992 resultados para Charmonium in matter


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Many astronomical observations in the last few years are strongly suggesting that the current Universe is spatially flat and dominated by an exotic form of energy. This unknown energy density accelerates the universe expansion and corresponds to around 70% of its total density being usually called Dark Energy or Quintessence. One of the candidates to dark energy is the so-called cosmological constant (Λ) which is usually interpreted as the vacuum energy density. However, in order to remove the discrepancy between the expected and observed values for the vacuum energy density some current models assume that the vacuum energy is continuously decaying due to its possible coupling with the others matter fields existing in the Cosmos. In this dissertation, starting from concepts and basis of General Relativity Theory, we study the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation with emphasis on the anisotropies or temperature fluctuations which are one of the oldest relic of the observed Universe. The anisotropies are deduced by integrating the Boltzmann equation in order to explain qualitatively the generation and c1assification of the fluctuations. In the following we construct explicitly the angular power spectrum of anisotropies for cosmologies with cosmological constant (ΛCDM) and a decaying vacuum energy density (Λ(t)CDM). Finally, with basis on the quadrupole moment measured by the WMAP experiment, we estimate the decaying rates of the vacuum energy density in matter and in radiation for a smoothly and non-smoothly decaying vacuum


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Recently the CP trajectory diagram was introduced to demonstrate the difference between the intrinsic CP violating effects to those induced by matter for neutrino oscillation. In this Letter we introduce the T trajectory diagram. In these diagrams the probability for a given oscillation process is plotted versus the probability for the CP- or the T-conjugate processes, which forms an ellipse as the CP- or T-violating phase is varied. Since the CP- and the T-conjugate processes are related by CPT symmetry, even in the presence of matter, these two trajectory diagrams are closely related with each other and form a unified description of neutrino oscillations in matter. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Bien plus qu'on le pense, les prémices reichiennes semblent être basées sur des propositions freudiennes, surtout celles des premiers temps. Basée sur des justificatifs de différents ordres, desquels le plus usuel est que Reich était lié officiellement à l Association Psychanalytique Internationale, certains auteurs cependant exaltent les approches cliniques de cette « période psychanalytique » propre aux premières élaborations reichiennes, sans mentionner d'autres approches possibles dans la polémique en question. Ce n'est pas pour un autre motif que ce texte vise à racheter certaines des réflexions freudiennes sur l'éducation, mettant en évidence « l'éducation des éducateurs », soit comme un présupposé psychanalytique basé sur des textes éducatifs de Freud, soit comme une utopie typiquement reichienne, misant sur la possibilité d'une prophylaxie des névroses étendue au domaine éducatif ou comme un des points communs entre le discours éducatif de Freud ou de Reich, capable donc de favoriser au second le dédoublement de présupposés manifestés dans l uvre du premier.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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A ideia do presente trabalho partiu do estudo dos contos (mais precisamente dois deles: “Miss Doris” e “Mentiras e Verdades no Mesmo Chão”) de Maria Lúcia Medeiros, escritora paraense. Partimos da premissa de que Maria Lúcia é contista de uma época em que os traços que caracterizam os gêneros literários venceram limites e regras: seus contos são textos multifacetados, escritos em uma espécie de prosa lírica ou, ainda, prosa lírico-dramática. Pretende-se, então, neste trabalho, fazer primeiramente um histórico dos gêneros literários, estudando sua evolução enquanto conceito teórico desde os primeiros estudos dos textos literários – desde Platão, Aristóteles, Horácio, Victor Hugo – até os do contexto histórico contemporâneo – como Käte Hamburger, Northrop Frye, Emil Staiger. Abordaremos, ainda, que papel os gêneros possuem em um estudo de contos (não tradicionais) como os de Maria Lúcia Medeiros. Levantamos, então, algumas questões relevantes que nortearam o trabalho: o que se entende por hibridismo de gêneros literários? São os contos de Maria Lúcia Medeiros híbridos? De que modo acontece esse hibridismo? O que é o conto? Como se constroem os contos de Maria Lúcia? Partimos, então, da premissa de que os contos da escritora paraense são híbridos, pois possuem características genéricas diversas, além de dialogarem com outras obras literárias e com outras artes. Faremos, então, a leitura de dois contos de Maria Lúcia – além de pequenas leituras dos contos de três de suas coletâneas (Zeus ou a menina e os óculos, Velas. Por quem? e Céu Caótico) –, “Miss Doris” e “Mentiras e Verdades no Mesmo Chão”, mostrando justamente esse hibridismo e esse diálogo. Vale ressaltar que, apesar de permear a teoria da literatura há muitas décadas, o assunto em questão, os gêneros, não pode ser considerado concluído. Por ainda haver muita discussão acerca do tema, faz-se pertinente desenvolver um estudo sobre eles, na obra de uma escritora paraense de valor inestimável: Maria Lúcia Medeiros.


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Falar sobre as interrupções constantes no abastecimento de água à população dos municípios que compõem a Região Metropolitana de Belém, no Estado do Pará, que é, sem dúvida, agraciado por uma rica rede de grandes bacias hidrográficas (Bacia Amazônica, Bacia do Tocantins-Araguaia e Costeira do Nordeste Ocidental), parece ser uma grande contradição. Se o problema não está na baixa disponibilidade hídrica como ocorre em algumas regiões metropolitanas do país (São Paulo, Recife e Rio de Janeiro), por que as demandas urbanas da população residente na área de expansão da metrópole não estão sendo atendidas satisfatoriamente? Que fatores estariam comprometendo a qualidade do sistema de abastecimento de água da RMB? E como o Governo do Estado do Pará e a Prefeitura Municipal de Belém implementaram políticas voltadas para a proteção dos mananciais do Utinga, principal responsável pelo abastecimento dessa população? Essas questões, ora levantadas, refletem o ponto central desta tese que é entendermos como numa metrópole amazonida, localizada numa região rica em disponibilidade hídrica superficial e subterrânea, o sistema público de abastecimento de água potável dos mananciais do Utinga tem desafiado a cidade para sobreviver. Para tanto, foi preciso avaliar a importância de seus recursos hídricos, o grau de desenvolvimento na adoção de sua legislação ambiental e hídrica, como também na necessidade de se traçarem metas e práticas de planejamento e manejo nas bacias hidrográficas, entre elas as que são utilizadas como mananciais voltados ao abastecimento de água potável da Região Metropolitana de Belém. A questão que envolve a gestão dos recursos hídricos nas bacias hidrográficas paraenses, em particular as que são destinadas ao abastecimento da população das cidades da RMB, requer o desenvolvimento de um estudo com base na ecologia política capaz de fornecer um referencial teórico-metodológico referente ao uso das bacias hidrográficas como unidades de gestão integrada entre estado e prefeituras, bem como através da participação dos moradores e demais usuários locais da água. Portanto, o nosso objetivo fundamenta-se na necessidade de identificarmos e avaliarmos os vinte anos de políticas implementadas pelo Governo do Estado do Pará e pela Prefeitura Municipal de Belém, para proteção e gestão dos mananciais do Utinga (bacias hidrográficas dos Igarapés Murutucum e Água Preta) responsável pelo abastecimento de 70% da população da Região Metropolitana de Belém – RMB.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Hegel’s identification with idealism may not apprehend adequately his philosophical thinking if one takes it as a definitive and absolute determination because he is a dialectical thinker or even better speculative. In this sense the moment of materiality cannot be just put aside as a contingency but it is more the opposition through which the spirit fulfills itself. This one cannot be what it is without assuming the materiality as well as the matter cannot be effective without being overtaken in the spirit. The totality appointed by Hegel in the absolute spirit means precisely to know and to recognize one another in the other and also by the other as itself. The spirit only raises to itself insofar it assumes its opposition in matter and by being determined it determines itself but this cannot be fulfilled anywhere but in the matter. In the same way the matter cannot be effective without going beyond itself or being considered in thought, that is not as well establishing itself. If the spirit and the matter are effective insofar they are in relation with one another then the primacy of one over the other can only be understood as a result and not as a starting point. In this way the first moment must not be taken as something static but as coming to be.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Therapy with proton beam has shown more e ective than Radiotherapy for oncology treatment. However, to its planning use photon beam Computing Tomography that not considers the fundamentals di erences the interaction with the matter between X-rays and Protons. Nowadays, there is a great e ort to develop Tomography with proton beam. In this way it is necessary to know the most likely trajectory of proton beam to image reconstruction. In this work was realized calculus of the most likely trajectory of proton beam in homogeneous target compound with water that was considered the inelastic nuclear interaction. Other calculus was the analytical calculation of lateral de ection of proton beam. In the calculation were utilized programs that use Monte Carlo Method: SRIM 2006 (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter ), MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) v2.50. And to analytical calculation was employed the software Wolfram Mathematica v7.0. We obtained how di erent nuclear reaction models modify the trajectory of proton beam and the comparative between analytical and Monte Carlo method


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The goal of this work is to study the process of interaction of protons with matter through Monte Carlo simulation. For this purpose, it was employed the SRIM program (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter ) and MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) v2.50. This work is going to support the development of a tomography system with protons. It was studied the interaction of proton with the follow materials: Polimethyl Mehacralate (PMMA), MS20 Tissue Substitute and water. This work employed energies in range of 50 MeV and 250 MeV, that is the range of clinical interest. The energy loss of proton after cross a material layer, the decreasing of its intensity, the angular and lateral de ection of incident beam, including and excluding nuclear interactions. This work is related with Medical Physics and Material Physics, like interaction of radiation with matter, particle transport phenomena, and the experimental methods in Nuclear Physics like simulation and computational by Monte Carlo method


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In the recent years, the use of proton beams in radiotherapy has been an outstanding progress (SMITH, 2006). Up to now, computed tomography (CT) is a prerequisite for treatment planning in this kind of therapy because it provides the electron density distribution required for calculation of dose and the interval of doses. However, the use of CT images for proton treatment planning ignores fundamental differences in physical interaction processes between photons and protons and is, therefore, potentially inaccurate (SADROZINSKI, 2004). Proton CT (pCT) can in principle directly measure the density distribution needed in a patient for the dose distribution (SCHULTE, et al, 2004). One important problem that should be solved is the implementation of image reconstruction algorithms. In this sense, it is necessary to know how the presence of materials with different density and composition interfere in the energy deposition by ionization and coulomb excitation, during its trajectory. The study was conducted in two stages, was used in both the program SRIM (The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) to perform simulations of the interaction of proton beams with pencil beam type. In the first step we used the energies in the range of 100-250 MeV (ZIEGLER, 1999). The targets were set to 50 mm in length for the beam of 100 MeV, due to its interaction with the target, and short-range, and 70 mm for 150, 200 and 250 MeV The target was composed of liquid water and a layer of 6 mm cortical bone (ICRP). It were made 9 simulations varying the position of the heterogeneity of 5 mm. In the second step the energy of 250 MeV was taken out from the simulations, due to its greater energy and less interaction. The targets were diminished to 50 mm thick to standardize the simulations. The layer of bone was divided into two equal parts and both were put in the ends of the target... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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In this paper we report original measurements of total cross sections (TCSs) for positron scattering from the cyclic ethers oxirane (C2H4O), 1,4-dioxane (C4H8O2), and tetrahydropyran (C5H10O). The present experiments focus on the low energy range from similar to 0.2 to 50 eV, with an energy resolution smaller than 300 meV. This study concludes our systematic investigation into TCSs for a class of organic compounds that can be thought of as sub-units or moieties to the nucleotides in living matter, and which as a consequence have become topical for scientists seeking to simulate particle tracks in matter. Note that as TCSs specify the mean free path between collisions in such simulations, they have enjoyed something of a recent renaissance in interest because of that application. For oxirane, we also report original Schwinger multichannel elastic integral cross section (ICS) calculations at the static and static plus polarisation levels, and with and without Born-closure that attempts to account for the permanent dipole moment of C2H4O. Those elastic ICSs are computed for the energy range 0.5-10 eV. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other experimental results or theoretical calculations against which we can compare the present positron TCSs. However, electron TCSs for oxirane (also known as ethylene oxide) and tetrahydropyran do currently exist in the literature and a comparison to them for each species will be presented. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3696378]