84 resultados para Ceratitis


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The fruit fly Ceratitis capitata is considered the most destructive pest of the world fruitculture. Many pest management practices, mainly based on agrochemicals, have been developed to allow the world-wide commerce of fruit. Solutions to decrease the use of synthetic insecticides in agriculture are based on the development of new target-specific compounds which cause less damage to the environment, especially vegetal proteins with insecticidal effects. The aim of this work was to evaluate the deleterious effect of a purified vicilin of E. velutina (EvV) seeds to C. capitata larvae and adult insects and to investigate the mechanisms involved in these effects. EvV was purified, characterized and its deleterious effect was tested in bioassay systems. EvV mechanism of action was determined by immunodetection techniques and fluorescence localization in chitin structures that are present in C. capitata digestory system. EvV is a glycoprotein with affinity to chitin. Its molecular weight, of 216,57 kDa, was determined by gel filtration chromatography in FPLC system. Using SDS-PAGE, it was possible to observe EvV dissociation in two main subunits of 54,8 and 50,8 kDa. When it was submitted to eletrophoresis in native conditions, EvV presented only one band of acid characteristic. The WD50 and LD50 values found in the bioassays were 0,13% and 0,14% (w/w), respectively for the larvae. EvV deleterious effects were related to the binding to chitin structures presented in peritrophic membrane and gut epithelial cells, associated with its low digestibility in C. capitata digestive tract. The results described herein are the first demonstration of the larvicidal effects of plant protein on C. capitata larvae. EvV may be part of the pest management programs, in the toxic bait composition, or an alternative in plant improvement program


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Chitin-binding vicilins from legume seeds (Erythrina velutina. Canavalia ensiformes and Phaseolus vulgares) were isolated by ammonium sulfate followed by affinity chromatography on a chitin column. Effect of these vicilins on female adults of Ceratitis capitata was examined by bioassay and in a semi-field assay model. Mechanism of action of the vicilins was determined by in vivo digestibility and chitin affinity. Among the tested vicilins, E. velutina when added to diet caused strong effect on mortality at 10% dose. This insecticidal property was tested in a semi-field assay which showed the same effect observed in laboratory conditions, where doses of 10% and 15% were lethal to female adults of C. capitata. These deleterious effects were not only associated to the binding to chitin structures present in peritrophic membrane, but principally to its low digestibility in the C. capitata digestive tract. This fact was confirmed because chiting binding proteins as WGA and the other tested vicilins were not toxic to female adults of C. capitata due susceptibility of these proteins to digestive enzymes of the insects. By other side EvV was more resistant to digestive enzymes, causing deleterious effects on female adults of C. capitata. These results showed that EvV may be part of the pest management programs or an alternative in plant improvement program in the population control of this fruticulture pest


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Registra-se pela primeira vez a infestação natural de frutos de Garcinia acuminata Planch. & Triana e de Garcinia brasiliensis C. Martius (Malpighiales: Clusiaceae) por Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) no estado do Pará, Brasil. Garcinia acuminata é registrado como hospedeiro de moscas-das-frutas pela primeira vez no Brasil.


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As part of an evaluation of the braconid parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) as a biocontrol agent of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in Brazil, the aims in the current study were to find the best parental ratio of females to males in the rearing cages in order to get the highest female biased offspring in the parasitoid rearing process, and to verify the parasitism efficiency on C. capitata according to parental female densities. Three treatments were assessed: T1 (20 females: 20 males), T2 (60 females: 20 males) and T3 (100 females: 20 males). Ten late-third instars of C. capitata were offered daily to each female parasitoid from the 1st to the 12th d of age. The parental female productivity, fecundity, offspring sex ratio, percentage of parasitoid emergence, and daily mortality of parental females and males at different female/male densities were evaluated. The results indicated that numbers higher than 20 parental females did not affect offspring sex ratio, overall offspring production, nor the percent parasitism. Female biased offspring occurred in all three parental female/male ratios analyzed in this study, except that predominately males developed from parasitoid eggs laid in the age interval 1-2 d post emergence. Higher parasitoid female productivity and fecundity were found at the 1:1 female/male per cage density whereas lower productivity and fecundity were recorded at the 5:1 female/male ratio. Higher female/male ratio in the parental cages increased the mortality rate of females but did not influence the number of parental male deaths. The results may facilitate advancement of an optimum mass-rearing system to aid in control of C. capitata in Brazil.


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Background: In the tephritids Ceratitis, Bactrocera and Anastrepha, the gene transformer provides the memory device for sex determination via its auto-regulation; only in females is functional Tra protein produced. To date, the isolation and characterisation of the gene transformer-2 in the tephritids has only been undertaken in Ceratitis, and it has been shown that its function is required for the female-specific splicing of doublesex and transformer pre-mRNA. It therefore participates in transformer auto-regulatory function. In this work, the characterisation of this gene in eleven tephritid species belonging to the less extensively analysed genus Anastrepha was undertaken in order to throw light on the evolution of transformer-2. Results: The gene transformer-2 produces a protein of 249 amino acids in both sexes, which shows the features of the SR protein family. No significant partially spliced mRNA isoform specific to the male germ line was detected, unlike in Drosophila. It is transcribed in both sexes during development and in adult life, in both the soma and germ line. The injection of Anastrepha transformer-2 dsRNA into Anastrepha embryos caused a change in the splicing pattern of the endogenous transformer and doublesex pre-mRNA of XX females from the female to the male mode. Consequently, these XX females were transformed into pseudomales. The comparison of the eleven Anastrepha Transformer-2 proteins among themselves, and with the Transformer-2 proteins of other insects, suggests the existence of negative selection acting at the protein level to maintain Transformer-2 structural features. Conclusions: These results indicate that transformer-2 is required for sex determination in Anastrepha through its participation in the female-specific splicing of transformer and doublesex pre-mRNAs. It is therefore needed for the auto-regulation of the gene transformer. Thus, the transformer/transfomer-2 > doublesex elements at the bottom of the cascade, and their relationships, probably represent the ancestral state ( which still exists in the Tephritidae, Calliphoridae and Muscidae lineages) of the extant cascade found in the Drosophilidae lineage ( in which tra is just another component of the sex determination gene cascade regulated by Sex-lethal). In the phylogenetic lineage that gave rise to the drosophilids, evolution co-opted for Sex-lethal, modified it, and converted it into the key gene controlling sex determination.


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Recent fears of terrorism have provoked an increase in delays and denials of transboundary shipments of radioisotopes. This represents a serious constraint to sterile insect technique (SIT) programs around the world as they rely on the use of ionizing radiation from radioisotopes for insect sterilization. To validate a novel X ray irradiator, a series of studies on Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were carried out, comparing the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) between X rays and traditional gamma radiation from (60)Co. Male C. capitata pupae and pupae of both sexes of A. fraterculus, both 24 - 48 h before adult emergence, were irradiated with doses ranging from 15 to 120 Gy and 10-70 Gy, respectively. Estimated mean doses of 91.2 Gy of X and 124.9 Gy of gamma radiation induced 99% sterility in C. capitata males, Irradiated A. fraterculus were 99% sterile at approximate to 40-60 Gy for both radiation treatments. Standard quality control parameters and mating indices were not significantly affected by the two types of radiation. The RBE did not differ significantly between the tested X and gamma radiation, and X rays are as biologically effective for SIT purposes as gamma rays are. This work confirms the suitability of this new generation of X ray irradiators for pest control programs that integrate the SIT.


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The results presented in this paper refer to a host survey, lasting approximately three and a half years (February 2003-july 2006), undertaken in the Vale do Rio Doce Natural Reserve, a remnant area of the highly endangered Atlantic Rain Forest located in Linhares County, State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. A total of 330 fruit samples were collected from native plants, representing 248 species and 51 plant families. Myrtaceae was the most diverse family with 54 sampled species. Twenty-eight plant species, from ten families, are hosts of ten Anastrepha species and of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Among 33 associations between host plants and fruit flies, 20 constitute new records, including the records of host plants for A. fumipennis Lima and A. nascimentoi Zucchi. The findings were discussed in the light of their implications for rain forest conservation efforts and the study of evolutionary relationships between fruit flies and their hosts.


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Recently we have shown that BhSGAMP-1 is a developmentally regulated reiterated gene that encodes an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) and is expressed exclusively in the salivary glands, at the end of the larval stage. We show, for the first time, that a gene for an AMP is directly activated by 20-OH ecdysone. This control probably involves the participation of short-lived repressor(s). We also found that the promoter of BhSGAMP-1 is not equipped with elements that respond to infection, provoked by the injection of microorganisms, in the salivary glands or in the fat body. We produced polyclonal antibodies against the synthetic peptide and found that the BhSGAMP-1 peptide is secreted in the saliva. The BhSGAMP-1 gene was also activated during the third larval molt. These facts confirm our hypothesis that this preventive system of defense was selected to produce an environment free of harmful microorganisms in the insect`s immediate vicinity, during molts. genesis 47:847-857, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The relative oviposition rate of the parasitoid Fopius arisanus (Sonan) was investigated across three frugivorous tephritid species, Bactrocera tryoni Froggart, Bactrocera jarvisi (Tryon) and Bactrocera cucumis French. Choice and no-choice tests were both used. The suitability of these three species for sustaining larval development and survival to the adult stage was also assessed. Fopius arisanus parasitized all three tephritid species. regardless of the method of exposure, but showed stronger preference for B. tryoni and B. jarvisi over B. cucumis. Superparasitism was extremely rare. Successful development of F. arisanus varied across host species. Bactrocera tryoni yielded significantly more parasitoids than B. jarvisi, but no wasps emerged from B. cucumis puparia. Tests were set up in replicated trials. but results were not homogeneous across trials. We discuss the host relationships of F. arisanus with reference to this variation and in relation to host suitability for larval development.


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The electroantennogram method was used to investigate the number of distinct olfactory receptor neuron types responding to a range of behaviorally active volatile chemicals in gravid Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni. Three receptor neuron types were identified. One type responds to methyl butyrate, 2-butanone, farnesene, and carbon dioxide; a second to ethanol; and a third to n-butyric acid and ammonia. The receptor neuron type responding to methyl butyrate, 2-butanone, farnesene, and carbon dioxide consists of three subtypes. The presence of a limited number of receptor neuron types responding to a diverse set of chemicals and the reception of carbon dioxide by a receptor neuron type that responds to other odorants are novel aspects of the peripheral olfactory discrimination process.


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As moscas-das-frutas são as principais pragas da fruticultura mundial, destacando-se os tefritídeos e os lonqueídeos, sendo que, sobre este último grupo de insetos, existem poucas informações a respeito do seu potencial de danos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar os níveis de infestação de moscas-das-frutas, em municípios da faixa de fronteira do Rio Grande do Sul com a Argentina e o Uruguai. O estudo foi realizado em 2011 e 2012, nos municípios de Itaqui, Quaraí, Santana do Livramento e Uruguaiana, RS. Foram realizadas coletas de frutos de 19 espécies vegetais exóticas e nativas, calculando-se os índices de infestação em pupários/kg de fruto e pupários/fruto. O maior índice de infestação de Ceratitis capitata ocorreu em nectarineira, com 72,01 pupários/kg e 2,51 pupários/fruto. Anastrepha fraterculus apresentou índices elevados em cerejeira, correspondendo a 57,57 pupários/kg e 0,23 pupários/fruto. Os lonqueídeos foram representados pelos gêneros Neosilba e Lonchaea, infestando frutos de mamoeiro e caramboleira, respectivamente. Registra-se para os municípios estudados do Rio Grande do Sul a ocorrência das seguintes espécies de moscas-das-frutas: C. capitata, A. fraterculus, Neosilba zadolicha e Lonchaea sp.


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La Provincia de Córdoba posee alrededor de un millón de plantas de frutales de carozos con una superficie de 1.084 has. La provincia ocupa el tercer lugar como productora de frutas y presenta un rendimiento medio de 15 ton/ha. Predominan las variedades de maduración temprana y semitemprana con muy buenas posibilidades de mercado. Este cultivo ha sido declarado de importancia prioritaria de la provincia por sus buenas posibilidades económicas. Uno de los aspectos más importantes de la calidad de producto es su correcta sanidad. Los países importadores son muy exigentes en este aspecto y también en lo que hace a ausencia de organismos de importancia cuarentenaria y de residuos de plaguicidas. Los objetivos generales del proyecto son disponer de un programa adecuado y eficiente de un control de las principales plagas, minimizar los residuos de plaguicidas y los efectos indeseables que causan en el ambiente y finalmente aumentar el rendimiento y la calidad de la fruta a cosechar y la rentabilidad de las plantaciones. En relación a las enfermedades se evaluará la incidencia de las enfermedades presentes, se caracterizará sistemáticamente la curva del desarrollo de la sarna de durazneros y se evaluará la influencia de distintos parámetros climáticos sobre esta enfermedad. Se realizarán ensayos de control de sarna con fungicidas. Con respecto a plagas animales se procurará identificar las especies plagas en durazneros, determinar el daño causado por Cydia molesta y Ceratitis capitata y desarrollar un sistema de alarma de esta plaga. Se evaluará la efectividad de insecticidas sobre las plagas importantes y se elaborará alternativas de manejo integrado de las mismas. En relación a malezas se relevarán e identificarán las malezas de mayor importancia en las áreas productivas de Córdoba y se obtendrá información acerca de la interacción malezas-artrópodos. Se realizarán trabajos de laboratorio pero fundamentalmente se trabajará con metodología en campo del área del Cinturón Verde-Norte de Córdoba, zona de Villa Esquiú y Villa Retiro, sobre lotes de productores de durazneros.


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Bactrocera invadens (Drew, Tsuruta & White) (Diptera:Tephritidae) é uma das espécies de moscas-das-frutas de maior importância económica para a fruticultura mundial. De origem asiática, surgiu em África em 2003, tendo sido detectada em Cabo Verde, Ilha de Santiago, em 2007. Desde então, espalhou-se para Santo Antão, Fogo e Brava. Tendo em vista a avaliação da eficiência de armadilhas para captura em massa da mosca, procedeu-se, durante curtos períodos de tempo em 2009, 2010 e 2011, à recolha de adultos com recurso a dois tipos de atractivos, ‘Creolax’® e proteína hidrolisada, e a três tipos de armadilhas, ABT®, armadilha do tipo funil e garrafa mosqueira da CeraTrap®. As armadilhas foram instaladas em quatro localidades de Santiago, na cultura de mangueira ou de bananeira. O ‘Creolax’ foi significativamente superior à proteína hidrolisada e a armadilha ABT apresentou elevada eficiência na captura de adultos da mosca. Num ensaio em 2009, na Cidade Velha, foram capturados 195, 59 e 30 adultos/armadilha para as combinações, respectivamente, de ABT x ‘Creolax’, armadilha do tipo funil x ‘Creolax’ e garrafa mosqueira x proteína hidrolisada. Em 2011, na bananeira, em Monte Negro, foram capturados 8500 adultos/armadilha ABT x ‘Creolax’ em cinco meses, tendo o máximo da população sido encontrado em Junho.