910 resultados para Cis-acting Elements
To examine the genetic controls of endosperm (ES) specificity, several cereal seed storage protein (SSP) promoters were isolated and studied using a transient expression analysis system. An oat globulin promoter (AsGlo1) capable of driving strong ES-specific expression in barley and wheat was identified. Progressive 5' deletions and cis element mutations demonstrated that the mechanism of specificity in the AsGlo1 promoter was distinct from that observed in glutelin and prolamin promoters. A novel interrupted palindromic sequence, ACATGTCAT-CATGT, was required for ES specificity and substantially contributed to expression strength of the AsGlo1 promoter. This sequence was termed the endosperm specificity palindrome (ESP) element. The GCN4 element, which has previously been shown to be required for ES specificity in cereal SSP promoters, had a quantitative role but was not required for tissue specificity. The 960-bp AsGlo1 promoter and a 251-bp deletion containing the ESP element also drove ES-specific expression in stably transformed barley. Reporter gene protein accumulated at very high levels (10% of total soluble protein) in ES tissues of plants transformed with an AsGlo1:GFP construct. Expression strength and tissue specificity were maintained over five transgenic generations. These attributes make the AsGlo1 promoter an ideal promoter for biotechnology applications. In conjunction with previous findings, our data demonstrate that there is more than one genetically distinct mechanism by which ES specificity can be achieved in cereal SSP promoters, and also suggest that there is redundancy between transcriptional and post-transcriptional tissue specificity mechanisms in cereal globulin genes.
Cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage possess receptors for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) encoded by the c-fms protooncogene and respond to CSF-1 with increased survival, growth, differentiation, and reversible changes in function. The c-fms gene is itself a macrophage differentiation marker. In whole mount analyses of mRNA expression in embryos, c-fms is expressed at very high levels on placental trophoblasts. It is detectable on individual cells in the yolk sac around 8.5 to 9 days postcoitus, appears on isolated cells in the head of the embryo around 9.5 dpc, and appears on numerous cells throughout the embryo by day 10.5. The extent of c-fms expression is much greater than for other macrophage-specific genes including lysozyme and a macrophage-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase. Our studies of the cis-acting elements of the c-fms promoter have indicated a key role for collaboration between the macrophage-specific transcription factor, Pu.1, which functions in determining the site of transcription initiation, and other members of the Ets transcription factor family. This is emerging as a common pattern in macrophage-specific promoters. We have shown that two PU box elements alone can function as a macrophage-specific promoter. The activity of both the artifical promoter and the c-fms promoter is activated synergistically by coexpression of Pu.1 and another Ets factor, c-Ets-2. A 3.5kb c-fms exon 2 promoter (but not the 300bp proximal promoter) is also active in a wide diversity of tumor cell lines. The interesting exception is the melanoma cell line K1735, in which the promoter is completely shut down and expression of c-fms causes growth arrest and cell death. The activity of the exon 2 promoter in these nonmacrophages is at least as serum responsive as the classic serum-responsive promoter of the c-fos gene. It is further inducible in nonmacrophages by coexpression of the c-fms product. Unlike other CSF-1/c-fms-responsive promoters, the c-fms promoter is not responsive to activated Ras even when c-Ets-2 is coexpressed. In most lines, production of full length c-fms is prevented by a downstream intronic terminator, but in Lewis lung carcinoma, read-through does occur, and expression of both c-fms and other macrophage-specific genes such as lysozyme and urokinase becomes detectable in conditions of serum deprivation. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A highly conserved c-fms gene intronic element controls macrophage-specific and regulated expression
The c fins gene encodes the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor-1. This gene is expressed selectively in the macrophage cell lineage. Previous studies have implicated sequences in intron 2 that control transcript elongation in tissue-specific and regulated expression of c -fms. Four macrophage-specific deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I)-hypersensitive sites (DHSS) were identified within mouse intron 2. Sequences of these DHSS were found to be highly conserved compared with those in the human gene. A 250-bp region we refer to as the fins intronic regulatory element (FIRE), which is even more highly conserved than the c-fins proximal promoter, contains many consensus binding sites for macrophage-expressed transcription factors including Spl, PU.1, and C/EBP. FIRE was found to act as a macrophage-specific enhancer and as a promoter with an antisense orientation preference in transient transfections. In stable transfections of the macrophage line RAW264, as well as in clones selected for high and low-level c -fms mRNA expression, the presence of intron 2 increased the frequency and level of expression of reporter genes compared with those attained using the promoter alone. Removal of FIRE abolished reporter gene expression, revealing a suppressive activity in the remaining intronic sequences. Hence, FIRE is shown to be a key regulatory element in the fins gene.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARs) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. For transcriptional activation of their target genes, PPARs heterodimerize with the retinoid-X receptor (RXR). The convergence of the PPAR and RXR signaling pathways has been shown to have an important function in lipid metabolism. The promoter of the gene encoding the acyl-coenzyme-A oxidase (ACO), the rate-limiting enzyme in peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids, is a target site of PPAR action. In this study, we examined the role and the contribution of both cis-and trans-acting factors in the transcriptional regulation of this gene using transient transfections in insect cells. We identified several functional cis-acting elements present in the promoter of the ACO gene and established that PPAR-dependent as well as PPAR-independent mechanisms can activate the ACO promoter in these cells. We show that the PPAR/RXR heterodimer exerts its effect through two response elements within the ACO promoter, in synergy with the transcription factor Sp1 via five Sp1-binding sites. Furthermore, this functional interaction also occurs when Sp1 is co-expressed with PPAR or RXR alone, indicating that activation can occur independently of PPAR/RXR heterodimers.
ABSTRACT Upregulation of the Major Facilitator transporter gene MDR1 (Multi_drug Resistance 1) is one of the mechanisms observed in Candida albicans clinical isolates developing resistance to azole antifungal agents. To better understand this phenomenon, the cis-acting regulatory elements present in a modulatable reporter system under the control of the MDR1 promoter were characterized. In an azole-susceptible strain, transcription of this reporter is transiently upregulated in response to either benomyl or H2O2, whereas its expression is constitutively high in an azole-resistant strain (FR2). Two cis-acting regulatory elements, that are necessary and sufficient to convey the same transcriptional responses to a heterologous promoter (CDR2), were identified within the MDR1promoter. The first element, called BRE (for Benomyl Response Element, -296 to -260 with respect to the ATG start codon), is required for benomyl-dependent MDR1 upregulation and for constitutive high expression of MDR1 in FR2. The second element, termed HRE (for H2O2 Response Element, -561 to -520), is required for H2O2-dependent MDR1 upregulation, but is dispensable for constitutive high expression. Two potential binding sites (TTAG/CTAA) for the blip transcription factor Cap1p lie within the HRE. Moreover, inactivation of CAP1 abolished the transient response to H2O2 and diminished significantly the transient response to benomyl. Cap1p, which has been previously implicated in cellular responses to oxidative stress, may thus play a transacting and positive regulatory role in benomyl- and H2O2-dependent transcription of MDR1. However, it is not the only transcription factor involved in the response of MDR1 to benomyl. A minimal BRE element (-290 to -273) that is sufficient to detect in vitro sequence-specific binding of protein complexes in crude extracts prepared from C. albicans was also delimited. Genome-wide transcript profiling analyses undertaken with a matched pair of clinical isolates, one of which being azole-resistant and upregulating MDR1, and with an azole-susceptible strain exposed to benomyl, revealed that genes specifically upregulated by benomyl harbour in their promoters Cap1p binding site(s). This strengthened the idea that Cap1p plays a role in benomyl-dependent upregulation of MDR1. BRE-like sequences were also identified in several genes co-regulated with MDR1 in both conditions, which was consistent with the involvement of the BRE in both processes. A set of 147 mutants lacking a single transcription factor gene was next screened for loss of MDR1response to benomyl. Unfortunately, none of the tested mutants showed a loss of benomyl-dependent MDR1 upregulation. Nevertheless, a significant diminution of the response was observed in the mutants in which the MADS-box transcription factor Mcm1p and the C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor orf19.13374p were inactivated, suggesting that Mcm1p and orf19.13374p are involved in MDR1response to benomyl. Interestingly, the BRE contains a perfect match to the binding consensus of Mcm1p, raising the possibility that MDR1may be a direct target of this transcriptional activator. In conclusion, while the identity of the trans-acting factors that bind to the BRE and HRE remains to be confirmed, the tools we have developed during characterization of the cis-acting elements of the MDR1promoter should now serve to elucidate the nature of the components that modulate its activity. RESUME La surexpression du gène MDR1 (pour Résistance Multidrogue 1), qui code pour un transporteur de la famille des Major Facilitators, est l'un des mécanismes observés dans les isolats cliniques de la levure Candida albicans développant une résistance aux agents antifongiques appelés azoles. Pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène, les éléments de régulation agissant en cis dans un système rapporteur modulable sous le contrôle du promoteur MDR1 ont été caractérisés. Dans une souche sensible aux azoles, la transcription de ce rapporteur est transitoirement surélevée en réponse soit au bénomyl soit à l'agent oxydant H2O2, alors que son expression est constitutivement élevée dans une souche résistante aux azoles (souche FR2). Deux éléments de régulation agissant en cis, nécessaires et suffisants pour transmettre les mêmes réponses transcriptionnelles à un promoteur hétérologue (CDR2), ont été identifiés dans le promoteur MDR1. Le premier élément, appelé BRE (pour Elément de Réponse au Bénomyl, de -296 à -260 par rapport au codon d'initiation ATG) est requis pour la surexpression de MDR1dépendante du bénomyl et pour l'expression constitutive de MDR1 dans FR2. Le deuxième élément, appelé HRE (pour Elément de Réponse à l'H2O2, de -561 à -520), est requis pour la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante de l'H2O2, mais n'est pas impliqué dans l'expression constitutive du gène MDR1. Deux sites de fixation potentiels (TTAG/CTAA) pour le facteur de transcription Cap1p ont été identifiés dans l'élément HRE. De plus, l'inactivation de CAP1 abolit la réponse transitoire à l'H2O2 et diminua significativement la réponse transitoire au bénomyl. Cap1p, qui est impliqué dans les réponses de la cellule au stress oxydatif, doit donc jouer un rôle positif en trans dans la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante du bénomyl et de l'H2O2. Cependant, ce n'est pas le seul facteur de transcription impliqué dans la réponse au bénomyl. Un élément BRE d'une longueur minimale (de -290 à -273) a également été défini et est suffisant pour détecter une interaction spécifique in vitro avec des protéines provenant d'extraits bruts de C. albicans. L'analyse du profil de transcription d'une paire d'isolats cliniques comprenant une souche résistante aux azoles surexprimant MDR1, et d'une souche sensible aux azoles exposée au bénomyl, a révélé que les gènes spécifiquement surexprimés par le bénomyl contiennent dans leurs promoteurs un ou plusieurs sites de fixation pour Cap1p. Ceci renforce l'idée que Cap1p joue un rôle dans la surexpression de MDR1dépendante du bénomyl. Une ou deux séquences ressemblant à l'élément BRE ont également été identifiées dans la plupart des gènes corégulés avec MDR1 dans ces deux conditions, ce qui était attendu compte-tenu du rôle joué par cet élément dans les deux processus. Une collection de 147 mutants dans lesquels un seul facteur de transcription est inactivé a été testée pour la perte de réponse au bénomyl de MDR1. Malheureusement, la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante du bénomyl n'a été perdue dans aucun des mutants testés. Néanmoins, une diminution significative de la réponse a été observée chez des mutants dans lesquels le facteur de transcription à MADS-box Mcm1p et le facteur de transcription à doigts de zinc de type C2H2 orf19.13374p ont été inactivés, suggérant que Mcm1p et orf19.13374p sont impliqués dans la réponse de MDR1au bénomyl. Il est intéressant de noter que la BRE contient une séquence qui s'aligne parfaitement avec la séquence consensus du site de fixation de Mcm1p, ce qui soulève la possibilité que MDR1 pourrait être une cible directe de cet activateur transcriptionnel. En conclusion, alors que l'identité des facteurs agissant en trans en se fixant à la BRE et à la HRE reste à être confirmée, les outils que nous avons développés au cours de la caractérisation des éléments agissant en cis sur le promoteur MDR1 peut maintenant servir à élucider la nature des composants modulant son activité.
CgPdr1p is a Candida glabrata Zn(2)-Cys(6) transcription factor involved in the regulation of the ABC-transporter genes CgCDR1, CgCDR2, and CgSNQ2, which are mediators of azole resistance. Single-point mutations in CgPDR1 are known to increase the expression of at least CgCDR1 and CgCDR2 and thus to contribute to azole resistance of clinical isolates. In this study, we investigated the incidence of CgPDR1 mutations in a large collection of clinical isolates and tested their relevance, not only to azole resistance in vitro and in vivo, but also to virulence. The comparison of CgPDR1 alleles from azole-susceptible and azole-resistant matched isolates enabled the identification of 57 amino acid substitutions, each positioned in distinct CgPDR1 alleles. These substitutions, which could be grouped into three different "hot spots," were gain of function (GOF) mutations since they conferred hyperactivity to CgPdr1p revealed by constitutive high expression of ABC-transporter genes. Interestingly, the major transporters involved in azole resistance (CgCDR1, CgCDR2, and CgSNQ2) were not always coordinately expressed in presence of specific CgPDR1 GOF mutations, thus suggesting that these are rather trans-acting elements (GOF in CgPDR1) than cis-acting elements (promoters) that lead to azole resistance by upregulating specific combinations of ABC-transporter genes. Moreover, C. glabrata isolates complemented with CgPDR1 hyperactive alleles were not only more virulent in mice than those with wild type alleles, but they also gained fitness in the same animal model. The presence of CgPDR1 hyperactive alleles also contributed to fluconazole treatment failure in the mouse model. In conclusion, this study shows for the first time that CgPDR1 mutations are not only responsible for in vitro/in vivo azole resistance but that they can also confer a selective advantage under host conditions.
A hormone-controlled in vitro transcription system derived from Xenopus liver nuclear extracts was exploited to identify novel cis-acting elements within the vitellogenin gene B1 promoter region. In addition to the already well-documented estrogen-responsive element (ERE), two elements were found within the 140 base pairs upstream of the transcription initiation site. One of them, a negative regulatory element, is responsible for the lack of promoter activity in the absence of the hormone and, as demonstrated by DNA-binding assays, interacts with a liver-specific transcription factor. The second is required in association with the estrogen-responsive element to mediate hormonal induction and is recognized by the Xenopus liver homolog of nuclear factor I.
A recessive mutant cell line, B7, which is partially responsive to both interferon (IFN)- a and IFN-g is described. B7 was FACS sorted from a cellular pool, which was obtained from the parental cell line 2C4, after several rounds of mutagenesis. The partial responsiveness to IFN was observed both in terms of expression of cell surface markers (CD2, class I and II HLAs) and mRNA expression of IFN-stimulated genes (9-27; 6-16; 2'-5' OAS; GBP and HLA-DRa). A genetic cross with the U4 mutant (JAK1-, a member of the Janus family of nonreceptor tyrosine kinase) did not restore full IFN-responsiveness to B7, and JAK1 cDNA transfection into B7 restored the wild phenotype of the cell line, defining B7 as a member of the U4 complementation group. Nevertheless, JAK1 mRNA was not detected in this mutant. Transcriptional regulator complexes such as IRF1/2 (IFN-regulatory factor) and ISGF3-g (IFN-stimulated gene factor) were constitutively formed in the B7 mutant and co-migrated with the IFN-induced complexes expressed in the parental cell line 2C4. Thus, this cell line seems to be useful for understanding cis-acting elements governing JAK1 mRNA expression.
Le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) touche 3% de la population mondiale et environ 30% des patients chroniquement infectés développeront une fibrose hépatique. Son génome est un ARN simple brin de polarité positive qui possède un cadre ouvert de lecture flanqué de deux régions non traduites hautement conservées. Différents facteurs peuvent influencer le cycle de réplication du VHC. Deux d’entre eux ont été étudiés dans cette thèse. Tout d'abord, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'effet des structures secondaires et tertiaires du génome sur la réplication du VHC. Les extrémités 5' et 3' du génome contiennent des structures ARN qui régulent la traduction et la réplication du VHC. Le 3'UTR est un élément structural très important pour la réplication virale. Cette région est constituée d’une région variable, d’une séquence poly(U/C) et d’un domaine hautement conservé appelé région X. Des études in vitro ont montré que le 3'UTR possède plusieurs structures ARN double brin. Cependant, les structures ARN telles qu'elles existent dans le 3'UTR dans un contexte de génome entier et dans des conditions biologiques étaient inconnues. Pour élucider cette question, nous avons développé une méthode in situ pour localiser les régions ARN simple brin et double brin dans le 3'UTR du génome du VHC. Comme prédit par les études antérieures, nous avons observé qu’in situ la région X du 3’UTR du génome présente des éléments ARN double brin. Étonnamment, lorsque la séquence poly (U/UC) est dans un contexte de génome entier, cette région forme une structure ARN double brin avec une séquence située en dehors du 3'UTR, suggérant une interaction ARN-ARN distale. Certaines études ont démontré que des structures ARN présentes aux extrémités 5’ et 3' du génome du VHC régulent à la fois la traduction et la réplication du VHC. Cela suggère qu'il y aurait une interaction entre les extrémités du génome qui permettrait de moduler ces deux processus. Dans ce contexte, nous avons démontré l'existence d'une interaction distale ARN-ARN, impliquant le domaine II du 5'UTR et la séquence codante de NS5B du génome du VHC. En outre, nous avons démontré que cette interaction joue un rôle dans la réplication de l'ARN viral. Parallèlement, nous avons étudié l'impact d'une molécule immuno-modulatrice sur la réplication du VHC. La fibrose hépatique est une manifestation majeure de l’infection par le VHC. Hors, il a été montré qu'une molécule immuno-modulatrice appelée thalidomide atténuait la fibrose chez les patients infectés par le VHC. Cependant, son impact sur la réplication virale était inconnu. Ainsi, nous avons étudié l'effet de cette molécule sur la réplication du VHC in vitro et nous avons démontré que la thalidomide active la réplication du virus en inhibant la voie de signalisation de NF-kB. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance de la voie de signalisation NF-kB dans le contrôle de la réplication du VHC, et sont à prendre en considération dans l’établissement d’un traitement contre la fibrose hépatique.
Das Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) ist ein umhülltes Virus aus der Familie der Flaviviridae. Es besitzt ein Plusstrang-RNA Genom von ca. 9600 Nukleotiden Länge, das nur ein kodierendes Leseraster besitzt. Das Genom wird am 5’ und 3’ Ende von nicht-translatierten Sequenzen (NTRs) flankiert, welche für die Translation und vermutlich auch Replikation von Bedeutung sind. Die 5’ NTR besitzt eine interne Ribosomeneintrittsstelle (IRES), die eine cap-unabhängige Translation des ca. 3000 Aminosäure langen viralen Polyproteins erlaubt. Dieses wird ko- und posttranslational von zellulären und viralen Proteasen in 10 funktionelle Komponenten gespalten. Inwieweit die 5’ NTR auch für die Replikation der HCV RNA benötigt wird, war zu Beginn der Arbeit nicht bekannt. Die 3’ NTR besitzt eine dreigeteilte Struktur, bestehend aus einer variablen Region, dem polyU/UC-Bereich und der sogenannten X-Sequenz, eine hochkonservierte 98 Nukleotide lange Region, die vermutlich für die RNA-Replikation und möglicherweise auch für die Translation benötigt wird. Die genuae Rolle der 3’ NTR für diese beiden Prozesse war zu Beginn der Arbeit jedoch nicht bekannt. Ziel der Dissertation war deshalb eine detaillierte genetische Untersuchung der NTRs hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung für die RNA-Translation und -Replikation. In die Analyse mit einbezogen wurden auch RNA-Strukturen innerhalb der kodierenden Region, die zwischen verschiedenen HCV-Genotypen hoch konserviert sind und die mit verschiedenen computer-basierten Modellen vorhergesagt wurden. Zur Kartierung der für RNA-Replikation benötigten Minimallänge der 5’ NTR wurde eine Reihe von Chimären hergestellt, in denen unterschiedlich lange Bereiche der HCV 5’ NTR 3’ terminal mit der IRES des Poliovirus fusioniert wurden. Mit diesem Ansatz konnten wir zeigen, dass die ersten 120 Nukleotide der HCV 5’ NTR als Minimaldomäne für Replikation ausreichen. Weiterhin ergab sich eine klare Korrelation zwischen der Länge der HCV 5’ NTR und der Replikationseffizienz. Mit steigender Länge der 5’ NTR nahm auch die Replikationseffizienz zu, die dann maximal war, wenn das vollständige 5’ Element mit der Poliovirus-IRES fusioniert wurde. Die hier gefundene Kopplung von Translation und Replikation in der HCV 5’ NTR könnte auf einen Mechanismus zur Regulation beider Funktionen hindeuten. Es konnte allerdings noch nicht geklärt werden, welche Bereiche innerhalb der Grenzen des IRES-Elements genau für die RNA-Replikation benötigt werden. Untersuchungen im Bereich der 3’ NTR ergaben, dass die variable Region für die Replikation entbehrlich, die X-Sequenz jedoch essentiell ist. Der polyU/UC-Bereich musste eine Länge von mindestens 11-30 Uridinen besitzen, wobei maximale Replikation ab einer Länge von 30-50 Uridinen beobachtet wurde. Die Addition von heterologen Sequenzen an das 3’ Ende der HCV-RNA führte zu einer starken Reduktion der Replikation. In den hier durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigte keines der Elemente in der 3’ NTR einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Translation. Ein weiteres cis aktives RNA-Element wurde im 3’ kodierenden Bereich für das NS5B Protein beschrieben. Wir fanden, dass Veränderungen dieser Struktur durch stille Punktmutationen die Replikation hemmten, welche durch die Insertion einer intakten Version dieses RNA-Elements in die variable Region der 3’ NTR wieder hergestellt werden konnte. Dieser Versuchsansatz erlaubte die genaue Untersuchung der für die Replikation kritischen Strukturelemente. Dadurch konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Struktur und die Primärsequenz der Loopbereiche essentiell sind. Darüber hinaus wurde eine Sequenzkomplementarität zwischen dem Element in der NS5B-kodierenden Region und einem RNA-Bereich in der X-Sequenz der 3’ NTR gefunden, die eine sog. „kissing loop“ Interaktion eingehen kann. Mit Hilfe von gezielten Mutationen konnten wir zeigen, dass diese RNA:RNA Interaktion zumindest transient stattfindet und für die Replikation des HCV essentiell ist.
Trypanosoma brucei and related pathogens transcribe most genes as polycistronic arrays that are subsequently processed into monocistronic mRNAs. Expression is frequently regulated post-transcriptionally by cis-acting elements in the untranslated regions (UTRs). GPEET and EP procyclins are the major surface proteins of procyclic (insect midgut) forms of T. brucei. Three regulatory elements common to the 3' UTRs of both mRNAs regulate mRNA turnover and translation. The glycerol-responsive element (GRE) is unique to the GPEET 3' UTR and regulates its expression independently from EP. A synthetic RNA encompassing the GRE showed robust sequence-specific interactions with cytoplasmic proteins in electromobility shift assays. This, combined with column chromatography, led to the identification of 3 Alba-domain proteins. RNAi against Alba3 caused a growth phenotype and reduced the levels of Alba1 and Alba2 proteins, indicative of interactions between family members. Tandem-affinity purification and co-immunoprecipitation verified these interactions and also identified Alba4 in sub-stoichiometric amounts. Alba proteins are cytoplasmic and are recruited to starvation granules together with poly(A) RNA. Concomitant depletion of all four Alba proteins by RNAi specifically reduced translation of a reporter transcript flanked by the GPEET 3' UTR. Pulldown of tagged Alba proteins confirmed interactions with poly(A) binding proteins, ribosomal protein P0 and, in the case of Alba3, the cap-binding protein eIF4E4. In addition, Alba2 and Alba3 partially cosediment with polyribosomes in sucrose gradients. Alba-domain proteins seem to have exhibited great functional plasticity in the course of evolution. First identified as DNA-binding proteins in Archaea, then in association with nuclear RNase MRP/P in yeast and mammalian cells, they were recently described as components of a translationally silent complex containing stage-regulated mRNAs in Plasmodium. Our results are also consistent with stage-specific regulation of translation in trypanosomes, but most likely in the context of initiation.
The expression of the chicken fast skeletal myosin alkali light chain (MLC) 3f is subject to complex patterns of control by developmental and physiologic signals. Regulation over MLC3f gene expression is thought to be exerted primarily at the transcriptional level. The purpose of this dissertation was to identify cis-acting elements on the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of chicken MLC3f gene that are important for transcriptional regulation. The results show that the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of MLC3f gene contains multiple cis-acting elements. The nucleotide sequence of these elements demonstrates a high degree of conservation between different species and are also found in the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking regions of many muscle protein genes. The first regulatory region is located between $-$185 and $-$150 bp from the transcription start site and contains an AT-rich element. Linker scanner analyses have revealed that this element has a positive effect on transcription of the MLC3f promoter. Furthermore, when linked to a heterologous viral promoter, it can enhance reporter gene expression in a muscle-specific manner, independent of distance or orientation.^ The second regulatory region is located between $-$96 and $-$64 from the transcription start site. Sequences downstream of $-$96 have the capacity to drive muscle-specific reporter gene expression, although the region between $-$96 and $-$64 has no intrinsic enhancer-like activity. Linker scanner analyses have identified a GC-rich motif that required efficient transcription of the MLC3f promoter. Mutations to this region of DNA results in diminished capacity to drive reporter gene expression and is correlated with disruption of the ability to bind sequence-specific transcription factors. These sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins were detected in both muscle and non-muscle extracts. The results suggest that the mere presence or absence of transcription factors cannot be solely responsible for regulation of MLC3f expression and that tissue-specific expression may arise from complex interactions with muscle-specific, as well as more ubiquitous transcription factors with multiple regulatory elements on the gene. ^
Type II collagen is a major chondrocyte-specific component of the cartilage extracellular matrix and it represents a typical differentiation marker of mature chondrocytes. In order to delineate cis-acting elements of the mouse pro$\alpha1$(II) collagen gene that control chondrocyte-specific expression in intact mouse embryos, we generated transgenic mice harboring chimeric constructions in which varying lengths of the promoter and intron 1 sequences were linked to a $\beta$-galactosidase reporter gene. A construction containing a 3000-bp promoter and a 3020-bp intron 1 fragment directed high levels of $\beta$-galactosidase expression specifically to chondrocytes. Successive deletions of intron 1 delineated a 48-bp fragment which targeted $\beta$-galactosidase expression to chondrocytes with the same specificity as the larger intron 1 fragment. When the Col2a1 promoter was replaced with a minimal $\beta$-globin promoter, the 48-bp intron 1 sequence was still able to target expression of the transgene to chondrocytes, specifically. Therefore a 48-bp intron 1 DNA segment of the mouse Col2a1 gene contains the necessary information to confer high-level, temporally correct, chondrocyte expression to a reporter gene in intact mouse embryos and that Col2a1 promoter sequences are dispensable for chondrocyte expression. Nuclear proteins present selectively in mouse primary chondrocytes and rat chondrosarcoma cells bind to the three putative HMG (High-Mobility-Group) domain protein binding sites in this 48-bp sequence and the chondrocyte-specific proteins likely bind the DNA through minor groove. Together, my results indicate that a 48-bp sequence in Col2a1 intron 1 controls chondrocyte-specific expression in vivo and suggest that chondrocytes contain specific nuclear proteins involved in enhancer activity. ^
We report the expression of a linear reporter construct in isolated human mitochondria. The reporter construct contained the entire human D-Loop with adjacent tRNA (MTT) genes (mt.15956-647), the human ND1 gene with an in frame GFP gene and adjacent endogenous MTT genes and heterologous rat MTT genes. Natural competence of isolated human mitochondria of HepG2 cells was used to import reporter constructs. The import efficiency of various fluorescently labelled PCR-generated import substrates in the range of 250bp up to 3.5kb was assessed by quantitative PCR and evaluated by confocal microscopy. Heterologous expression of the imported construct was confirmed at RNA level by a circular RNA (cRNA)-RT-PCR assay for the expression of tRNAs and by in organello [α-(32)P]-UTP labelling and subsequent hybridisation to reporter-specific sequences for monitoring mRNA expression. Heterologous expression of rat mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) (rMT-TL1) was confirmed by co-/post-transcriptional trinucleotide (CCA) addition. Interestingly, the rat-specific MT-TL1 was correctly processed in isolated human mitochondria at the 3' end, but showed an aberrant 5' end processing. Correct 3' end processing of the heterologous expressed mitochondrial rat tRNA(Ser2) (MT-TS2) was detected. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of genetic manipulation of human mitochondria, providing a tool for characterisation of cis-acting elements of the human mitochondrial genome and for the study of human mitochondrial tRNA processing in organello.
The unicellular amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum embarks on a developmental program upon starvation. During development, extracellular oscillatory cAMP signaling orchestrates the chemotaxis-mediated aggregation of ∼105 amoebae and is required for optimal induction of so-called pulse-induced genes. This requirement for pulsatile CAMP reflects adaptation of the cAMP-receptor-mediated pathways that regulate these genes. Through examination of a collection of pulse-induced genes, we defined two distinct gene classes based on their induction kinetics and the impact of mutations that impair PKA signaling. The first class (represented by D2 and prtA) is highly dependent on PKA signaling, whereas the second class (represented by carA, gpaB, and acaA) is not. Analysis of expression kinetics revealed that these classes are sequentially expressed with the PKA-independent genes peaking in expression before the PKA-dependent class. Experiments with cycloheximide, an inhibitor of translation, demonstrated that the pulse induction of both classes depends on new protein synthesis early in development. carA and gpaB also exhibit pulse-independent, starvation-induced expression which, unlike their pulse induction, was found to be insensitive to cycloheximide added at the outset of starvation. This result indicates that the mechanism of starvation induction pre-exists in growing cells and is distinct from the pulse induction mechanism for these genes. In order to identify cis-acting elements that are critical for induction of carA, we constructed a GFP reporter controlled by a 914-base-pair portion of its promoter and verified that its expression was PKA-independent, pulse-inducible, and developmentally regulated like the endogenous carA gene. By a combination of truncation, internal deletion, and site-directed mutation, we defined several distinct functional elements within the carA promoter, including a 39-bp region required for pulse induction between base pairs -321 and -282 (relative to the transcription start site), a 131-bp region proximal to the start site that is sufficient for starvation induction, and two separate enhancer domains. Identification of factors that interact with these promoter elements and genetic approaches exploiting the GFP reporter described here should help complete our understanding of the mechanisms regulating these genes, including adaptation mechanisms that likely also govern chemotaxis of Dictyostelium and mammalian cells. ^