53 resultados para Cirratulidae
Los vertidos de aguas residuales son una de las principales fuentes de contaminación del medio marino. El objetivo principal de este estudio es determinar el grado de afección del vertido sobre el poblamiento de poliquetos asociado a fondos blandos. Las estaciones fueron distribuidas en dos transectos, uno de los cuales incluye la zona de influencia del vertido, y otro control a 4 km al sur. Se detectó una segregación del poblamiento de poliquetos en dos grandes grupos. Uno, caracterizado por una mayor proporción de fangos y materia orgánica; dominado por las familias Paraonidae, Lumbrineridae y Cirratulidae. El otro grupo, dominado por la familia Syllidae, se caracteriza por una gran heterogeneidad de los sedimentos Se observa una alta correlación entre los factores ambientales y la estructura del poblamiento de poliquetos.
In many regions, seawater desalination is a growing industry that has its impact on benthic communities. This study analyses the effect on benthic communities of a mitigation measure applied to a brine discharge, using polychaete assemblages as indicator. An eight-year study was conducted at San Pedro del Pinatar (SE Spain) establishing a grid of 12 sites at a depth range of 29–38 m during autumn. Brine discharge started in 2006 and produced a significant decrease in abundance, richness and diversity of polychaete families at the location closest to the discharge, where salinity reached 49. In 2010, a diffuser was deployed at the end of the pipeline in order to increase the mixing, to reduce the impact on benthic communities. After implementation of this mitigation measure, the salinity measured close to discharge was less than 38.5 and a significant recovery in polychaete richness and diversity was detected, to levels similar to those before the discharge. A less evident recovery in abundance was also observed, probably due to different recovery rates of polychaete families. Some families like Paraonidae and Magelonidae were more tolerant to this impact. Others like Syllidae and Capitellidae recovered quickly, although still affected by the discharge, while some families such as Sabellidae and Cirratulidae appeared to recover more slowly.