understand Shk1 function in fission yeast, a yeast two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with the Shk1 catalytic domain was performed. This screen led to the identification of a novel protein, Skb10 (for S&barbelow;hk1 k&barbelow;inase b&barbelow;inding protein 10). Coprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Skb10 associates with Shk1 in S. pombe cells. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Vesicomyidae clams harbor sulfide-oxidizing endosymbionts and are typical members of cold seep communities associated with tectonic faults where active venting of fluids and gases takes place. We investigated the central biogeochemical processes that supported a vesicomyid clam colony as part of a locally restricted seep community in the Japan Trench at 5346 m water depth, one of the deepest seep settings studied to date. An integrated approach of biogeochemical and molecular ecological techniques was used combining in situ and ex situ measurements. During the cruise YK06-05 in 2006 with the RV Yokosuka to the Japan Trench, we investigated a clam colony inhabited by Abyssogena phaseoliformis (former known as Calyptogena phaseoliformis) and Isorropodon fossajaponicum (former known as Calyptogena fossajaponica). The targeted sampling and precise positioning of the in situ instruments were achieved with the manned research submersible Shinkai 6500 (JAMSTEC, Nankoku, Kochi, Japan). Sampling was first performed close to the rim of the JTC colony and then at the center. Immediately after sample recovery onboard, the sediment core was sub-sampled for ex situ rate measurements or preserved for later analyses. In sediment of the clam colony, low sulfate reduction (SR) rates (max. 128 nmol ml**-1 d**-1) were coupled to the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). They were observed over a depth range of 15 cm, caused by active transport of sulfate due to bioturbation of the vesicomyid clams. A distinct separation between the seep and the surrounding seafloor was shown by steep horizontal geochemical gradients and pronounced microbial community shifts. The sediment below the clam colony was dominated by anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME-2c) and sulfate-reducing Desulfobulbaceae (SEEP-SRB-3, SEEP-SRB-4). Aerobic methanotrophic bacteria were not detected in the sediment and the oxidation of sulfide seemed to be carried out chemolithoautotrophically by Sulfurovum species. Thus, major redox processes were mediated by distinct subgroups of seep-related microorganisms that might have been selected by this specific abyssal seep environment. Fluid flow and microbial activity was low but sufficient to support the clam community over decades and to build up high biomasses. Hence, the clams and their microbial communities adapted successfully to a low-energy regime and may represent widespread chemosynthetic communities in the Japan Trench.


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The structural and functional organization of the Cct complex was addressed by genetic analyses of subunit interactions and catalytic cooperativity among five of the eight different essential subunits, Cct1p–Cct8p, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The cct1–1, cct2–3, and cct3–1 alleles, containing mutations at the conserved putative ATP-binding motif, GDGTT, are cold-sensitive, whereas single and multiple replacements of the corresponding motif in Cct6p are well tolerated by the cell. We demonstrated herein that cct6–3 (L19S), but not the parolog cct1–5 (R26I), specifically suppresses the cct1–1, cct2–3, and cct3–1 alleles, and that this suppression can be modulated by mutations in a putative phosphorylation motif, RXS, and the putative ATP-binding pocket of Cct6p. Our results suggest that the Cct ring is comprised of a single hetero-oligomer containing eight subunits of differential functional hierarchy, in which catalytic cooperativity of ATP-binding/hydrolysis takes place in a sequential manner different from the concerted cooperativity proposed for GroEL.


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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, meiotic recombination is initiated by transient DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that are repaired by interaction of the broken chromosome with its homologue. To identify a large number of DSB sites and gain insight into the control of DSB formation at both the local and the whole chromosomal levels, we have determined at high resolution the distribution of meiotic DSBs along the 340 kb of chromosome III. We have found 76 DSB regions, mostly located in intergenic promoter-containing intervals. The frequency of DSBs varies at least 50-fold from one region to another. The global distribution of DSB regions along chromosome III is nonrandom, defining large (39–105 kb) chromosomal domains, both hot and cold. The distribution of these localized DSBs indicates that they are likely to initiate most crossovers along chromosome III, but some discrepancies remain to be explained.