38 resultados para Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita)
The following research project deals with the development of new analytical procedures aimed at the identification and quantification of the element zinc in different fractions of vegetable drugs used for weight loss, using the high-resolution continuum source atomic absorption spectrometry in flame. The determination of the levels of zinc was made in an AnalytikJena ContrAA 300 spectrometer in the principal line of Zn at 213.857 nm and wavelength integrated absorbance equal to 3 pixels. Calibration curves were obtained with linear dynamic range from 0.10 to 1.00 mg L-1, correlation coefficient equal to 0.9991 and limit of detection equal to 0.020 mg L-1. The total Zn content in the samples obtained after microwave-assisted acid digestion system were: 28.06 mg kg-1 (Artichoke), 31.49 mg kg-1 (Chamomile), 77.16 mg kg-1 (Gorse), 105.38 mg kg-1 (Horsetail), 32.37 mg kg-1 (Fennel) and 5.00 mg kg-1 (Senna). The extraction in aqueous environment assisted by microwave radiation produced extracts containing: 5.40 mg kg-1 (Artichoke), 10.65 mg kg-1 (Chamomile), 14.83 mg kg-1 (Gorse), 18.90 mg kg-1 (Horsetail), 7.80 mg kg-1 (Fennel), 3.24 mg kg-1 (Senna), corresponding to 19%, 34%, 19%, 18%, 24% and 64% of their total content of Zn, respectively. The amounts of Zn in the extracted samples from some plants indicate that this metal was strongly bounded to the plant's matrix. The sequential extraction using solvents and mixtures with different polarities (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, propanol, methanol, ethanol-water 1:1 (v/v), water) aimed the separation of different Zn containing species and water was considered the most efficient extractor. The Zn contents extracted were: 14.82 mg kg-1 (Artichoke), 16.82 mg kg-1 (Chamomile), 34.09 mg kg-1 (Gorse), 4.75 mg kg-1 (Senna), corresponding to 53% in the first two samples, 44% and 95% for the last two, respectively. It was observed that Zn is found complexed under
The use of medicinal plants among pregnant women and lactating is a common practice in diverse countries. However, many medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactating, due to various adverse effects, such as teratogenic, embryotoxic and abortive effects, exposing these women, their fetus and babies to health unknown risks. Thus, the purpose of this commentary, was to analyze the perception about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women and lactating registered in the "baby on board" NGO, Araraquara, São Paulo state, Brazil, between 2010 at 2013. The group was constituted by 48 women, between the first and last trimester of pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. Information was collected during group meetings by oral interview, using a questionnaire, as script. The nature of the study was a qualitative analysis. The results were based on reports about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women during group meetings: use, indication of use, knowledge about risks. All participants received written and oral information about the study and they gave a written informed consent. The use of medicinal plants is a reality among pregnant and lactating women of the "baby on board" NGO. They reported that they feel that "natural" products are not harmful for their health. The primary information sources for the majority of women about medicinal plants during pregnancy are family, neighbors and herbalists. The plants most cited (in popular name in Brazil) were: senna, chamomile, boldo, lemon balm, lemon grass. They were used mainly for: nausea, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, intestinal and abdominal pain, anxiety, intestinal constipation and low milk production. The pregnant and lactating women lacked knowledge about the health risks of the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicines in pregnancy and lactation. They also reported difficulties in clarifying some questions about the use of medicinal plants with their doctors. The results of the present study showed that educative actions about the rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and breastfeeding could be part of the operating protocols to promote the maternal and child health programs in Araraquara. Thus, our results also suggest the importance of creating institutionalized places, to the implementation of continued education programs about rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and lactation. These targeted programs are not only for health professionals, but also for community members, pregnant women and breastfeeding. Our results pointed out the importance of guidance of doctors and healthcare professionals on the scientific studies about medicinal plants and herbal medicines and the risk/benefit of using herbs during pregnancy. Finally, it is noted the importance of the health professionals to inform women of childbearing on risks to their health, as well as on possibilities of utilization of herbs during fertile period, giving special attention to the potential risk of self-medication.
The emergence of resistant strains to conventional antimicrobial drugs has been constant as well as research aimed new alternatives of antibacterial agents. Therefore, considering that natural products have been an important potential source of new antimicrobial drugs, aim to verify the synergism by disk and time kill curve method between antimicrobials (extracts-Ext. and essential oils-EO) from four plant and eight antimicrobial drugs against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli strains from human specimens. The S. aures strains were highly susceptible with all plant antimicrobials (eg., 1.24 mg/ml with Vernonia polyanthes Ext. and 2.21 mg/ml with Eugenia uniflora EO for the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration-MIC). According disk method, the Bacharis dracunculifolia and V. polyanthes EO had synergism with all eight tested drugs while only Matricaria chamomilla Ext. showed synergism against S. aureus. The synergism was found with V. polyanthes and E. uniflora Ext. while M. chamomilla Ext. had antagonism against E. coli strains. By time kill curve, the bacterial growth inhibition was superior when drugs were tested alone and the synergism effect also was verified. The antagonism effect was detected only for E. coli strains and only with Ext. Results indicated the potential use of these products as coadjutants during treatment of infectious diseases.
Pese a que Loja (Ecuador) presenta una gran riqueza ecológica y cultural, ni su patrimonio etnobotánico, ni cómo afecta el uso de las plantas al estado de conservación de los ecosistemas es bien conocido. Por ello se ha realizado un estudio etnobotánico y ecológico para conocer el papel que han jugado las plantas en la cultura tradicional de la provincia y comprender qué factores influyen en su uso. Durante 2006 y 2008 se entrevistó a 770 informantes (196 de ellos vendedores en mercados locales) y se realizaron 373 transectos en 118 remanentes boscosos, 51% indicados por la gente como lugares de recolección. Se ha registrado el saber etnobotánico de 717 especies pertenecientes a 143 familias, la mayoría nativas del Ecuador, 31 de ellas endémicas. Ello supone un 15% de la flora total de Loja. Sin embargo especies introducidas como Matricaria recutita o Eucalyptus globulus están entre las más citadas. La mayor riqueza se obtuvo para las plantas medicinales (509 especies), que se usan sobre todo para tratar las llamadas “inflamaciones internas” (210 especies, Matricaria recutita y Melissa officinalis principalmente) y trastornos del sistema digestivo (188, Matricaria recutita y Mentha pulegium). En los mercados se venden 169 especies, la mayoría para elaborar la bebida típica llamada horchata (65) y para curar “inflamaciones internas” (36). Además se emplean 414 con otros fines (161 para leña, 142 para alimentación humana, 133 para construcción de viviendas y muebles, 98 para artesanías, 89 ornamentales, 27 tintóreas y 72 para otros usos). En los remanentes se inventariaron 19.156 individuos correspondientes a 1440 especies de 153 familias, de las cuales 437 son empleadas por la población. La riqueza media de especies y de plantas útiles fue significativamente mayor en los remanentes recolectados lo cual parece demostrar que la explotación no afecta negativamente a la diversidad de especies al generar variabilidad de hábitats. También se vio que la proporción de especies útiles disminuye en los remanentes más diversos. También se observó que la probabilidad de uso de una especie aumenta con la frecuencia y la abundancia y disminuye con la distancia a los remanentes en los que aparece. Este patrón general no se cumple para las especies medicinales y ornamentales. Estos datos demuestran una gran riqueza de conocimientos tradicionales y una gran vitalidad del uso de muchas especies y corroboran la hipótesis de que los recursos vegetales más accesibles y abundantes son, salvo excepciones, los más empleados por la gente. ABSTRACT Although the Loja province (Ecuador) has a great ecological and cultural richness, neither the ethnobotanical heritage nor the incidence of plant use on ecosystems conservation it is well known. We have made an ethnobotanical and ecological study to determine the role played by plants in the traditional culture of the province and to understand what factors influence their use. Between 2006 and 2008 we interviewed 770 informants (196 of them vendors in local markets) and inventoried 373 transects in 118 forest remnants (51% of them indicated by people as collection sites). We recorded the ethnobotanical knowledge for 717 species belonging to 143 families, mostly native of Ecuador, 31 of which are endemic. This represents about a 15% of the total flora of Loja. However introduced species such as Matricaria recutita and Eucalyptus globulus are among the most cited. Medicinal plants (509 species) were the most abundant, and are used primarily to treat so‐called "internal inflammation" (210 species, with Matricaria recutita and Melissa officinalis as the most valued) and disorders of the digestive system (188, Matricaria recutita and Mentha pulegium). We recorded 169 species sold in markets, most of them (65) employed to elaborate a typical drink called horchata and to heal "internal inflammation" (36). In addition 414 are used for other purposes: 161 for firewood, 142 for human consumption, 133 for construction and furniture, 98 for handicrafts, 89 as ornamental, 27 for dye and 72 for other uses. In the forest remnants, 19,156 individuals corresponding to 1440 species of 153 families, 437 of which are used by the population were inventoried. The average species richness (both total and of useful plants) was significantly higher in exploited remnants, which suggest that exploitation does not adversely affect species diversity and instead increases habitat diversity. We also found that the proportion of useful species decreases in decreased in the most diverse remnants. It was also observed that the probability of use of a species increases with its frequency and abundance and decreases as the distance form localities to remnants where it appears increases. This general pattern however does not hold for medicinal and ornamental species. These results show the extraordinary wealth of traditional knowledge and the great vitality in the use of many species and support the hypothesis that most accessible and abundant plant resources are the most used by people.
Contains instructions for preparing and administering medicine for adults and children, and generalized uses for certain ingredients, written by Dr. Francis Kittredge. Preparations include ointment for scurvy, bone ointment, nerve ointments, procedures to soothe a sore mouth and to stop excessive bleeding, and treatment to kill worms. The materials used to prepare bone ointment include fresh butter, hog fat, chamomile, garlic, and night shade, among other ingredients. The recipe for “simple nerve ointment” instructs the preparer to simmer half a pint of neet foot oil, a pint of rum, and one jell of oil of turpentine over a “gentle fire.” Kittredge writes that oil of St. John’s Wort is effective in treating swelling of the legs, for cold and aches, and for burning and scalds, while oil of Elderflower is indicated for belly aches. The manuscript is housed in a binding created by the Harvard Medical School library. Tipped into the binding is one letter from Frederick O. West, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, that accompanied his donation of the Kittredge receipt book to the library in 1919. There is also one letter of unknown provenance enclosed with the receipt book, which contains an inventory of the estate of Antipas Brigham, of Grafton, Massachusetts, signed by Worcester County Judge Joseph Wilder on 7 November 1749. It is unclear if this letter has any connection to Frederick O. West or Francis Kittredge.
Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae ) is an insect from Australia which is causing severe damage to eucalyptus crops around the world. When feeding from the leaves sap, it causes bronzening, and in extreme cases, may lead to the tree death. Control methods have been studied and the most promising so far is the egg parasitoid Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Alternative products from plants with insecticidal properties could also be a viable option, and they might even be used concomitantly with C. noackae, aiming for a most effective control, but still safe for the environment. Thus, the objective of this work was to verify the action of 5% aqueous plant extracts of Matricaria chamomilla, Echinodorus grandiflorus, Punica granatum, Maytenus ilicifolia a n d Origanum majorana on T. peregrinus. In addition, we aimed to study the extracts potential toxicity to C. noackae and Gallus domesticus L., since the plant compounds might have negative effect upon the non-target organisms. At first, HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) was used to verify which phenolic compounds would be found in the plant extracts. These were tested on bronze bug adults, in confinement test (to verify the insecticidal action of the extracts) and free-choice test (to verify the repellency). The extracts that showed better results were selected for further tests with non-target organisms. Regarding C. noackae, pre-parasitism and post-parasitism, confinement and free-choice tests were performed to verify if the extracts would affect the host-choosing by the female or the development of the immature stages of the parasitoid. To verify if the extracts would be toxic to G. domesticus, the plant extracts were added to young birds feed for five days. Parameters such as weight gain, food intake, quantification of serum enzymes and histopathological analysis were carried out. HPLC analysis detected gallic, ferulic, vanillic, caffeic and cumaric acid in the extracts samples. All plant extracts tested reduced T. peregrinus survival, but E. grandiflorus, Matricaria chamomilla Maytenus ilicifolia had also a repellent effect, and were tested on the non-target organisms. None of these extracts affected neither the host choice by C. noackae nor adult emergency, when compared to the control group. In addition, the extracts did not cause alterations in any of the studied parameters. Thus, we verified that E. grandiflorus, Matricaria chamomilla and Maytenus ilicifolia have potential to be used to control T. peregrinus and are safe to C. noackae and G. domesticus.
Atualmente existe um grande interesse da indústria alimentar pela utilização de extratos e produtos naturais em substituição de aditivos sintéticos, por conterem ou serem substâncias biologicamente ativas, nomeadamente do ponto de vista antioxidante [1]. Alguns estudos anteriores da nossa equipa de investigação revelaram que a incorporação de extratos de Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (funcho) e Matricaria recutita L. (camomila) em amostras de requeijão, conferia-lhes propriedades antioxidantes, para além de manterem o seu valor nutricional [2;3]. No entanto, verificou-se que este efeito era limitado a 7 dias. Assim, para prolongar a referida bioatividade, os extratos aquosos das plantas mencionadas foram microencapsulados em matriz de alginato e, posteriormente, incorporados em requeijões. Os produtos finais foram analisados cromatograficamente em termos de ácidos gordos (GC-FID) e açúcares livres (HPLC-RI). As amostras de requeijão contendo os extratos microencapsulados e livres foram comparadas com os requeijões controlo (sem qualquer extrato). Os resultados obtidos revelaram que a incorporação dos extratos não provocou alterações nas características nutricionais dos requeijões. Em todas as amostras, os ácidos gordos predominantes foram os ácidos palmítico (C16:0) e oleico (C18:1). A ordem de abundância em ácidos gordos foi a seguinte: ácidos gordos saturados > ácidos gordos monoinsaturados >ácidos gordos polinsaturados. A lactose foi o único açúcar livre identificado e quantificado em todas as amostras. Adicionalmente, as amostras funcionalizados com extratos microencapsulados apresentaram maior preservação da atividade antioxidante após o sétimo dia.
Existe por parte dos consumidores uma tendência crescente na escolha de alimentos designados por mais saudáveis em que a presença em aditivos sintéticos é reduzida ou até mesmo ausente. Para melhorar a aparência e/ou propriedades dos alimentos a indústria recorre ao uso de aditivos sintéticos [1], no entanto, alguns autores têm apresentado alguma relação entre o consumo excessivo de alguns desses aditivos com efeitos adversos para a saúde do consumidor [2]. Para contornar esta problemática e ir ao encontro das expectativas dos consumidores, têm sido considerados os extratos naturais obtidos a partir de plantas como excelentes ingredientes naturais para a indústria alimentar como alternativas aos aditivos sintéticos [3]. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos de antioxidantes naturais (extratos aquosos de Foeniculum vulgare Mill., funcho, e Matricaria recutita L., camomila, obtidos por decocção) com um aditivo sintético (sorbato de potássio, E202) utilizado em iogurtes. Neste trabalho, as amostras de Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (funcho) e Matricaria recutita L. (camomila) foram submetidas a uma extração por decocção. A sua caracterização química foi feita por HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS. As propriedades antioxidantes foram avaliadas através de diferentes ensaios in vitro (efeito captador de radicais livres, poder redutor e inibição da peroxidação lipídica), tal como as propriedades antimicrobianas (contra bactérias e fungos). A incorporação dos extratos foi feita em iogurtes e desta forma, foram preparados quatro grupos de amostras: iogurtes controlo (sem adição de qualquer aditivo), iogurtes com decocção de funcho, iogurtes com decocção de camomila e iogurtes com E202. As amostras foram avaliadas quanto à cor, pH e ao seu valor nutricional e potencial antioxidante. O estudo foi feito no tempo zero e após sete e catorze dias de armazenamento a 4ºC. Tal como podemos observar na Figura 1, a incorporação dos aditivos quer naturais quer sintéticos, não provocou alteração no aspeto visual quando comparado com a amostra controlo sem aditivos (A). Os resultados demonstram ainda que a introdução dos aditivos não provocou alterações significativas no pH e no valor nutricional dos iogurtes quando comparados com o controlo (Tabela 1). No entanto, esta incorporação conferiu propriedades antioxidantes aos iogurtes principalmente, pela adição do extrato de camomila (Figura 2). Estes resultados permitem-nos concluir que os extratos aquosos de funcho e camomila ricos em compostos fenólicos [4,5] podem representar uma alternativa aos conservantes sintéticos melhorando desta forma as propriedades funcionais dos iogurtes sem, no entanto, provocar alterações no perfil nutricional dos mesmos.