911 resultados para Clinical approach


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The issue of this article concerned the discussion about tools frequently used tools for assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms of patients with dementia, particularly Alzheimer's disease. The aims were to discuss the main tools for evaluating behavioral disturbances, and particularly the accuracy of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory - Clinician Rating Scale (NPI-C). The clinical approach to and diagnosis of neuropsychiatric syndromes in dementia require suitable accuracy. Advances in the recognition and early accurate diagnosis of psychopathological symptoms help guide appropriate pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. In addition, recommended standardized and validated measurements contribute to both scientific research and clinical practice. Emotional distress, caregiver burden, and cognitive impairment often experienced by elderly caregivers, may affect the quality of caregiver reports. The clinician rating approach helps attenuate these misinterpretations. In this scenario, the NPI-C is a promising and versatile tool for assessing neuropsychiatric syndromes in dementia, offering good accuracy and high reliability, mainly based on the diagnostic impression of the clinician. This tool can provide both strategies: a comprehensive assessment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia or the investigation of specific psychopathological syndromes such as agitation, depression, anxiety, apathy, sleep disorders, and aberrant motor disorders, among others.


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Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender como as mães da criança com Fibrose Cística (FC) vivenciam o luto pela perda da saúde do seu filho, considerando que esta ocorrência representa uma ameaça de morte continua à vida da criança, quando da ausência da adesão do tratamento. A Fibrose Cística é uma doença crônica, genética, sem cura e potencialmente letal, com prognóstico reservado, que demanda tratamento de alto impacto e intenso cuidado. A estratégia metodológica fundamentou-se na abordagem clínico qualitativa, com ênfase na análise de conteúdo. Participaram deste estudo onze mães com filho diagnosticado com FC e que se encontrava em acompanhamento ambulatorial no Programa de Assistência de FC, do Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de um encontro com a mãe para uma entrevista semiestruturada e a realização de dois desenhos com objetivo de compreender o luto destas mães em relação à doença FC de seu filho, suas perdas e significados em relação ao adoecimento da criança. Os resultados mostram que as mães vivenciam o luto pela perda da saúde da criança, desvelando os significados atribuídos a morte e o morrer, confirmado pela hipótese de que a mãe da criança com FC sabe sobre a doença, tem consciência da ameaça de morte e compreende que o tratamento pode proporcionar ao seu filho melhor qualidade de vida. Para elas a proximidade da existência de uma morte iminente traz uma reorganização e mudanças internas e externas, pessoais e familiares que favorecem a ressignificação suas vidas a partir do enfrentamento da doença.


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Hematology has a great importance in assessing the health of all animals, including reptiles, since it aids in the diagnosis of certain diseases and help to monitor patient's clinical evolution, although studies and articles in this area are rare, even with the increasing number of calls of these animals in veterinary clinics. Moreover, there are a lot of environmental and individual factors, which influence the hematological values of this group, such as age, sex, stress levels, nutrient levels and season which the exam was made, among others. For these reasons studies that aimed to evaluate the reference values of some specie, are essential to increase the knowledge in the field and to assist on the clinical approach. This paper aim’s to study the patterns of Hematology of Tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria) seeking the greater knowledge of clinical pathology of this species and increasing the possibilities for diagnosis, monitoring clinical outcome, and assessment of the general state and treatment


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The oral rehabilitation has achieved great prominence in the dental implant, especially in the cases of reposition of units dental elements, so it is possible to replace each missing element to implant into your space where the tooth was loss. The reverse planning is fundamental to an appropriate rehabilitation, because promote the elimination of problems that might compromise the aesthetics and function of future dental implants. The objective of this study was to report the treatment plan for a patient in need of oral rehabilitation with implant dental prosthesis, using indications and techniques based on the literature, emphasizing the importance of reverse planning. We conducted an osseointegrated implant surgery using the principles of a connect procedure, thus allowing their successfully installing increasing the predictability of treatment. It is concluded that the success of rehabilitation treatment is directly related to the initial planning, a correct clinical approach and an integrated multidisciplinary team.


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Programa de doctorado: Avances en Traumatología, Medicina del Deporte y Cuidados de Heridas


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INTRODUCTION Echocardiography is the standard clinical approach for quantification of the severity of aortic stenosis (AS). A comprehensive examination of its overall reproducibility and the simultaneous estimation of its variance components by multiple operators, readers, probe applications, and beats have not been undertaken. METHOD AND RESULTS Twenty-seven subjects with AS were scanned over 7 months in the echo-department by a median of 3 different operators. From each patient and each operator multiple runs of beats from multiple probe positions were stored for later analysis by multiple readers. The coefficient of variation was 13.3%, 15.9%, 17.6%, and 20.2% for the aortic peak velocity (Vmax), and velocity time integral (VTI), and left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) Vmax and VTI respectively. The largest individual contributors to the overall variability were the beat-to-beat variability (9.0%, 9.3%, 9.5%, 9.4% respectively) and that of inability of an individual operator to precisely apply the probe to the same position twice (8.3%, 9.4%, 12.9%, 10.7% respectively). The tracing (inter-reader) and reader (inter-reader), and operator (inter-operator) contribution were less important. CONCLUSIONS Reproducibility of measurements in AS is poorer than often reported in the literature. The source of this variability does not appear, as traditionally believed, to result from a lack of training or operator and reader specific factors. Rather the unavoidable beat-to-beat biological variability, and the inherent impossibility of applying the ultrasound probe in exactly the same position each time are the largest contributors. Consequently, guidelines suggesting greater standardisation of procedures and further training for sonographers are unlikely to result in an improvement in precision. Clinicians themselves should be wary of relying on even three-beat averages as their expected coefficient of variance is 10.3% for the peak velocity at the aortic valve.


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Vertebral compression fracture is a common medical problem in osteoporotic individuals. The quantitative computed tomography (QCT)-based finite element (FE) method may be used to predict vertebral strength in vivo, but needs to be validated with experimental tests. The aim of this study was to validate a nonlinear anatomy specific QCT-based FE model by using a novel testing setup. Thirty-seven human thoracolumbar vertebral bone slices were prepared by removing cortical endplates and posterior elements. The slices were scanned with QCT and the volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) was computed with the standard clinical approach. A novel experimental setup was designed to induce a realistic failure in the vertebral slices in vitro. Rotation of the loading plate was allowed by means of a ball joint. To minimize device compliance, the specimen deformation was measured directly on the loading plate with three sensors. A nonlinear FE model was generated from the calibrated QCT images and computed vertebral stiffness and strength were compared to those measured during the experiments. In agreement with clinical observations, most of the vertebrae underwent an anterior wedge-shape fracture. As expected, the FE method predicted both stiffness and strength better than vBMD (R2 improved from 0.27 to 0.49 and from 0.34 to 0.79, respectively). Despite the lack of fitting parameters, the linear regression of the FE prediction for strength was close to the 1:1 relation (slope and intercept close to one (0.86 kN) and to zero (0.72 kN), respectively). In conclusion, a nonlinear FE model was successfully validated through a novel experimental technique for generating wedge-shape fractures in human thoracolumbar vertebrae.


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The tumor suppressor gene FHIT spans a common fragile site and is highly susceptible to environmental carcinogens. FHIT inactivation and loss of expression is found in a large fraction of premaligant and malignant lesions. In this study, we were able to inhibit tumor development by oral gene transfer, using adenoviral or adenoassociated viral vectors expressing the human FHIT gene, in heterozygous Fhit+/− knockout mice, that are prone to tumor development after carcinogen exposure. We therefore suggest that FHIT gene therapy could be a novel clinical approach not only in treatment of early stages of cancer, but also in prevention of human cancer.


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Blocking CD28-B7 T-cell costimulation by systemic administration of CTLA4Ig, a fusion protein which binds B7 molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, prevents rejection and induces tolerance in experimental acute allograft rejection models. We tested the effect of CTLA4Ig therapy on the process of chronic renal allograft rejection using an established experimental transplantation model. F344 kidneys were transplanted orthotopically into bilaterally nephrectomized LEW recipients. Control animals received low dose cyclosporine for 10 days posttransplantation. Administration of a single injection of CTLA4Ig on day 2 posttransplant alone or in addition to the low dose cyclosporine protocol resulted in improvement of long-term graft survival as compared with controls. More importantly, control recipients which received cyclosporine only developed progressive proteinuria by 8-12 weeks, and morphological evidence of chronic rejection by 16-24 weeks, including widespread transplant arteriosclerosis and focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, while animals treated with CTLA4Ig alone or in addition to cyclosporine did not. Competitive reverse transcriptase-PCR and immunohistological analysis of allografts at 8, 16, and 24 weeks showed attenuation of lymphocyte and macrophage infiltration and activation in the CTLA4Ig-treated animals, as compared with cyclosporine-alone treated controls. These data confirm that early blockade of the CD28-B7 T-cell costimulatory pathway prevents later development and evolution of chronic renal allograft rejection. Our results indicate that T-cell recognition of alloantigen is a central event in initiating the process of chronic rejection, and that strategies targeted at blocking T-cell costimulation may prove to be a valuable clinical approach to preventing development of the process.


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La Clorosis y la Neurastenia representan dos ejemplos históricos de disociaciones patológicas y de las dificultades que conlleva abordar su diagnóstico con los criterios de la mentalidad científiconatural. En el contexto de aquellas dificultades, el trabajo profundiza en la visión androcéntrica y el discurso ideológico con el que observaba la medicina española contemporánea a la naturaleza femenina y a las patologías de mujeres. Así mismo, a partir de las similitudes mostradas con los actuales síndromes del dolor y la fatiga, la investigación plantea la necesidad de revisar el abordaje clínico de éstas dolencias al intentar superar las limitaciones que ofrece el modelo biomédico.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Tese de mestrado, Nutrição Clínica, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Orthotic therapy is frequently advocated for the treatment Of musculoskeletal pain and injury of the lower limb. The clinical efficacy, mechanical effects, and Underlying mechanism of the action of foot orthotics has not been Conclusively determined making it difficult for practitioners to agree on a reliable and valid clinical approach to their application and indeed even their fabrication. This problem is compounded by evidence suggesting that the most commonly used approach for orthotic prescription, the (Biomechanical Evaluation of the Foot. Vol. 1. Clinical Biomechanics Corporation, Los Angeles, 1971) approach, has poor validity and many of the associated clinical measurements of that approach lack adequate levels of reliability. This paper proposes a new approach that is based on two key elements. One is the identification, verification and quantification of physical tasks that serve as client specific outcome measures. The second is the application of specific physical manipulations during the performance of these physical tasks. The physical manipulations are selected on the basis of motion dysfunction and their immediate effects on the client specific outcome measures serve as the basis to making an informed decision on the propriety of using orthotics in individual clients. The motion dysfunction also guides the type of orthotic that is applied. Practical case examples as well Lis generic and specific guidelines to the application of this clinical assessment process and orthotics are provided in this paper. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.