989 resultados para Chinese industrial cooperatives.


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This research examines media integration in China, choosing two Chinese newspaper groups as cases for comparative study. The study analyses the convergence strategies of these Chinese groups by reference to an Role Model of convergence developed from a literature review of studies of cases of media convergence in the UK – in particular the Guardian (GNM), Telegraph Media Group (TMG), the Daily Mail and the Times. UK cases serve to establish the characteristics, causes and consequences of different forms of convergence and formulate a model of convergence. The model will specify the levels of newsroom convergence and the sub-units of analysis which will be used to collect empirical data from Chinese News Organisations and compare their strategies, practices and results with the UK experience. The literature review shows that there is a need for more comparative studies of media convergence strategy in general, and particularly in relation to Chinese media. Therefore, the study will address a gap in the understanding of media convergence in China. For this reason, my innovations have three folds: Firstly, to develop a new and comprehensive model of media convergence and a detailed understanding of the reasons why media companies pursue differing strategies in managing convergence across a wide range of units of analysis. Secondly, this study tries to compare the multimedia strategies of media groups under radically different political systems. Since, there is no standard research method or systematic theoretical framework for the study of Newsroom Convergence, this study develops an integrated perspective. The research will use the triangulation analysis of textual, field observation and interviews to explain systematically what was the newsroom structure like in the past and how did the copy flow change and why. Finally, this case study of media groups can provide an industrial model or framework for the other media groups.


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Developments in mammalian cell culture and recombinant technology has allowed for the production of recombinant proteins for use as human therapeutics. Mammalian cell culture is typically operated at the physiological temperature of 37°. However, recent research has shown that the use of low-temperature conditions (30-33°) as a platform for cell-culture results in changes in cell characteristics, such as increased specific productivity and extended periods of cell viability, that can potentially improve the production of recombinant proteins. Furthermore, many recent reports have focused on investigating low-temperature mammalian cell culture of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, one of the principal cell-lines used in industrial production of recombinant proteins. Exposure to low ambient temperatures exerts an external stress on all living cells, and elicits a cellular response. This cold-stress response has been observed in bacteria, plants and mammals, and is regulated at the gene level. The exact genes and molecular mechanisms involved in the cold-stress response in prokaryotes and plants have been well studied. There are also various reports that detail the modification of cold-stress genes to improve the characteristics of bacteria or plant cells at low temperatures. However, there is very limited information on mammalian cold-stress genes or the related pathways governing the mammalian cold-stress response. This project seeks to investigate and characterise cold-stress genes that are differentially expressed during low-temperature culture of CHO cells, and to relate them to the various changes in cell characteristics observed in low-temperature culture of CHO cells. The gene information can then be used to modify CHO cell-lines for improved performance in the production of recombinant proteins.


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En el presente artículo hemos tratado de analizar las características de las almazaras cooperativas catalanas con la finalidad de destacar no solamente sus elementos más importantes de gestión sino también sus principales debilidades. Las cooperativas se consideran instrumentos útiles para acometer políticas de desarrollo económico y bienestar social. A pesar de ello hay un gran debate abierto acerca de la eficiencia de estas organizaciones, que plantean el interrogante de si están en condiciones de competir con éxito en una economía cada vez más abierta, liberalizada y global. A través de las encuestas que hemos realizado al conjunto de las cooperativas oleícolas de Catalunya, hemos podido averiguar sus características distintivas, así como las principales desventajas y problemas a los que se enfrentan. Creemos puede ser de interés analizar las características de estas organizaciones, que tanto desde el punto de vista organizativo como de recursos humanos, como financiero, las hace diferentes de otro tipo de organizaciones pero que sin embargo, han de hacer frente a un mercado cada día más exigente y competitivo


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Toxic phorbol esters from Chinese tallow stimulate protein kinase C. Toxicon25, 1129 – 1233, 1987. — Phorbol esters were isolated from the seeds of Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum L. Roxb.). These compounds were based on the tigliane nuclei, 4-deoxyphorbol, 12-deoxyphorbol and 4,20-dideoxy-5-hydroxyphorbol. The pro-inflammatory activity (id50) of the pure compounds was between 0.042 and 2.6 nmoles per ear. Protein kinase C activation assays were carried out on samples of enzyme purified from mammalian brain and the activities (Ka) were in the range 76 – 176 nM. The 4,20-dideoxy-5-hydroxy analogue was inactive in both tests. Chinese tallow, which is used as a substitute for linseed oil, may represent an industrial toxic hazard in terms of both pro-inflammatory and tumour-promoting effects.


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Purpose – This paper explores the “Western” concept of psychological capital in the People's Republic of China (PRC) and highlights critical areas of divergence and notable dimensions of similarity. Design/methodology/approach – This is an empirical study conducted in a wide range of Chinese organisational forms, employing an inductive approach based on critical incident technique. Findings – This research showed that the concept of psychological capital appears to have a degree of applicability and salience in China. A series of dimensions common in Western organisations were found in our research, including Optimism, Creativity, Resiliency, Self-confidence, Forgiveness and Gratitude, Courage and Ambition (Hope). These were found to be common types of psychological capital both in China and in the West. However, the dimensions of Courtesy and Humility (Qian-gong-you-li in Chinese), Self-possession and Sincerity fell into the “different” category. Originality/value – This paper is a first attempt to examine psychological capital in a range of organisational forms and industrial sectors in China using a grounded theory approach. It not only reports various dimensions of Chinese psychological capital, some unique to this research, but also compares and contrasts these dimensions between China and the West, highlighting further research opportunities.


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This study extends quantitative and conceptual studies that have clarified and assessed the underlying factorsinfluencing multinational corporations (MNCs) international business strategy choices relating to globalintegration and local responsiveness with the use of cross–level and in-depth interviews. Top managementperceptions from nine Chinese MNCs (CMNCs) with operations in Australia are detailed and it is argued acontingency approach tends to prevail within firms with organisational, industrial, and environmentalcontingencies predominating.


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This article examines the determinants of working excessive hours, defined as working in excess of 60 hours per week or for more than six consecutive days, in Chinese and Thai supply chain factories. We use a matched employer-employee dataset collected from 15 Chinese and Thai footwear and sporting apparel supply chain factories, which supply international brands. Matched employer-employee data allow us to examine the effect of worker and firm characteristics on hours worked. We find that in addition to the demographic and human capital characteristics of workers, firm-level characteristics and worker awareness of how to refuse overtime are important in explaining variation in hours worked. © John Wiley & Sons Ltd/London School of Economics 2011.


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In this paper, we examine the evidence of herding behavior on the Chinese stock market. Our main findings are as follows. First, we find strong evidence of herding behavior on both the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. Second, we document evidence of asymmetric herding behavior with greater magnitude of herding behavior on up markets than on down markets. Third, our findings suggest that herding behavior is sector-specific and predominant in the industrial and properties sectors. Finally, we unravel strong evidence suggesting that herding behavior is time-varying and in some sectors time-varying herding behavior is more prevalent than in other sectors.


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In this article, we examine four specific hypotheses relating to commonality in liquidity on the Chinese stock markets. These hypotheses are (1) that market-wide liquidity determines liquidity of individual stocks; (2) that liquidity varies with firm size; (3) that sectoral-based liquidity affects individual stock liquidities differently; and (4) that commonality in liquidity has an asymmetric effect. Drawing on a two-year data set on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges comprising over 34 million and 48 million transactions, respectively, we find strong support for commonality in liquidity and a greater influence of industry-wide liquidity in explaining liquidity of individual stocks. Moreover, our results suggest that of the three main sectors - financial, industrial, and resources - the industrial sectors liquidity is most important in explaining individual stock liquidities. Finally, we do not find any evidence of size effects and document an asymmetric effect of market-wide liquidity on liquidity of individual stocks.


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Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors which determine the adoption of best HR practices in Chinese small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Design/methodology/approach – Regression analysis was utilized to analyse survey data obtained from 345 enterprises operating across China in a wide range of industrial sectors.
Findings – Enterprises with greater resources in terms of their size, their relationships with external organizations, their cooperation with foreign partners and the human capital of their CEO were found to be more likely to adopt best HR practices. Contrary to the findings of the existing literature no relationship was found of a relationship between family ownership and the use of best HR practices.
Research limitations/implications – The cross-sectional design is an obvious limitation of the study. Other limitations relate to the generalizability of the study findings outside the context in which the research was undertaken, and the use of convenience sampling.
Practical implications – Enterprises should consider building strategic relationships with external organizations and developing cooperation with foreign partners as a way of leveraging human resource expertise at a limited cost.
Originality/value – This is the first study to examine how differences in the resource endowments of Chinese SMEs influence their adoption of best HR practices.


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A presente pesquisa possui um enfoque no processo de internacionalização das empresas brasileiras, um fenômeno que vem ocorrendo de forma lenta e gradual ao longo dos últimos 25 anos, com grande ênfase nos anos 1990, quando o Brasil abriu sua economia ao capital externo, proporcionando maiores investimentos em novos produtos, novas tecnologias, e a adoção por parte das nossas organizações de novas formas e práticas de gestão empresarial, as quais já faziam parte há um bom tempo das organizações multinacionais pelo mundo afora, que sempre utilizaram essas melhores formas de gestão empresarial em seu estado da arte. Este atraso do Brasil em relação ao mundo desenvolvido, em que o País se fechou como uma verdadeira "ostra", refletiu-se em prejuízos imensuráveis ao desenvolvimento social, político e econômico, resultando em atrasos tecnológicos e educacionais e na consequente falta de pessoal qualificado em face de um mundo globalizado, no qual se mostram imprescindíveis as inovações tecnológicas e a capacitação humana. Nesse contexto, o processo de internacionalização de empresas, especificamente o segmento do cooperativismo de agronegócio no estado do Paraná, ganha um impulso significativo, quando as cooperativas, a partir da década de 1980, buscam sua inserção internacional no mundo globalizado através de um aumento gradativo em suas exportações, inicialmente somente com produtos in natura e, posteriormente, com a introdução de novas tecnologias, equipamentos, pesquisas, modernas formas de gestão e educação continuada de pessoal, possibilitando às cooperativas, e de forma geral ao setor cooperativista paranaense, um grande salto financeiro e um aumento expressivo na composição do PIB do Paraná, representando nos dias atuais aproximadamente 40% do total das exportações do estado. Dessa forma, este trabalho procura contribuir com a academia e com as organizações cooperativistas do estado do Paraná no sentido de buscar as razões para esse importante e irreversível processo de internacionalização, que trouxe, e ainda traz, vantagens financeiras, tecnológicas e dinamismo à economia local com os seus diversos atores, e que transforma essas organizações paranaenses e brasileiras em grandes players globais nos negócios internacionais.


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Although Chinese corporations were relatively unknown in Latin America until a few years ago, their direct investments in the region have averaged about US$10 billion per year since 2010. Their presence and economic leverage have become very significant in many industries and countries of the region, but their motivation, strategy and procedures are not always well understood by Latin America’s governments, businesses and civil society. Similarly, Chinese companies still need to gain a better understanding of Latin America’s business environment and opportunities. This working document is an input for discussing the future of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in Latin America at the China - Latin America cross-council taskforce at the Summit on the Global Agenda, to be held under the auspices of the World Economic Forum (WEF), in Abu Dhabi on 18-20 November 2013. It was prepared jointly by Taotao Chen, Professor of Finance of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University in China and member of the WEF Global Agenda Council on China, and by Miguel Pérez Ludeña, Economic Affairs Officer at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), under the supervision of Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC and Vice-Chair of the WEF Global Agenda Council on Latin America.


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This paper investigates the changes in the structures of industrial networks that have occurred in the Asia-Pacific region in line with the rapid growth of the Chinese economy. Analyses using international input-output tables revealed that during the 1990s, there was a significant increase in the dependence of Asian countries’ manufacturing industries, such as textiles and electronics, on China’s industries, though industries in Japan and the United States remain important as the main suppliers of industries in Asian countries.


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This paper examines three types of industrialization that have occurred in East Asia: the Japanese, Chinese and generic Asian models. Industrial policies in Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) initially protected local companies from foreign investors by imposing high tariffs on foreign investors. But Japan began introducing liberalization policies to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in the 1960s, and the ROK began to welcome foreign technology in the 1970s. Meanwhile, the governments of the ASEAN countries and Taiwan established export-processing zones (EPZ) to invite FDI by offering preferential treatment, such as tax deductions and exemptions. China adopted similar industrial policies and also established EPZs, attracting the capital and know-how of multinationals and thereby strengthening the international competitiveness of local enterprises. This paper reaches the following three conclusions. First, it would have been difficult for East Asian countries to grow without FDI. Second, central governments were a crucial factor in these countries' growth strategies. Third, EPZs offering preferential treatment can effectively enhance aggregate growth in developing countries, and the Asian experience shows that this strategy can be applied to other countries that satisfy certain preconditions.