48 resultados para Chimneys.


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A pressure wave is generated when a high speed train enters a tunnel. This wave travels along the tunnel back and forth, and is reflected at the irregularities of the tunnel duct (section changes, chimneys and tunnel ends). The pressure changes are associated to these waves can have an effect on passengers if the trains are not suitably sealed or pressurized. The intensity of the waves depends mainly on the train speed, and on the blockage ratio (train-section-to- tunnel-section area ratio). As the intensity of the waves is limited by regulations, and also by the effects on passengers and infrastructures, the sizing of the tunnel section area is largely influenced by the maximum train speed allowed in the tunnel. The aim of this study is to analyse the increase in cost in a tunnel due to the existence of this difference in ground level, and evaluate the increase of construction costs that this elevation might involve.


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In the last decade, a number of quantitative epidemiological studies of specific diseases have been done in developing countries that for the first time allow estimation of the total burden of disease (mortality and morbidity) attributable to use of solid fuels in adult women and young children, who jointly receive the highest exposures because of their household roles. Few such studies are available as yet for adult men or children over 5 years. This paper evaluates the existing epidemiological studies and applies the resulting risks to the more than three-quarters of all Indian households dependent on such fuels. Allowance is made for the existence of improved stoves with chimneys and other factors that may lower exposures. Attributable risks are calculated in reference to the demographic conditions and patterns of each disease in India. Sufficient evidence is available to estimate risks most confidently for acute respiratory infections (ARI), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. Estimates for tuberculosis (TB), asthma, and blindness are of intermediate confidence. Estimates for heart disease have the lowest confidence. Insufficient quantitative evidence is currently available to estimate the impact of adverse pregnancy outcomes (e.g., low birthweight and stillbirth). The resulting conservative estimates indicate that some 400–550 thousand premature deaths can be attributed annually to use of biomass fuels in these population groups. Using a disability-adjusted lost life-year approach, the total is 4–6% of the Indian national burden of disease, placing indoor air pollution as a major risk factor in the country.


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This paper presents a structural analysis of a masonry chimney built in the 1940s, which is currently being cataloged as local interest heritage. This structure has not served any industrial purpose for the last thirty years. The chimney is located in the town of Agost (Alicante - Spain) and directly exposed to the prevailing winds from the sea, as it is approximately 12 km away from the waterfront and there are not any significant barriers, which could protect the structure against the wind. There are longitudinal cracks and fissures all along the shaft because of the chimney’s geometrical characteristics, the effect of the masonry creep and especially the lack of maintenance. Moreover, there is also a permanent bending deformation in the upper 1/3 of the height due to the wind pressure. A numerical analysis for the static behavior against gravity and wind loads was performed using the structure’s current conditions after a detailed report of its geometry, its construction system and the cracking pattern. Afterwards, the dynamic behavior was studied, i.e. a seismic analysis using both response spectra and accelerograms in order to examine the structural stability. This work shows the pre-monitoring analysis before any experimental testing. Using the current results the future test conditions will be determined (e.g. number of sensors and monitoring point location, excitation systems, etc) prior to a possible structural reinforcement by applying composite material (fiber reinforced polymers).


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Almanac with one laid-in leaf, and calendar pages with minimal, sporadic annotations. The laid-in leaf contains three entries by John Winthrop noting the firing of the house chimneys, and entries by both Winthrops listing deaths in the community and a bill of mortality. The bill of morality includes the note "In Boston Baptzd 367 a small nr by reesn of y small px."


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Almanac with one interleaved folded leaf and annotations made by John and Hannah Winthrop. The calendar pages are typically annotated with one or two notes at the bottom of page documenting household activities such as the hanging of bacon or bringing the horse from the pasture. The interleaved leaf contains entries by Hannah Winthrop about the weather and an earthquake (October 15?). There are entries on firing the household chimneys, deaths in the community, and a bill of mortality for 1767 in John Winthrop's hand.


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Almanac with one laid-in folded leaf and annotations made by John and Hannah Winthrop. The calendar pages are sporadically annotated with a note about household activities such as bringing the horse to pasture. The laid-in leaf contains entries by Hannah Winthrop about the weather. There are entries on firing the household chimneys, baptisms and deaths in the community, and a bill of mortality for 1768 in John Winthrop's hand.


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Almanac with one laid-in folded leaf and annotations made by John and Hannah Winthrop. The calendar pages are minimally annotated with a note about household activities such as bringing the horse to pasture. The laid-in leaf contains entries on firing the household chimneys, baptisms and deaths in the community, and a bill of mortality for 1769 in John Winthrop's hand.


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Almanac with one interleaved folded leaf and annotations made by John and Hannah Winthrop. The calendar pages are typically annotated with one or two notes at the bottom recording household activities, and a tabulation of miles traveled. The laid-in leaf includes sporadic entries about asthma fits and household activities by Hannah Winthrop, and entries on firing the household chimneys, baptisms and deaths in the community, and a bill of mortality for 1771 in John Winthrop's hand.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 193 recovered core from the active PACMANUS hydrothermal field (eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea) that provided an excellent opportunity to study mineralization related to a seafloor hydrothermal system hosted by felsic volcanic rocks. The purpose of this work is to provide a data set of mineral chemistry of the sulfide-oxide mineralization and associated gold occurrence in samples drilled at Sites 1188 and 1189. PACMANUS consists of five active vent sites, namely Rogers Ruins, Roman Ruins, Satanic Mills, Tsukushi, and Snowcap. In this work two sites were studied: Snowcap and Roman Ruins. Snowcap is situated in a water depth of 1670 meters below sea level [mbsl], covers a knoll of dacite-rhyodacite lava, and is characterized by low-temperature diffuse venting. Roman Ruin lies in a water depth of 1693-1710 mbsl, is 150 m across, and contains numerous large, active and inactive, columnar chimneys. Sulfide mineralogy at the Roman Ruins site is dominated by pyrite with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, and galena. Sulfide minerals are relatively rare at Snow Cap. These are dominated by pyrite with minor chalcopyrite and sphalerite and traces of pyrrhotite. Native gold has been found in a single sample from Hole 1189B (Roman Ruins). Oxide minerals are represented by Ti magnetite, magnetite, ilmenite, hercynite (Fe spinel), and less abundant Al-Mg rich chromite (average = 10.6 wt% Al2O3 and 5.8 wt% MgO), Fe-Ti oxides, and a single occurrence of pyrophanite (Mn Ti O3). Oxide mineralization is more developed at Snowcap, whereas sulfide minerals are more extensive and show better development at Roman Ruins. The mineralogy was obtained mainly by a detailed optical microscopy study. Oxide mineral identifications were confirmed by X-ray diffraction, and mineral chemistry was determined by electron probe microanalyses.


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In this study the relationship between heterogeneous nucleate boiling surfaces and deposition of suspended metallic colloidal particles, popularly known as crud or corrosion products in process industries, on those heterogeneous sites is investigated. Various researchers have reported that hematite is a major constituent of crud which makes it the primary material of interest; however the models developed in this work are irrespective of material choice. Qualitative hypotheses on the deposition process under boiling as proposed by previous researchers have been tested, which fail to provide explanations for several physical mechanisms observed and analyzed. In this study a quantitative model of deposition rate has been developed on the basis of bubble dynamics and colloid-surface interaction potential. Boiling from a heating surface aids in aggregation of the metallic particulates viz. nano-particles, crud particulate, etc. suspended in a liquid, which helps in transporting them to heating surfaces. Consequently, clusters of particles deposit onto the heating surfaces due to various interactive forces, resulting in formation of porous or impervious layers. The deposit layer grows or recedes depending upon variations in interparticle and surface forces, fluid shear, fluid chemistry, etc. This deposit layer in turn affects the rate of bubble generation, formation of porous chimneys, critical heat flux (CHF) of surfaces, activation and deactivation of nucleation sites on the heating surfaces. Several problems are posed due to the effect of boiling on colloidal deposition, which range from research initiatives involving nano-fluids as a heat transfer medium to industrial applications such as light water nuclear reactors. In this study, it is attempted to integrate colloid and surface science with vapor bubble dynamics, boiling heat transfer and evaporation rate. Pool boiling experiments with dilute metallic colloids have been conducted to investigate several parameters impacting the system. The experimental data available in the literature is obtained by flow experiments, which do not help in correlating boiling mechanism with the deposition amount or structure. With the help of experimental evidences and analysis, previously proposed hypothesis for particle transport to the contact line due to hydrophobicity has been challenged. The experimental observations suggest that deposition occurs around the bubble surface contact line and extends underneath area of the bubble microlayer as well. During the evaporation the concentration gradient of a non-volatile species is created, which induces osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure developed inside the microlayer draws more particles inside the microlayer region or towards contact line. The colloidal escape time is slower than the evaporation time, which leads to the aggregation of particles in the evaporating micro-layer. These aggregated particles deposit onto or are removed from the heating surface, depending upon their total interaction potential. Interaction potential has been computed with the help of surface charge and van der Waals potential for the materials in aqueous solutions. Based upon the interaction-force boundary layer thickness, which is governed by debye radius (or ionic concentration and pH), a simplified quantitative model for the attachment kinetics is proposed. This attachment kinetics model gives reasonable results in predicting attachment rate against data reported by previous researchers. The attachment kinetics study has been done for different pH levels and particle sizes for hematite particles. Quantification of colloidal transport under boiling scenarios is done with the help of overall average evaporation rates because generally waiting times for bubbles at the same position is much larger than growth times. In other words, from a larger measurable scale perspective, frequency of bubbles dictates the rate of collection of particles rather than evaporation rate during micro-layer evaporation of one bubble. The combination of attachment kinetics and colloidal transport kinetics has been used to make a consolidated model for prediction of the amount of deposition and is validated with the help of high fidelity experimental data. In an attempt to understand and explain boiling characteristics, high speed visualization of bubble dynamics from a single artificial large cavity and multiple naturally occurring cavities is conducted. A bubble growth and departure dynamics model is developed for artificial active sites and is validated with the experimental data. The variation of bubble departure diameter with wall temperature is analyzed with experimental results and shows coherence with earlier studies. However, deposit traces after boiling experiments show that bubble contact diameter is essential to predict bubble departure dynamics, which has been ignored previously by various researchers. The relationship between porosity of colloid deposits and bubbles under the influence of Jakob number, sub-cooling and particle size has been developed. This also can be further utilized in variational wettability of the surface. Designing porous surfaces can having vast range of applications varying from high wettability, such as high critical heat flux boilers, to low wettability, such as efficient condensers.


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An inactive vent field comprised of dead chimneys was discovered on the ultrafast East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 18°S during the research campaign NAUDUR with the R/V Le Nadir in December 1993. One of these chimneys was sampled, studied and found to be largely composed of silica-mineralized bacterial-like filaments. The filaments are inferred to be the result of microbial activity leading to silica (± Fe-oxyhydroxide) precipitation. The chimney grew from the most external layer (precipitated 226 ± 4 yr. B.P.) towards the central chimney conduit. Hydrothermal activity ceased 154 ± 13 yr. B.P. and the chimney conduit was completely sealed. Mixing between an end-member hydrothermal fluid and seawater explains the Sr–Nd isotopic composition of the chimney. Seawater was the major source of Sr to the chimney, whereas the dominant Nd source was the local mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) leached by the hydrothermal fluids. The mixing scenarios point to a dynamic hydrothermal system with fluctuating fluid compositions. The proportion of seawater within the venting fluid responsible for the precipitation of the silica chimney layers varied between 94 and 85%. Pb-isotope data indicates that all of the Pb in the chimney was derived from the underlying MORB. The precipitation temperatures of the chimney layers varied between 55 and 71 °C, and were a function of the seawater/end-member hydrothermal fluid mixing ratio. δ30Si correlates with the temperature of precipitation implying that temperature is one of the major controls of the Si-isotope composition of the chimney. Concentrations of elements across the chimney wall were a function of this mixing ratio and the composition of the end-member hydrothermal fluid. The inward growth of the chimney wall and accompanying decrease in wall permeability resulted in an inward decrease in the seawater/hydrothermal fluid mixing ratio, which in turn exerted a control on the concentrations of the elements supplied mainly by the hydrothermal fluids. The silica chimney is significantly enriched in U, likely a result of bacterial concentration of U from the seawater-dominated vent fluid. The chimney is poor in rare earth elements (REE). It inherited its REE distribution patterns from the parent end-member hydrothermal fluids. The dilution of the hydrothermal fluid with over 85% seawater could not obliterate the particular REE features (positive Eu anomaly) of the hydrothermal fluids.


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We acquired coincident marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM), high-resolution seismic reflection and ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) data over an active pockmark in the crest of the southern part of the Vestnesa Ridge, to estimate fluid composition within an underlying fluid-migration chimney. Synthetic model studies suggest resistivity obtained from CSEM data can resolve gas or hydrate saturation greater than 5% within the chimney. Acoustic chimneys imaged by seismic reflection data beneath the pockmark and on the ridge flanks, were found to be associated with high-resistivity anomalies (+2-4 m). High-velocity anomalies (+0.3 km/s), within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) and low-velocity anomalies (-0.2 km/s) underlying the GHSZ, were also observed. Joint analysis of the resistivity and velocity anomaly indicates pore saturation of up to 52% hydrate with 28% free gas, or up to 73% hydrate with 4% free gas, within the chimney beneath the pockmark assuming a non-uniform and uniform fluid distribution respectively. Similarly, we estimate up to 30% hydrate with 4% free gas or 30% hydrate with 2% free gas within the pore space of the GHSZ outside the central chimney assuming a non-uniform and uniform fluid distribution respectively. High levels of free-gas saturation in the top part of the chimney are consistent with episodic gas venting from the pockmark.