982 resultados para Classical dynamics


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Modelling Joule heating is a difficult problem because of the need to introduce correct correlations between the motions of the ions and the electrons. In this paper we analyse three different models of current induced heating (a purely classical model, a fully quantum model and a hybrid model in which the electrons are treated quantum mechanically and the atoms are treated classically). We find that all three models allow for both heating and cooling processes in the presence of a current, and furthermore the purely classical and purely quantum models show remarkable agreement in the limit of high biases. However, the hybrid model in the Ehrenfest approximation tends to suppress heating. Analysis of the equations of motion reveals that this is a consequence of two things: the electrons are being treated as a continuous fluid and the atoms cannot undergo quantum fluctuations. A means for correcting this is suggested.


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Aiming to establish a rigorous link between macroscopic random motion (described e.g. by Langevin-type theories) and microscopic dynamics, we have undertaken a kinetic-theoretical study of the dynamics of a classical test-particle weakly coupled to a large heat-bath in thermal equilibrium. Both subsystems are subject to an external force field. From the (time-non-local) generalized master equation a Fokker-Planck-type equation follows as a "quasi-Markovian" approximation. The kinetic operator thus defined is shown to be ill-defined; in specific, it does not preserve the positivity of the test-particle distribution function f(x, v; t). Adopting an alternative approach, previously introduced for quantum open systems, is proposed to lead to a correct kinetic operator, which yields all the expected properties. A set of explicit expressions for the diffusion and drift coefficients are obtained, allowing for modelling macroscopic diffusion and dynamical friction phenomena, in terms of an external field and intrinsic physical parameters.


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We present the Fortran program SIMLA, which is designed for the study of charged particle dynamics in laser and other background fields. The dynamics can be determined classically via the Lorentz force and Landau–Lifshitz equations or, alternatively, via the simulation of photon emission events determined by strong-field quantum-electrodynamics amplitudes and implemented using Monte-Carlo routines. Multiple background fields can be included in the simulation and, where applicable, the propagation direction, field type (plane wave, focussed paraxial, constant crossed, or constant magnetic), and time envelope of each can be independently specified.


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A gas turbine is made up of three basic components: a compressor, a combustion chamber and a turbine. Air is drawn into the engine by the compressor, which compresses it and delivers it to the combustion chamber. There, the air is mixed with the fuel and the mixture ignited, producing a rise of temperature and therefore an expansion of the gases. These are expelled through the engine nozzle, but first pass through the turbine, designed to extract energy to keep the compressor rotating [1]. The work described here uses data recorded from a Rolls Royce Spey MK 202 turbine, whose simplified diagram can be seen in Fig. 1. Both the compressor and the turbine are split into low pressure (LP) and high pressure (HP) stages. The HP turbine drives the HP compressor and the LP turbine drives the LP compressor. They are connected by concentric shafts that rotate at different speeds, denoted as NH and NL.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Il contenuto fisico della Relatività Generale è espresso dal Principio di Equivalenza, che sancisce l'equivalenza di geometria e gravitazione. La teoria predice l'esistenza dei buchi neri, i più semplici oggetti macroscopici esistenti in natura: essi sono infatti descritti da pochi parametri, le cui variazioni obbediscono a leggi analoghe a quelle della termodinamica. La termodinamica dei buchi neri è posta su basi solide dalla meccanica quantistica, mediante il fenomeno noto come radiazione di Hawking. Questi risultati gettano una luce su una possibile teoria quantistica della gravitazione, ma ad oggi una simile teoria è ancora lontana. In questa tesi ci proponiamo di studiare i buchi neri nei loro aspetti sia classici che quantistici. I primi due capitoli sono dedicati all'esposizione dei principali risultati raggiunti in ambito teorico: in particolare ci soffermeremo sui singularity theorems, le leggi della meccanica dei buchi neri e la radiazione di Hawking. Il terzo capitolo, che estende la discussione sulle singolarità, espone la teoria dei buchi neri non singolari, pensati come un modello effettivo di rimozione delle singolarità. Infine il quarto capitolo esplora le ulteriori conseguenze della meccanica quantistica sulla dinamica dei buchi neri, mediante l'uso della nozione di entropia di entanglement.


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We study a model for a two-mode atomic-molecular Bose-Einstein condensate. Starting with a classical analysis we determine the phase space fixed points of the system. It is found that bifurcations of the fixed points naturally separate the coupling parameter space into four regions. The different regions give rise to qualitatively different dynamics. We then show that this classification holds true for the quantum dynamics.


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We investigate the sensitivity of a Markov model with states and transition probabilities obtained from clustering a molecular dynamics trajectory. We have examined a 500 ns molecular dynamics trajectory of the peptide valine-proline-alanine-leucine in explicit water. The sensitivity is quantified by varying the boundaries of the clusters and investigating the resulting variation in transition probabilities and the average transition time between states. In this way, we represent the effect of clustering using different clustering algorithms. It is found that in terms of the investigated quantities, the peptide dynamics described by the Markov model is sensitive to the clustering; in particular, the average transition times are found to vary up to 46%. Moreover, inclusion of nonphysical sparsely populated clusters can lead to serious errors of up to 814%. In the investigation, the time step used in the transition matrix is determined by the minimum time scale on which the system behaves approximately Markovian. This time step is found to be about 100 ps. It is concluded that the description of peptide dynamics with transition matrices should be performed with care, and that using standard clustering algorithms to obtain states and transition probabilities may not always produce reliable results.