823 resultados para Chloride Ion


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El glifosat, N-(fosfonometil) glicina, és un dels herbicides més utilitzats arreu del món a causa de la seva baixa toxicitat i al seu ampli espectre d'aplicació. A conseqüència del gran ús que se'n fa, és necessari monitoritzar aquest compost i el seu principal metabòlit, l'àcid aminometilfosfònic (AMPA), en el medi ambient. S'han descrit diversos mètodes instrumentals basats en cromatografia de gasos (GC) i de líquids (HPLC), sent aquesta darrera l'opció més favorable a causa del caràcter polar dels anàlits. Per assolir nivells de concentració baixos cal, però, la preconcentració dels anàlits. En aquest treball s'estudien diferents alternatives amb aquest objectiu. S'ha avaluat la tècnica de membrana líquida suportada (SLM) on la membrana consisteix en una dissolució orgànica, que conté un transportador (en el nostre cas, un bescanviador d'anions comercial, Aliquat 336), que impregna un suport polimèric microporós que se situa entre dues solucions aquoses: la de càrrega, que conté els anàlits inicialment, i la receptora, on es retenen els anàlits després del seu transport a través de la membrana. Les condicions d'extracció més adequades s'obtenen treballant en medi bàsic amb NaOH on els anàlits estan en forma aniònica i les majors recuperacions s'obtenen amb HCl 0,1 M o NaCl 0,5 M, la qual cosa indica que l'ió clorur és la força impulsora del transport. Un cop dissenyat el sistema, es duen a terme experiments de preconcentració amb dues geometries diferents: un sistema de membrana laminar (LSLM) on recircula la fase receptora i un sistema de fibra buida (HFSLM). Els millors resultats s'obtenen amb el mòdul de fibra buida, amb factors de concentració de 25 i 3 per a glifosat i AMPA, respectivament, fent recircular durant 24 hores 100 ml de solució de càrrega i 4 ml de solució receptora. També s'aplica una tècnica més selectiva, la cromatografia d'afinitat amb ió metàl·lic immobilitzat (IMAC), basada en la interacció entre els anàlits i un metall immobilitzat en una resina a través d'un grup funcional d'aquesta. En aquest estudi s'immobilitza pal·ladi al grup funcional 8-hidroxiquinoleïna de la resina amb matriu acrílica Spheron Oxine 1000 i s'avalua per a l'extracció i preconcentració de glifosat i AMPA. Per a ambdós anàlits l'adsorció és del 100 % i les recuperacions són superiors al 80 % i al 60 % per a glifosat i AMPA, respectivament, utilitzant HCl 0,1 M + NaCl 1 M com a eluent. Aquests resultats es comparen amb els obtinguts amb dues resines més, també carregades amb pal·ladi: Iontosorb Oxin 100, que té el mateix grup funcional però matriu de cel·lulosa, i Spheron Thiol 1000, on el grup funcional és un tiol i la matriu també és acrílica. Per al glifosat els resultats són similars amb totes les resines, però per a l'AMPA la resina Spheron Thiol és la única que proporciona recuperacions superiors al 93 %. Finalment, una altra opció estudiada és l'acoblament de dues columnes de cromatografia líquida (LC-LC). En l'estudi l'objectiu és millorar el mètode existent per a glifosat i AMPA en aigües naturals on el LOD era de 0,25 ug/l. El mètode consisteix en la derivatització precolumna amb el reactiu fluorescent FMOC i l'anàlisi amb l'acoblament LC-LC-fluorescència. Variant lleugerament les condicions de derivatització s'aconsegueix quantificar 0,1 ug/l de glifosat i AMPA. Es fortifiquen aigües naturals amb 0,1, 1 i 10 ug/l dels anàlits per validar el mètode. S'obtenen recuperacions d'entre el 85 % i el 100 %, amb desviacions estàndard relatives inferiors al 8 %. Aplicant una tècnica de preconcentració prèvia a la derivatització i anàlisi utilitzant una resina de bescanvi aniònic, Amberlite IRA-900, es millora la sensibilitat del mètode i s'assoleix un LOD per al glifosat de 0,02 ug/l.


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It is generally thought that catalysts produced by incipient wetness impregnation (IW) are very poor for low temperature CO oxidation, and that it is necessary to use methods such as deposition-precipitation (DP) to make high activity materials. The former is true, indeed such IW catalysts are poor, and we present reactor data, XPS and TEM analysis which show that this is due to the very negative effect of the chloride anion involved in the preparation, which results in poisoning and excessive sintering of the Au particles. With the DP method, the chloride is largely removed during the preparation and so poisoning and sintering are avoided. However, we show here that, contrary to previous considerations, high activity catalysts can indeed be prepared by the incipient wetness method, if care is taken to remove the chloride ion during the process. This is achieved by using the double impregnation method (DIM). In this a double impregnation of chloroauric acid and a base are made to precipitate out gold hydroxide within the pores of the catalyst, followed by limited washing. This results in a much more active catalyst, which is active for CO oxidation at ambient temperature. The results for DIM and DP are compared, and it is proposed that the DIM method may represent an environmentally and economically more favorable route to high activity gold catalyst production. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two mixed bridged one-dimensional (1D) polynuclear complexes, [Cu3L2(mu(1,1)-N-3)(2)(mu-Cl)Cl](n) (1) and {[Cu3L2(mu-Cl)(3)Cl]center dot 0.46CH(3)OH}(n), (2), have been synthesized using the tridentate reduced Schiff-base ligand HL (2-[(2-dimethylamino-ethylamino)-methyl]-phenol). The complexes have been characterized by X-ray structural analyses and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. In both complexes the basic trinuclear angular units are joined together by weak chloro bridges to form a 1D chain. The trinuclear structure of 1 is composed of two terminal square planar [Cu(L)(mu(1,1)-N-3)] units connected by a central Cu(II) atom through bridging nitrogen atoms of end-on azido ligands and the phenoxo oxygen atom of the tridentate ligand. These four coordinating atoms along with a chloride ion form a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry around the central Cu(II). The structure of 2 is similar; the only difference being a Cl bridge replacing the mu(1,1)-N-3 bridge in the trinuclear unit. The magnetic properties of both trinuclear complexes can be very well reproduced with a simple linear symmetrical trimer model (H = JS(i)S(i+1)) with only one intracluster exchange coupling (J) including a weak intertrimer interaction (.j) reproduced with the molecular field approximation. This model provides very satisfactory fits for both complexes in the whole temperature range with the following parameters: g = 2.136(3), J = 93.9(3) cm(-1) and zj= -0.90(3) cm(-1) (z = 2) for 1 and g = 2.073(7), J = -44.9(4) cm(-1) and zJ = -1.26(6) cm(-1) (z = 2) for 2.


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Ion channels have been assigned a pivotal importance in various sperm functions and are therefore promising targets for contraceptive development. The lack of data on channel functionality and pharmacology has hampered this goal. This is a consequence of technical problems of applying electrophysiological techniques to spermatozoa due to their small size and form. By using a laminin coating to increase adherence of spermatozoa and nystatin in the patch pipette for pore formation, we have adapted the whole-cell recording technique to study currents in mature uncapacitated bovine spermatozoa. Employing these conditions, in the head region, patched spermatozoa could be transferred into the whole-cell configuration. For the first time we document an outward rectifying current in mature bovine spermatozoa was blocked by tetraethyl ammonium (TEA) chloride. The observation of a shift in the reversal potential as a response to changes in the extracellular concentration of K+ ions allowed us to identify this current as K+ selective. This result shows that K+ channels in the head region of mature uncapacitated bovine spermatozoa can be suitably investigated using the whole-cell recording patch-clamp technique.


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This study reports the photodegradation of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) in aqueous solution by the photo-Fenton process using solar irradiation. The influence of solution path length, and Fe(NO3)(3) and H2O2 concentrations on the degradation of 4-CP is evaluated by response surface methodology. The degradation process was monitored by the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) and the release of chloride ion. The results showed a very important role of iron concentration either for TOC removal or dechlorination. on the other hand, a negative effect of increasing solution path length on mineralization was observed, which can be compensated by increasing the iron concentration. This permits an adjustment of the iron concentration according to the irradiation exposure area and path length (depth of a tank reactor). Under optimum conditions of 1.5 mM Fe(NO3)(3), 20.0 mM H2O2 and 4.5 cm solution path length, 17 min irradiation under solar light were sufficient to reduce a 72 mg C L-1 solution of 4-CP by 91 (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The degradation of herbicides in aqueous solution by photo-Fenton process using ferrioxalate complex (FeOx) as source of Fe2+ was evaluated under blacklight irradiation. The commercial products of the herbicides tebuthiuron, diuron and 2,4-D were used. The multivariate analysis, more precisely, the response surface methodology was applied to evaluate the role of FeOx and hydrogen peroxide concentrations as variables in the degradation process, and in particular, to define the concentration ranges that result in the most efficient degradation of the herbicides. The degradation process was evaluated by the determination of the remaining total organic carbon content (TOC), by monitoring the decrease of the concentrations of the original compounds using HPLC and by the chloride ion release in the case of diuron and 2,4-D. Under optimized conditions, 20min were sufficient to mineralize 93% of TOC from 2,4-D and 90% of diuron, including oxalate. Complete dechlorination of these compounds was achieved after 10 min reaction. It was found that the most recalcitrant herbicide is tebuthiuron, while diuron shows the highest degradability. However, under optimized conditions the initial concentration of tebuthiuron was reduced to less than 15%, while diuron and 2,4-D were reduced to around 2% after only 1 min reaction. Furthermore, it was observed that the ferrioxalate complex plays a more important role than H2O2 in the photodegradation of these herbicides in the ranges of concentrations investigated. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A simple, precise, rapid and low-cost potentiometric method for saccharin determination in commercial artificial sweeteners is proposed. Saccharin present in several samples of artificial sweeteners is potentiometrically titrated with silver nitrate solution using a silver wire as the indicator electrode, coupled to a titroprocessor. The best pH range was from 3.0 to 3.5 and the detection limit of sodium saccharin was 2.5 mg/ml. Substances normally found along with saccharin in several commercial artificial sweeteners such as maltodextrin, glucose, sucrose, fructose, aspartame, cyclamate, caffeine, sorbitol, lactose, nitrate, methyl- and n-propyl-p-hydroxybenzoate, benzoic, citric and ascorbic acids do not interfere even in significant amounts (e.g. 20 excess relative to saccharin). Chloride ion interferes when present in concentrations larger than 10 mg l(-1); this interference is eliminated with previous extraction of the sweetener from the aqueous medium with ethyl acetate. The results obtained by applying the proposed method compared very favorably with those given by the HPLC method recommended by the FDA. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Molecular neurobiology has provided an explanation of mechanisms supporting mental functions as learning, memory, emotion and consciousness. However, an explanatory gap remains between two levels of description: molecular mechanisms determining cellular and tissue functions, and cognitive functions. In this paper we review molecular and cellular mechanisms that determine brain activity, and then hypothetize about their relation with cognition and consciousness. The brain is conceived of as a dynamic system that exchanges information with the whole body and the environment. Three explanatory hypotheses are presented, stating that: a) brain tissue function is coordinated by macromolecules controlling ion movements, b) structured (amplitude, frequency and phase-modulated) local field potentials generated by organized ionic movement embody cognitive information patterns, and c) conscious episodes are constructed by a large-scale mechanism that uses oscillatory synchrony to integrate local field patterns. © by São Paulo State University.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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A quantidade de resíduos gerados pelo setor da Construção Civil ultimamente vem chamando atenção devido à dimensão com a qual atua como impacto ambiental utilizando materiais de fontes naturais não renováveis e aumentando as quantidades de lixos produzidos pelo meio urbano. No Brasil, esta estimativa gira em torno de 90.000 toneladas geradas por dia. A proposta de utilizar o agregado proveniente de RCC (resíduo de construção civil) como parte integrante de concretos estruturais torna-se ainda mais interessante a partir do momento em que se busca uma diminuição nos custos para a produção do concreto, carregando consigo a mentalidade ambientalista quando poupa a utilização de recursos naturais os quais alguns já começam a se esgotar. Bancos de areia e fontes de seixo começam a se extinguir devido à larga utilização desses agregados nos concretos produzidos em Belém e cidades interiores do estado do Pará. Assim a necessidade de novas fontes de agregados nos faz buscar nos resíduos da construção civil prováveis fontes de agregados que respondam de forma similar aos naturais. Levando em consideração esta proposta, esta dissertação avaliou a durabilidade de concretos produzidos com o agregado de RCC cerâmico, através de ensaios de absorção de água por capilaridade, carbonatação, penetração de íons cloretos e resistividade elétrica. Para tanto, foi substituído o agregado graúdo natural pelo agregado graúdo cerâmico em 50%, onde esta porcentagem de agregado reciclado foi submetida às taxas de pré-saturação de 60%, 80% e 100%. Nos resultados obtidos pode-se observar que a presença do AGRC (agregado graúdo reciclado cerâmico), independentemente do grau de pré-saturação foi significativa em todos os resultados obtidos, fato que embora deixe os concretos mais suscetíveis à perda de durabilidade, apresentou uma mesma tendência de comportamento em relação às misturas referência. Os resultados mais próximos das misturas convencionais foram alcançados pelos concretos que continham agregados cerâmicos pré-saturados com água à uma taxa de 80%.


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In this study rice husk ash (RHA) and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA), two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL) and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method) and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.


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Layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanocontainers, suitable as carriers for anionic drugs, were intercalated with Pravastatin drug using magnesium-aluminum and zinc-aluminum in a M-II/Al molar ratio equal 2 and different Al3+/Pravastatin molar ratios. Postsynthesis treatments were used in order to increase the materials crystallinity. Hybrid materials were characterized by a set of physical chemical techniques: chemical elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), mass coupled thermal analyses, vibrational infrared and Raman spectroscopies, and solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Results were interpreted in light of computational density functional theory (DFT) calculations performed for Sodium Pravastatin in order to assign the data obtained for the LDH intercalated materials. XRD peaks of LDH-Pravastatin material and the one-dimensional (1D) electron density map pointed out to a bilayer arrangement of Pravastatin in the interlayer region, where its associated carboxylate and vicinal hydroxyl groups are close to the positive LDH. The structural organization observed for the stacked assembly containing the unsymmetrical and bulky monoanion Pravastatin and LDH seems to be promoted by a self-assembling process, in which local interactions are maximized and chloride ion cointercalation is required. It is observed a high similarity among vibrational and C-13 NMR spectra of Na-Pravastatin and LDH-Pravastatin materials. Those features indicate that the intercalation preserves the drug structural integrity. Spectroscopic techniques corroborate the nature of the guest species and their arrangement between the inorganic layers. Changes related to carboxylate, alcohol, and olefinic moieties are observed in both vibrational Raman and C-13 NMR spectra after the drug intercalation. Thus, Pravastatin ions are forced to be arranged as head to tail through intermolecular hydrogen bonding between adjacent organic species. The thermal decomposition profile of the hybrid samples is distinct of that one observed for Na-Pravastatin salt, however, with no visible increase in the thermal behavior when the organic anion is sequestrated within LDH gap.


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In this study rice husk ash (RHA) and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA), two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL) and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method) and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.


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The GABA(A) receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in mammalian brain. Each isoform consists of five homologous or identical subunits surrounding a central chloride ion-selective channel gated by GABA. How many isoforms of the receptor exist is far from clear. GABA(A) receptors located in the postsynaptic membrane mediate neuronal inhibition that occurs in the millisecond time range; those located in the extrasynaptic membrane respond to ambient GABA and confer long-term inhibition. GABA(A) receptors are responsive to a wide variety of drugs, e.g. benzodiazepines, which are often used for their sedative/hypnotic and anxiolytic effects.