75 resultados para Colchicine


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The nature of binding of 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl-colcemid (NBD-colcemid), an environment-sensitive fluorescent analogue of colchicine, to tubulin was tested. This article reports the first fluorometric study where two types of binding site of colchincine analogue on tubulin were detected. Binding of NBD-colcemid to one of these sites equilibrates slsowly. NBD-colcemid competes with colchicine for this site. Binding of NBD-colcemid to this site also causes inhibition of tubulin self-assembly. In contrast, NBD-colcemid binding to the other site is characterised by rapid equilibration and lack of competition with colchicine. Nevertheless, binding to this site is highly specific for the cholchicine nucleus, as alkyl-NBD analogues have no significant binding activity. Fast-reaction-kinetic studies gave 1.76 × 105 M–1 s–1 for the association and 0.79 s–1 for the dissociation rate constants for the binding of NBD-colcemid to the fast site of tubulin. The association rate constants for the two phases of the slow site are 0.016 × 10–4 M–1 s–1 and 3.5 × 10–4 M–1 respectively. These two sites may be related to the two sites of colchicine reported earlier, with binding characteristics altered by the increased hydrophobic nature of NBD-colcemid.


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Induction of ornithine decarboxylase elicited in response to nerve-growth factor in target organs is greatly decreased by preincubation of these tissues with cytoskeletal poisons such as vinblastine, diamide, cytochalasin B and colchicine. These results are interpreted as evidence for the involvement of receptor-associated cytoskeletal structures in mediating the nerve-growth-factor-specific induction of ornithine decarboxylase.


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Induction of ornithine decarboxylase elicited in response to nerve-growth factor in target organs is greatly decreased by preincubation of these tissues with cytoskeletal poisons such as vinblastine, diamide, cytochalasin B and colchicine. These results are interpreted as evidence for the involvement of receptor-associated cytoskeletal structures in mediating the nerve-growth-factor-specific induction of ornithine decarboxylase.


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玉米的单倍体育种,是利用花药培养或孤雌生殖产生单倍体后,进行人工或自然加倍,迅速获得稳定的新品种的育种方法。单倍体育种可以缩短育种时间,单倍体培养体系如果作为转基因的受体,可保证外源基因在后代中稳定遗传,而不发生分离。因此,玉米单倍体育种无论在实践中还是在理论研究方面都具有重大的意义。 本文针对玉米花药培养中长期以来未能解决的诱导频率低、基因型之间差异大、小苗移栽不容易成活等问题,重点探讨了各种因素对玉米花药培养的影响。结果表明:不同基因型之间的诱导频率差异明显,杂交种的诱导频率比纯系高,并选择出诱导频率高达20%的材料“中0198”;接种时花药中的花粉处于单核中期时,其诱导频率最高;采用液体培养基比采用固体培养基诱导频率提高一倍;培养基中加入0.5%的活性炭,可使诱导频率由5.25%提高到9.35%;15%的蔗糖浓度对玉米的花药培养是最适宜的,培养2周后,将培养基的蔗糖浓度从15%调整为10%,将明显提高诱导频率;培养基中高浓度的KT和低浓度的BA有利于诱导体细胞胚的发生,而低浓度的KT和高浓度的BA有利于诱导芽的发生;接种前将花药在4℃条件下进行低温预处理,可将诱导频率从3.13%提高到11.71%;培养基中添加2 mg/l的多效唑,可有效地促进小苗的生根;再生植株于冬季拿到海南种植,可明显提高移栽的成活率。 在玉米孤雌生殖的实验中,将未受粉的玉米雌穗接种在成份为N6 + 2,4-D 1mg/L + NAA 1mg/L + BA 1mg/L + CH 200mg/L + colchicine 2 mg/L + sucrose 5% + agar 0.7% 的培养基上。第一轮实验共接种了三个材料的26个雌穗(约3900个未受精的子房)。每种材料均有单性结实,诱导频率由高到低分别3.06%,2.29%,1.90%。直接获得了5株再生植株,通过染色体检查,发现其中3株为单倍体(n=10),另外2株为二倍体。移栽到土壤中后,有4株成活,其中一株二倍体植株能够正常开花、结实。得到的种子播种于实验田中,表现整齐一致,有纯系的特征,而且出现了2株白化苗。通过石蜡切片初步观察了孤雌生殖的胚胎发生过程,发现胚胎发生是从胚囊里的单倍体细胞起源的。第二、三轮实验又接种了10个基因型的玉米材料,证实了上述结果。 外源基因转导是利用生物技术进行玉米育种的一个有效途径。本文首次尝试了用离体子房注射法对玉米进行基因转化。首先构建了含有开花促进因子基因FPF1及植物选择标记抗除草剂基因pat的植物表达载体pFBR,采用离体注射培养法,取授粉24小时后的玉米雌穗,剥去苞叶,在超净工作台进行微量注射,然后切成小块接种在培养基上,在光照培养箱内培养,3-4周可直接获得种子或小植株。种子萌发后进行植株抗性筛选和分子检测,共注射了3个品种的47个雌穗(约16450个子房)得到再生植株109株,其中经PPT筛选有抗性的植株为23株,占再生植株的21.1%。经PCR检测,13株植株有阳性反应。但Southern杂交检测有杂带出现。出现杂带的原因、RNA水平的分子检测、转基因后代T1代的分子检测和早开花农艺性状的观察,由于时间关系没有完成,还需要进一步的实验。实验初步证明了离体子房注射法对玉米进行基因转化的可行性,而且与田间注射法相比,此方法具有省力省时,容易控制污染,转化效率提高的优点, 克服了玉米培养再生植株受基因型限制的困境, 将为玉米分子育种的基因工程提供更易行的手段。 同时,也为子房较大的其它植物的基因转化提供了方法。


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A fish cell line, fathead minnow (FHM) cell, was used to investigate the alteration of mitochondrial dynamics and the mechanism of apoptosis under Rana grylio virus (RGV) infection. Microscopy observations, flow-cytometry analysis and molecular marker detection revealed the apoptotic fate of the RGV-infected cells. Some typical apoptotic characteristics, such as chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation and mitochondrial fragmentation, were observed, and significantly morphological changes of mitochondria, including size, shape, internal structure and distribution, were revealed. The mitochondria in RGV-infected cells were aggregated around the viromatrix, and the aggregation could be blocked by colchicine. Moreover, the Delta psi m collapse was induced, and caspase-9 and caspase-3 were activated in the RGV-infected cells. In addition, NF-kappa B activation and intracellular Ca2+ increase were also detected at different times after infection. The data revealed the detailed dynamics of mitochondrion-mediated apoptosis induced by an iridovirus, and provided the first report on mitochondrial fragmentation during virus-induced apoptosis in fish cells.


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The aim of this study was to determine the lowest concentration of nocodazole and colchicine to arrest blastomere division during the cleavage stage of loach embryos and to assess the reversibility and toxicity of the treatments in the treated embryos. Eight-cell loach embryos were incubated for 4, 8, 12, or 16 h in 1/10x Holtfreter supplemented with either nocodazole, an inhibitor of tubulin polymerization, or colchicine, an inhibitor of tubulin assembly. Complete arrest of cell cycle was observed, at a colchicine concentration of 0.996 mM and at a nocodazole concentration of 0.275 muM, respectively (the lowest effective concentration). No major morphological alteration in chromatin was observed. Reversibility and toxicity of both agents were dose and exposure period dependent. For both agents, prolonging cleavage arrest for more than 4 h (at the effective concentrations) is detrimental to development of embryos. Nocodazole treatment was less cytotoxic, whereas the concentrations of colchicine which induce cleavage arrest were detrimental to development beyond the blastula stage. Toxic effects beyond the blastula stage could be minimized for both agents by reducing the period of treatment and concentration.


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水稻是重要的粮食作物,其产量的增加和品质的改良都是关系国计民生的大事。就我国现阶段的国情而言,水稻产量在现有水平上稳步提升仍是未来十几年甚至几十年农业生产最重要的目标之一。尽管根据“超级杂交水稻育种”的战略设想和水稻育种实践,通过不断地改进育种技术可望在更高的产量水平上进行水稻杂种优势利用,在稻属植物内还具有很大的产量潜力可以挖掘。然而,仅仅从现有的种质基础出发,要更大幅度提高水稻单产,实现“超级杂交稻”的目标也存在一些困难:现有的推广品种是二倍体,尽管种类众多,但是其基因组的来源相对单一;同时,水稻基因组DNA含量也是作物中最少的,基因组内寻求开发潜力有一定困难;水稻作为C3植物,光合利用效率不高也是制约水稻产量提高的因素之一。因此,寻求常规手段以外的技术突破或者方法创新,是实现“超级杂交稻”的目标的迫切需求。本研究利用秋水仙素能抑制细胞分裂中纺锤丝的收缩、使细胞染色体加倍的作用,对水稻幼穗诱导的愈伤组织细胞进行加倍,并分化出再生植株;创制出水稻同源四倍体新的种质材料,在此基础上选育水稻同源四倍体雄性不育三系材料,并实现水稻同源四倍体的三系配套,开展水稻同源四倍体杂种优势利用和四倍体杂交水稻选育研究,建立水稻同源四倍体杂种优势利用的新技术体系。这不仅有助于倍性水平杂种优势的开拓和利用,同时也将为我国新世纪“超级稻”育种研究开辟一条新的技术途径。 水稻幼穗诱导愈伤组织并分化成苗是一项成熟、简单的组织培养技术。本研究以普通二倍体水稻亲本为材料,用秋水仙素进行水稻的多倍体化诱导,创制同源四倍体水稻三系亲本材料并对其进行鉴定。多倍体化以秋水仙素诱导的愈伤组织培养为基础,研究不同秋水仙素浓度梯度和愈伤组织诱导培养基组合对诱导四倍体植株的影响。结果表明在MS+2,4 D 1.0mg/L+ KT0.2mg/L+ IAA0.2mg/L 和500mg/L的秋水仙素处理下,水稻愈伤组织染色体加倍(有最高的效率)效果较好,平均加倍频率可达25.26%,其中,材料CDR22和IR26诱导较易成功,加倍频率分别达到75%和26.5%;相对材料94109 1.3%加倍频率和冈46B 10.8%加倍频率,诱导率差异极显著。 对水稻四倍体材料进行了形态学鉴定结果表明,与二倍体水稻对照相比其株高、穗长、花粉育性等主要农艺性状,确定四倍体材料在穗长和千粒重两方面极显著提高,种子的长度和宽度也显著增长。对花粉育性鉴定,确认水稻四倍体不育系材料仍为不育,保持系材料自交和杂交可育,恢复系材料自交和杂交可育。对四倍体材料进行细胞形态、染色体数目等方面进行细胞学鉴定,经核型分析表明水稻四倍体材料具有48条染色体,是二倍体水稻的两倍。水稻四倍体材料根尖分生组织细胞与二倍体的根尖分生组织细胞相比,细胞体积、细胞核和核仁显著增大。四倍体三系材料在细胞有丝分裂中期均可规则排列在赤道板,并能均等地移向两极;后期观察中没有发现染色体分离滞后现象,分裂末期细胞能够形成大小相对均一的子细胞。水稻同源四倍体三系材料细胞分裂未见异常,植株生长发育正常。 从1996年至2006年,针对结实率、有效分蘖、着粒数和穗长等主要农艺性状,通过系谱选育的方法,对培育的同源四倍体水稻亲本材料进行了连续选择和改良,取得较好成效。表现为结实率的改良效果极佳,所有改良材料的平均结实率均呈上升趋势,如D237(29.70%→72.70%)、DTB(19.55%→53.21%)等。有效分蘖总体呈现上升趋势,但在不同的年份,如1998和2002存在较大的负向波动。部分材料改良效果明显,如D19B(5.87→13.50)、D什香 (7.00→12.00)等;同时一些材料如DTB和D明恢63虽然总体略有提高,但在不同的年份波动很大,因此存在较大改良阻力,原因还有待进一步研究。着粒数的改良上升趋势比较显著,除保持系的DTB之外,其余材料的平均着粒数有显著提高。穗长的改良阻力较大,虽然不同材料总体上有所提高,但效果并不显著,并且不同年份有较大负向波动(2001)。此外还对株高、剑叶长等性状也进行了选择,但效果不显著,原因有待进一步提高。同源四倍体材料产量相关性状遗传改良幅度不一致,保持系和恢复系间的遗传改良效果也存在差异。这为同源四倍体水稻的进一步利用打下了良好的基础。 籼稻和粳稻亚种间杂交及杂种优势利用的主要障碍就是其低的结实率。而同源四倍体杂交水稻的研究为提高杂交水稻的杂种优势利用创造了新的途径。本研究通过随机区组设计方案,挑选性状优良的二倍体水稻材料,包括雄性不育系,保持系和恢复系进行秋水仙素诱导加倍,从而获得同源四倍体水稻对应的三系材料。利用选育的优良水稻同源四倍体三系材料,配制7个杂交组合,杂交F1代与其恢复系亲本进行比较,用于计算超亲优势(HB);而杂交F1代与生产上大面积推广的二倍体杂交品种汕优63进行比较,用于计算杂种优势。结果显示,同源四倍体杂交水稻的超亲优势表现为:每株有效穗变化幅度为1.4%至105.9%,总粒数为0.5%至74.3%,每穗实粒数为17.6%至255.7%,结实率为9.6%至130.4%。这些农艺性状的改良使得这7个杂种F1的理论产量的超亲优势高达64.8%至672.7%。小区试验中四倍体杂交水稻组合T461A/T4002和T461A/T4193分别比二倍体对照汕优63提高46.3%和38.3%以上,除一个品种以外所有品种产量均接近或高于汕优63的产量。同源四倍体水稻强大的杂种优势表明,亚种间杂交育性低的问题可通过四倍体化及强化选择来解决。此外,同源四倍体杂交水稻器官的巨大性也是其产量提高的有利因素,水稻同源四倍体三系杂种优势利用研究具有一定的理论价值和商业生产潜力。 Rice is one of the major food crops, the improvement of the production and quality of it is an important thing related to the people's livelihood. On China's current national conditions, steadily increase of the rice yield based on the current level is still one of the most important goals in the next decade or even decades of agricultural production. According to the "super hybrid rice breeding" the strategic and rice breeding practice, improvement of the use of hybrid rice heterosis through continuous improvements in breeding technology is expected to get a higher level of rice yield, there are also a great yield potential can be exploited. However, there are also some difficulties to increase rice yield obviously and implement the goal of "super hybrid rice" based on the existing germplasm: Rice varieties in promotion are diploid, although there are many varieties, but their genome are from a comparatively single source; Meanwhile, the rice genome DNA are the least among the crops, it is difficult to exploit the development potential within the genome; Rice as C3 plants, photosynthetic efficiency is not high, it is one of the factors constraint rice yield. Therefore, seeking technological breakthroughs or innovative methods different from conventional means is the urgent needs to reach the target of "super hybrid rice". Using colchicine inhibit spindle contraction during cell division, double the cell chromosome, we induced callus cells from rice panicle to be doubled, and differentiated regeneration; we created a new autotetraploid rice germplasm material, and on that basis we bred male sterility three line autotetraploid rice materials, and the achieved the three line rice autotetraploid matchmaking, researched in autotetraploid rice heterosis usage and tetraploid hybrid rice breeding, constituted a new technology system of autotetraploid hybrid rice heterosis utilization. This not only helps the tetraploid rice heterosis exploration and use, but also inaugurates a new technical means for China in the new century "super rice" breeding research. We chose ordinary diploid rice as materials, using colchicine to induce the polyploidization, created the autotetraploid rice three-line materials and identified them. The polyploidization was based on the colchicine-induced callus tissue culture, and we experimented different colchicine concentrations and culture mediums to induce tetraploid plants, confirmed that the optimal concentration for inducement was 500 mg/L, the average induce rate was 25.26 %. Among all the materials, CDR22 and IR26 had higher induced rate; in contrary, 94109 and GANG46B had lower induced rate, the difference was significant. Autotetraploid materials was identified of both morphological and cytological, compared plant height, length of pollen sterility, and other major agronomic traits with a diploid rice as the control plant, identified that the autotetraploid materials had very significant advantages in ear length and thousand-grain weight, as well as the size of the seeds. Cytology identification included observation of the cell morphology, the number of chromosomes, and karyotype analysis on the autotetraploid materials confirmed that their chromosome number was 48, twice of the diploid rice. Mitoses in the three lines were common: chromosomes arrayed normally in metaphase and separated balanced into the two poles, chromosome moved without lagging in anaphase and daughter cells normally formed in telophase except one. It has been proved that tetraploid rice has normal meiosis as their diploid relatives, which usually including series of sub-phases as interphase, prophase I (five sub-phases), prophase II, metaphase I, II, anaphase I, II and telophase I, II. However, abnormal phenomena, such as formation of tetravalent, trivalent and univalent, chromosome lagging and so on, which would finally block meiosis. Configurations of chromosome in metaphaseⅠwere versatile in structure and form accept the bivalent. That condition varied in different strain, suggesting more complex paring configurations and more versatile genetic characters in tetraploid rice. All these abnormalities in meiosis contributed to low fertility of gamete and might consequently resulted in low seed setting. Successive selection and improvement on seed set, productive tiller per plant, total grains per panicle, panicle length and so on had been carried out from 1996 to 2006. The raise of seed sets was significant in both restorers and maintainers. Seed sets of some strains were improved more significantly than others, for example D237(29.70%→72.70%)、DTB(19.55%→53.21%)and et al.. Productive tiller per plant was improved to some extant. The tendency of improvement was rising on the whole but changed in some years such as 1998 and 2002. Part of the stains increased greatly, such as D19B(5.87→13.50)、Dshixiang (7.00→12.00) and so on, but some strains including DTB and Dminghui63 only increased little and decreased in some years by unknown reason. Total grains per panicle increased significantly and all strains except DTB increased. Improvement of panicle length termed to be hard. Different strains showed different capacities for improvement and floating existed in different years for example 2001. It has been proved that other agronomical traits including plant length, flag leaf length and so on could be improved but not significantly by selection also. In a word, agronomical traits could be raised by successive selection that is prerequisite for further utility of autotetraploid rice. Poor fertility is the main barrier for utilizing heterosis between the two rice (Oryza stiva L.) sub-species, indica and japonica. Recently, the development of autotetraploid hybrids (2n=4x=48) has been suggested as a new method for increasing heterosis in hybrid rice. Using standard experimental protocols, the elite diploid rice male sterile, maintainer, and restorer lines were colchine-doubled and autotetraploid counterparts were obtained. Seven resulting hybrids were analyzed for heterobeltiosis (HB), where the F1 was compared to the male parent, and the degree of heterosis, where the F1 was compared to the diploid commercial hybrid, Shanyou 63. The HB among the autotetraploid hybrids ranged from 1.4 to 105.9% for the productive panicles per plant, 0.5 to 74.3% for total kernels per panicle, 17.6 to 255.7% for filled kernels per panicle, and 9.6 to 130.4% for seed set. Improvements in these yield components resulted in the HB for kernel yield ranging from 64.8 to 672.7% among the seven hybrids. Hybrids T461A/T4002 and T461A/T4193 yielded 46.3 and 38.3% more, respectively than Shanyou 63, and all other hybrids but one yielded the same or more than Shanyou 63. The high heterosis for yield suggests that hybrid sterility between two rice sub-species may be overcome by using tetraploid lines followed by intensive selection. Also, the gigantic features of the autotetraploid hybrids may establish a plant structure able to support the higher yield.


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通过秋水仙素诱导获得同源四倍体水稻10个株系,包括6个恢复系、3个保持系和1个不育系,这些株系具有加倍的染色体组。田间观察表明10个株系具有特殊的农艺性状:茎杆变粗壮、植株颜色加深、叶片变厚、叶宽适度增加、分蘖数减少、有效分蘖的比率下降等。根尖有丝分裂鉴定表明,同源四倍体水稻10个株系具有正常的有丝分裂,观察细胞的染色体数目皆为2n=48。花粉母细胞减数分裂鉴定表明10个株系具有比较理想的减数分裂行为,后期I染色体滞后、末期I微核生成和末期II异常小孢子比率较低,能较好的完成减数分裂过程,其中后期I染色体滞后比率约为10%-20%,末期I微核生成比率约为1%-6%,末期II异常小孢子比率约为1%-8%。这提示,染色体联合和分离不规则导致三价体、单价体 和落后染色体等产生,并进一步导致在后期和末期不均横分离产生异常小孢子,这可能是同源四倍体株系结实率不高的原因之一。 同源四倍体水稻正常胚囊为蓼型,变异胚囊具有多种类型,其比率显著高于二倍体对照,变化范围为39.62%-69.85%。按变异胚囊的结构特点和形成方式,分为四种类型:退化型,结构变异型,无融合生殖型和反足细胞增殖型。退化型胚囊的平均比率为29.17%,包括小胚囊(15.04%)和完全退化胚囊(14.13%),前者仍有较小胚囊腔而后者胚囊腔缺失。结构变异胚囊包括结构缺失、结构重复和位置异常,反映了蓼型胚囊八核七细胞结构的变异,其在各株系的平均比率为18.96%。无融合生殖胚囊发生比率极低,平均比率为1.77%,类型包括反足胚和卵细胞胚。反足细胞增殖胚囊是反足细胞团频繁增殖形成,伴随上述三种变异发生使异常胚囊的多样性进一步增加,其在各株系的平均比率为10.62%。相关分析表明,同源四倍体水稻结实可能主要来自三部分:正常胚囊、正常型小胚囊和反足细胞增殖型胚囊。这三种胚囊具有相对完整的蓼型结构,可能具有较好的育性,其对结实率的贡献程度估计值分别为72.44%、15.12%、12.44%。此外,完全退化型胚囊和位置异常型胚囊对结实率分别表现出显著(-0.66)和极显著(-0.92)的负相关,这表明二者可能是结实性的抑制因素。 Ten autotetraploid strains, which include six restoring lines, three maintaining lines and a sterile line, are derived from artificial induction by colchicine treatments. Variations of agronomical traits are observed which include large organs, sturdy plants, long panicle length and deep leaf color and so on. It has been confirmed that autotetraploid strains exhibit normal chromosome behaviors in mitosis and the chromosome numbers are all 48. Moreover, abnormal chromosome behaviors are investigated in meiosis including univalent, trivalent, quatrivalent, chromosome lagging and microkernel and so on. It evaluates that the percentage of chromosome lagging in anaphase I is about 10%-20%, the percentage of microkernel in telophase I is about 1%-6% and the percentage of abnormal microspore in telophase II is about 1%-8%. In all, abnormal behaviors of chromosomes could induce univalent, trivalent and et al. and subsequently induce infertile microspore. That may be one of the causes of low seed sets in autotetraploid strains. Embryo sacs of autotetraploid strains are formed according to the Polygonum type. However, these strains exhibit variations of abnormal embryo sacs at high frequencies (39.62% - 69.85%). The variations are frequently involved in the spikelets of the main panicles and the first tillers, leading to obvious decreases of the percentages of normal embryo sacs among the strains. Four types of abnormal embryo sacs are classified basing on their different structures and origins: degenerated embryo sac (DES), structure variation (SV), apomixis (Apo) and antipodal cell proliferation (ACP). Embryo sacs of DES (29.17%) exhibit small embryo sacs (15.04%) or no embryo sac (14.13%), the former showing embryo sacs with decreased size and the latter showing no sac. Embryo sacs of AS (18.96%) include three subtypes: structure deletion, structure duplication and location variation, which suggests abnormalities of the eight nuclei, seven celled pattern of the Polygonum type. Embryo sacs of Apo (only 1.77%) include two origins of apomictic embryos: antipodal embryo and egg embryo. Embryo sacs of ACP are observed frequently (10.62%) in autotetraploid strains which subsequently increase the variations of abnormal embryo sacs. It evaluates by the Pearson’s correlation analysis that seed set is probably contributed by three origins of embryo sacs: normal embryo sacs, small embryo sacs (normal pattern) and embryo sacs of ACP. These three origins exhibit comparatively good structure of the Polygonum type and could account for seed set at a percentage of 72.44%, 15.12%, 12.44%, respectively. Moreover, the subtype of no embryo sac (NES) negatively related to seed set at the P>0.01 level (-0.92) and the subtype of location variation (LV) negatively related to seed set at the P>0.05 level (-0.66). Which suggest the two subtypes may have strong stress on seed set.


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Capillary electrophoresis (CE) with electrochemiluminescence (ECL) detection was used to explore the kinetics ofthe enzymatic reaction. The different effects ofreaction conditions including the concentration of Mn2l, incubation temperature and pH on PFOlidase (PLD, EC activity in erythrocyte lysates against three different substrates, Gly-Pro, Val-Pro and Leu-Pro were investigated. Also, the effects of colchicine which can prevent or delay cancer ofliver on the PLD activity were studied.


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本文采用化学方法诱导了虾夷扇贝Patinopecten yessoensis (Jay)和仿刺参Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka)的多倍体。采用6-二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-dimethylaminopurine)抑制虾夷扇贝极体释放,研究了诱导三倍体的实验条件、技术工艺以及三倍体虾夷扇贝幼虫的生长和培育方法。结果表明,使用6-二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-DMAP)可诱导17.3%-100.0%的三倍体虾夷扇贝面盘幼虫。筛选并优化了生产中操作简便、高效、成活率高的诱导条件,并研究出在扇贝三倍体诱导中批量获得受精卵、处理及培育的技术工艺,对扇贝三倍体的规模化诱导及培育等生产性应用具有较高的参考价值。报道了采用细胞松弛素B(cytochalasin B)、秋水仙素(colchicine)、6-DMAP以及咖啡因(coffeine)等药物抑制虾夷扇贝第一极体(PB_1)释放、PB_1和第二极体(PB_2)释放以及抑制第一次卵裂等方法诱导四倍体的结果。结果表明,CB、6-DMAP和秋水仙素抑制扇贝第一次有丝分裂诱发四倍体的比例低于25%,而采用CB抑制PB_1可有效地诱导产生四倍体,从授精后42min提前到15-22min开始处理,抑制PB_1的放出有助于提高四倍体的比例,在12 ℃,处理开始和终上时间分别在授精后20-22min和60-62min时,面盘幼虫四倍体率最高,为56.5%。对CB处理抑制受精卵PB_1释放的处理组胚胎的染色体分离状况进行了观察研究。对照组受精卵具有19条四分体染色体,经过减数分裂I期(meiosis I)和减数分裂II期(meiosis II),放出PB_1和PB_2,受精卵的发育具有不同步性。处理组受精卵在第二次减数分裂中出现了“三级分离“、“联合二级分离“和“独立二级分离“等特殊的分离类型,初步分析了CB抑制第一极体放出的机理。对三倍体虾夷扇贝的繁殖潜力和卵子的大小进行了观察研究,三倍体扇贝具一定的繁殖能力,三倍体雌贝平均产卵3.26 * 10~6个,而相同壳长二倍体贝为1.45 * 10~7,三倍体产卵量仅为二倍体产卵量的22.5%。三倍体卵子产出后,形状不规则,卵子平均直径为87.25μm,比二倍体大11.7%,卵子体积比二倍体大39.4%。利用CB抑制第一极体释放诱导了虾夷扇贝的四倍体,诱导率为41.5%。首次报道了仿刺参Apostichopus japanicus (Selenka)多倍体诱导的结果。采用紫外线照射的海水成功地使海参分别单独产卵、排精,从而准确地控制了海参的人工授精后处理的时间。采用0.2、0.4mg/L CB 抑制受精卵第一极体释放以及10、20、30和40mg/L 的6-DMAP 分别抑制PB_1、PB_2放出的方法诱导了仿刺参的多倍体。研究了诱导的药物浓度、处理时间以及处理开始时间等,同时对幼体的成活率等进行了探讨。结果表明,2种药物均可诱导仿刺参产生三倍体和四倍体,从效果上看,采用CB抑制PB_1诱导,到达小耳幼体时,可产生9.7%-21.3%的四倍体。6-DMAP抑制PB_2放出诱导三倍体,三倍体诱导率介于7.5%-25.8%之间。


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The development of procedures and media for the micropropagation of B. rex are described. Media for the production of plantlets from a number of other Begonia hybrids are also provided. Growth analysis data is given for plants produced in vivo from leaf cuttings and in vitro from mature leaf petioles and immature leaves derived from singly and multiply recycled axenic plantlets. No significant difference was found in phenotype or quantitative vegetative characters for any of the populations assessed. The results presented from studies on the development of broad spectrum media for the propagation of a number of B. rex cultivars using axenic leaf explants on factorial combinations of hormones illustrate the major influence played by the genotype on explant response in vitro and suggest media on which a range of B. rex cultivars may be propagated. Procedures for in vitro irradiation and colchicine treatments to destabilize the B. rex genome have also been described. Variants produced from these treatments indicate the utility of in vitro procedures for the expression of induced somatic variation. Colour variants produced from irradiation treatment have been cultured and prove stable. Polyploids produced as variants from irradiation treatment have been subcultured but prove unstable. Media for the induction and proliferation of callus are outlined. The influence of callus subculture and aging on the stability of the B. rex genome is assessed by chromosomal analysis of cells, in vitro and in regenerants. The B. rex genome is destabilized in callus culture but attenuation of variation occurs on regeneration. Diploid cell lines are maintained in callus subcultures and supplementation of regenerative media with high cytokinin concentrations, casein hydrolysate or adenine failed to produce variants. Callus aging however resulted in the production of polyploids. The presence and expression of pre-existing somatic variation in B. rex pith and root tissue is assessed and polyploids have been produced from pith tissues cultured in vitro. The stability of the B. rex genome and the application of tissue culture to micropropagation and breeding of B. rex are discussed.


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Few patients with Behçet's syndrome have gastrointestinal ulceration. Such patients are difficult to treat and have a higher mortality. Faced with refractory symptoms in two patients with intestinal Behçet's, we used the tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) monoclonal antibody infliximab to induce remission. Both women (one aged 27 years, the other 30 years) presented with orogenital ulceration, pustular rash, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea due to colonic ulceration, weight loss, and synovitis. One had thrombophlebitis, digital vasculitis, perianal fistula, and paracolic abscess; the other had conjunctivitis and an ulcer in the natal cleft. Treatment with prednisolone, methyl prednisolone, and thalidomide in one and prednisolone, colchicine, and cyclosporin in the other was ineffective. After full discussion, infliximab (3 mg/kg, dose reduced because of recent sepsis in one, and 5 mg/kg in the other) was administered. Within 10 days the ulcers healed, with resolution of bloody diarrhoea and all extraintestinal manifestations. A second infusion of infliximab was necessary eight weeks later in one case, followed by sustained (>15 months) remission on low dose thalidomide. Remission was initially sustained for 12 months in the other but thalidomide had to be stopped due to intolerance, and a good response to retreatment lasted only 12 weeks without immunosuppression, before a third infusion. The cause of Behçet's syndrome is unknown but peripheral blood CD45 gammadelta T cells in Behçet's produce >50-fold more TNF-alpha than controls when stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate and anti-CD3. Infliximab could have a role for inducing remission in Behçet's syndrome.


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We have demonstrated previously that certain members of a series of novel pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX) compounds potently induce apoptosis in a variety of human chemotherapy-resistant cancer cell lines and in primary ex vivo material derived from cancer patients. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the apoptotic effects of these PBOX compounds is essential to their development as antineoplastic therapeutic agents. This study sought to test the hypothesis that proapoptotic PBOX compounds target the microtubules. We show that a representative proapoptotic PBOX compound, PBOX-6, induces apoptosis in both the MCF-7 and K562 cell lines. An accumulation of cells in G2/M precedes apoptosis in response to PBOX-6. PBOX-6 induces prometaphase arrest and causes an accumulation of cyclin B1 levels and activation of cyclin B1/CDK1 kinase in a manner similar to that of two representative antimicrotubule agents, nocodazole and paclitaxel. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrates that both PBOX-6 and another pro-apoptotic PBOX compound, PBOX-15, cause microtubule depolymerization in MCF-7 cells. They also inhibit the assembly of purified tubulin in vitro, whereas a nonapoptotic PBOX compound (PBOX-21) has no effect on either the cellular microtubule network or on the assembly of purified tubulin. This suggests that the molecular target of the pro-apoptotic PBOX compounds is tubulin. PBOX-6 does not bind to either the vinblastine or the colchicine binding site on tubulin, suggesting that it binds to an as-yet-uncharacterised novel site on tubulin. The ability of PBOX-6 to bind tubulin and cause microtubule depolymerization confirms it as a novel candidate for antineoplastic therapy.


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The objective of present investigation was to study the population genetic structure of S. longiceps by applying three different basic population genetic techniques such as cytogenetics, non-enzymatic biochemicalgenetics (general protein) and morphomeristics/metrics.


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Strychnine is the major alkaloid present in the seeds of _Strychnos, nuxvomica tree which grow naturally in this area. Strychnine has a very complex chemical structure and is known to stimulate all portions of the central nervous system with preference to the spinal cord. However, it is a powerful convulsant and death results from asphyxia. Consequently strychnine has no therapeutic application in the western system of medicine at present. The objective of this work, therefore, was to convert strychnine by microbial transformation into a product having more desirable pharmacological properties so that this locally available natural product may find some use in the preparation of a therapeutic agent.