993 resultados para Chronic traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
AIMS: To quantify tau pathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and investigate influence of dot-like lesions (DL), brain region, co-morbidity, and sporting career length. METHODS: Densities of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), astrocytic tangles (AT), DL, oligodendroglial inclusions (GI), neuropil threads (NT), vacuoles, neurons, and enlarged neurons (EN) were measured in tau-immunoreactive sections of upper cortical laminae of frontal and temporal lobe, hippocampus (HC), amygdala, and substantia nigra (SN) of eleven cases of CTE. RESULTS: DL were a consistent finding in CTE. Densities of NFT, NT and DL were greatest in sectors CA1 and CA2 of the HC. Densities of AT were lower than NFT, small numbers of GI were recorded in temporal lobe, and low densities of vacuoles and EN were consistently present. β-amyloid containing neuritic plaques (NP) also occurred at low density. Densities of NFT, NT, DL, and AT were greater in sulci than gyri while vacuole density was greater in gyri. Principal components analysis (PCA) suggested that sporting career length and densities of NFT in entorhinal cortex, NT in CA2 and SN, and vacuolation in the DG were significant sources of variation among cases. CONCLUSION: DL are frequent in CTE suggesting affinity with argyrophilic grain disease (AGD) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PD-Dem). Densities of AT in all regions and NT/DL in sectors CA2/4 were consistent features of CTE. The eleven cases are neuropathologically heterogeneous which may result from genetic diversity, and variation in anatomical pathways subjected to trauma. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE: To investigate neuropathological changes in the superior colliculus in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. METHODS: The densities of the tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, dot-like grains, astrocytic tangles, and neuritic plaques, together with abnormally enlarged neurons, typical neurons, vacuolation, and frequency of contacts with blood vessels, were studied across the superior colliculus from pia mater to the periaqueductal gray in eight chronic traumatic encephalopathy and six control cases. RESULTS: Tau-immunoreactive pathology was absent in the superior colliculus of controls but present in varying degrees in all chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases, significant densities of tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles, NT, or dot-like grains being present in three cases. No significant differences in overall density of the tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, dot-like grains, enlarged neurons, vacuoles, or contacts with blood vessels were observed in control and chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases, but chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases had significantly lower mean densities of neurons. The distribution of surviving neurons across the superior colliculus suggested greater neuronal loss in intermediate and lower laminae in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Changes in density of the tau-immunoreactive pathology across the laminae were variable, but in six chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases, densities of tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, or dot-like grains were significantly greater in intermediate and lower laminae. Pathological changes were not correlated with the distribution of blood vessels. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest significant pathology affecting the superior colliculus in a proportion of chronic traumatic encephalopathy cases with a laminar distribution which could compromise motor function rather than sensory analysis.
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disorder which may result from repetitive brain injury. A variety of tau-immunoreactive pathologies are present, including neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), neuropil threads (NT), dot-like grains (DLG), astrocytic tangles (AT), and occasional neuritic plaques (NP). In tauopathies, cellular inclusions in the cortex are clustered within specific laminae, the clusters being regularly distributed parallel to the pia mater. To determine whether a similar spatial pattern is present in CTE, clustering of the tau-immunoreactive pathology was studied in the cortex, hippocampus, and dentate gyrus in 11 cases of CTE and 7 cases of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathologic change (ADNC) without CTE. In CTE: (1) all aspects of tau-immunoreactive pathology were clustered and the clusters were frequently regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary, (2) clustering was similar in two CTE cases with minimal co-pathology compared with cases with associated ADNC or TDP-43 proteinopathy, (3) in a proportion of cortical gyri, estimated cluster size was similar to that of cell columns of the cortico-cortical pathways, and (4) clusters of the tau-immunoreactive pathology were infrequently spatially correlated with blood vessels. The NFT and NP in ADNC without CTE were less frequently randomly or uniformly distributed and more frequently in defined clusters than in CTE. Hence, the spatial pattern of the tau-immunoreactive pathology observed in CTE is typical of the tauopathies but with some distinct differences compared to ADNC alone. The spread of pathogenic tau along anatomical pathways could be a factor in the pathogenesis of the disease.
Diaphragmatic hernia secondary to blunt or penetrating trauma is rarely by itself a fatal event. However, if unpercieved, it may lead to severe complications caused by herniation of abdominal contents to the ethorax. Blunt trauma related to car accidents is the most frequent cause of diaphragmatic hernias. Associated injuries are frequently observed, provoked by severe traumas of great impact. These blunt trauma hernias occur mainly on the left side due to abdominal anatomy, since the liver is usually located on the right side. When injuries are observed on the right they tend to be more severe, generally related to major trauma of solid organs. Less frequently diaphragmatic hernias may be bilateral. The management of diaphragmatic injury would appear to be a simple matter of suturing the defect. However, peroperative diagnosis can be difficult and even at the time of surgery some diaphragmatic injuries can be overlooked if carefull exploration is not done. Associated injuries tend to divert attention from the diaphragmatic injury. Laparoscopic diagnosis and repair have been described with successfull. Laparotomy or thoracotomy can be employed for surgical repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias. Standard (laboratory/imaging) examinations may fail to make the diagnosis. Recently, the laparoscopic approach has proved useful for more precise evaluation of such injuries, very often allowing immediate repair of these lesions.
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is an uncommon but important problem in the patient with multiple injuries. Since diaphragmatic injuries are difficult to diagnose, those that are missed may present with latent symptoms of bowel obstruction and strangulation. The same may occur in the patients with stab wounds to the lower chest. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia should be suspected on the basis of an abnormal chest radiograph in the trauma victim with multiple injuries. This article discuss about history, epidemiology, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnostic modalities, treatment and complications.
Obbiettivo. Analizzare la funzionalità polmonare e diaframmatica dopo interventi di plicatura del diaframma con rete di rinforzo peri-costale eseguiti per relaxatio e riparazione di ernia transdiaframmatica cronica mediante riduzione e sutura diretta. Metodi. Dal 1996 al 2010, 10 pazienti con relaxatio unilaterale del diaframma e 6 pazienti con ernia transdiaframmatica cronica misconosciuta sono stati sottoposti a chirurgia elettiva. Gli accertamenti preoperatori e al follow-up di 12 mesi includevano prove di funzionalità respiratoria, misura della pressione massimale inspiratoria alla bocca in clino e ortostatismo, emogasanlisi, TC del torace e dispnea score. Risultati. I pazienti dei due gruppi non differivano in termini di funzionalità respiratoria preoperatoria nè di complicanze postoperatorie; al follow-up a 12 mesi il gruppo Eventrazione mostrava un significativo aumento del FEV1% (+18,2 – p<0.001), FVC% (+12,8 – p<0.001), DLCO% (+6,84 – p=0,04) e pO2 (+9,8 mmHg – p<0.001). Al contrario nrl gruppo Ernia solo il miglioramento della pO2 era significativo (+8.3 – p=0.04). Sebbene la massima pressione inspiratoria (PImax) fosse aumentata in entrambi i gruppi al follow-up, i pazienti operati per ernia mostravano un miglioramento limitato con persistente caduta significativa della PImax dall’ortostatismo al clinostatismo (p<0.001). Il Transitional dyspnoea score è stato concordante con tali miglioramenti pur senza differenze significative tra i due gruppi. La TC del torace ha evidenziato una sopraelevazione dell’emidiaframma suturato, senza recidiva di ernia, mentre i pazienti sottoposti a plicatura hanno mantenuto l’ipercorrezione. Conclusioni. L’utilizzo di un rinforzo protesico è sicuro e sembra assicurare risultati funzionali migliori a distanza in termini di flussi respiratori e di movimento paradosso del diaframma (valutato mediante PImax). Lacerazioni estese del diaframma coinvolgenti le branche principali di suddivisione del nervo frenico si associano verosimilmente a una relaxatio che può quindi ridurre il guadagno funzionale a lungo termine se non adeguatamente trattata mediante l’utilizzo di un rinforzo protesico.
Objective: to evaluate natural evolution of right diaphragmatic injury after the surgical removal of a portion from hemi diaphragm. Methods: the animals were submitted to a surgical removal of portion from right hemi diaphragm by median laparotomy. The sample consists of 42 animals being 2 animals from pilot project and 40 operated animals. And the variables of the study were herniation, liver protection, healing, persistent diaphragm injury, evaluation of 16 channels tomography and the variables "heart rate" and "weight". Results: we analyzed 40 mice, we had two post-operative deaths; we had 17 animals in this group suffered from herniation (42.5%) and 23 animals didn't suffer from herniation (57.5%). Analyzing the tomography as image method in the evaluation of diaphragmatic hernia, we had as a method with good sensitivity (78.6%), good specificity (90.9%), and good accuracy (86.1%) when compared to necropsy. Conclusion: there was a predominance of healing of right hemi diaphragm, the size of initial injury didn't have influence on occurrence of the liver protection or hernia in mice.
Congenital diaphragmatic Bochdaleck hernia is an anatomical defect of the diaphragm, which allows protrusion of abdominal viscera into the chest, causing serious pulmonary and cardiac complications in the neonate. In this study we aimed to present a case of congenital Bochdaleck hernia. We investigated a 40 weeks old child, with a pregnancy carried out in a public hospital in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We suggest that if diagnosis occurs in the prenatal period, the prognosis of this disease improves. As a consequence, it allows the parity of the fetus to occur in a higher complexity center, optimizing the chances of survival. © 2012 Lava et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Background Late presentations of congenital diaphragmatic hernia are rare and differ from the classic neonatal presentation. The association with other congenital malformations in children, mainly intestinal malrotation, is well documented. The diagnosis of this association in adults is very rare, and depends on a high degree of suspicion. Case presentation We report a case of a 50-year-old female Caucasian patient with a previous history of intestinal malrotation diagnosed in adolescence and treated conservatively. She was referred to the hospital with signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction. The patient undertook computed tomography that confirmed small bowel obstruction with no obvious cause, and a right subphrenic abscess with right empyema was also present. An exploratory laparotomy was performed that revealed an intestinal malrotation associated with a right gangrenous and perforated Bochdalek hernia. Resection of the affected small bowel, closure of the Bochdalek foramen and the Ladd procedure were carried out. Conclusion This case shows a rare association of two rare conditions in adults, and highlights the challenge in reaching the diagnosis and management options.
Children may benefit from minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in the correction of Morgagni hernia (MH). The present study aims to evaluate the outcome of MIS through a multicenter study. National institutions that use MIS in the treatment of MH were included. Demographic, clinical and operative data were analyzed. Thirteen patients with MH (6 males) were operated using similar MIS technique (percutaneous stitches) at a mean age of 22.2±18.3 months. Six patients had chromosomopathies (46%), five with Down syndrome (39%). Respiratory complaints were the most common presentation (54%). Surgery lasted 95±23min. In none of the patients was the hernia sac removed; prosthesis was never used. In the immediate post-operative period, 4 patients (36%) were admitted to intensive care unit (all with Down syndrome); all patients started enteral feeds within the first 24h. With a mean follow-up of 56±16.6 months, there were two recurrences (18%) at the same institution, one of which was repaired with an absorbable suture; both with Down syndrome. The application of MIS in the MH repair is effective even in the presence of comorbidities such as Down syndrome; the latter influences the immediate postoperative recovery and possibly the recurrence rate. Removal of hernia sac does not seem necessary. Non-absorbable sutures may be more appropriate.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the use of inhaled nitric oxide (NO) in the management of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. METHODS: Computerized bibliographic search on MEDLINE, CURRENT CONTENTS and LILACS covering the period from January 1990 to March 1998; review of references of all papers found on the subject. Only randomized clinical trials evaluating nitric oxide and conventional treatment were included. OUTCOMES STUDIED: death, requirement for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), systemic oxygenation, complications at the central nervous system and development of chronic pulmonary disease. The methodologic quality of the studies was evaluated by a quality score system, on a scale of 13 points. RESULTS: For infants without congenital diaphragmatic hernia, inhaled NO did not change mortality (typical odds ratio: 1.04; 95% CI: 0.6 to 1.8); the need for ECMO was reduced (relative risk: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.60 to 0.90), and the oxygenation was improved (PaO2 by a mean of 53.3 mm Hg; 95% CI: 44.8 to 61.4; oxygenation index by a mean of -12.2; 95% CI: -14.1 to -9.9). For infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, mortality, requirement for ECMO, and oxygenation were not changed. For all infants, central nervous system complications and incidence of chronic pulmonary disease did not change. CONCLUSIONS: Inhaled NO improves oxygenation and reduces requirement for ECMO only in newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension who do not have diaphragmatic hernia. The risk of complications of the central nervous system and chronic pulmonary disease were not affected by inhaled NO.
Introduction: Acute intrathoracic gastric volvulus occurs when the stomach has a twist mesenteroaxial/organoaxial or chest cavity resulting in a dilatation or rupture of the diaphragmatic hiatus or diaphragmatic hernia. The purpose of this work is to show a interesting case of gastric volvulus in a patient with several comorbidities. Case Report: A 77-year-old female with past history of hiatal hernia and mental disease associated with diabetes and atrial fibrillation. Patient went to the emergency department due to vomiting associated with blood. Analytical parameters (WBC, HGB, PCR, metabolic panel and liver function), showed no significant alterations. Thoracic X-ray revealed an enlarged mediastinum due to herniation of the stomach. A computed tomography (CT) scan confirmed intrathoracic localization of the gastric antrum with twist. Patient’s symptoms were relieved by nasogastric intubation and analgesia. After six months, the patient is still asymptomatic. Conclusion: In general, the treatment of an acute gastric volvulus requires an emergent surgical repair. In patients who are not surgical candidates (with comorbidities or an inability to tolerate anesthesia), endoscopic reduction should be attempted. Chronic gastric volvulus may be treated non-emergently, and surgical treatment is increasingly being performed using a laparoscopic approach. In this case, it is a chronic form that was solved with the placement of the nasogastric tube. A nasogastric decompression is an option in the chronic form of hiatal hernia associated to gastric volvulus in patients with serious comorbidities.
Fibrin sealing has recently evolved as a new technique for mesh fixation in endoscopic inguinal hernia repair. A comprehensive Medline search was carried out evaluating fibrin sealant for mesh fixation, and finally 12 studies were included (3 randomized trials, 3 nonrandomized trials, and 6 case series). The trials were assessed for operative time, seroma formation, recovery time, recurrence rate, and acute and chronic pain.There was a trend toward decreased operative times for fibrin sealing compared with mechanical stapling; however, the results for seroma formation remained contradictory. The most important finding was the reduced postoperative pain. Recovery times were lower after fibrin sealing and the recurrence rates showed no differences.Fibrin sealing for mesh fixation in the endoscopic inguinal hernia surgery is a promising alternative to mechanical stapling, which can be safely applied. As the overall quality of published data remains poor, further well-designed studies are needed until fibrin sealing can replace mechanical stapling as a new standard for mesh fixation.