993 resultados para Chondrogenic differentiation


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We investigated whether human articular chondrocytes can be labeled efficiently and for long-term with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) lentivirus and whether the viral transduction would influence cell proliferation and tissue-forming capacity. The method was then applied to track goat articular chondrocytes after autologous implantation in cartilage defects. Expression of GFP in transduced chondrocytes was detected cytofluorimetrically and immunohistochemically. Chondrogenic capacity of chondrocytes was assessed by Safranin-O staining, immunostaining for type II collagen, and glycosaminoglycan content. Human articular chondrocytes were efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (73.4 +/- 0.5% at passage 1) and maintained the expression of GFP up to 22 weeks of in vitro culture after transduction. Upon implantation in nude mice, 12 weeks after transduction, the percentage of labeled cells (73.6 +/- 3.3%) was similar to the initial one. Importantly, viral transduction of chondrocytes did not affect the cell proliferation rate, chondrogenic differentiation, or tissue-forming capacity, either in vitro or in vivo. Goat articular chondrocytes were also efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (78.3 +/- 3.2%) and maintained the expression of GFP in the reparative tissue after orthotopic implantation. This study demonstrates the feasibility of efficient and relatively long-term labeling of human chondrocytes for co-culture on integration studies, and indicates the potential of this stable labeling technique for tracking animal chondrocytes for in cartilage repair studies.


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Cell therapies for articular cartilage defects rely on expanded chondrocytes. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent an alternative cell source should their hypertrophic differentiation pathway be prevented. Possible cellular instruction between human articular chondrocytes (HAC) and human bone marrow MSC was investigated in micromass pellets. HAC and MSC were mixed in different percentages or incubated individually in pellets for 3 or 6 weeks with and without TGF-beta1 and dexamethasone (±T±D) as chondrogenic factors. Collagen II, collagen X and S100 protein expression were assessed using immunohistochemistry. Proteoglycan synthesis was evaluated applying the Bern score and quantified using dimethylmethylene blue dye binding assay. Alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) was detected on cryosections and soluble ALP measured in pellet supernatants. HAC alone generated hyaline-like discs, while MSC formed spheroid pellets in ±T±D. Co-cultured pellets changed from disc to spheroid shape with decreasing number of HAC, and displayed random cell distribution. In -T-D, HAC expressed S100, produced GAG and collagen II, and formed lacunae, while MSC did not produce any cartilage-specific proteins. Based on GAG, collagen type II and S100 expression chondrogenic differentiation occurred in -T-D MSC co-cultures. However, quantitative experimental GAG and DNA values did not differ from predicted values, suggesting only HAC contribution to GAG production. MSC produced cartilage-specific matrix only in +T+D but underwent hypertrophy in all pellet cultures. In summary, influence of HAC on MSC was restricted to early signs of neochondrogenesis. However, MSC did not contribute to the proteoglycan deposition, and HAC could not prevent hypertrophy of MSC induced by chondrogenic stimuli.


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Fibroblast-like cells isolated from peripheral blood of human, canine, guinea pig, and rat have been demonstrated to possess the capacity to differentiate into several mesenchymal lineages. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of isolating pluripotent precursor cells from equine peripheral blood and compare them with equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were used as a control for cell multipotency assessment. Venous blood (n = 33) and bone marrow (n = 5) were obtained from adult horses. Mononuclear cells were obtained by Ficoll gradient centrifugation and cultured in monolayer, and adherent fibroblast-like cells were tested for their differentiation potential. Chondrogenic differentiation was performed in serum-free medium in pellet cultures as a three-dimensional model, whereas osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation were induced in monolayer culture. Evidence for differentiation was made via biochemical, histological, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction evaluations. Fibroblast-like cells were observed on day 10 in 12 out of 33 samples and were allowed to proliferate until confluence. Equine peripheral blood-derived cells had osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation capacities comparable to cells derived from bone marrow. Both cell types showed a limited capacity to produce lipid droplets compared to human MSCs. This result may be due to the assay conditions, which are established for human MSCs from bone marrow and may not be optimal for equine progenitor cells. Bone marrow-derived equine and human MSCs could be induced to develop cartilage, whereas equine peripheral blood progenitors did not show any capacity to produce cartilage at the histological level. In conclusion, equine peripheral blood-derived fibroblast-like cells can differentiate into distinct mesenchymal lineages but have less multipotency than bone marrow-derived MSCs under the conditions used in this study.


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OBJECTIVE: MicroRNA (miRNA) are a class of noncoding small RNAs that act as negative regulators of gene expression. MiRNA exhibit tissue-specific expression patterns, and changes in their expression may contribute to pathogenesis. The objectives of this study were to identify miRNA expressed in articular chondrocytes, to determine changes in osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage, and to address the function of miRNA-140 (miR-140). METHODS: To identify miRNA specifically expressed in chondrocytes, we performed gene expression profiling using miRNA microarrays and quantitative polymerase chain reaction with human articular chondrocytes compared with human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The expression pattern of miR-140 was monitored during chondrogenic differentiation of human MSCs in pellet cultures and in human articular cartilage from normal and OA knee joints. We tested the effects of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) on miR-140 expression. Double-stranded miR-140 (ds-miR-140) was transfected into chondrocytes to analyze changes in the expression of genes associated with OA. RESULTS: Microarray analysis showed that miR-140 had the largest difference in expression between chondrocytes and MSCs. During chondrogenesis, miR-140 expression in MSC cultures increased in parallel with the expression of SOX9 and COL2A1. Normal human articular cartilage expressed miR-140, and this expression was significantly reduced in OA tissue. In vitro treatment of chondrocytes with IL-1beta suppressed miR-140 expression. Transfection of chondrocytes with ds-miR-140 down-regulated IL-1beta-induced ADAMTS5 expression and rescued the IL-1beta-dependent repression of AGGRECAN gene expression. CONCLUSION: This study shows that miR-140 has a chondrocyte differentiation-related expression pattern. The reduction in miR-140 expression in OA cartilage and in response to IL-1beta may contribute to the abnormal gene expression pattern characteristic of OA.


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The lack of beta1 integrins on chondrocytes leads to severe chondrodysplasia associated with high mortality rate around birth. To assess the impact of beta1 integrin-mediated cell-matrix interactions on the function of adult knee joints, we conditionally deleted the beta1 integrin gene in early limb mesenchyme using the Prx1-cre transgene. Mutant mice developed short limbed dwarfism and had joint defects due to beta1 integrin deficiency in articular regions. The articular cartilage (AC) was structurally disorganized, accompanied by accelerated terminal differentiation, altered shape, and disrupted actin cytoskeleton of the chondrocytes. Defects in chondrocyte proliferation, cytokinesis, and survival resulted in hypocellularity. However, no significant differences in cartilage erosion, in the expression of matrix-degrading proteases, or in the exposure of aggrecan and collagen II cleavage neoepitopes were observed between control and mutant AC. We found no evidence for disturbed activation of MAPKs (ERK1/2, p38, and JNK) in vivo. Furthermore, fibronectin fragment-stimulated ERK activation and MMP-13 expression were indistinguishable in control and mutant femoral head explants. The mutant synovium was hyperplastic and frequently underwent chondrogenic differentiation. beta1-null synoviocytes showed increased proliferation and phospho-focal adhesion kinase expression. Taken together, deletion of beta1 integrins in the limb bud results in multiple abnormalities of the knee joints; however, it does not accelerate AC destruction, perturb cartilage metabolism, or influence intracellular MAPK signaling pathways.


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The articular cartilage layer of synovial joints is commonly lesioned by trauma or by a degenerative joint disease. Attempts to repair the damage frequently involve the performance of autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). Healthy cartilage must be first removed from the joint, and then, on a separate occasion, following the isolation of the chondrocytes and their expansion in vitro, implanted within the lesion. The disadvantages of this therapeutic approach include the destruction of healthy cartilage-which may predispose the joint to osteoarthritic degeneration-the necessarily restricted availability of healthy tissue, the limited proliferative capacity of the donor cells-which declines with age-and the need for two surgical interventions. We postulated that it should be possible to induce synovial stem cells, which are characterized by high, age-independent, proliferative and chondrogenic differentiation capacities, to lay down cartilage within the outer juxtasynovial space after the transcutaneous implantation of a carrier bearing BMP-2 in a slow-release system. The chondrocytes could be isolated on-site and immediately used for ACI. To test this hypothesis, Chinchilla rabbits were used as an experimental model. A collagenous patch bearing BMP-2 in a slow-delivery vehicle was sutured to the inner face of the synovial membrane. The neoformed tissue was excised 5, 8, 11 and 14 days postimplantation for histological and histomorphometric analyses. Neoformed tissue was observed within the outer juxtasynovial space already on the 5th postimplantation day. It contained connective and adipose tissues, and a central nugget of growing cartilage. Between days 5 and 14, the absolute volume of cartilage increased, attaining a value of 12 mm(3) at the latter juncture. Bone was deposited in measurable quantities from the 11th day onwards, but owing to resorption, the net volume did not exceed 1.5 mm(3) (14th day). The findings confirm our hypothesis. The quantity of neoformed cartilage that is deposited after only 1 week within the outer juxtasynovial space would yield sufficient cells for ACI. Since the BMP-2-bearing patches would be implanted transcutaneously in humans, only one surgical or arthroscopic intervention would be called for. Moreover, most importantly, sufficient numbers of cells could be generated in patients of all ages.


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Background. Low back pain is an increasing global health problem, which is associated with intervertebral disc (IVD) damage and degeneration. Major changes occur in the nucleus pulposus (NP), with the degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM).1 Further studies showed that growth factors from transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) and bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) family may induce chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC).2 Focusing on non-viral gene therapies and their possible translation into the clinics, we investigated if GDF6 (syn. BMP13 or CDMP2) can induce regeneration of degraded NP. We hypothesized that IVD transfected with plasmid over-expressing GDF6 also up-regulates other NP- and chondrogenic cell markers and enhances ECM deposition. Methods. Bovine nucleus pulposus (bNPC) and annulus fibrosus cells (bAFC) were harvested from bovine coccygeal IVD. Primary cells were then electroporized with plasmid GDF6 (Origene, vector RG211366) by optimizing parameters using the Neon Transfection system (Life Technologies, Basel). After transfection, cells were cultured in 2D monolayer or 3D alginate beads for 7, 14 or 21 days. Transfection efficiency of pGDF6 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and fluorescent microscopy. Cell phenotype was quantified by real-time RT-PCR. To test a non-viral gene therapy applied directly to 3D whole organ culture, coccygeal bovine IVDs were harvested as previously described. Bovine IVDs were transfected by injection of plasmid GDF6 into the center. Electroporation was performed with ECM830 Square Wave Electroporation System (Harvard Apparatus, MA) using 2-needle array electrode or tweezertrodes. 72 h after tranfection discs were fixed and cryosectioned and analyzed by immunofluorescence against GDF6. Results. RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry confirmed up-regulation of GFP and GDF6 in the primary bNPC/bAFC culture. The GFP-tagged GDF6 protein, however, was not visible, possibly due to failure of dimer formation as a result of fusion structure. Organ IVD culture transfection revealed GDF6 positive staining in the center of the disc using 2-needle array electrode. Results from tweezertrodes did not show any GDF6 positive cells. Conclusion. Non-viral transfection is an appealing approach for gene therapy as it fulfills the translational safety aspects of transiency and lacks the toxic effects of viral transduction. We identified novel parameters to successfully transfect primary bovine IVD cells. For transfection of whole IVD explants electroporation parameters need to be further optimized. Acknowledgements. This project was funded by the Lindenhof Foundation (Funds “Research & Teaching”) Project no. 13-02-F. The imaging part of this study was performed with the facility of the Microscopy Imaging Center (MIC), University of Bern. References. Roughly PJ (2004): Spine (Phila), 29:2691-2699 Clarke LE, McConell JC, Sherratt MJ, Derby B, Richardson SM, Hoyland JA (2014), Arthritis Research & Therapy, 16:R67


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Endochondral bone is formed during an avascular period in an environment of low oxygen. Under these conditions, pluripotential mesenchymal stromal cells preferentially differentiate into chondrocytes and form cartilage. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that oxygen tension modulates bone mesenchymal cell fate by altering the expression of genes that function to promote chondrogenesis. Microarray of RNA samples from ST2 cells revealed significant changes in 728 array elements (P < 0.01) in response to hypoxia. Real-time PCR on these RNA samples, and separate samples from C3H10T1/2 cells, revealed hypoxia-induced changes in the expression of additional genes known to be expressed by chondrocytes including Sox9 and its downstream targets aggrecan and Col2a. These changes were accompanied by the accumulation of mucopolysacharide as detected by alcian blue staining. To investigate the mechanisms responsible for upregulation of Sox9 by hypoxia, we determined the effect of hypoxia on HIF-1 alpha levels and Sox9 promoter activity in ST2 cells. Hypoxia increased nuclear accumulation of HIF-1 alpha and activated the Sox9 promoter. The ability of hypoxia to transactivate the Sox9 promoter was virtually abolished by deletion of HIF-1 alpha consensus sites within the proximal promoter. These findings suggest that hypoxia promotes the differentiation of mesenchymal cells along a chondrocyte pathway in part by activating Sox-9 via a HIF-1 alpha-dependent mechanism. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Damage to articular cartilage of the knee can be debilitating because it lacks the capacity to repair itself and can progress to degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis. The current gold standard for treating cartilage defects is autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). However, one of the major limitations of ACI is the use of chondrocytes, which dedifferentiate when grown in vitro and lose their phenotype. It is not clear whether the dedifferentiated chondrocytes can fully redifferentiate upon in vivo transplantation. Studies have suggested that undifferentiated mesenchymal stem or stromal cells (MSCs) from bone marrow (BM) and adipose tissue (AT) can undergo chondrogenic differentiation. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis was to examine BM and AT as a cell source for chondrogenesis using clinical scaffolds. Initially, freshly isolated cells were compared with culture expanded MSCs from BM and AT in Chondro-Gide®, Alpha Chondro Shield® and Hyalofast™. MSCs were shown to grow better in the three scaffolds compared to freshly isolated cells. BM MSCs in Chondro-Gide® were shown to have increased deposition of cartilage specific extracellular matrix (ECM) compared to AT MSCs. Further, this thesis has sought to examine whether CD271 selected MSCs from AT were more chondrogenic than MSCs selected on the basis of plastic adherence (PA). It was shown that CD271+MSCs may have superior chondrogenic properties in vitro and in vivo in terms of ECM deposition. The repair tissue seen after CD271+MSC transplantation combined with Alpha Chondro Shield® was also less vascularised than that seen after transplantation with PA MSCs in the same scaffold, suggesting antiangiogenic activity. Since articular cartilage is an avascular tissue, CD271+MSCs may be a better suited cell type compared to the PA MSCs. Hence, this study has increased the current understanding of how different cell-scaffold combinations may best be used to promote articular cartilage repair.


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International audience


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Human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), also known as mesenchymal stem cells, have become an important and attractive therapeutic tool since they are easily isolated and cultured, have in vitro expansion potential, substantial plasticity and secrete bioactive molecules that exert trophic effects. The human umbilical cord as a cell source for cell therapy will help to avoid several ethical, political, religious and technical issues. One of the main issues with SC lines from different sources, mainly those of embryonic origin, is the possibility of chromosomal alterations and genomic instability during in vitro expansion. Cells isolated from one umbilical cord exhibited a rare balanced paracentric inversion, likely a cytogenetic constitutional alteration, karyotype: 46,XY,inv(3)(p13p25~26). Important genes related to cancer predisposition and others involved in DNA repair are located in 3p25~26. Titanium is an excellent biomaterial for bone-implant integration; however, the use can result in the generation of particulate debris that can accumulate in the tissues adjacent to the prosthesis, in the local bone marrow, in the lymph nodes, liver and spleen. Subsequently may elicit important biological responses that aren´t well studied. In this work, we have studied the genetic stability of MSC isolated from the umbilical cord vein during in vitro expansion, after the cryopreservation, and under different concentrations and time of exposition to titanium microparticles. Cells were isolated, in vitro expanded, demonstrated capacity for osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation and were evaluated using flow cytometry, so they met the minimum requirements for characterization as MSCs. The cells were expanded under different concentrations and time of exposition to titanium microparticles. The genetic stability of MSCs was assessed by cytogenetic analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and analysis of micronucleus and other nuclear alterations (CBMN). The cells were able to internalize the titanium microparticles, but MSCs preserve their morphology, differentiation capacity and surface marker expression profiles. Furthermore, there was an increase in the genomic instability after long time of in vitro expansion, and this instability was greater when cells were exposed to high doses of titanium microparticles that induced oxidative stress. It is necessary always assess the risks/ benefits of using titanium in tissue therapy involving MSCs, considering the biosafety of the use of bone regeneration using titanium and MSCs. Even without using titanium, it is important that the therapeutic use of such cells is based on analyzes that ensure quality, security and cellular stability, with the standardization of quality control programs appropriate. In conclusion, it is suggested that cytogenetic analysis, FISH analysis and the micronucleus and other nuclear alterations are carried out in CTMH before implanting in a patient


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We hypothesised that a potentially disease-modifying osteoarthritis (OA) drug such as hyaluronic acid (HA) given in combination with anti-inflammatory signalling agents such as mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase–extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK-ERK) signalling inhibitor (U0126) could result in additive or synergistic effects on preventing the degeneration of articular cartilage. Chondrocyte differentiation and hypertrophy were evaluated using human OA primary cells treated with either HA or U0126, or the combination of HA + U0126. Cartilage degeneration in menisectomy (MSX) induced rat OA model was investigated by intra-articular delivery of either HA or U0126, or the combination of HA + U0126. Histology, immunostaining, RT-qPCR, Western blotting and zymography were performed to assess the expression of cartilage matrix proteins and hypertrophic markers. Phosphorylated ERK (pERK)1/2-positive chondrocytes were significantly higher in OA samples compared with those in healthy control suggesting the pathological role of that pathway in OA. It was noted that HA + U0126 significantly reduced the levels of pERK, chondrocyte hypertrophic markers (COL10 and RUNX2) and degenerative markers (ADAMTs5 and MMP-13), however, increased the levels of chondrogenic markers (COL2) compared to untreated or the application of HA or U0126 alone. In agreement with the results in vitro, intra-articular delivery of HA + U0126 showed significant therapeutic improvement of cartilage in rat MSX OA model compared with untreated or the application of HA or U0126 alone. Our study suggests that the combination of HA and MEK-ERK inhibition has a synergistic effect on preventing cartilage degeneration.


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One important challenge for regenerative medicine is to produce a clinically relevant number of cells with consistent tissue-forming potential. Isolation and expansion of cells from skeletal tissues results in a heterogeneous population of cells with variable regenerative potential. A more consistent tissue formation could be achieved by identification and selection of potent progenitors based on cell surface molecules. In this study, we assessed the expression of stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 (SSEA-4), a classic marker of undifferentiated stem cells, and other surface markers in human articular chondrocytes (hACs), osteoblasts, and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (bmMSCs) and characterized their differentiation potential. Further, we sorted SSEA-4-expressing hACs and followed their potential to proliferate and to form cartilage in vitro. Cells isolated from cartilage and bone exhibited remarkably heterogeneous SSEA-4 expression profiles in expansion cultures. SSEA-4 expression levels increased up to approximately 5 population doublings, but decreased following further expansion and differentiation cultures; levels were not related to the proliferation state of the cells. Although SSEA-4-sorted chondrocytes showed a slightly better chondrogenic potential than their SSEA-4-negative counterparts, differences were insufficient to establish a link between SSEA-4 expression and chondrogenic potential. SSEA-4 levels in bmMSCs also did not correlate to the cells' chondrogenic and osteogenic potential in vitro. SSEA-4 is clearly expressed by subpopulations of proliferating somatic cells with a MSC-like phenotype. However, the predictive value of SSEA-4 as a specific marker of superior differentiation capacity in progenitor cell populations from adult human tissue and even its usefulness as a stem cell marker appears questionable.


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Appropriate selection of scaffold architecture is a key challenge in cartilage tissue engineering. Gap junction-mediated intercellular contacts play important roles in precartilage condensation of mesenchymal cells. However, scaffold architecture could potentially restrict cell-cell communication and differentiation. This is particularly important when choosing the appropriate culture platform as well as scaffold-based strategy for clinical translation, that is, hydrogel or microtissues, for investigating differentiation of chondroprogenitor cells in cartilage tissue engineering. We, therefore, studied the influence of gap junction-mediated cell-cell communication on chondrogenesis of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) and articular chondrocytes. Expanded human chondrocytes and BM-MSCs were either (re-) differentiated in micromass cell pellets or encapsulated as isolated cells in alginate hydrogels. Samples were treated with and without the gap junction inhibitor 18-α glycyrrhetinic acid (18αGCA). DNA and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content and gene expression levels (collagen I/II/X, aggrecan, and connexin 43) were quantified at various time points. Protein localization was determined using immunofluorescence, and adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) was measured in conditioned media. While GAG/DNA was higher in alginate compared with pellets for chondrocytes, there were no differences in chondrogenic gene expression between culture models. Gap junction blocking reduced collagen II and extracellular ATP in all chondrocyte cultures and in BM-MSC hydrogels. However, differentiation capacity was not abolished completely by 18αGCA. Connexin 43 levels were high throughout chondrocyte cultures and peaked only later during BM-MSC differentiation, consistent with the delayed response of BM-MSCs to 18αGCA. Alginate hydrogels and microtissues are equally suited culture platforms for the chondrogenic (re-)differentiation of expanded human articular chondrocytes and BM-MSCs. Therefore, reducing direct cell-cell contacts does not affect in vitro chondrogenesis. However, blocking gap junctions compromises cell differentiation, pointing to a prominent role for hemichannel function in this process. Therefore, scaffold design strategies that promote an increasing distance between single chondroprogenitor cells do not restrict their differentiation potential in tissue-engineered constructs.


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INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a major risk factor for several musculoskeletal conditions that are characterized by an imbalance of tissue remodeling. Adult stem cells are closely associated with the remodeling and potential repair of several mesodermally derived tissues such as fat, bone and cartilage. We hypothesized that obesity would alter the frequency, proliferation, multipotency and immunophenotype of adult stem cells from a variety of tissues. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), subcutaneous adipose-derived stem cells (sqASCs) and infrapatellar fat pad-derived stem cells (IFP cells) were isolated from lean and high-fat diet-induced obese mice, and their cellular properties were examined. To test the hypothesis that changes in stem cell properties were due to the increased systemic levels of free fatty acids (FFAs), we further investigated the effects of FFAs on lean stem cells in vitro. RESULTS: Obese mice showed a trend toward increased prevalence of MSCs and sqASCs in the stromal tissues. While no significant differences in cell proliferation were observed in vitro, the differentiation potential of all types of stem cells was altered by obesity. MSCs from obese mice demonstrated decreased adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic potential. Obese sqASCs and IFP cells showed increased adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation, but decreased chondrogenic ability. Obese MSCs also showed decreased CD105 and increased platelet-derived growth factor receptor α expression, consistent with decreased chondrogenic potential. FFA treatment of lean stem cells significantly altered their multipotency but did not completely recapitulate the properties of obese stem cells. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the hypothesis that obesity alters the properties of adult stem cells in a manner that depends on the cell source. These effects may be regulated in part by increased levels of FFAs, but may involve other obesity-associated cytokines. These findings contribute to our understanding of mesenchymal tissue remodeling with obesity, as well as the development of autologous stem cell therapies for obese patients.