970 resultados para Cochlea - blood supply


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Regular electrical activation waves in cardiac tissue lead to the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the heart that ensures blood supply to the whole body. Irregularities in the propagation of these activation waves can result in cardiac arrhythmias, like ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF), which are major causes of death in the industrialised world. Indeed there is growing consensus that spiral or scroll waves of electrical activation in cardiac tissue are associated with VT, whereas, when these waves break to yield spiral- or scroll-wave turbulence, VT develops into life-threatening VF: in the absence of medical intervention, this makes the heart incapable of pumping blood and a patient dies in roughly two-and-a-half minutes after the initiation of VF. Thus studies of spiral- and scroll-wave dynamics in cardiac tissue pose important challenges for in vivo and in vitro experimental studies and for in silico numerical studies of mathematical models for cardiac tissue. A major goal here is to develop low-amplitude defibrillation schemes for the elimination of VT and VF, especially in the presence of inhomogeneities that occur commonly in cardiac tissue. We present a detailed and systematic study of spiral- and scroll-wave turbulence and spatiotemporal chaos in four mathematical models for cardiac tissue, namely, the Panfilov, Luo-Rudy phase 1 (LRI), reduced Priebe-Beuckelmann (RPB) models, and the model of ten Tusscher, Noble, Noble, and Panfilov (TNNP). In particular, we use extensive numerical simulations to elucidate the interaction of spiral and scroll waves in these models with conduction and ionic inhomogeneities; we also examine the suppression of spiral- and scroll-wave turbulence by low-amplitude control pulses. Our central qualitative result is that, in all these models, the dynamics of such spiral waves depends very sensitively on such inhomogeneities. We also study two types of control chemes that have been suggested for the control of spiral turbulence, via low amplitude current pulses, in such mathematical models for cardiac tissue; our investigations here are designed to examine the efficacy of such control schemes in the presence of inhomogeneities. We find that a local pulsing scheme does not suppress spiral turbulence in the presence of inhomogeneities; but a scheme that uses control pulses on a spatially extended mesh is more successful in the elimination of spiral turbulence. We discuss the theoretical and experimental implications of our study that have a direct bearing on defibrillation, the control of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation.


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Pacientes com diabetes mellitus (DM) têm elevadas taxas de disfunção erétil (ED). Diversos estudos examinaram esta associação. A associação entre o processo de hipertrofia vascular diabética e o grau de comprometimento dos seios cavernosos é pouco estudada. A proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar a estrutura vascular do tecido erétil de coelhos diabéticos e coelhos normais, através de histomorfometria computadorizada da artéria dorsal do pênis e dos seios vasculares cavernosos em ambos os grupos. Foram utilizados 20 coelhos adultos machos da raça Nova Zelândia, divididos em dois grupos com 10 animais cada, o grupo diabético (GD) e o grupo controle (GC). Os animais foram previamente anestesiados e os coelhos do grupo GD receberam aloxano na dose de 100mg/kg, via endovenosa para indução da diabetes. Após 10 semanas, os animais foram mortos e os pênis retirados. Fragmentos do pênis foram fixados em formalina tamponada durante 24-48 horas e processados para parafina. Para análise imunohistoquímica e identificação das fibras musculares lisas, foi utilizado o anticorpo anti alfa-actina. Foram feitas análises da espessura média das túnicas íntima e média da parede da artéria dorsal do pênis (ADP), densidade nuclear na túnica média e avaliação por microscopia de polarização do conteúdo colágeno na túnica adventícia. Na túnica íntima foram observadas vacuolizações no endotélio. Os valores encontrados para espessura de GC e GD foram respectivamente (em m): 35,0123,177 e 44,3308,434 (P=0,0350). Foi encontrada diferença na área média da parede da ADP (P=0,0179). Para densidade nuclear GC 0,0071540,001954 núcleos/μm e GD 0,0048080,002069 núcleos/μm (P=0,0855). Foram observadas mudanças na birrefringência das fibras colágenas na túnica adventícia, passando de alaranjado no grupo GC para esverdeado no grupo GD, indicando a mudança em sua espessura. A área ocupada pelos seios cavernosos apresentou diminuição significativa de 37 % no grupo diabético (P=0,0013). Este conjunto de alterações sugere que a hiperglicemia crônica provocada pelo diabetes levou a um processo de hipertrofia da musculatura lisa na parede vascular e nas trabéculas do corpo cavernoso, com diminuição da área dos seios, o que possivelmente altera as propriedades hemodinâmicas do órgão


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A torção testicular (TT) é uma afecção de relativa frequência, alvo de muitos estudos clínicos e experimentais ao longo dos anos. Pode acometer qualquer idade, no entanto é mais incidente em pacientes com menos de 21 anos de idade. Sua distribuição ocorre em dois picos: um no período neonatal e outro ao redor dos 13 anos de idade. A taxa dessa morbidade em jovens com menos de 25 anos é na ordem de 1/4000. A TT resulta em rotação do cordão espermático, que gera um comprometimento do suprimento sanguíneo testicular, considerada uma urgência urológica. Depois da TT, a artéria testicular e o plexo pampiniforme sofrem oclusão, interrompem o suprimento arterial e a drenagem venosa do testículo, diminuindo o aporte de nutrientes e oxigênio aos tecidos e células, levando à isquemia testicular. Esta condição afeta a produção de espermatozóides do testículo torcido podendo comprometer a fertilidade do indivíduo. Este presente estudo avaliou a função reprodutiva, alguns parâmetros espermáticos e morfologia dos testículos de ratos adultos submetidos à torção testicular antes, durante e após a puberdade, e também o efeito do tratamento com resveratrol. Os testículos direitos dos ratos foram torcidos a 720 por quatro horas em todos os grupos, exceto no grupo controle. A TT foi realizada durante os períodos pré-púbere (4 semanas de idade), púbere (6 semanas de idade) e adulto jovem (9 semanas de idade). Para cada grupo, houve um outro grupo que os animais foram submetidos ao mesmo procedimento e foram tratados com resveratrol, 30 mg/kg resveratrol foi injetado por via intraperitonel, 30 minutos antes da destorção, seguido por gavage por 7 dias. Cada rato na idade adulta acasalou com três fêmeas adultas com 12 semanas de idade para avaliar parâmetros de fertilidade. Todos os animais foram mortos com 14 semanas de idade e os testículos foram removidos para análise de concentração, motilidade e viabilidade dos espermatozóides de amostras colhidas da cauda dos epidídimos. Os parâmetros morfológicos foram avaliados por métodos estereológicos macro e microscópicos. A função reprodutiva dos animais nas diferentes idades não foi afetada pela TT, no entanto, após o tratamento os ratos operados com 4 e 6 semanas de idades tiveram maior potência e os ratos operados com 9 semanas de idade apresentaram maior taxa de fecundidade na idade adulta.. Os parâmetros morfológicos foram afetados em todos os testículos torcidos em todas as idades. Alguns desses parâmetros melhoram após o tratamento com resveratrol, e o efeito adjuvante foi maior nos ratos submetidos à TT com 4 semanas de idade. Entretanto, o resveratrol recuperou o epitélio seminífero no grupo que sofreu TT com 9 semanas de idade, os quais não apresentaram nenhum epitélio após a TT. Os parâmetros espermáticos dos testículos torcidos decresceram em todas as idades, e o resveratrol não foi efetivo, embora tenha recuperado a produção de espermatozóides no grupo que foi submetido à TT com 9 semanas de idade, em que todos os animais foram aspermatogênicos após a TTNão houve nenhum dano nos testículos contralaterais. O resveratrol promoveu efeito protetor para TT, principalmente quando os animais foram submetidos à TT em idade prépúbere.


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Eksperymentalnej


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Endometriosis affects 5-10% of women and is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus. Treatment for endometriosis primarily focuses on symptom relief, is short term with severe side effects and often leads to recurrence of the condition. Establishing new blood supply is a fundamental requirement for endometriosis lesions growth. This has led to the idea that antiangiogenic therapy may be a successful approach for inhibiting endometriosis. Recent evidence indicates that endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contribute to neoangiogenesis of endometriotic lesions. These EPCs are recruited to the lesion site by stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1). We hypothesize that SDF-1 is central to the neoangiogenesis and survival of endometriotic lesions and that administration of SDF-1 blocking antibody will inhibit lesion growth by inhibiting angiogenesis in a murine model of endometriosis. Immunohistochemistry for SDF-1 and CD34 was performed on human endometriosis and normal endometrial samples. Quantification of SDF-1 and EPCs was performed in the blood of endometriosis patients and controls using ELISA and flow cytometry, respectively. A new mouse model of endometriosis was developed using BALB/c-Rag2-/-/IL2rg-/- mice to investigate role of SDF-1 in neoangiogenesis. Either SDF-1 blocking antibody or an isotype control was administered on a weekly basis for four weeks. Weekly samples of peripheral blood from mice were analyzed for SDF-1, other cytokines of interest and EPCs. Mice were euthanized at seven weeks to observe lesion growth and blood vessel development. Our results indicate overabundance of SDF-1 and CD34+ progenitor cells in human endometriotic lesions compared to eutopic endometrium. In the mouse model, SDF-1 and circulating EPC levels decreased from pre-treatment levels after one week, and remained constant over the course of the treatment in both SDF-1 blocking antibody and isotype control groups. In the SDF-1 blocking group, reduced vascularity of lesions, identified by immunofluorescence staining for CD31, was revealed compared to isotype controls. These findings suggest that SDF-1 may be responsible for CD34+ progenitor cell recruitment to the neoangiogenic sites in endometriosis. Blocking of SDF-1 reduces neovascularization of human endometriotic lesions in a mouse model. Further studies on blocking SDF-1 in combination with other antiangiogenic agents are needed.


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The immunolocalization and gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its cognate tyrosine kinase receptors, Flt-1 and KDR, has been studied in ocular melanomas and retinoblastomas using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Tumour-related alterations in VEGF/VEGF-receptor expression have also been examined in separate and uninvolved iris, retina and choroid of the same eyes. Although VEGF immunoreactivity in the normal retina was virtually absent, low-level VEGF expression was evident in the ganglion cell-bodies, Müller cells and in a distinct population of amacrine cells. VEGF gene expression was absent in the iris and choroid of normal eyes. In tumour-bearing eyes, high levels of VEGF protein and gene expression were observed within the vascularized regions of the tumours, while the adjacent retina and choroid showed increased VEGF levels when compared with normals. Flt-1 and KDR gene expression and immunolocalization occurred in VEGF-expressing ganglion, Müller and amacrine cells in normal eyes. Within the intra-ocular tumours, VEGF-receptor gene expression and protein was evident in the endothelial cells and also in cells close to the vessels, while in the adjacent retina, Flt-1 and KDR levels were elevated over normal, especially in the blood vessels. Flt-1 and KDR were both observed at elevated levels in the choroid and iris blood vessels. This study suggests that VEGF, Flt-1 and KDR are expressed by neural, glial and vascular elements within normal human retina. Intra-ocular tumours demonstrate a high level of VEGF and VEGF-receptor expression; within uninvolved, spatially separate retina, choroid and iris in the same eyes, expression is also elevated, especially within the vasculature. Retinal vascular endothelia may respond to high intra-ocular levels of VEGF by increasing expression of their VEGF receptors, a phenomenon which could have relevance to neoplasm-related ocular neovascularization.


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Introduction: The laboratory mouse is a powerful tool in cardiovascular research. In this report, we describe a method for a reproducible mouse myocardial infarction model that would allow subsequent comparative and quantitative studies on molecular and pathophysiological variables. Methods: (A) The distribution of the major coronary arteries including the septal artery in the left ventricle of the C57BL/6J mice (n=20) was mapped by perfusion of latex dye or fluorescent beads through the aorta. (B) The territory of myocardial infarction after the ligation of the most proximal aspect of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery was quantified. (C) The consistency in the histological changes parallel to the infarction at different time points was analyzed. Results: (A) The coronary artery tree of the mouse is different from human and, particularly, in regard to the blood supply of the septum. (B) Contrary to previous belief, the septal coronary artery in the mouse is variable in origin. (C) A constant ligation of the LAD immediately below the left auricular level ensures a statistically significant reproducible infarct size. (D) The ischemic changes can be monitored at a histological level in a way similar to what is described in the human. Conclusion: We illustrate a method for maximal reproducibility of experimental acute myocardial infarction in the mouse model, due to a consistent loss of perfusion in the lower half of the left ventricle. This will allow the study of molecular and physiological variables in a controlled and quantifiable experimental model environment. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to define pathological abnormalities in the peripheral nerve of a large animal model of long-duration type 1 diabetes and also to determine the effects of treatment with sulindac. Detailed morphometric studies were performed to define nerve fiber and endoneurial capillary pathology in 6 control dogs, 6 type 1 diabetic dogs treated with insulin, and 6 type 1 diabetic dogs treated with insulin and sulindac for 4 years. Myelinated fiber and regenerative cluster density showed a non-significant trend toward a reduction in diabetic compared to control animals, which was prevented by treatment with sulindac. Unmyelinated fiber density did not differ among groups. However, diabetic animals showed a non-significant trend toward an increase in axon diameter (p <0.07), with a shift of the size frequency distribution towards larger axons, which was not prevented by treatment with sulindac. Endoneurial capillary density and luminal area showed a non-significant trend toward an increase in diabetic animals, which was prevented with sulindac treatment. Endoneurial capillary basement membrane area was significantly increased (p <0.05) in diabetic animals, but was not prevented with sulindac treatment. We conclude that the type 1 diabetic dog demonstrates minor structural abnormalities in the nerve fibers and endoneurial capillaries of the sciatic nerve, and treatment with sulindac ameliorates some but not all of these abnormalities.


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The endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) by the vascular cells of retinal and choroidal blood vessels was compared in immersion and perfusion fixed eyes from individual rats. The mechanisms of endocytosis of HRP appeared identical in both retinal and choroidal vessels. The bulk of internalised tracer occurred in macropinosomes 300-400 nm in diameter. Tracer was localised to a 20-30 nm layer on the internal aspect of the limiting membrane. This layer was coincident with the glycocalyx of the luminal plasma membrane as revealed by ruthenium redosmium tetroxide staining. Horseradish peroxidase was also internalised by a small scattered population of vesicles (100-130 nm in diameter). The size of these vesicles suggested that they may have arisen from clathrin coated regions of the plasma membrane. It is suggested that the endocytosis of HRP in retinal and choroidal vascular endothelium occurs as a function of plasma membrane recycling. Horseradish peroxidase may also be internalised as a 'contaminant' of the glycocalyx in coated pits involved in receptor mediated endocytosis. The smooth 80 nm plasmalemmal caveolae of the retinal and choroidal vascular endothelial cells did not appear to participate either in absorptive endocytosis or vesicular transport.


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We produced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by diminishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. The neovascular fronds which developed either infiltrated the subretinal space or proliferated through necrotic and gliotic retina into the vitreous cavity. Sequential electron microscopic sections of neovascular fronds in the subretinal space demonstrated that the advancing capillary sprouts were composed of primitive endothelial tubes surrounded by pericytes and enmeshed in a loose basement-membrane-like substance. More mature capillaris and displayed endothelial fenestrations and endothelial-pericyte membranous contacts. Large neovascular fronds developed major feeding vessels that closely resembled normal small choroidal arteries and veins. Retinal pigment epithelial cells in various guises were in constant association with proliferating neovascular networks.


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We induced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by impoverishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. Fourteen of 46 eyes undergoing photocoagulation developed neovascular fronds which were identified and categorized by histopathologic examination and fluorescein angiography. All new vessels gained access to the retina through defects in Bruch's membrane at the site of photocoagulation marks. In eight eyes the new vessels remained localized to the immediate vicinity of photocoagulation marks. In four eyes neovascular fronds infiltrated the subretinal space for distances up to 6 disk diameters from the point of entry into the retina. In the two eyes choroidovitreal neovascular complexes developed but rapidly regressed shortly after gaining the vitreous cavity. Fluorescein angiography demonstrated that all neovascular fronds were grossly incompetent to dye but that formed feeding channels had some degree of integrity. Light microscopic studies showed the proliferating networks to be composed of capillaries with well-formed basement membranes and more mature vessels with the basic structure of choroidal arteries and veins.


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Background and purpose: The manipulation of tumour blood supply and thus oxygenation is a potentially important strategy for improving the treatment of solid tumours by radiation. Increased knowledge about the characteristics that distinguish the tumour vasculature from its normal counterparts may enable tumour blood flow to be more selectively modified, Nicotinamide (NA) causes relaxation of preconstricted normal and tumour-supply arteries in rats. It has also been shown to affect microregional blood flow in human tumours. Direct effects of NA on human tumour supply arteries have not previously been reported. This paper describes our evaluation of the effects of NA on two parameters: 'spontaneous', oscillatory contractile activity and agonist (phenylephrine)-induced constriction in the arteries supplying human renal cell carcinomas.

Materials and methods: Isolated renal cell carcinoma feeder vessels were perfused in an organ bath with the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine (PE). When the arteries had reached a plateau of constriction, nicotinamide (8.2 mM) was added to the perfusate and changes in perfusion pressure were measured.

Results: PE (10 mu M) induced a sustained constriction in the majority of the renal cell carcinoma feeder vessels examined, demonstrating that they retain contractile characteristics, at least in response to this alpha(1)-adrenoceptor agonist. In combination with NA (8.2 mM) the constriction was significantly attenuated in half of the preparations. In addition, seven arteries exhibited spontaneous contractile activity which was significantly attenuated by NA in six of them.

Conclusions: NA can significantly attenuate both 'spontaneous' and agonist-induced constrictions in tumour-recruited human arteries, though not all arteries are sensitive. Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.


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Cancer dormancy is a stage in tumor progression in which residual disease remains occult and asymptomatic for a prolonged period of time. Dormant tumor cells can be present as one of the earliest stages in tumor development, as well as a stage in micrometastases, and/or minimal residual disease left after an apparently successful treatment of the primary tumor. The general mechanisms that regulate the transition of disseminated tumor cells that have lain dormant into a proliferative state remain largely unknown. However, regulation of the growth from dormant tumor cells may be explained in part through the interaction of the tumor cell with its microenvironment, limitations in the blood supply, or an active immune system. An understanding of the regulatory machinery of these processes is essential for identifying early cancer biomarkers and could provide a rationale for the development of novel agents to target dormant tumor cells. This review focuses on the different signaling models responsible for early cancer dissemination and tumor recurrence that are involved in dormancy pathways.