986 resultados para Chronic leg ulcers


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Hansen's disease is an infectious illness caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It affects preferentially the skin and the peripheral nervous system leading to incapacities, such as leg ulcers, which happens due to the direct action of the bacillus on the organs or its indirect action on the peripheral nervous system. Leg ulcers can occur by two physiopathologic processes. There are many treatments for general leg ulcers, which include the ones caused by Hansen's disease sequels. Among them, surgical treatment shows to be effective when using skin graft, which can be performed by several techniques. Considering the low number of techniques known for treating leg ulcers in Hansen's disease sequels, the aims of this work were to standardize alternative techniques, to detect the main bacteria found in ulcer secretion cultures, to analyze the patients profile and the ulcers, to describe the histophatologies found, and to correlate these data with those of literature from all over the world. Skin graft punch type was carried out and analyzed; males had a mean age of 59.4 years old and females, 54.2 years old. Patients were 73.6% male and 26.3% female. Lepromatous type was present in 89.4% patients and tuberculoid type was seen in 10.5% of them. Associated systemic diseases were observed in 26.3% patients. Mean time of ulcers evolution was 11.6 years in male and 12.8 years in women. The average diameter of ulcers in the pre-treatment period was 8.5 X 9.5 cm in male and 10.2 X 6.8 cm in women. After the graft, their average diameters were 3.2 X 2.7 cm in male and 5.1 X 5.6 cm in women. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between the ulcer diameter and its reduction or not in the post-surgery period (p=0.269732). The mean age of patients whose ulcers diameter did not change or reduced by only 20% was 63.5 years. Using the Spearman's coefficient, it was possible to observe that there was no significant correlation between the patients' age and the ulcers diameter reduction after the skin graft (p=0.222531). Evolution time of ulcers that did not present any satisfactory result in the post-surgery period was 12.1 years. The Spearman's coefficient showed that there was no significant correlation between the ulcers evolution time and the ulcers diameter reduction in the post-surgery period (p=0.191655). Cultures presented 50% of cases with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Statistical analysis showed there is no correlation between the bacterial types found and the ulcer evolution in the post-surgery period (p=0.697531). The average of the ulcers diameter reduction was 42.4%, and in 26.3% of the patients the lesions disappeared after the skin graft.


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Surgery offers several options in prevention of chronic venous insufficiency and its sequelae. Both the operation on veins with valve dysfunction to reduce reflux and the elimination of obstruction in thrombosed veins aim for the reduction of venous hypertension. Elevated venous pressure, impairment of cutaneous capillaries and a chronic inflammatory process result in sclerosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue and might proceed to the fascia resulting in a chronic compartment syndrome. Non- healing chronic venous ulcers under conservative therapy for more than three months may be treated by vein-surgery, local wound care therapy like shaving and negative pressure treatment and if necessary by lowering of elevated intracompartimental pressure by fasciotomy or even fasciectomy.


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In Switzerland around 30,000 patients suffer from chronic skin wounds. Appropriate topical wound care along with treatment of the causes of the wounds enables to heal a lot of these patients and to avoid secondary disease such as infections. Thereby, the final goal of wound care is stable reepithelisation. Based on experience with chronic leg ulcers mainly in our out-patient wound centre, we give a survey of the wound dressings we actually use and discuss their wound-phase adapted application. Furthermore, we address the two tissue engineering products reimbursed in Switzerland, Apligraf and EpiDex, as well as the biological matrix product Oasis. The crucial question, which treatment options will be offered in future to the wound patients by our health regulatory and insurance systems, is open to debate.


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OBJECTIVE: In search of an optimal compression therapy for venous leg ulcers, a systematic review and meta-analysis was performed of randomized controlled trials (RCT) comparing compression systems based on stockings (MCS) with divers bandages. METHODS: RCT were retrieved from six sources and reviewed independently. The primary endpoint, completion of healing within a defined time frame, and the secondary endpoints, time to healing, and pain were entered into a meta-analysis using the tools of the Cochrane Collaboration. Additional subjective endpoints were summarized. RESULTS: Eight RCT (published 1985-2008) fulfilled the predefined criteria. Data presentation was adequate and showed moderate heterogeneity. The studies included 692 patients (21-178/study, mean age 61 years, 56% women). Analyzed were 688 ulcerated legs, present for 1 week to 9 years, sizing 1 to 210 cm(2). The observation period ranged from 12 to 78 weeks. Patient and ulcer characteristics were evenly distributed in three studies, favored the stocking groups in four, and the bandage group in one. Data on the pressure exerted by stockings and bandages were reported in seven and two studies, amounting to 31-56 and 27-49 mm Hg, respectively. The proportion of ulcers healed was greater with stockings than with bandages (62.7% vs 46.6%; P < .00001). The average time to healing (seven studies, 535 patients) was 3 weeks shorter with stockings (P = .0002). In no study performed bandages better than MCS. Pain was assessed in three studies (219 patients) revealing an important advantage of stockings (P < .0001). Other subjective parameters and issues of nursing revealed an advantage of MCS as well. CONCLUSIONS: Leg compression with stockings is clearly better than compression with bandages, has a positive impact on pain, and is easier to use.


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OBJECTIVE: To establish the feasibility of conducting a home-based progressive resistance exercise programme to improve calf muscle pump function in community-based patients with venous leg ulcers. METHOD: Participants were randomised to receive a 12-week progressive resistance exercise programme using heel raises in addition to compression. The control was usual care in addition to compression. Randomisation was stratified by ulcer duration and ulcer size. Air plethysmography was used to determine changes in calf muscle pump function from baseline. Changes in ulcer parameters were measured using the SilhouetteMobile device. RESULTS: Forty participants were randomised. There were significantly greater improvements in ejection fraction of the calf muscle in the exercise group compared with the control (usual care) group (mean difference 18.5%, 95% CI 0.03 to 36.6%, p<0.05). Other parameters improved in the exercise group but the mean differences were not significant. Adherence with prescribed exercises was 81% and there was no significant difference in the numbers reporting adverse events. There were also no significant differences in ulcer healing parameters (change in area, percentage change in area, number healed at 12 weeks, time to healing). CONCLUSION: A community-based randomised trial of progressive resistance exercise is feasible. The prescribed exercises appeared to increase ejection fraction, but the effect of exercise on ulcer healing requires further investigation.


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Aim: The purpose of this study was to define nursing interventions for patients with venous, arterial or mixed leg ulcers. Methodology: A survey was conducted in EBSCO (CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE with Full Text), MedicLatina, Academic Search Complete, with full text articles, published between 2008/01/01 and 2015/01/31, with the following keywords: [(MM "leg ulcer") OR (wound care) OR (wound healing)] AND [(nursing) OR (nursing assessment) OR (nursing intervention)]. Results: The different leg ulcer etiologies require different therapeutic approach to prevention and treatment. Predictive factors were identified associated with healing: patient-centred care, interpersonal relationship, pain control, control of the exudate, education for health self-management, self-care, therapeutic compliance, implementation of guidelines, auditing and feedback on the practices. Conclusion: Evidence-based practice helps to improve efficiency, safety and quality of nursing care directed to people with leg ulcers or at risk of developing this type of wounds.


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Abstract Aim: To identify nursing interventions aimed at persons with venous, arterial or mixed leg ulcers. Methodology: Carried out research in the EBSCO search engine: CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE with Full Text, MedicLatina, Academic Search Complete, sought full text articles, published between 2008/01/01 and 2015/01/31, with the following keywords [(MM "leg ulcer") OR (wound care) OR (wound healing)] AND [(nursing) OR (nursing assessment) OR (nursing intervention)], filtered through initial question in PI[C]O format. Results: The different etiologies of leg ulcer require a specific therapeutic and prophylactic approach. Factors that promote healing were identified: individualization of care, interpersonal relationship, pain control, control of the exudate, education for health self-management, self-care, therapeutic adherence, implementation of guidelines of good practice and auditing and feedback of the practices. Conclusion: Person-centred care and practices based on evidence improves health results in prevention and treatment of leg ulcers.


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Background Venous ulcer is the most serious consequence of chronic venous insufficiency and is responsible for almost 70% of chronic leg ulcers. The main purpose of this research was to describe social, demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with venous ulcers and to identify some professional repercussions of this pathology.Subjects and methods We evaluated patients with a clinical picture compatible with venous ulcer. The sociodemographic characteristics of the patients, and the clinical characteristics and professional repercussions of the pathology were studied. We used the ankle-brachial index to identify associated arterial disease. The body mass index (BMI) was used for the classification of the nutritional condition of the patients.Results A total of 120 patients were included in the study (90 females and 30 males; 80.8% White; 44.2% > 60 years old). Ninety-one per cent of the patients had been in education for less than 4 years, and 89.7% were on the poverty line. Thirty-five per cent were retired, 2.5% were receiving government help due to disease and 4.2% were unemployed. About 16% of patients were out of work due to the disease, and 49.2% presented some degree of disability in terms of work tasks. The ulcer area was less than 30 cm(2) in 69.1% of patients. The first ulcer episode occurred in 13.4 years on average, and 64.2% of patients had recurrent episodes. Females presented on average 5.65 pregnancies, and 75.4% of patients were overweight.Conclusion Venous ulcer occurred mainly in the low-income population, who presented with little formal education. Generally, the ulcers were present for a long time and were recurrent, with repercussions for the capabilities of patients to work.


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Introduktion: I Sverige är svårläkta bensår ett utbrett problem som ofta kräver långvarig behandling. För att behandla bensår krävs att sjuksköterskan och patient samarbetar. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa erfarenheter hos patienter som lever med behandling av svårläkta sår. Metod: Metoden som använts är en litteraturstudie vilken baseras på en sammanställning av befintlig forskning. Sökningar efter vetenskapliga artiklar gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed och resulterade i 11 artiklar vilka granskats utifrån Polit och Becks kvalitetsgranskningsmallar. Alla artiklars resultat lästes igenom flera gånger och viktiga delar ströks under och klipptes ut. De urklippta delarna skapade tre kategorier med vardera två underkategorier. Resultat: I litteraturstudien framkom att patienter ofta fokuserade mycket på hur relationen till sjuksköterskan såg ut.  Det framkom att smärta var det patienterna oftast tog upp angående sitt fysiska mående och att de upplevde att de sällan fick tillräckligt gehör från sjuksköterskan angående sin smärta. Slutsats:  De flesta patienterna uttryckte negativa erfarenheter av hur själva sårbehandlingen kändes men att en god relation till sjuksköterskan var det som kändes mest värdefullt.


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O envelhecimento populacional é uma realidade mundial que altera a sociedade de forma complexa, implicando a necessidade de criação de estratégias de adaptação a esta realidade. A população idosa portuguesa apresenta também um aumento exponencial, e este fenómeno está frequentemente associado à perda de capacidades e dependência e ao aumento da incidência de patologias crónicas, como por exemplo as úlceras crónicas nos membros inferiores. Esta realidade verifica-se através de uma maior procura de cuidados de saúde e também no aumento dos encargos para a família e segurança social. Assim, a aquisição de conhecimentos sobre as implicações da úlcera crónica nos membros inferiores permite, aos profissionais de saúde, melhorar a prestação de cuidados às pessoas idosas, possibilitando a gestão eficaz de recursos e a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos utentes. Neste contexto, emergiu o nosso estudo que tem como objetivo conhecer as principais implicações da presença de uma úlcera crónica, nos membros inferiores, no quotidiano de pessoas idosas. A metodologia utilizada foi qualitativa, com um tipo de estudo exploratório-descritivo, em que foram realizadas 16 entrevistas a pessoas idosas portadoras de úlcera crónica nos membros inferiores e posteriormente analisadas as narrações de vivências ou experiências significativas dos participantes, utilizando as etapas metodológicas da análise de conteúdo segundo Bardin (2011). Os resultados encontrados foram incluídos em três áreas temáticas: Sentimentos e preocupações vividos com o aparecimento e desenvolvimento da úlcera crónica, Alterações no quotidiano das pessoas idosas com úlcera crónica e a Rede de apoio da pessoa idosa com úlcera crónica. A primeira área temática demostrou que as pessoas idosas apresentam sentimentos negativos de tristeza e dor em relação às suas vivências com a úlcera crónica, e receios futuros relacionados com a incerteza da evolução da úlcera, verificando-se alguma ambivalência entre a esperança e o desespero. As alterações no quotidiano verificaram-se na mobilidade física prejudicada, na interferência em atividades de vida diária e através da necessidade de tratamento. Na mobilidade física prejudicada foi o caminhar o mais mencionado pelos participantes e na interferência em atividades de vida diária foram as atividades domésticas, sociais e de lazer. A terceira área temática incluiu a rede de apoio da pessoa idosa com úlcera crónica identificando a família, a instituição e o convivente significativo como o principal apoio dos participantes. A família apresentou um papel de destaque, através do apoio prestado pelo cônjuge e pelos filhos. A realização deste estudo proporcionou conhecer melhor a realidade das pessoas idosas com úlceras crónicas nos membros inferiores, os seus sentimentos, dificuldades e/ou incapacidades, permitindo aos profissionais de saúde aumentar os conhecimentos e elaborar estratégias para auxiliar no seu dia-a-dia, ambicionando-se uma melhoria na prestação de cuidados às pessoas idosas, famílias e sociedade.


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Based on Participatory Action Research (PAR), the case studies in this paper examine the psychosocial benefits and outcomes for clients of community based Leg Clubs. The Leg Club model was developed in the United Kingdom (UK) to address the issue of social isolation and non-compliance to leg ulcer treatment. Principles underpinning the Leg Club are based on the Participatory Action Framework (PAR) where the input and involvement of participants is central. This study identifies the strengths of the Leg Club in enabling and empowering people to improve the social context in which they function. In addition it highlights the potential of expanding operations that are normally clinically based (particularly in relation to chronic conditions) but transferable to community settings in order that that they become “agents of change” for addressing such issues as social isolation and the accompanying challenges that these present, including no-compliance to treatment.


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Chronic venous leg ulcers are a detrimental health issue plaguing our society, resulting in long term pain, immobility and decreased quality of life for a large proportion of sufferers. The frequency of these chronic wounds has led current research to focus on the wound environment to provide important information regarding the prolonged, fluctuated or static healing patterns of these wounds. Disruption to the normal wound healing process results in release of multiple factors in the wound environment that could correlate to wound chronicity. These biochemical factors can often be detected through non-invasively sampling chronic wound fluid (CWF) from the site of injury. Of note, whilst there are numerous studies comparing acute and chronic wound fluids, there have not been any reports in the literature employing a longitudinal study in order to track biochemical changes in wound fluid as patients transition from a non-healing to healed state. Initially the objective of this study was to identify biochemical changes in CWF associated with wound healing using a proteomic approach. The proteomic approach incorporated a multi-dimensional liquid chromatography fractionation technique coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) to enable identification of proteins present in lower concentrations in CWF. Not surprisingly, many of the proteins identified in wound fluid were acute phase proteins normally expressed during the inflammatory phase of healing. However, the number of proteins positively identified by MS was quite low. This was attributed to the diverse range in concentration of protein species in CWF making it challenging to detect the diagnostically relevant low molecular weight proteins. In view of this, SELDI-TOF MS was also explored as a means to target low molecular weight proteins in sequential patient CWF samples during the course of healing. Unfortunately, the results generated did not yield any peaks of interest that were altered as wounds transitioned to a healed state. During the course of proteomic assessment of CWF, it became evident that a fraction of non-proteinaceous compounds strongly absorbed at 280 nm. Subsequent analyses confirmed that most of these compounds were in fact part of the purine catabolic pathway, possessing distinctive aromatic rings and which results in high absorbance at 254 nm. The accumulation of these purinogenic compounds in CWF suggests that the wound bed is poorly oxygenated resulting in a switch to anaerobic metabolism and consequently ATP breakdown. In addition, the presence of the terminal purine catabolite, uric acid (UA), indicates that the enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) catalyses the reaction of hypoxanthine to xanthine and finally to UA. More importantly, the studies provide evidence for the first time of the exogenous presence of XOR in CWF. XOR is the only enzyme in humans capable of catalysing the production of UA in conjunction with a burst of the highly reactive superoxide radical and other oxidants like H2O2. Excessive release of these free radicals in the wound environment can cause cellular damage disrupting the normal wound healing process. In view of this, a sensitive and specific assay was established for monitoring low concentrations of these catabolites in CWF. This procedure involved combining high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with tandem mass spectrometry and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). This application was selective, using specific MRM transitions and HPLC separations for each analyte, making it ideal for the detection and quantitation of purine catabolites in CWF. The results demonstrated that elevated levels of UA were detected in wound fluid obtained from patients with clinically worse ulcers. This suggests that XOR is active in the wound site generating significant amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In addition, analysis of the amount of purine precursors in wound fluid revealed elevated levels of purine precursors in wound fluid from patients with less severe ulcers. Taken together, the results generated in this thesis suggest that monitoring changes of purine catabolites in CWF is likely to provide valuable information regarding the healing patterns of chronic venous leg ulcers. XOR catalysis of purine precursors not only provides a method for monitoring the onset, prognosis and progress of chronic venous leg ulcers, but also provides a potential therapeutic target by inhibiting XOR, thus blocking UA and ROS production. Targeting a combination of these purinogenic compounds and XOR could lead to the development of novel point of care diagnostic tests. Therefore, further investigation of these processes during wound healing will be worthwhile and may assist in elucidating the pathogenesis of this disease state, which in turn may lead to the development of new diagnostics and therapies that target these processes.


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Chronic wounds, such as venous and diabetic leg ulcers, represent a significant health and financial burden to individuals and healthcare systems. In worst case scenarios this condition may require the amputation of an affected limb, with significant impact on patient quality of life and health. Presently there are no clinical biochemical analyses used in the diagnosis and management of this condition; moreover few biochemical therapies are accessible to patients. This presents a significant challenge in the efficient and efficacious treatment of chronic wounds by medical practitioners. A number of protein-centric investigations have analysed the wound environment and implicated a suite of molecular species predicted to be involved in the initiation or perpetuation of the condition. However, comprehensive proteomic investigation is yet to be engaged in the analysis of chronic wounds for the identification of molecular diagnostic/prognostic markers of healing or therapeutic targets. This review examines clinical chronic wound research and recommends a path towards proteomic investigation for the discovery of medically significant targets. Additionally, the supplementary documents associated with this review provide the first comprehensive summary of protein-centric, small molecule and elemental analyses in clinical chronic wound research.