998 resultados para Cogeneration systems
Portugal é um país dependente da energia do exterior, devido à elevada percentagem de consumo de energia a partir de fontes primárias, como por exemplo o gasóleo. Para colmatar este cenário, têm vindo a criar-se incentivos para o uso de energias renováveis e para intensificação de medidas de eficiência energética, como os sistemas de cogeração, de forma a tornar os processos industriais nacionais mais autónomos e mais competitivos. O presente trabalho, centra-se na avaliação do chiller de absorção na central de trigeração da empresa Monteiro, Ribas-Indústria, SA, com a finalidade de identificar algum problema no funcionamento do chiller. Após efetuado o estudo do chiller, verificou-se que o coeficiente de performance do chiller apresenta valores que variam entre 0,75 e 0,81, que comparado com o valor especificado, não apresenta grande diferença. No que toca à potência do chiller, esta apresentou valores entre 948 e 1045 kW. Estes valores estavam bem abaixo da potência especificada pelos fornecedores. Assim, pretendeu-se propor medidas para melhor a potência obtida. Para o efeito foi sugerido o aquecimento da corrente que atua como fonte de calor para o chiller, a corrente de água quente. Embora a empresa apresente a solução para o problema, um permutador de vapor para o aquecimento da corrente de água quente, este não se encontra em funcionamento contínuo, levando a uma potência mais baixa.
This article presents an thermoeconomic analysis of cogeneration plants, applied as a rational technique to produce electric power and saturated steam. The aim of this new methodology is the minimum exergetic manufacturing cost (EMC), based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The decision variables selected for the optimization are the pressure and the temperature of the steam leaving the boiler in the case of using steam turbine, and the pressure ratio, turbine exhaust temperature and mass flow in the case of using gas turbines. The equations for calculating the capital costs of the components and products are formulated as a function of these decision variables. An application of the method using real data of a multinational chemical industry located in São Paulo state is presented. The conditions which establish the minimum cost are presented as finals conclusions.
In this work a detailed thermodynamic analysis for an extraction-condensation steam turbine capable to drive a 40 MVA electricity generator in a sugar-alcohol factory was carried out. The use of this turbine in the cogeneration system showed that its efficiency contributed to increase the power generation, although the condensation reduces the overall efficiency of the plant. Sensibility analyses were performed to evaluate the behavior of the overall energy efficiency of a plant with the extraction-condensation turbine in function of the boiler efficiency, the specific consumption of steam in the processes and the condensation rate in the turbine. It was observed that the plant efficiency is very sensible to the condensation rate variation and it increases when there is an increase in the demand of steam for processes.
This article presents a thermoeconomic analysis of cogeneration plants, applied as a rational technique to produce electric power and saturated steam. The aim of this new methodology is the minimum Exergetic Production Cost (EPC), based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The variables selected for the optimization are the pressure and the temperature of the steam leaving the boiler in the case of using steam turbine, and the pressure ratio, turbine exhaust temperature and mass flow in the case of using gas turbines. The equations for calculating the capital costs of the components and products are formulated as a function of these decision variables. An application of the method using real data of a multinational chemical industry located in São Paulo state is presented. The conditions which establish the minimum cost are presented as final output. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work it was performed energetic and exergetic analyses of three thermal plants to assessment a cogeneration system in expansion of a sugar-alcohol factory. The initial configuration considered is constituted by a low pressure steam generator, single stage steam turbines for electricity generation and crusher, shredder and mills with mechanical driving. In the intermediary configuration, the low pressure steam generator was substituted by another which generates steam at higher pressure and higher temperature, the steam turbines for electricity generation were substituted by a multiple stages extraction-condensation turbine and the other steam turbines were maintained. The final configuration consists in the substitution of these last turbines by electrical motors. Thermodynamic analyses were performed to evaluate the equipment and the overall plants efficiencies to permit a comparison among the plants. Besides of this, some important parameters of the sugar-alcohol factories were calculated.
A method for studying the technical and economic feasibility of absorption refrigeration systems in compact cogenerators is presented. The system studied consists of an internal combustion engine, an electric generator and a heat exchanger to recover residual heat from the refrigeration water and exhaust gases. As an application, a computer program simulates the cogeneration system in a building which already has 75 kW of installed electric power. The maximum electric and refrigeration demands are 45 kW and 76 kW respectively. This study simulates the system performance, utilizing diesel oil, sugar cane alcohol and natural gas as possible fuels. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
In this paper, is presented an economical and technical feasibility study of a combined cycle cogeneration system proposed to be used in a pulp plant located in Brazil, where around 95% of country's pulp production is done by the use of Kraft Process. This process allows the use of black liquor and other by-products as fuel. This study is based upon actual data from a pulp plant with a daily production of 1000 tons., that generates part of the energy demanded by the process in a conventional cogeneration system with condensing steam turbine and two extractions. The addition of a gas turbine was studied to compare electricity production level and its related costs between original system and the new one, considering that the former can use industrial by-products and firewood as fuel, when required. Several parameters related to electric generation systems operation and production costs were studied. The use of natural gas in the combined cycle, in comparison with the use of firewood in the conventional system was studied. The advantages of natural gas fuel are highlighted. The surplus availability and the electricity generation costs are presented as a function of pulp and black liquor production.
In this paper, a methodology for the study of a fuel cell cogeneration system and applied to a university campus is developed. The cogeneration system consists of a molten carbonate fuel cell associated to an absorption refrigeration system. The electrical and cold-water demands of the campus are about 1,000 kW and 1,840 kW (at 7°C), respectively. The energy, exergy and economic analyses are presented. This system uses natural gas as the fuel and operates on electric parity. In conclusion, the fuel cell cogeneration system may have an excellent opportunity to strengthen the decentralized energy production in the Brazilian tertiary sector.
In this work, experimental results are reported for a small scale cogeneration plant for power and refrigeration purposes. The plant includes a natural gas microturbine and an ammonia/water absorption chiller fired by steam. The system was tested under different turbine loads, steam pressures and chiller outlet temperatures. An evaluation based on the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics was also performed. For the ambient temperature around 24°C and microturbine at full load, the plant is able to provide 19 kW of saturated steam at 5.3 bar (161 °C), corresponding to 9.2 kW of refrigeration at -5 °C (COP = 0.44). From a 2nd law point-of-view, it was found that there is an optimal chiller outlet temperature that maximizes the chiller exergetic efficiency. As expected, the microturbine presented the highest irreversibilities, followed by the absorption chiller and the HRSG. In order to reduce the plant exergy destruction, it is recommended a new design for the HRSG and a new insulation for the exhaust pipe. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the development of a knowledge-based system (KBS) prototype able to design natural gas cogeneration plants, demonstrating new features for this field. The design of such power plants represents a synthesis problem, subject to thermodynamic constraints that include the location and sizing of components. The project was developed in partnership with the major Brazilian gas and oil company, and involved interaction with an external consultant as well as an interdisciplinary team. The paper focuses on validation and lessons learned, concentrating on important aspects such as the generation of alternative configuration schemes, breadth of each scheme description created by the system, and its module to support economic feasibility analysis. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Abstract : Wastepaper sludge ash (WSA) is generated by a cogeneration station by burning wastepaper sludge. It mainly consists of amorphous aluminosilicate phase, anhydrite, gehlenite, calcite, lime, C2S, C3A, quartz, anorthite, traces of mayenite. Because of its free lime content (~10%), WSA suspension has a high pH (13). Previous researchers have found that the WSA composition has poor robustness and the variations lead to some unsoundness for Portland cement (PC) blended WSA concrete. This thesis focused on the use of WSA in different types of concrete mixes to avoid the deleterious effect of the expansion due to the WSA hydration. As a result, WSA were used in making alkali-activated materials (AAMs) as a precursor source and as a potential activator in consideration of its amorphous content and the high alkaline nature. Moreover, the autogenous shrinkage behavior of PC concrete at low w/b ratio was used in order to compensate the expansion effect due to WSA. The concrete properties as well as the volume change were investigated for the modified WSA blended concrete. The reaction mechanism and microstructure of newly formed binder were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). When WSA was used as precursor, the results showed incompatible reaction between WSA and alkaline solution. The mixtures were not workable and provided very low compressive strength no matter what kinds of chemical activators were used. This was due to the metallic aluminum in WSA, which releases abundant hydrogen gas when WSA reacts with strong alkaline solution. Besides, the results of this thesis showed that WSA can activate the glassy phase contained in slag, glass powder (GP) and class F fly ash (FFA) with an optimum blended ratio of 50:50. The WSA/slag (mass ratio of 50:50) mortar (w/b of 0.47) attained 46 MPa at 28 days without heat curing assistance. A significant fast setting was noticed for the WSA-activated binder due to the C3A phase, free lime and metallic aluminum contained in the WSA. Adding 5% of gypsum can delay the fast setting, but this greatly increased the potential risk of intern sulfate attack. The XRD, TGA and calorimetry analyses demonstrated the formation of ettringite, C-S-H, portlandite, hydrogarnet and calcium carboaluminate in the hydrated binder. The mechanical performance of different binder was closely related to the microstructure of corresponding binder which was proved by the SEM observation. The hydrated WSA/slag and WSA/FFA binder formed a C-A-S-H type of gel with lower Ca/Si ratio (0.47~1.6). A hybrid gel (i.e. C-N-A-S-H) was observed for the WSA/GP binder with a very low Ca/Si ratio (0.26) and Na/Si ratio (0.03). The SEM/EDX analyses displayed the formation of expansive gel (ettringite and thaumasite) in the gypsum added WSA/slag concrete. The gradual emission of hydrogen gas due to the reaction of WSA with alkaline environment significantly increased the porosity and degraded the microstructure of hydrated matrix after the setting. In the last phase of this research WSA-PC blended binder was tailored to form a high autogenous shrinkage concrete in order to compensate the initial expansion. Different binders were proportioned with PC, WSA, silica fume or slag. The microstructure and mechanical properties of concrete can be improved by decreasing w/b ratios and by incorporating silica fume or slag. The 28-day compressive strength of WSA-blended concrete was above 22 MPa and reached 45 MPa when silica fume was added. The PC concrete incorporating silica fume or slag tended to develop higher autogenous shrinkage at low w/b ratios, and thus the ternary binder with the addition of WSA inhibited the long term shrinkage due to the initial expansion property to WSA. In the restrained shrinkage test, the concrete ring incorporating the ternary binder (PC/WSA/slag) revealed negligible potential to cracking up to 96 days as a result of the offset effect by WSA expansion. The WSA blended regular concrete could be produced for potential applications with reduced expansion, good mechanical property and lower permeability.
The development and maintenance of the sealing of the root canal system is the key to the success of root canal treatment. The resin-based adhesive material has the potential to reduce the microleakage of the root canal because of its adhesive properties and penetration into dentinal walls. Moreover, the irrigation protocols may have an influence on the adhesiveness of resin-based sealers to root dentin. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different irrigant protocols on coronal bacterial microleakage of gutta-percha/AH Plus and Resilon/Real Seal Self-etch systems. One hundred ninety pre-molars were used. The teeth were divided into 18 experimental groups according to the irrigation protocols and filling materials used. The protocols used were: distilled water; sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)+eDTA; NaOCl+H3PO4; NaOCl+eDTA+chlorhexidine (CHX); NaOCl+H3PO4+CHX; CHX+eDTA; CHX+ H3PO4; CHX+eDTA+CHX and CHX+H3PO4+CHX. Gutta-percha/AH Plus or Resilon/Real Seal Se were used as root-filling materials. The coronal microleakage was evaluated for 90 days against Enterococcus faecalis. Data were statistically analyzed using Kaplan-Meier survival test, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. No significant difference was verified in the groups using chlorhexidine or sodium hypochlorite during the chemo-mechanical preparation followed by eDTA or phosphoric acid for smear layer removal. The same results were found for filling materials. However, the statistical analyses revealed that a final flush with 2% chlorhexidine reduced significantly the coronal microleakage. A final flush with 2% chlorhexidine after smear layer removal reduces coronal microleakage of teeth filled with gutta-percha/AH Plus or Resilon/Real Seal SE.
To evaluate the effectiveness of Reciproc for the removal of cultivable bacteria and endotoxins from root canals in comparison with multifile rotary systems. The root canals of forty human single-rooted mandibular pre-molars were contaminated with an Escherichia coli suspension for 21 days and randomly assigned to four groups according to the instrumentation system: GI - Reciproc (VDW); GII - Mtwo (VDW); GIII - ProTaper Universal (Dentsply Maillefer); and GIV -FKG Race(™) (FKG Dentaire) (n = 10 per group). Bacterial and endotoxin samples were taken with a sterile/apyrogenic paper point before (s1) and after instrumentation (s2). Culture techniques determined the colony-forming units (CFU) and the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay was used for endotoxin quantification. Results were submitted to paired t-test and anova. At s1, bacteria and endotoxins were recovered in 100% of the root canals investigated (40/40). After instrumentation, all systems were associated with a highly significant reduction of the bacterial load and endotoxin levels, respectively: GI - Reciproc (99.34% and 91.69%); GII - Mtwo (99.86% and 83.11%); GIII - ProTaper (99.93% and 78.56%) and GIV - FKG Race(™) (99.99% and 82.52%) (P < 0.001). No statistical difference were found amongst the instrumentation systems regarding bacteria and endotoxin removal (P > 0.01). The reciprocating single file, Reciproc, was as effective as the multifile rotary systems for the removal of bacteria and endotoxins from root canals.
The aim of this study was to evaluate by photoelastic analysis stress distribution on short and long implants of two dental implant systems with 2-unit implant-supported fixed partial prostheses of 8 mm and 13 mm heights. Sixteen photoelastic models were divided into 4 groups: I: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Neodent), II: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Bicon), III: short implant (5 × 6 mm) (Neodent), and IV: short implants (5 × 6 mm) (Bicon). The models were positioned in a circular polariscope associated with a cell load and static axial (0.5 Kgf) and nonaxial load (15°, 0.5 Kgf) were applied to each group for both prosthetic crown heights. Three-way ANOVA was used to compare the factors implant length, crown height, and implant system (α = 0.05). The results showed that implant length was a statistically significant factor for both axial and nonaxial loading. The 13 mm prosthetic crown did not result in statistically significant differences in stress distribution between the implant systems and implant lengths studied, regardless of load type (P > 0.05). It can be concluded that short implants showed higher stress levels than long implants. Implant system and length was not relevant factors when prosthetic crown height were increased.