987 resultados para Chemical modifications


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Multiwalled carbon nanotube-supported Pt (Pt/MWNT) nanocomposites were prepared by both the aqueous solution reduction of a Pt salt (HCHO reduction) and the reduction of a Pt ion salt in ethylene glycol solution. For comparison, a Pt/XC-72 nanocomposite was also prepared by the EG method. The Pt/MWNT catalyst prepared by the EG method has a high and homogeneous dispersion of spherical Pt metal particles with a narrow particle-size distribution. TEM images show that the Pt particle size is in the range of 2-5 nm with a peak at 2.6 nm, which is consistent with 2.5 nm obtained from the XRD broadening calculation. Surface chemical modifications of MWNTs and water content in EG solvent are found to be the key factors in depositing Pt particles on MWNTs. In the case of the direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) test, the Pt/MWNT catalyst prepared by EG reduction is slightly superior to the catalyst prepared by aqueous reduction and displays significantly higher performance than the Pt/XC-72 catalyst. These differences in catalytic performance between the MWNT-supported or the carbon black XC-72-supported catalysts are attributed to a greater dispersion of the supported Pt particles when the EG method is used, in contrast to aqueous HCHO reduction and to possible unique structural and higher electrical properties when contrasting MWNTs to carbon black XC-72 as a support.


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An on-chip disk electrode based on sol-gel-derived carbon composite material could be easily and reproducibly fabricated. Unlike other carbon-based electrodes reported previously, this detector is rigid, convenient to fabricate, and amenable to chemical modifications. Based on the stable and reproducible characters of this detector, a copper particle-modified detector was developed for the detection of carbohydrates which extends the application of the carbon-based electrode. In our experiments, the performance of the new integrated detector for rapid on-chip measurement of epinephrine and glucose was illustrated. Experimental procedures including the fabrication of this detector, the configuration of separation channel outlet and electrode verge, and the performance characteristics of this new electrochemical detector were investigated.


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A novel synthetic approach to biodegradable amphiphilic copolymers based on poly (epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) and chitosan was presented, and the prepared copolymers were used to prepare nanoparticles successfully. The PCL-graft-chitosan copolymers were synthesized by coupling the hydroxyl end-groups on preformed PCL chains and the amino groups present on 6-O-triphenylmethyl chitosan and by removing the protective 6-O-triphenylmethyl groups in acidic aqueous solution. The PCL content in the copolymers can be controlled in the range of 10-90 wt %. The graft copolymers were thoroughly characterized by H-1 NAM, C-13 NMR, FT-IR and DSC. The nanoparticles made from the graft copolymers were investigated by H-1 NMR, DLS, AFM and SEM measurements. It was found that the copolymers could form spherical or elliptic nanoparticles it? water. The amount of available primary amines on the surface of the prepared nanoparticles was evaluated by ninhydrin assail, and it can be controlled by the grafting degree of PCL.


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The 3-D velocity images of the crest and upper mantle beneath the region of 112° -124°E, 28°-39°N including the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt are reconstructed by using 36405 P-wave arrivals of 3437 regional and 670 distant earthquakes during the period from 1981 to 1996, and gridding the area of 0.5° * 0.5°. The results of tomography demonstrate that: 1. The results of tomographic imaging show a broad heterogeneity in P wave velocity structure for the lithosphere beneath the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. 2. In the Dabie orogenic belt, the velocity patterns in the crust are different among various tectonic units. The Dabie and Qinling orogenic belts are remarkable in the tomographic images, and in mm the Hongan and Dabie blocks in the Dabie orogenic belt are also imaged very distinguishably. 3. A velocity (about 5.9~6.0 km/s) layer exists in the Dabie block at depth between 15~25 km, which is coincident with the low-resistance layer at the depth of 12-23 km, being inferred to be the tectonic detachment zone and suggesting that the extension detachment structure was formed in the middle crust. Beneath the southern and northerm Dabie tectonic units, the north-dipping high-velocity (at level of 6.5 ~ 6.6 km/s) block was developed in the crust, which might be correlated with the UHP rockswith low content of the meta-ultramafic rocks. This result is in agreement with the geological observation on the surface. 4. The velocity image at 40 km depth reveals the features at the top of mantle and the configuration of the Moho discontinuity. The depth of the Moho changes slightly along the trend of the orogenic belt. It in Hongan block is less than 40 km, but it is different in the western and eastern parts of the Dabie block, the former is more than 40 km, and the latter less than or equal to 40 km. The remnant of the mountain root exists between the Shangcheng-Macheng fault and the line of Huoshan-Yuexi-Yingshan in the Dabie orogenic belt, and beneath the southern and northern Dabie tectonic units. However, the thickness of the Moho is about 40 km and there is no obvious changes, which suggest that the Dabie orogenic belt has been experienced quite in the gravity equilibration. The Moho's depth in the Sulu is less than 40 km. 5. There is a dipping slab-like high-velocity body in the uppermost mantle. It is sandwiched by slow velocities and exists beneath the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt in the range of depths between the Moho discontinuity and 110 km at least. This high-velocity body outlines a picture of the slab interpreted as the remnant of the Triassic subducted YZ. 6. The Sulu orogenic belt displays "crocodilian" velocity structure, the upper crust of the Yangtze thrusted over the Huabei crest, and the Huabei crust indented into the Yangtze crust, where the ancient subduction zone of the Yangtze lithosphere located. Based on the previous geological data, this structure is not related with the collision between the Yangtze and Sino-Korean Blocks, but caused by the sinistral offset of the Tan-Lu Fault. Studied on the velocity structure of the eastern Huabei lithosphere indicates: 1. The 'present-day' lithosphere of the eastern Huabei is between 40-100 km thick with greatly thinned lithosphere around the Bohai Sea. Generally, thickness of the lithosphere in this region decreased eastwards. 2. The attenuation of the lithosphere is attributed to the strongly uplift of the asthenosphere. In the area between the Taihang Mountains and the Tan-Lu Fault, there is a 'lever' with red low velocity belt, it is clearly defined, transverse continuity, depth between 100-150 km, local variations visible, and an upwards trend towards the Bohai Sea. Generally, the velocity structure in the mantle beneath the lithosphere displays irregular column-shape consisting of alternating high and low velocities, and when cold high velocity ancient lithosphere connects with the hot low velocity mantle materials forming precipitous compact structure. More heat pathways from the mantle occur towards the Tan-Lu Fault. 3. The strongly irregular characteristics of the contact between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere is induced by the long-term hot, chemical erosion and alteration on the contact. 4. There are still preserved high velocity lithosphedc root beneath Huabei with 'block-shape' distribution and surrounded by hot materials. Results of our studies indicate that the evolution models of the eastern China mantle are characterized by the direct contact between the uplifted lithosphere and the Huabei Craton accompanying the upwelling of the deep mantle materials. At the contact betwen the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, the upwelled mantle materials replaced and altered the lower lithosphere forming the metasome through the hot and chemical modifications impacted on the Craton lithosphere, and changed it into the lithosphere gradually, resulting in the lithospheric thinning. Thus, the lithospheric thinning is the result of the upwelling of the asthenosphere.


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There is strong evidence for the involvement of alpha-synuclein in the pathologies of several neurodegenerative disorders, including PD (Parkinson's disease). Development of disease appears to be linked to processes that increase the rate at which alpha-synuclein forms aggregates. These processes include increased protein concentration (via either increased rate of synthesis or decreased rate of degradation), and altered forms of alpha-synuclein (such as truncations, missense mutations, or chemical modifications by oxidative reactions). Aggregated forms of the protein are toxic to cells and one therapeutic strategy would be to reduce the rate at which aggregation occurs. To this end we have designed several peptides that reduce alpha-synuclein aggregation. A cell-permeable version of one such peptide was able to inhibit the DNA damage induced by Fe(II) in neuronal cells transfected with alpha-synuclein (A53T), a familial PD-associated mutation.


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An abundance of genetic, histopathological, and biochemical evidence has implicated the neuronal protein, alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn) as a key player in the development of several neurodegenerative diseases, the so-called synucleinopathies, of which Parkinson's disease (PD) is the most prevalent. Development of disease appears to be linked to events that increase the intracellular concentration of alpha-syn or cause its chemical modification, either of which can accelerate the rate at which it forms aggregates. Examples of such events include increased copy number of genes, decreased rate of degradation via the proteasome or other proteases, or altered forms of alpha-syn, such as truncations, missense mutations, or chemical modifications by oxidative reactions. Aggregated forms of the protein, especially newly formed soluble aggregates, are toxic to cells, so that one therapeutic strategy would be to reduce the rate at which such oligomerization occurs. We have therefore designed several peptides and also identified small molecules that can inhibit alpha-syn oligomerization and toxicity in vitro. These compounds could serve as lead compounds for the design of new drugs for the treatment of PD and related disorders in the future.


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Glucagonlike peptide-1(7 36)amide (GLP-1) is an incretin hormone with therapeutic potential for type 2 diabetes. Rapid removal of the Nterminal dipeptide, His7-Ala8, by the ubiquitous enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) curtails the biological activity of GLP-1. Chemical modifications or substitutions of GLP-1 at His7 or Ala8 improve resistance to DPPIV action, but this often reduces potency. Little attention has focused on the metabolic stability and functional activity of GLP-1 analogues with amino acid substitution at Glu9, adjacent to the DPP IV cleavage site. We generated three novel Glu9-substituted GLP-1 analogues, (Pro9)GLP-1, (Phe9)GLP-1 and (Tyr9)GLP-1 and show for the first time that Glu9 of GLP-1 is important in DPP IV degradation, since replacing this amino acid, particularly with proline, substantially reduced susceptibility to degradation. All three novel GLP-1 analogues showed similar or slightly enhanced insulinotropic activity compared with native GLP-1 despite a moderate 4 10-fold reduction in receptor binding and cAMP generation. In addition, (Pro9)GLP 1 showed significant ability to moderate the plasma glucose excursion and increase circulating insulin concentrations in severely insulin resistant obese diabetic (ob/ob) mice. These observations indicate the importance of Glu9 for the biological activity of GLP-1 and susceptibility to DPP IVmediated degradation.


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The cysteine protease cathepsin S (CatS) is involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders, atherosclerosis, and obesity. Therefore, it represents a promising pharmacological target for drug development. We generated ligand-based and structure-based pharmacophore models for noncovalent and covalent CatS inhibitors to perform virtual high-throughput screening of chemical databases in order to discover novel scaffolds for CatS inhibitors. An in vitro evaluation of the resulting 15 structures revealed seven CatS inhibitors with kinetic constants in the low micromolar range. These compounds can be subjected to further chemical modifications to obtain drugs for the treatment of autoimmune disorders and atherosclerosis.


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Oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous disease processes including diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, ischaemia reperfusion injury and rheumatoid arthritis. Chemical modification of amino acids in protein during lipid peroxidation results in the formation of lipoxidation products which may serve as indicators of oxidative stress in vivo. The focus of the studies described here was initially to identify chemical modifications of protein derived exclusively from lipids in order to assess the role of lipid peroxidative damage in the pathogenesis of disease. Malondialdehye (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) are well characterized oxidation products of polyunsaturated fatty acids on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and adducts of these compounds have been detected by immunological means in atherosclerotic plaque. Thus, we first developed gas chromatography-mass spectrometry assays for the Schiff base adduct of MDA to lysine, the lysine-MDA-lysine diimine cross-link and the Michael addition product of HNE to lysine. Using these assays, we showed that the concentrations of all three compounds increased significantly in LDL during metal-catalysed oxidation in vitro. The concentration of the advanced glycation end-product N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) also increased during LDL oxidation, while that of its putative carbohydrate precursor the Amadori compound N epsilon-(1-deoxyfructose-1-yl)lysine did not change, demonstrating that CML is a marker of both glycoxidation and lipoxidation reactions. These results suggest that MDA and HNE adducts to lysine residues should serve as biomarkers of lipid modification resulting from lipid peroxidation reactions, while CML may serve as a biomarker of general oxidative stress resulting from both carbohydrate and lipid oxidation reactions.


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The Maillard or browning reaction between sugar and protein contributes to the increased chemical modification and cross-linking of long-lived tissue proteins in diabetes. To evaluate the role of glycation and oxidation in these reactions, we have studied the effects of oxidative and antioxidative conditions and various types of inhibitors on the reaction of glucose with rat tail tendon collagen in phosphate buffer at physiological pH and temperature. The chemical modifications of collagen that were measured included fructoselysine, the glycoxidation products N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine and pentosidine and fluorescence. Collagen cross-linking was evaluated by analysis of cyanogen bromide peptides using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by changes in collagen solubilization on treatment with pepsin or sodium dodecylsulfate. Although glycation was unaffected, formation of glycoxidation products and cross-linking of collagen were inhibited by antioxidative conditions. The kinetics of formation of glycoxidation products proceeded with a short lag phase and were independent of the amount of Amadori adduct on the protein, suggesting that autoxidative degradation of glucose was a major contributor to glycoxidation and cross-linking reactions. Chelators, sulfhydryl compounds, antioxidants, and aminoguanidine also inhibited formation of glycoxidation products, generation of fluorescence, and cross-linking of collagen without significant effect on the extent of glycation of the protein. We conclude that autoxidation of glucose or Amadori compounds on protein plays a major role in the formation of glycoxidation products and cross-liking of collagen by glucose in vitro and that chelators, sulfhydryl compounds, antioxidants, and aminoguanidine act as uncouplers of glycation from subsequent glycoxidation and cross-linking reactions.


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O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais baseados em quitosano, seus derivados e celulose, na forma de nanofibras ou de papel. Em primeiro lugar procedeu-se à purificação das amostras comerciais de quitosano e à sua caracterização exaustiva em termos morfológicos e físicoquímicos. Devido a valores contraditórios encontrados na literatura relativamente à energia de superfície do quitosano, e tendo em conta a sua utilização como precursor de modificações químicas e a sua aplicação em misturas com outros materiais, realizou-se também um estudo sistemático da determinação da energia de superfície do quitosano, da quitina e seus respectivos homólogos monoméricos, por medição de ângulos de contacto Em todas as amostras comerciais destes polímeros identificaram-se impurezas não polares que estão associadas a erros na determinação da componente polar da energia de superfície. Após a remoção destas impurezas, o valor da energia total de superfície (gs), e em particular da sua componente polar, aumentou consideravelmente. Depois de purificadas e caracterizadas, algumas das amostras de quitosano foram então usadas na preparação de filmes nanocompósitos, nomeadamente dois quitosanos com diferentes graus de polimerização, correspondentes derivados solúveis em água (cloreto de N-(3-(N,N,N-trimetilamónio)-2- hidroxipropilo) de quitosano) e nanofibras de celulose como reforço (celulose nanofibrilada (NFC) e celulose bacteriana (BC). Estes filmes transparentes foram preparados através de um processo simples e com conotação ‘verde’ pela dispersão homogénea de diferentes teores de NFC (até 60%) e BC (até 40%) nas soluções de quitosano (1.5% w/v) seguida da evaporação do solvente. Os filmes obtidos foram depois caracterizados por diversas técnicas, tais como SEM, AFM, difracção de raio-X, TGA, DMA, ensaios de tracção e espectroscopia no visível. Estes filmes são altamente transparentes e apresentam melhores propriedades mecânicas e maior estabilidade térmica do que os correspondentes filmes sem reforço. Outra abordagem deste trabalho envolveu o revestimento de folhas de papel de E. globulus com quitosano e dois derivados, um derivado fluorescente e um derivado solúvel em água, numa máquina de revestimentos (‘máquina de colagem’) à escala piloto. Este estudo envolveu inicialmente a deposição de 1 a 5 camadas do derivado de quitosano fluorescente sobre as folhas de papel de forma a estudar a sua distribuição nas folhas em termos de espalhamento e penetração, através de medições de reflectância e luminescência. Os resultados mostraram que, por um lado, a distribuição do quitosano na superfície era homogénea e que, por outro lado, a sua penetração através dos poros do papel cessou após três deposições. Depois da terceira camada verificou-se a formação de um filme contínuo de quitosano sobre a superfície do papel. Estes resultados mostram que este derivado de quitosano fluorescente pode ser utilizado como marcador na optimização e compreensão de mecanismos de deposição de quitosano em papel e outros substratos. Depois de conhecida a distribuição do quitosano nas folhas de papel, estudou-se o efeito do revestimento de quitosano e do seu derivado solúvel em água nas propriedades finais do papel. As propriedades morfológicas, mecânicas, superficiais, ópticas, assim como a permeabilidade ao ar e ao vapor de água, a aptidão à impressão e o envelhecimento do papel, foram exaustivamente avaliadas. De uma forma geral, os revestimentos com quitosano e com o seu derivado solúvel em água tiveram um impacto positivo nas propriedades finais do papel, que se mostrou ser dependente do número de camadas depositadas. Os resultados também mostraram que os papéis revestidos com o derivado solúvel em água apresentaram melhores propriedades ópticas, aptidão à impressão e melhores resultados em relação ao envelhecimento do que os papéis revestidos com quitosano. Assim, o uso de derivados de quitosano solúveis em água em processos de revestimento de papel representa uma estratégia bastante interessante e sustentável para o desenvolvimento de novos materiais funcionais ou na melhoria das propriedades finais dos papéis. Por fim, tendo como objectivo valorizar os resíduos e fracções menos nobres da quitina e do quitosano provenientes da indústria transformadora, estes polímeros foram convertidos em polióis viscosos através de uma reacção simples de oxipropilação. Este processo tem também conotação "verde" uma vez que não requer solvente, não origina subprodutos e não exige nenhuma operação específica (separação, purificação, etc) para isolar o produto da reacção. As amostras de quitina e quitosano foram pré-activadas com KOH e depois modificadas com um excesso de óxido de propileno (PO) num reactor apropriado. Em todos os casos, o produto da reacção foi um líquido viscoso composto por quitina ou quitosano oxipropilados e homopolímero de PO. Estas duas fracções foram separadas e caracterizadas.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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A backside protein-surface imprinting process is presented herein as a novel way to generate specific synthetic antibody materials. The template is covalently bonded to a carboxylated-PVC supporting film previously cast on gold, let to interact with charged monomers and surrounded next by another thick polymer. This polymer is then covalently attached to a transducing element and the backside of this structure (supporting film plus template) is removed as a regular “tape”. The new sensing layer is exposed after the full template removal, showing a high density of re-binding positions, as evidenced by SEM. To ensure that the templates have been efficiently removed, this re-binding layer was cleaned further with a proteolytic enzyme and solution washout. The final material was named MAPS, as in the back-side reading of SPAM, because it acts as a back-side imprinting of this recent approach. It was able to generate, for the first time, a specific response to a complex biomolecule from a synthetic material. Non-imprinted materials (NIMs) were also produced as blank and were used as a control of the imprinting process. All chemical modifications were followed by electrochemical techniques. This was done on a supporting film and transducing element of both MAPS and NIM. Only the MAPS-based device responded to oxLDL and the sensing layer was insensitive to other serum proteins, such as myoglobin and haemoglobin. Linear behaviour between log(C, μg mL−1) versus charged tranfer resistance (RCT, Ω) was observed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Calibrations made in Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) were linear from 2.5 to 12.5 μg mL−1 (RCT = 946.12 × log C + 1590.7) with an R-squared of 0.9966. Overall, these were promising results towards the design of materials acting close to the natural antibodies and applied to practical use of clinical interest.


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Une partie du travail a mené a un dépôt de brevet.


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This thesis aims to develop new toughened systems for epoxy resin via physical and chemical modifications. Initially the synthesis of DGEBA was carried out and the properties compared with that of the commercial sample. Subsequently the modifier resins to be employed were synthesized. The synthesized resin were characterized by spectroscopic method (FTIR and H NMR), epoxide equivalent and gel permeation chromatography. Chemical modification involves the incorporation of thermoset resins such a phenolics, epoxy novolacs, cardanol epoxides and unsaturated polyester into the epoxy resin by reactive belnding. The mechanical and thermal properties of the blends were studied. In the physical modification route, elastomers, maleated elastomers and functional elastomers were dispersed as micro-sized rubber phase into the continuous epoxy phase by a solution blending technique as against the conventional mechanical blending technique. The effect of matrix toughening on the properties of glass reinforced composites and the effect of fillers on the properties of commercial epoxy resin were also investigated. The blends were characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, scanning electron microscopy and mechanical property measurements. Among the thermoset blends, substantial toughening was observed in the case of epoxy phenolic novolacs especially epoxy para cresol novolac (ECN). In the case of elastomer blending , the toughest blends were obtained in the case of maleic anhydride grafted NBR. Among functional elastomers the best results were obtained with CTBN. Studies on filled and glass reinforced composites employing modified epoxy as matrix revealed an overall improvement in mechanical properties