950 resultados para Characterization methods


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Les nanotechnologies appliquées aux sciences pharmaceutiques ont pour but d’améliorer l’administration de molécules actives par l’intermédiaire de transporteurs nanométriques. Parmi les différents types de véhicules proposés pour atteindre ce but, on retrouve les nanoparticules polymériques (NP) constituées de copolymères “en bloc”. Ces copolymères permettent à la fois l’encapsulation de molécules actives et confèrent à la particule certaines propriétés de surface (dont l’hydrophilicité) nécessaires à ses interactions avec les milieux biologiques. L’architecture retenue pour ces copolymères est une structure constituée le plus fréquemment de blocs hydrophiles de poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG) associés de façon linéaire à des blocs hydrophobes de type polyesters. Le PEG est le polymère de choix pour conférer une couronne hydrophile aux NPs et son l’efficacité est directement liée à son organisation et sa densité de surface. Néanmoins, malgré les succès limités en clinique de ces copolymères linéaires, peu de travaux se sont attardés à explorer les effets sur la structure des NPs d’architectures alternatives, tels que les copolymères en peigne ou en brosse. Durant ce travail, plusieurs stratégies ont été mises au point pour la synthèse de copolymères en peigne, possédant un squelette polymérique polyesters-co-éther et des chaines de PEG liées sur les groupes pendants disponibles (groupement hydroxyle ou alcyne). Dans la première partie de ce travail, des réactions d’estérification par acylation et de couplage sur des groupes pendants alcool ont permis le greffage de chaîne de PEG. Cette méthode génère des copolymères en peigne (PEG-g-PLA) possédant de 5 à 50% en poids de PEG, en faisant varier le nombre de chaînes branchées sur un squelette de poly(lactique) (PLA). Les propriétés structurales des NPs produites ont été étudiées par DLS, mesure de charge et MET. Une transition critique se situant autour de 15% de PEG (poids/poids) est observée avec un changement de morphologie, d’une particule solide à une particule molle (“nanoagrégat polymére”). La méthode de greffage ainsi que l’addition probable de chaine de PEG en bout de chaîne principale semblent également avoir un rôle dans les changements observés. L’organisation des chaînes de PEG-g-PLA à la surface a été étudiée par RMN et XPS, méthodes permettant de quantifier la densité de surface en chaînes de PEG. Ainsi deux propriétés clés que sont la résistance à l’agrégation en conditions saline ainsi que la résistance à la liaison aux protéines (étudiée par isothermes d’adsorption et microcalorimétrie) ont été reliées à la densité de surface de PEG et à l’architecture des polymères. Dans une seconde partie de ce travail, le greffage des chaînes de PEG a été réalisé de façon directe par cyclo-adition catalysée par le cuivre de mPEG-N3 sur les groupes pendants alcyne. Cette nouvelle stratégie a été pensée dans le but de comprendre la contribution possible des chaines de PEG greffées à l’extrémité de la chaine de PLA. Cette librairie de PEG-g-PLA, en plus d’être composée de PEG-g-PLA avec différentes densités de greffage, comporte des PEG-g-PLA avec des PEG de différent poids moléculaire (750, 2000 et 5000). Les chaines de PEG sont seulement greffées sur les groupes pendants. Les NPs ont été produites par différentes méthodes de nanoprécipitation, incluant la nanoprécipitation « flash » et une méthode en microfluidique. Plusieurs variables de formulation telles que la concentration du polymère et la vitesse de mélange ont été étudiées afin d’observer leur effet sur les caractéristiques structurales et de surface des NPs. Les tailles et les potentiels de charges sont peu affectés par le contenu en PEG (% poids/poids) et la longueur des chaînes de PEG. Les images de MET montrent des objets sphériques solides et l'on n’observe pas d’objets de type agrégat polymériques, malgré des contenus en PEG comparable à la première bibliothèque de polymère. Une explication possible est l’absence sur ces copolymères en peigne de chaine de PEG greffée en bout de la chaîne principale. Comme attendu, les tailles diminuent avec la concentration du polymère dans la phase organique et avec la diminution du temps de mélange des deux phases, pour les différentes méthodes de préparation. Finalement, la densité de surface des chaînes de PEG a été quantifiée par RMN du proton et XPS et ne dépendent pas de la méthode de préparation. Dans la troisième partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié le rôle de l’architecture du polymère sur les propriétés d’encapsulation et de libération de la curcumine. La curcumine a été choisie comme modèle dans le but de développer une plateforme de livraison de molécules actives pour traiter les maladies du système nerveux central impliquant le stress oxydatif. Les NPs chargées en curcumine, montrent la même transition de taille et de morphologie lorsque le contenu en PEG dépasse 15% (poids/poids). Le taux de chargement en molécule active, l’efficacité de changement et les cinétiques de libérations ainsi que les coefficients de diffusion de la curcumine montrent une dépendance à l’architecture des polymères. Les NPs ne présentent pas de toxicité et n’induisent pas de stress oxydatif lorsque testés in vitro sur une lignée cellulaire neuronale. En revanche, les NPs chargées en curcumine préviennent le stress oxydatif induit dans ces cellules neuronales. La magnitude de cet effet est reliée à l’architecture du polymère et à l’organisation de la NP. En résumé, ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence quelques propriétés intéressantes des copolymères en peigne et la relation intime entre l’architecture des polymères et les propriétés physico-chimiques des NPs. De plus les résultats obtenus permettent de proposer de nouvelles approches pour le design des nanotransporteurs polymériques de molécules actives.


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Various factors determine the applicability of rice husk ash (RHA) as a pozzolanic material. The amount and accessibility of reactive sites is thought to be a key factor. A structural study of RHA samples in relation to their reactivity has been performed; Silica in RHA formed by burning rice husk in a laboratory furnace under continuous supply of air have been characterized as a function of incineration temperature, time and cooling regime. The characterization methods included chemical analyses, conductivity measurements, microscopic analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and 29Si magic-angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In line with earlier observations, the analyses show that the highest amounts of amorphous silica occur in samples burnt in the range of 500 °C–700 °C. The 29Si NMR data allow direct identification of the reactive silanol sites in the RHA samples. De-convolution of the NMR spectra clearly shows that the quickly cooled RHA resulting from burning rice husk for 12 h at 500 °C has the highest amount of silanol groups. This sample also induced the largest drop in conductivity when added to a saturated calcium hydroxide solution giving an indication of its reactivity towards lime. Therefore, this RHA is the favorable sample to be used as pozzolanic cement additive


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Nanophotonics can be regarded as a fusion of nanotechnology and photonics and it is an emerging field providing researchers opportunities in fundamental science and new technologies. In recent times many new methodsand techniques have been developed to prepare materials at nanoscale dimensions. Most of these materials exhibit unique and interesting optical properties and behavior. Many of these have been found to be very useful to develop new devices and systems such as tracers in biological systems, optical limiters, light emitters and energy harvesters. This thesis presents a summary of the work done by the author in the field by choosing a few semiconductor systems to prepare nanomaterials and nanocomposites. Results of the study of linear and nonlinear optical properties of materials thus synthesized are also presented in the various chapters of this thesis. CdS is the material chosen here and the methods and the studies of the detailed investigation are presented in this thesis related to the optical properties of CdS nanoparticles and its composites. Preparation and characterization methods and experimental techniques adopted for the investigations were illustrated in chapter 2 of this thesis. Chapter 3 discusses the preparation of CdS, TiO2 and Au nanoparticles. We observed that the fluorescence behaviour of the CdS nanoparticles, prepared by precipitation technique, depends on excitation wavelength. It was found that the peak emission wavelength can be shifted by as much as 147nm by varyingthe excitation wavelengths and the reason for this phenomenon is the selective excitation of the surface states in the nanoparticles. This provided certain amount of tunability for the emission which results from surface states.TiO2 nanoparticle colloids were prepared by hydrothermal method. The optical absorption study showed a blue shift of absorption edge, indicating quantum confinement effect. The large spectral range investigated allows observing simultaneously direct and indirect band gap optical recombination. The emission studies carried out show four peaks, which are found to be generated from excitonic as well as surface state transitions. It was found that the emission wavelengths of these colloidal nanoparticles and annealed nanoparticles showed two category of surface state emission in addition to the excitonic emission. Au nanoparticles prepared by Turkevich method showed nanoparticles of size below 5nm using plasmonic absorption calculation. It was also found that there was almost no variation in size as the concentration of precursor was changed from 0.2mM to 0.4mM.We have observed SHG from CdS nanostructured thin film prepared onglass substrate by chemical bath deposition technique. The results point out that studied sample has in-plane isotropy. The relative values of tensor components of the second-order susceptibility were determined to be 1, zzz 0.14, xxz and 0.07. zxx These values suggest that the nanocrystals are oriented along the normal direction. However, the origin of such orientation remains unknown at present. Thus CdS is a promising nonlinear optical material for photonic applications, particularly for integrated photonic devices. CdS Au nanocomposite particles were prepared by mixing CdS nanoparticles with Au colloidal nanoparticles. Optical absorption study of these nanoparticles in PVA solution suggests that absorption tail was red shifted compared to CdS nanoparticles. TEM and EDS analysis suggested that the amount of Au nanoparticles present on CdS nanoparticles is very small. Fluorescence emission is unaffected indicating the presence of low level of Au nanoparticles. CdS:Au PVA and CdS PVA nanocomposite films were fabricated and optically characterized. The results showed a red-shift for CdS:Au PVA film for absorption tail compared to CdS PVA film. Nonlinear optical analysis showed a huge nonlinear optical absorption for CdS:Au PVA nanocomposite and CdS:PVA films. Also an enhancement in nonlinear optical absorption is found for CdS:Au PVA thin film compared to the CdS PVA thin film. This enhancement is due to the combined effect of plasmonic as well as excitonic contribution at high input intensity. Samples of CdS doped with TiO2 were also prepared and the linear optical absorption spectra of these nanocompositeparticles clearly indicated the influence of TiO2 nanoparticles. TEM and EDS studies have confirmed the presence of TiO2 on CdS nanoparticles. Fluorescence studies showed that there is an increase in emission peak around 532nm for CdS nanoparticles. Nonlinear optical analysis of CdS:TiO2 PVA nanocomposite films indicated a large nonlinear optical absorption compared to that of CdS:PVA nanocomposite film. The values of nonlinear optical absorption suggests that these nanocomposite particles can be employed for optical limiting applications. CdSe-CdS and CdSe-ZnS core-shell QDs with varying shell size were characterized using UV–VIS spectroscopy. Optical absorption and TEM analysis of these QDs suggested a particle size around 5 nm. It is clearly shown that the surface coating influences the optical properties of QDs in terms of their size. Fluorescence studies reveal the presence of trap states in CdSe-CdS and CdSe- ZnS QDs. Trap states showed an increase as a shell for CdS is introduced and increasing the shell size of CdS beyond a certain value leads to a decrease in the trap state emission. There is no sizeable nonlinear optical absorption observed. In the case of CdSe- ZnS QDs, the trap state emission gets enhanced with the increase in ZnS shell thickness. The enhancement of emission from trap states transition due to the increase in thickness of ZnS shell gives a clear indication of distortion occurring in the spherical symmetry of CdSe quantum dots. Consequently the nonlinear optical absorption of CdSe-ZnS QDs gets increased and the optical limiting threshold is decreased as the shell thickness is increased in respect of CdSe QDs. In comparison with CdSe-CdS QDs, CdSe-ZnS QDs possess much better optical properties and thereby CdSe-ZnS is a strong candidate for nonlinear as well as linear optical applications.


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In general, linear- optic, thermo- optic and nonlinear- optical studies on CdSe QDs based nano uids and their special applications in solar cells and random lasers have been studied in this thesis. Photo acous- tic and thermal lens studies are the two characterization methods used for thermo- optic studies whereas Z- scan method is used for nonlinear- optical charecterization. In all these cases we have selected CdSe QDs based nano uid as potential photonic material and studied the e ect of metal NPs on its properties. Linear optical studies on these materials have been done using vari- ous characterization methods and photo induced studies is one of them. Thermal lens studies on these materials give information about heat transport properties of these materials and their suitability for applica- tions such as coolant and insulators. Photo acoustic studies shows the e ect of light on the absorption energy levels of the materials. We have also observed that these materials can be used as optical limiters in the eld of nonlinear optics. Special applications of these materials have been studied in the eld of solar cell such as QDSSCs, where CdSe QDs act as the sensitizing materials for light harvesting. Random lasers have many applications in the eld of laser technology, in which CdSe QDs act as scattering media for the gain.


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Nickel, a component of stainless steels (SS) applied in orthopedic implants may cause allergic processes in human tissues P558 nickel free SS was studied to verify its viability as a substitute for stainless steel containing nickel Its performance is compared to ISO 5832-9 and F138 most used nowadays grades in implants fabrications, in minimum essential medium. MEM, at 37 degrees C. Potentiodynamic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ""in vitro"" cytotoxicity were used as techniques. From the electrochemical point of view P558 SS is comparable to ISO 5832-9 SS in MEM It remains passivated until the transpassivation potential, above which generalized corrosion occurs F138 presents pitting corrosion at 370 mV/SCE. The cytotoxicity results showed that P558. ISO 5832-9 and F138 do not present cytotoxic character Therefore, these results suggest that P558 SS can be applied in orthopedic implants (C) 2010 Elsevier BV All rights reserved


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The indentation slope curve from a spherical indentation on elastic-plastic materials is examined. By comparing it with that of an linear elastic material of the same elastic properties, we found that the start point of plastic yielding for an elastic-plastic material can be easily located from the indentation slope curve. Based on this analysis, a simple but effective method is proposed to measure the plastic yield stress of very small samples from a spherical nano-indentation slope curve.


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This research has enhanced the performance of natural fibre composites by optimisation of the cure cycle under Quickstep{u2122} process and treatment time under atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma. The study has also utilised many characterization methods, theoretical models, and established surface-property relationship to manufacture composites with optimum strength and toughness.


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 The present thesis explores the fabrication of technologically relevant nanocomposites out of a few elastomers and conducting fillers like carbon nanotubes, graphene and polyaniline. The developed materials have good applications in sensors, shape memory devices and capacitors. Different characterization methods reveal the influence of filler-elastomer interactions on the various properties of the obtained nanocomposites as well.


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The performance of biomaterials in a biological environment is largely influenced by the surface properties of the biomaterials. In particular, grafted targeting ligands significantly impact the subsequent cellular interactions. The utilisation of a grafted epidermal growth factor (EGF) is effective for targeted delivery of drugs to tumours, but the amount of these biological attachments cannot be easily quantified as most characterization methods could not detect the extremely low amount of EGF ligands grafted on the surface of nanoparticles. In this study, hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles (HMSNs) were functionalized with amine groups to conjugate with EGFs via carbodiimide chemistry. Time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), a very surface specific technique (penetration depth <1.5 nm), was employed to study the binding efficiency of the EGF to the nanoparticles. Principal component analysis (PCA) was implemented to track the relative surface concentrations of EGFs on HMSNs. It was found that ToF-SIMS combined with the PCA technique is an effective method to evaluate the immobilization efficiency of EGFs. Based on this useful technique, the quantity and density of the EGF attachments that grafted on nanoparticles can be effectively controlled by varying the EGF concentration at grafting stages. Cell experiments demonstrated that the targeting performance of EGFR positive cells was affected by the number of EGFs attached on HMSNs.


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Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by thermal treatment of a silver-aspartarne complex under inert atmosphere is described. Spherical metallic silver naroparticles with average diameter of 5 +/-2 nm were obtained by thermal treatment of the complex [Ag(C14H17N2O5)] 1/2H(2)O at 185 degrees C. Thermogravimetric and infrared analysis of the product show the occurrence of an ester bond cleavage of the aspartame ligand followed by rearrangement and release of a molecule of formaldehyde (H2CO), which is transformed in two strong reducing molecules, H-2 and CO. For silver reduction, the presence of the formaldehyde molecules seems to be the key process for the metallic nanoparticles fort-nation. The maintenance of the ligand crystalline structure, with the exception of the ester group loss, was noted as essential for nanoparticles formation and size control. The ligand crystalline structure was completely lost at 200 degrees C and particle growth and coalescence were observed above 250 degrees C. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ao longo dos anos o desenvolvimento industrial trouxe uma crescente geração de resíduos, que são potenciais problemas ambientais. Estudos das características destes materiais, bem como o desenvolvimento de técnicas para sua utilização se tornam imprescindíveis para a preservação do meio ambiente. Assim este trabalho objetiva a caracterização e utilização de cinza volante proveniente da queima de carvão mineral em caldeiras, assim como o uso de microssílica, utilizada para alterar a relação molar Si/Al da mistura cinza/microssílica na síntese de zeólitas. Para a caracterização da cinza foram utilizados métodos de análise química, física e mineralógica como: difração de raios X, fluorescência de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, análise granulométrica, análise térmica diferencial e termogravimétrica. Os ensaios de síntese foram feitos a 60, 100, 150 e 190 °C, com razão molar de Na2O/Al2O3 igual a 5 e Si/Al variando de 2,12 a 15, e tempo de reação 24 h. Os resultados da caracterização da cinza mostram potencial utilização deste como matéria-prima para a síntese de zeólitas, pois apresenta ~ 50% de SiO2 e Al2O3, fases mineralógicas bem definidas, baixo teor de umidade, baixa granulometria (d90 < 10 µm), entre outros. Análises de difração de raios X dos produtos das sínteses mostraram a formação de alguns tipos de zeólitas, como analcima, phillipsita, sodalita, zeolita P e tobermorita. Deste modo, a mistura cinza e microssílica nestas condições reacionais mostram-se matérias-primas promissoras para a síntese de zeólitas.