889 resultados para Clergy reserves.
Automobile bodily injury (BI) claims remain unsettled for a long time after the accident. The estimation of an accurate reserve for Reported But Not Settled (RBNS) claims is therefore vital for insurers. In accordance with the recommendation included in the Solvency II project (CEIOPS, 2007) a statistical model is here implemented for RBNS reserve estimation. Lognormality on empirical compensation cost data is observed for different levels of BI severity. The individual claim provision is estimated by allocating the expected mean compensation for the predicted severity of the victim’s injury, for which the upper bound is also computed. The BI severity is predicted by means of a heteroscedastic multiple choice model, because empirical evidence has found that the variability in the latent severity of injured individuals travelling by car is not constant. It is shown that this methodology can improve the accuracy of RBNS reserve estimation at all stages, as compared to the subjective assessment that has traditionally been made by practitioners.
The objective of this study was to investigate reserve mobilization in Caesalpinia peltophoroides seeds during germination and initial seedling growth. The variation in these compounds was analyzed from the pre-germination period (0 to 5 days after sowing - DAS) to the total cotyledon senescence and abscission at 35 DAS. For this histochemical tests were made on cotyledons fixed in FAA50 or included in glycol-metacrylate. To follow the mobilization of the main reserve compounds, sudan III was used to detect total lipids, xylidine Ponceau to detect total proteins, lugol to detect starch and polarized light to visualize the crystals. The lipids, present in a great quantity in the cotyledon, gradually decreased in the period studied. A greater quantity of starch was observed on the 10th DAS than in the previous periods and it was totally consumed by 30 DAS. The distribution pattern and the morphology of the protein material were very modified by 10 DAS, a period during which it was intensely consumed, remaining only parietally fragments distributed, that practically disappeared at 25 DAS. The calcium oxalate druses were not consumed during the period studied, there was only crystal agglutination.
Brazil was the first country in Latin America to establish and regulate this type of reserve, and there are currently more than 700 Private Nature Heritage Reserves (RPPN in Portuguese) officially recognized by either federal or state environmental agencies. Together, these RPPN protect more than a half million hectares of land in the country. The coastal forests in the southern part of Bahia State extend 100 to 200 km inland, gradually changing in physiognomy as they occupy the dryer inland areas. The coastal forest has been subjected to intense deforestation, and currently occupies less than 10% of its original area. For this work the creation processes of the RPPN were consulted to obtain the data creation time, size of property, the condition of the remaining forest, succession chain and the last paid tax. After that, interviews with the owners were made to confirm this data. Sixteen RPPN have been established in this region until 2005. Their sizes vary from 4.7 to 800 ha. Ten of these RPPN are located within state or federal conservation areas or their buffer zones. In spite of the numerous national and international conservation strategies and environmental policies focused on the region, the present situation of the cocoa zone is threatening the conservation of the region's natural resources. The establishment of private reserves in the cocoa region could conceivably improve these conservation efforts. This type of reserve can be established under a uniform system supported by federal legislation, and could count on private organizations.
This study evaluated the contribution of agroforestry (AFS) and traditional systems to carbon sequestration and nutrient reserves in plants, litter and soil. The study was carried out in the semiarid region of Brazil in a long-term experiment on an experimental farm of the goat and sheep section of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). Two agroforestry systems were investigated: agrosilvopastoral (ASP) and forest-pasture areas (SP) as well as traditional agriculture management (TM), two areas left fallow after TM (six fallow years - F6 and nine fallow years - F9) and one area of preserved Caatinga vegetation (CAT). Soil, litter and plants were sampled from all areas and the contents of C, N, P, K, Ca and Mg per compartment determined. The AFS (ASP and SP) had higher nutrient stocks than the traditional and intermediate stocks compared to the preserved Caatinga. In the ASP, a relevant part of the nutrients extracted by crops is returned to the system by constant inputs of litter, weeding of herbaceous vegetation and cutting of the legume crops. After fallow periods of six and nine years, carbon and nutrient stocks in the compartments soil, litter and herbaceous plants were similar to those of the preserved Caatinga (CAT), but still lower than under natural conditions in the woody vegetation.
Cotyledon mesophyll cell morphology and lipid and protein synthesis of T. grandiflorum, T. subincanum and T. bicolor were analyzed and compared with T. cacao. These species possess foliar cotyledons folded around the hypocotyl radicle axis, typical of Sterculiaceae. Fruit size, morphology and weight are very distinct amongst the four species and so are the respective seeds. The main axis of the T. grandiflorum and T. bicolor seeds measured about 30 mm, while T. subincanum and T. cacao seeds measured 17 mm and 26 mm respectively. The seed weights of T. grandiflorum, T. bicolor, T. subincanum and T. cacao were 11.6 g, 9.4 g, 2.1 g and 3.0 g, respectively. The cotyledon mesophylls of the four species contained mainly polysaccharides and lipid-protein reserve cells. Theobroma cacao, T. grandiflorum and T. subincanum were composed of greater than 50% lipids. For the four species, lipid globules gradually accumulated adjacent to the cell wall, and these globules measured from 1 to 3 µm. TEM showed low-density proteins inside the central vacuole of the young mesophyll cells of T. cacao. The protein reserves of the mature cells were densely scattered amongst the lipid bodies, and a few starch granules occurred together with the cotyledon mesophyll of the four species. Polyphenolic cells were found throughout the mesophyll cells or aligned with the respective vascular bundles. Immature cells demonstrated the capacity to synthesize all these reserves, but gradually the pre-determined cells produced mainly lipid-protein reserves. Besides the unique characteristics of the T. cacao products, the lipid-protein synthesis capacities of T. grandiflorum, T. subincanum and T. bicolor suggest various possibilities for new industrialized food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
Some environmental factors, including water availability, may influence seed germination. This study investigated the germination of E. velutina seeds submitted to different osmotic potentials and mobilization of reserves during water-stress. Scarified seeds were arranged in paper rolls and soaked in solutions of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) prepared in osmotic potentials 0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, and -0.8 MPa and kept into a seed germinator, at 25 °C, and 12/12 h photoperiod (L/D), during 10 days. The percentage, mean time, mean speed, germination speed index; as well as the germination uniformity coefficient were assessed. During germination process the total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, soluble protein, and total amino acids were quantified in the cotyledon, hypocotyl and radicle of soaked seeds and cotyledons of quiescent seeds (control). There was influence of osmotic potential on E. velutina seed germination. The germination percentage remained at high levels until -0.6 MPa and above this osmotic potential there has been no germination. The mobilization of stored reserves of carbon and nitrogen in E. velutina seeds was also influenced by water-stress. There was sensitiveness between -0.2 and -0.6 MPa; however, the degradation and the mobilization of reserves was slower when the osmotic potential decreased.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Cette thèse traite de l’impact de l’économie congolaise sur la pastorale du diocèse d’Idiofa, de la gestion de ce diocèse et de leurs répercussions sur le ministère des prêtres. Après plusieurs années de son érection, le diocèse d’Idiofa subit présentement les conséquences de la crise économique congolaise. Sa pastorale est malade, en panne et même bloquée. Partout, il n’y pas d’argent, les caisses sont vides, on ne peut ni manger ni célébrer l’Eucharistie. On assiste à la démotivation presque généralisée des prêtres : refus des obédiences ou contestation des affectations, séjours prolongés et études à l’étranger, absence, ignorance ou mystère des finances. Les gens et les prêtres sont de plus en plus pauvres. Cela contraste avec la croissance numérique des prêtres dans le diocèse d’Idiofa. À y regarder de près, cette croissance masque mal une énigme. Avec la pauvreté grandissante, on aurait dû s’attendre à une diminution du nombre des prêtres. Or, tel n’est pas le cas. On assiste à un phénomène inverse dans le diocèse d’Idiofa. À quoi est dû cet état de chose? Promotion sociale, recherche du bien être matériel? Hausse des vocations? Le problème paraît banal, mais c’est une question pratique qui nous conduit à une prise de conscience de notre agir et de notre identité ecclésiaux. Cette thèse aidera à saisir les enjeux en cause et leurs conséquences sur le ministère des prêtres et sur la population. Elle nous éclairera sur l’incapacité de notre Église locale à s’assumer et à réagir de façon réaliste dans notre contexte propre. L’écart est énorme entre sa théorie et sa pratique. Cette thèse vise une Église locale nouvelle qui se veut active, pratique et qui n’a pas le droit de méconnaître les problèmes des prêtres et des gens en situation difficile. S’il est vrai que le modèle ecclésial actuel est élaboré en fonction des défis et des aspirations des communautés diocésaines, comment expliquer que la même Église puisse reléguer aux oubliettes les problèmes économiques qui conditionnent la vie réelle des prêtres et des gens? La communauté diocésaine peut-elle se bâtir en négligeant l’aspect économique? Malgré la vitalité actuelle de l’Église du diocèse en termes numériques, liturgiques et sacramentaires, de graves insuffisances témoignent de sa paralysie actuelle et rendent l’avenir incertain : misère croissante des masses, mauvaise gestion, dépendance accrue, etc. Cette thèse veut que notre Église locale se sente interpellée dans son agir pastoral par ce problème économique. Une nouvelle orientation ou organisation pastorale s’avère donc nécessaire pour la subsistance et la croissance de notre Église et de son milieu. Notre thèse comprend sept chapitres. Le premier dresse un portrait économique de la République Démocratique du Congo avec ses immenses richesses et la crise qu’elle traverse tant au plan politique que économique. Le deuxième analyse l’écart entre les prises de position audacieuses de l’Église congolaise dans ce contexte et sa pratique cléricale et institutionnelle plus conservatrice. Le troisième décrit la situation pastorale du diocèse d’Idiofa, du ministère de brousse jusqu’à la gestion diocésaine en passant par ses diverses pastorales sectorielles. On y trouve l’exposé des faiblesses et des forces de ce diocèse. Le quatrième analyse la situation économique du diocèse tant en rapport avec la crise congolaise qu’avec les dynamiques internes du diocèse. On y voit émerger par exemple, la dépendance envers Rome, le favoritisme et le tribalisme financiers, la perte de moyens de production propres au diocèse, la pauvreté du clergé et, évidemment, des fidèles et des gens du diocèse. Le cinquième chapitre réévalue les progrès théologiques (adaptation, pierres d’attente, inculturation, reconstruction, libération et contextuelle) et des pratiques pastorales du diocèse en regard de sa réalité actuelle. Le sixième propose une interprétation théologique de la crise économique du diocèse d’Idiofa en fonction de l’Évangile, du salut considéré comme salut global concernant la transformation des structures historiques, de la mission de l’Église d’annoncer ce salut en paroles et en actes. Le septième et dernier chapitre propose une analyse des implications éthiques et ecclésiales. Il présente aussi quelques voies pastorales susceptibles de favoriser la prise en mains des communautés par elles-mêmes et l’assainissement des finances du diocèse : pastorales du grenier, des mains sales et du jardin partagé. La conclusion générale de la thèse rappelle les idées-forces et propose des pistes de solution.
Les Indigènes canadiens vivent une rapide transition nutritionnelle marquée par une consommation accrue des produits commercialisés au dépit des aliments traditionnels. Ce mémoire cherche à identifier les patrons alimentaires associés à une meilleure alimentation des femmes autochtones vivant dans les réserves en Colombie Britannique. L’échantillon (n=493) a été sélectionné de l’étude ‘First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment Study’. L’étude a utilisé des rappels alimentaires de 24 heures. Pour identifier les patrons alimentaires, un indice de qualité alimentaire (QA) basé sur 10 éléments nutritionnels (fibre alimentaire, gras totaux/saturés, folate, magnésium, calcium, fer, vitamines A, C, D) a permis de classifier les sujets en trois groupes (tertiles). Ces groupes ont été comparés sur leur consommation de 25 groupes alimentaires (GAs) en employant des tests statistiques non-paramétriques (Kruskal-Wallis et ANCOVA). Une analyse discriminante (AD) a confirmé les GAs associés à la QA. La QA des sujets était globalement faible car aucun rappel n’a rencontré les consommations recommandées pour tous les 10 éléments nutritionnels. L'AD a confirmé que les GAs associés de façon significative à la QA étaient ‘légumes et produits végétaux’, ‘fruits’, ‘aliments traditionnels’, ‘produits laitiers faibles en gras’, ‘soupes et bouillons’, et ‘autres viandes commercialisées’ (coefficients standardisés= 0,324; 0,295; 0,292; 0,282; 0,157; -0.189 respectivement). Le pourcentage de classifications correctes était 83.8%. Nos résultats appuient la promotion des choix alimentaires recommandés par le « Guide Alimentaire Canadien- Premières Nations, Inuits, et Métis ». Une consommation accrue de légumes, fruits, produits laitiers faibles en gras, et aliments traditionnels caractérise les meilleurs patrons alimentaires.
Professor Irma Glicman Adelman, an Irish Economist working in California University at Berkely, in her research work on ‘Development Over Two Centuries’, which is published in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1995, has identified that India, along with China, would be one of the largest economies in this 21st Century. She has stated that the period 1700 - 1820 is the period of Netherlands, the period 1820 - 1890 is the period of England the period 1890 - 2000 is the period of America and this 21st Century is the century of China and India. World Bank has also identified India as one of the leading players of this century after China. India will be third largest economy after USA and China. India will challenge the Global Economic Order in the next 15 years. India will overtake Italian economy in 2015, England economy in 2020, Japan economy in 2025 and USA economy in 2050 (China will overtake Japan economy in 2016 and USA economy in 2027). India has the following advantages compared with other economies. India is 4th largest GDP in the world in terms of Purchasing Power. India is third fastest growing economy in the world after China and Vietnam. Service sector contributes around 57% of GDP. The share of agriculture is around 17% and Manufacture is 16% in 2005 - 2006. This is a character of a developed country. Expected GDP growth rate is 10% shortly (It has come down from 9.2% in 2006 - 2007 to 6.2% during 2008 - 2009 due to recession. It is only a temporary phenomenon). India has $284 billion as Foreign Exchange Reserve as on today. India had just $1 billion as Foreign Exchange Reserve when it opened its economy in the year 1991. In this research paper an attempt has been made to study the two booming economies of the globe with respect to their foreign exchange reserves. This study mainly based on secondary data published by respective governments and various studies done on this area
L’origen d’aquest projecte neix en la necessitat de crear un sistema de reserves hoteleres on-line integral i amb connectivitat amb altres sistemes de reserves. S'ha optat pel protocol de comunicació OTA(Open Travel Alliance), es tracta d'un protocol de comunicació XML ideat per empreses del sector turístic dels Estats Units per la necessitat comuna d’unes especificacions tècniques que permetessin la comunicació electrònica de la informació