998 resultados para Cladistic Analysis
Phylogenetic studies of the genus Macropodinium were conducted using two methods; phenetics and cladistics. The phenetic study of morphometrics suggested that the genus could be divided into 3 groups attributable mostly to cell size and shape. The cladistic study also split the genus into 3 groups related to cell size but groups were further distinguished by patterns of ornamentation. Reconciliation of both approaches revealed considerable congruence, however, it also suggested the existence of convergences in the phenetic study and a lack of resolution in the cladistic study. The morphological diversity of Macropodinium is probably due to evolutionary trends such as increasing body size, allometry and polymerisation of structures. None of these trends, however, was uniformly directional and differential effects were observed in different regions of the phylogenetic tree. Comparison of the phylogeny of Macropodinium to a consensus phylogeny of the macropodids revealed limited incongruence between the 2 trees. The ciliate groups could be related to 2 host groups; the wallaby genera and the kangaroo and wallaroo subgenera. The association with these host groups may be the result of phyletic codescent, ecological resource tracking or a combination of both. Further studies of both host and ciliate phylogeny are necessary to resolve these effects.
It is presented a cladistic analysis of the Dicrepidiina aiming to test the monophyletism of the subtribe and to establish the relationships among the genera. The subtribe is composed by 36 genera and all of them, except Asebis, Lamononia, Neopsephus, Semiotopsis and Spilomorphus were included in the analysis. Fifty two species, especially the type-species of each genus were studied: Achrestus flavocinctus (Candèze, 1859), A. venustus Champion, 1895, Adiaphorus gracilis Schwarz, 1901, A. ponticerianus Candèze, 1859, Anoplischiopsis bivittatus Champion, 1895, Anoplischius bicarinatus Candèze, 1859, A. conicus Candèze, 1900, A. haematopus Candèze, 1859, A. pyronotus Candèze, 1859, Atractosomus flavescens (Germar, 1839), Blauta cribraria (Germar, 1844), Calopsephus apicalis (Schwarz, 1903), Catalamprus angustus (Fleutiaux, 1902), Crepidius flabellifer (Erichson, 1847), C. resectus Candèze, 1859, Cyathodera auripilosus Costa, 1968, C. lanugicollis (Candèze, 1859), C. longicornis Blanchard, 1843, Dayakus angularis Candèze, 1893, Dicrepidius ramicornis (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805), Dipropus brasilianus (Germar, 1824), D. factuellus Candèze, 1859, D. laticollis (Eschscholtz, 1829), D. pinguis (Candèze, 1859), D. schwarzi (Becker, 1961), Elius birmanicus Candèze, 1893, E. dilatatus Candèze, 1878, Heterocrepidius gilvellus Candèze, 1859, H. ventralis Guérin-Méneville, 1838, Lampropsephus cyaneus (Candèze, 1878), Loboederus appendiculatus (Perty, 1830), Olophoeus gibbus Candèze, 1859, Ovipalpus pubescens Solier, 1851, Pantolamprus ligneus Candèze, 1896, P. mirabilis Candèze, 1896, P. perpulcher Westwood, 1842, Paraloboderus glaber Golbach, 1990, Proloboderus crassipes Fleutiaux, 1912, Propsephus beniensis (Candèze, 1859), P. cavifrons (Erichson, 1843), Pseudolophoeus guineensis (Candèze, 1881), Rhinopsephus apicalis (Schwarz, 1903), Sephilus formosanus Schwarz, 1912, S. frontalis Candèze, 1878, Singhalenus gibbus Candèze, 1892, S. taprobanicus Candèze, 1859, Sphenomerus antennalis Candèze, 1859, S. brunneus Candèze, 1865, Spilus atractomorphus Candèze, 1859, S. nitidus Candèze, 1859, Stenocrepidius simonii Fleutiaux, 1891 and Trielasmus varians Blanchard, 1846. Chalcolepidius zonatus (Hemirhipini, Agrypninae), Ctenicera silvatica (Prosternini, Prosterninae), and species of the other subtribes of Ampedini (Elaterinae): Ampedus sanguineus (Ampedina), Melanotus spernendus (Melanotina) and Anchastus digittatus and Physorhinus xanthocephalus (Physorhinina) were used as outgroups. The results of the phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that Dicrepidiina, as formerly defined, does not form a monophyletic group. One genus, represented by Ovipalpus pubescens, was removed from the subtribe. The subtribe is characterized by presence of lamella under 2nd and 3rd tarsomeres of all legs. Also, it was revealed that the genera Achrestus, Anoplischius, Dipropus and Propsephus are not monophyletic. Due to the scarcity of information, all the studied species are redescribed and illustrated.
Background: The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus is an excellent model organism for studying ecological vicariance in the Neotropics due to its broad geographic range and its preference for forested areas as roosting sites. With the objective of testing for Pleistocene ecological vicariance, we sequenced a mitocondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker and two nuclear markers (RAG2 and DRB) to try to understand how Pleistocene glaciations affected the distribution of intraspecific lineages in this bat. Results: Five reciprocally monophyletic clades were evident in the mitochondrial gene tree, and in most cases with high bootstrap support: Central America (CA), Amazon and Cerrado (AMC), Pantanal (PAN), Northern Atlantic Forest (NAF) and Southern Atlantic Forest (SAF). The Atlantic forest clades formed a monophyletic clade with high bootstrap support, creating an east/west division for this species in South America. On the one hand, all coalescent and non-coalescent estimates point to a Pleistocene time of divergence between the clades. On the other hand, the nuclear markers showed extensive sharing of haplotypes between distant localities, a result compatible with male-biased gene flow. In order to test if the disparity between the mitochondrial and nuclear markers was due to the difference in mutation rate and effective size, we performed a coalescent simulation to examine the feasibility that, given the time of separation between the observed lineages, even with a gene flow rate close to zero, there would not be reciprocal monophyly for a neutral nuclear marker. We used the observed values of theta and an estimated mutation rate for the nuclear marker gene to perform 1000 iterations of the simulation. The results of this simulation were inconclusive: the number of iterations with and without reciprocal monophyly of one or more clades are similar. Conclusions: We therefore conclude that the pattern exhibited by the common vampire bat, with marked geographical structure for a mitochondrial marker and no phylogeographic structure for nuclear markers is compatible with a historical scenario of complete isolation of refuge-like populations during the Pleistocene. The results on demographic history on this species is compatible with the Carnaval-Moritz model of Pleistocene vicariance, with demographic expansions in the southern Atlantic forest.
The cuticular surfaces of Cyphophthalmi (Opiliones) were studied in detail, covering a wide range of their taxonomic diversity. Previously unknown structures are described, including a sexually dimorphic row of spines and glandular openings on leg I of Fangensis cavernarum. Scanning electron micrographs of the prosomal paired hairs and the subapical process are provided for the first time. Evidence for the multi-pored nature of the shaft of solenidia as well as the hollowed nature and absence of wall pores of sensilla chaetica are also shown for the first time using scanning electron microscopy. The prosomal paired hairs may constitute a novel autapomorphy for Cyphophthalmi, as they are absent in all studied members of the other species of Opiliones. Finally, the variation in shape of some of the structures examined may be of great taxonomic value.
A new species of Pickeliana Mello-Leitao,1932, P. albimaculata sp. nov, is described from Jussari, Bahia, Brazil. It can be easily distinguished from the already described species by the presence of white spots on mesotergal area I and anal opercle. It is similar to P. pickeli Mello-Leitao,1932 by the presence of a large, ventro-apical pointed tubercle on femora III-IV A cladistic analysis was performed adding a new character to the available character matrix, the presence of a large and ventro-apical pointed tubercle on male femur IV According to this analysis, P. albimaculata sp. nov is sister species of P.pickeli.Additionally,we present an identification key and an update on the geographical distribution of species of this genus in northeastern Brazil.
A diagnosis is given for the lecithasterid genus Hysterolecithoides Yamaguti, 1934, which is now found to have two to six (possibly seven) vitelline masses. The species H. frontilatus (Manter, 1969) is returned to the genus, having been considered a member of the bunocotylid genus Neotheletrum by recent authors. It is redescribed from Siganus nebulosus, Moreton Bay, and S. doliatus, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia, with emphasis on the presence of Juel's organ, a uterine seminal receptacle and the blind sac associated with the genital atrium. It differs from its congeners in the trajectory of the pars prostatica which recurves dorsally to the sinus-sac. Oligolecithoides Shen, 1982 is synonymised with Hysterolecithoides and O. trilobatus Shen, 1982 is synomised with H. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1934. Machidatrema Leon-Regagnon, 1998 is diagnosed, and found to be close to Hysterolecithoides, but differs in the lack of a blind-sac projecting from the dorsal genital atrium, by its tandem testes, the coiling of the uterus between the testes and the ovary, and the ventral excretory pore. M. leonae n. sp. is described from Siganus fuscescens, S. lineatus, S. doliatus, S. corallinus, S. vulpinus and Scarus globiceps at Heron Island, Queensland. It differs from its closest congener, M. akeh, in the muscular and tegumental flap over the genital pore and details of the terminal genitalia. M. chilostoma (Machida, 1980) and M. kyphosi (Yamaguti, 1970) are redescribed from Kyphosus vaigiensis from Heron Island. Neotheletrum Gibson & Bray, 1979 is diagnosed: it differs from Hysterolecithoides in its confluent excretory arms, blind seminal receptacle (no Juel's organ) and uniformly tripartite vitellarium. A cladistic analysis suggests that M. chilostoma and M. kyphosi are not best accommodated in Machidatrema, that Machidatrema (sensu stricto) is monophyletic and that Hysterolecithoides is paraphyletic. Hysterolecithoides and Machidatrema are considered hysterolecithine lecithasterids, whilst Neotheletrum is retained as an opisthadenine bunocotylid.
Inflorescence and floral development of three species of Indigofera (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), I. lespedezioides, I. spicata, and I. suffruticosa, were investigated and compared with that of other papilionoid groups, especially with members of the recently circumscribed Millettioid clade, which was merged as sister to Indigofereae in a recent cladistic analysis. Although Indigofera is a genus of special interest, because of its great richness in species and its economic importance, few studies have been made of floral development in the genus or in Indigofereae as a whole. Flower buds and inflorescences were analysed at several stages of development in the three species. Our results confirmed that Indigofera species bear a usual inflorescence type among legumes, the raceme, which comprises flowers initiated in acropetal succession, each with a subtending bract and no bracteoles initiated. The inception of the floral organs is as follows: sepals (5), petals (5), carpel (1), outer stamens (5), and, finally, inner stamens (5). Organ initiation in the sepal, petal, and both stamen whorls is unidirectional, from the abaxial side; the carpel cleft is adaxial. The vexillum is larger than other petals at maturity, covering the keels, which are fused edge-to-edge. Nine filaments are fused to form an adaxially open sheath, and the adaxial stamen of the inner whorl remains free (diadelphous androecium) in the mid-stage of development. Most of the infra-generic differences occurred in the later stages of development. Data on floral development in Indigofera obtained here were also compared with those from other members of Papilionoideae. This comparison showed that the early expression of zygomorphy is shared with other members of the Millettioid clade but is rarely found in other papilionoids, corresponding to a hypothetically morphological synapomorphy in the pair Indigoferae plus millettioids.
Crown group Archosauria, which includes birds, dinosaurs, crocodylomorphs, and several extinct Mesozoic groups, is a primary division of the vertebrate tree of life. However, the higher-level phylogenetic relationships within Archosauria are poorly resolved and controversial, despite years of study. The phylogeny of crocodile-line archosaurs (Crurotarsi) is particularly contentious, and has been plagued by problematic taxon and character sampling. Recent discoveries and renewed focus on archosaur anatomy enable the compilation of a new dataset, which assimilates and standardizes character data pertinent to higher-level archosaur phylogeny, and is scored across the largest group of taxa yet analysed. This dataset includes 47 new characters (25% of total) and eight taxa that have yet to be included in an analysis, and total taxonomic sampling is more than twice that of any previous study. This analysis produces a well-resolved phylogeny, which recovers mostly traditional relationships within Avemetatarsalia, places Phytosauria as a basal crurotarsan clade, finds a close relationship between Aetosauria and Crocodylomorpha, and recovers a monophyletic Rauisuchia comprised of two major subclades. Support values are low, suggesting rampant homoplasy and missing data within Archosauria, but the phylogeny is highly congruent with stratigraphy. Comparison with alternative analyses identifies numerous scoring differences, but indicates that character sampling is the main source of incongruence. The phylogeny implies major missing lineages in the Early Triassic and may support a Carnian-Norian extinction event.
Stibadocerina Alexander, a monotypic genus, includes the only known Neotropical species of the family Cylindrotomidae, S. chilensis Alexander, 1929, from South Central Chile (ca. 36 degrees 50`S-42 degrees 17`S). In this paper, Stibadocerina chilensis is redescribed and illustrated in detail. A study of wing-vein homology in the subfamily Stibadocerinae is provided, to identify the components of the reduced radial sector in Stibadocerina and related taxa. The proposed hypotheses of wing-vein homology are tested, and the systematic position of Stibadocerina is assessed through a cladistic analysis of 13 characters of the male imago, scored for exemplar species of the four genera included in the Stibadocerinae. A single most parsimonious tree supports the monophyly of the Stibadocerinae and the following relationships among its included genera: Stibadocerodes [Stibadocera (Stibadocerella + Stibadocerina)]. The subfamily includes one example of a vicariant distribution with a sister-group relationship between South Central Chilean and East Asian taxa, and supports a biogeographical interpretation of an ancestral trans-Pacific biota.
Tipulomorpha (craneflies) comprise one of the largest subgroups of Diptera, but its phylogeny at different levels has been poorly explored. This study presents the most comprehensive cladistic analysis of the group ever made, with emphasis on the genera and subgenera of the subfamily Limnophilinae (Limoniidae), assumed to include some of the earliest lineages of Tipulomorpha sensu stricto and therefore important for the understanding of the early patterns in the evolution of the craneflies. Eighty-eight characters of the male imago were scored for 104 exemplar species. The most parsimonious trees were searched using implied weighting, in the framework of a sensitivity analysis with different values of k (2 to 6). The dataset based on the characters of adult male morphology showed high levels of homoplasy and yielded very incongruent and unstable phylogenetic results, which are very sensitive to changes in analytical parameters. In the preferred and most parsimonious phylogenetic hypothesis, the Pediciidae is the sister-group of all other Tipulomorpha sensu stricto. The results indicate the paraphyly of the Limoniidae with respect to the Cylindrotomidae and Tipulidae, which are considered sister-groups. The Limoniidae subfamilies Limnophilinae, Limoniinae and Chioneinae are considered non-monophyletic. The study allowed a reconstruction of the possible ground plan condition of selected features of the adult male morphology of craneflies. The genera/subgenera Epiphragma (Epiphragma), Acantholimnophila, Shannonomyia, Limnophila (Arctolimnophila), Eloeophila, Conosia, Polymera, Polymera (Polymerodes), Prionolabis, Eutonia, Phylidorea (Phylidorea), Metalimnophila, Gynoplistia (Cerozodia), Gynoplistia (Dirhipis), Nothophila, Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila), Pilaria and Ulomorpha are considered monophyletic, but in general are defined by combinations of very homoplastic character states. Two Temperate Gondwanan clades, (Tonnoirella + (Edwardsomyia + (Tinemyia + (Rhamphophila + (Nothophila))))) and ((Notholimnophila + Bergrothomyia) + (Mesolimnophila + (Chilelimnophila + Ctenolimnophila))) are recovered. The genera Limnophila, Neolimnomyia, Gynoplistia (sensu lato) and Hexatoma (sensu lato) are considered non-monophyletic. The systematic position and some morphological characters of `problematic` taxa, such as Dactylolabis, Elephantomyia, Helius and Atarba are discussed on the light of the proposed phylogeny and the analysis of the characters. Character states are richly illustrated. A detailed study of the morphology of the male genitalia is made, and several genera and species have the morphology of the male genitalia illustrated for the first time.
A new acanthocolpid, Tormopsolus attenuatus n. sp., is described from the carangid Seriola hippos from waters off the coast of SW Australia. A cladistic analysis of the genus using 31 morphological and metrical characters indicates that the closest species is T. asiatica Parukhin, 1976 status amend. (previously T. orientalis asiatica). T. attenuatus differs from T. asiatica in its smaller overall dimensions, more attenuated outline, relatively shorter post-testicular region, vitelline interruption at the level of the ovary, papillae on the oral sucker and, possibly, much longer genital atrium. Other similar species, T. orientalis Yamaguti, 1934 and T. medius Reimer, 1983, differ in having interruptions of the vitelline fields at the level of both testes and at the level of the ovary.
The family Enenteridae is reviewed, with keys to the genera and species and diagnoses of the family and genera, based on a cladistic analysis utilising 44 characters. Subfamilies are not recognised. Descriptions of the following taxa from Australian marine teleosts are given: Enenterum mannarense from Kyphosus sydneyanus, SW Australia, E. elongatum from Kyphosus sydneyanus, SW Australia (these two species are distinguished by the number of oral lobes and the ovary to anterior testis distance), Koseiria huxleyi n. sp. from Chaetodontoplus meredithi, Great Barrier Reef (this new species is distinguished by the vitellarium reaching into the forebody, the infundibuliform terminal oral sucker, the unlobed ovary and the distinct post-oral ring), Koseiria xishaense from Kyphosus cinerascens and K. vaigiensis, Great Barrier Reef, Cadenatella isuzumi from Kyphosus cinerascens and K. vaigiensis, Great Barrier Reef, and C. pacifica (Yamaguti, 1970) n. comb. [was Jeancadenatia] from Kyphosus cinerascens and K. vaigiensis, Great Barrier Reef. The genus Jeancadenatia is considered a synonym of Cadenatella, and the new combination C. dollfusi (Hafeezullah, 1980) is formed. Members of the family are parasitic mainly in herbivorous fishes with a few genera and species from non-herbivorous fishes.
Agapophytinae subf.n. is a highly diverse lineage of Australasian Therevidae, comprising eight described and two new genera: Agapophytus Guerin-Meneville, Acupalpa Krober, Acraspisa Krober, Belonalys Krober, Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg, Parapsilocephala Krober, Acatopygia Krober, Laxotela Winterton & Irwin, Pipinnipons gen.n. and Patanothrix gen.n. A genus-level cladistic analysis of the subfamily was undertaken using sixty-eight adult morphological characters and c. 1000 base pairs of the elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) protein coding gene. The morphological data partition produced three most parsimonious cladograms, whereas the molecular data partition gave a single most parsimonious cladogram, which did not match any of the cladograms found in the morphological analysis. The level of congruence between the data partitions was determined using the partition homogeneity test (HTF) and Wilcoxon signed ranks rest. Despite being significantly incongruent in at least one of the incongruence tests, the partitions were combined in a simultaneous analysis. The combined data yielded a single cladogram that was better supported than that of the individual partitions analysed separately. The relative contributions of the data partitions to support for individual nodes on the combined cladogram were investigated using Partitioned Bremer Support. The level of support for many nodes on the combined cladogram was non-additive and often greater than the sum of support for the respective nodes on individual partitions. This synergistic interaction between incongruent data partitions indicates a common phylogenetic signal in both partitions. It also suggests that criteria for partition combination based solely on incongruence may be misleading. The phylogenetic relationships of the genera are discussed using the combined data. A key to genera of Agapophytinae is presented, with genera diagnosed and figured. Two new genera are described: Patanothrix with a new species (Pat. skevingtoni) and Pat. wilsoni (Mann) transferred from Parapsilocephala, and Pipinnipons with a new species (Pip. kroeberi). Pipinnipons fascipennis (Krober) is transferred from Squamopygin Krober and Pip. imitans (Mann) is transferred from Agapophytus. Agapophytus bicolor (Krober) is transferred from Parapsilocephala. Agapophytus varipennis Mann is synonymised with Aga, queenslandi Krober and Aga. flavicornis Mann is synonymised with Aga. pallidicornis (Krober).
Morphologically diverse and species-rich, the endemic Australasian genus Agapophytus is revised. Eleven previously described species are redescribed and twenty-nine species are described for the first time: A. adonis, sp. nov., A. annamariae, sp. nov., A. antheliogynaion, sp. nov., A. asprolepidotos, sp. nov., A. atrilaticlavius, sp. nov., A. biluteus, sp. nov., A. borealis, sp. nov., A. caliginosus, sp. nov., A. cerrusus, sp. nov., A. chaetohypopion, sp. nov., A. chrysosisyrus, sp. nov., A. decorus, sp. nov., A. dieides, sp. nov., A. discolor, sp. nov., A. eli, sp. nov., A. fenestratum, sp. nov., A. galbicaudus, sp. nov., A. labifenestellus, sp. nov., A. laparoceles, sp. nov., A. lissohoplon, sp. nov., A. lyneborgi, sp. nov., A. notozophos, sp. nov., A. novaeguineae, sp. nov., A. pallidicrus, sp. nov., A. palmulus, sp. nov., A. paramonovi, sp. nov., A. septentrionalis, sp. nov., A. yeatesi, sp. nov. and A. zebra, sp. nov. All 40 species of Agapophytus were compared in a cladistic analysis with three species of Acupalpa Krober using 134 states across 58 adult morphological characters. The analysis resulted in 36 most parsimonious trees with a length of 240 steps. The phylogenetic relationships of the species of Agapophytus are discussed with three main clades recognised: A. dioctriaeformis clade, A. australasiae clade and A. queenslandi clade.
The Australian species of Allomethus and Claraeola are revised and include one described species, Claraeola erinys (Perkins), and five new species: Allomethus unicicolis sp. n., Claraeola cyclohirta sp. n., C. sicilis sp. n., C. spargosis sp. n., and C. yingka sp. n.. Claraeola hylaea (Perkins) is proposed to be a synonym of C. erinys (Perkins). A key to species is provided and male and female genitalia are illustrated. The Australian species are placed phylogenetically into a world context using available taxa within the Allomethus genus group. The phylogenetic relationships are discussed in light of a cladistic analysis involving 22 taxa and 60 characters.