960 resultados para Central Obesity


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Objetivo: Determinar los valores del índice cintura/cadera (ICC) en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 3.005 niños y 2.916 adolescentes de entre 9 y 17,9 años de edad, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Se tomaron medidas de peso, talla, circunferencia de cintura, circunferencia de cadera. El estado de maduración sexual se recogió por auto-reporte. Se calcularon los percentiles (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90 y P97) según sexo y edad y se realizó una comparación entre los valores del ICC observados con estándares internacionales. Resultados: De la población general (n=5.921), el 57,0% eran mujeres (promedio de edad 12,7 ± 2,3 años). En todas las edades el ICC fue mayor en los varones que en las mujeres, observándose un descenso en la media de los valores obtenidos desde los 9 hasta los 17,9 años. En varones, los valores del ICC mayores del P90 (asociados a riesgo cardiovascular) estuvieron en el rango 0,87 y 0,93 y en las mujeres entre 0,85 y 0,89. Al comparar los resultados de este estudio, por grupos de edad y sexo, con trabajos internacionales de niños y adolescentes de Europa, Suramérica, Asia y África, se observa que los valores del ICC fueron menores en este estudio en ambos sexos, con excepción de los escolares originarios de Grecia y Venezuela. Conclusiones: Se presentan percentiles del ICC según edad y sexo que podrán ser usados de referencia en la evaluación del estado nutricional y en la predicción del riesgo cardiovascular desde edades tempranas en población de Bogotá, Colombia.


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Indian Asians living in the UK have a 50% higher CHD mortality rate compared with the indigenous Caucasian population, which cannot be attributed to traditional risk factors. Instead, features of the metabolic syndrome, including raised plasma triacylglycerol, reduced HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and an increased proportion of small dense LDL particles, together with insulin resistance and central obesity, are prevalent among this population. The present review examines evidence to support the hypothesis that an imbalance in dietary PUFA intake, specifically a higher intake of n-6 PUFA in combination with a lower intake of the long-chain (LC) n-3 PUFA, plays an important role in the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome observed in Indian Asians. Data are presented to illustrate the impact of manipulation of the background n-6 PUFA intake (moderate or high n-6 PUFA) and the subsequent response to supplementation with LC n-3 PUFA on blood lipids and insulin action in a group of Indian Asian volunteers. The results demonstrate that supplementation with LC n-3 PUFA had no impact on insulin action in those subjects consuming either the moderate-or high-n-6 PUFA diet. In the postprandial phase reductions in plasma triacylglycerol concentrations were greater in those consuming the high-n-6 PUFA background diet subsequent to fish oil supplementation. The present study concludes that, contrary to the central hypothesis, the prevalence of metabolic abnormalities in Indian Asians compared with Caucasians may not be attributable to differences in intakes of n-6 and n-3 PUFA.


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The role of low-density lipoprotein in the development of coronary heart disease (CHD) is well recognised. There is also growing evidence that high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is a powerful inverse predictor for premature CHD and that maintaining a high HDL-C level may guard against atherosclerosis. Patients with low HDL-C levels often also have central obesity, insulin resistance and other features of the metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is both increasingly common and strongly implicated in the growing worldwide epidemic of type 2 diabetes. HDL-C may be increased by lifestyle changes, e.g. weight loss, physical activity and smoking cessation. Pharmacological agents such as fibrates, niacin and statins have also been shown significantly to elevate HDL-C. Although current guidelines are beginning to recognise the protective role of HDL-C level in preventing coronary events, HDL-C should be adopted soon as a target for intervention in its own right.


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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is one of the fastest growing threats to human health in westernised and developing countries and is associated with central obesity, atherosclerosis, dyslipidaemia, hyperinsulinaemia and  hypertension. Insulin resistance, defined as a diminished response to ordinary levels of circulating insulin in one or more peripheral tissues, is an integral feature of T2D pathophysiology. This includes an impairment of insulin to inhibit hepatic glucose output and to stimulate glucose disposal into muscle and fat. While insulin is responsible for a number of specific biological responses, stimulation of glucose transport is critical for the maintenance of glucose homeostasis. The primary mechanism for insulin stimulation of glucose uptake into muscle and fat is the translocation of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the cell surface from intracellular storage vesicles within the cell. A major advantage in focussing on insulin regulation of glucose transport is that this represents the endpoint of multiple upstream signalling pathways. This chapter describes the measurement of GLUT4 translocation in cultured cells and its potential application for both  mechanistic and therapeutic studies.


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Objective : To compare the prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) defined by four definitions and to determine which definition best identifies those at high cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and with insulin resistance.

Methods : AusDiab is a population-based survey of 11,247 Australians. Participants had anthropometry, blood pressure, and fasting biochemistry. Ten-year CVD risk was calculated.

Results :
The prevalence of the MetS using the ATPIII, WHO, IDF, and EGIR definitions was 22.1% (95%Cl: 18.8, 25.4), 21.7% (19.0, 24.3), 30.7% (27.1, 34.3), and 13.4% (11.8, 14.9), respectively. Comparing those with to those without the MetS, the odds ratios (95%CI) for having a 10 year CVD risk ≥15% were 6.6 (5.4, 8.2), 5.5 (4.7, 6.5), 5.6 (4.8, 6.6), and 3.5 (3.0, 4.1), for the WHO, ATPIII, IDF, and EGIR definitions, respectively. The population attributable risk (PAR) of high CVD risk due to the MetS was highest for the IDF (23.4%). Insulin resistance was detected in 56.1, 69.7, 50.9, and 91.1% of those meeting the ATPIII, WHO, IDF, and EGIR definitions, respectively.

Conclusion :
The WHO definition was associated with the greatest CVD risk, but is not practical for clinical use. The higher PAR due to the IDF definition, with only slightly lower CVD risk than WHO, and clinical utility of the IDF definition, indicates that it may be a useful tool for CVD prevention.


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Background: Children who participate in regular physical activity obtain health benefits. Preliminary pedometerbased cut-points representing sufficient levels of physical activity among youth have been established; however limited evidence regarding correlates of achieving these cut-points exists. The purpose of this study was to identify correlates of pedometer-based cut-points among elementary school-aged children.
Method: A cross-section of children in grades 5-7 (10-12 years of age) were randomly selected from the most (n = 13) and least (n = 12) ‘walkable’ public elementary schools (Perth, Western Australia), stratified by socioeconomic status. Children (n = 1480; response rate = 56.6%) and parents (n = 1332; response rate = 88.8%) completed a survey, and steps were collected from children using pedometers. Pedometer data were categorized to reflect the sex-specific pedometer-based cut-points of ≥15000 steps/day for boys and ≥12000 steps/day for girls. Associations between socio-demographic characteristics, sedentary and active leisure-time behavior, independent mobility, active transportation and built environmental variables - collected from the child and parent surveys - and meeting pedometer-based cut-points were estimated (odds ratios: OR) using generalized estimating equations.
Results: Overall 927 children participated in all components of the study and provided complete data. On average, children took 11407 ± 3136 steps/day (boys: 12270 ± 3350 vs. girls: 10681 ± 2745 steps/day; p < 0.001) and 25.9% (boys: 19.1 vs. girls: 31.6%; p < 0.001) achieved the pedometer-based cut-points. After adjusting for all other variables and school clustering, meeting the pedometer-based cut-points was negatively associated (p < 0.05) with being male (OR = 0.42), parent self-reported number of different destinations in the neighborhood (OR 0.93), and a friend’s (OR 0.62) or relative’s (OR 0.44, boys only) house being at least a 10-minute walk from home. Achieving the pedometer-based cut-points was positively associated with participating in screen-time < 2 hours/day (OR 1.88), not being driven to school (OR 1.48), attending a school located in a high SES neighborhood (OR 1.33), the average number of steps among children within the respondent’s grade (for each 500 step/day increase: OR 1.29), and living further than a 10-minute walk from a relative’s house (OR 1.69, girls only).
Conclusions: Comprehensive multi-level interventions that reduce screen-time, encourage active travel to/from school and foster a physically active classroom culture might encourage more physical activity among children.


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Worldwide, type 2 diabetes (T2DM) prevalence has more than doubled over two decades. In Australia, diabetes is the second highest contributor to the burden of disease. Lifestyle modification programs comprising diet changes, weight loss and moderate physical activity, have been proven to reduce the incidence of T2DM in high risk individuals.

As part of the Council of Australia Governments, the State of Victoria committed to develop and support the diabetes prevention program ‘Life! Taking action on diabetes’ (Life!) which has direct lineage from effective clinical and implementation trials from Finland and Australia. The Melbourne Diabetes Prevention Study (MDPS) has been set up to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a specific version of the Life! program.

We intend to recruit 796 participants for this open randomized clinical trial; 398 will be allocated to the intervention arm and 398 to the usual care arm. Several methods of recruitment will be used in order to maximize the number of participants. Individuals aged 50 to 75 years will be screened with a risk tool (AUSDRISK) to detect those at high risk of developing T2DM. Those with existing diabetes will be excluded. Intervention participants will undergo anthropometric and laboratory tests, and comprehensive surveys at baseline, following the fourth group session (approximately three months after the commencement of the intervention) and 12 months after commencement of the intervention, while control participants will undergo testing at baseline and 12 months only.

The intervention consists of an initial individual session followed by a series of five structured-group sessions. The first four group sessions will be carried out at two week intervals and the fifth session will occur eight months after the first group session. The intervention is based on the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) model and sessions will empower and enable the participants to follow the five goals of the Life! program.


This study will determine whether the effect of this intervention is larger than the effect of usual care in reducing central obesity and cardiovascular risk factors and thus the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Also it will evaluate how these two options compare economically.


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The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is the primary regulator of muscle protein synthesis. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by central obesity and insulin resistance; little is known about how MetS affects the sensitivity of the mTOR pathway to feeding.


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AimsThe association between central obesity and insulin resistance reflects the properties of visceral adipose tissue. Our aim was to gain further insight into this association by analysing the lipid composition of subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue in obese women with and without insulin resistance.MethodsSubcutaneous and omental adipose tissue and serum were obtained from 29 obese non-diabetic women, 13 of whom were hyperinsulinemic. Histology, and lipid and gene profiling were performed.ResultsIn omental adipose tissue of obese, insulin-resistant women, adipocyte hypertrophy and macrophage infiltration were accompanied by an increase in GM3 ganglioside and its synthesis enzyme ST3GAL5; in addition, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) lipids were increased and their degradation enzyme, PEMT, decreased. ST3GAL5 was expressed predominantly in adipose stromovascular cells and PEMT in adipocytes. Insulin resistance was also associated with an increase in PE lipids in serum.InterpretationThe relevance of these findings to insulin resistance in humans is supported by published mouse studies in which adipocyte GM3 ganglioside, increased by the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor-α, impaired insulin action, and PEMT was required for adipocyte lipid storage. Thus, in visceral adipose tissue of obese humans, an increase in GM3 ganglioside secondary to inflammation may contribute to insulin resistance and a decrease in PEMT may be a compensatory response to adipocyte hypertrophy.International Journal of Obesity accepted article preview online, 26 October 2015. doi:10.1038/ijo.2015.223.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Obesity may affect the respiratory system, causing changes in respiratory function and in the pulmonary volumes and flows. Objectives: To evaluate the influence of obesity in the movement of thoracoabdominal complex at rest and during maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV), and the contribution between the different compartments of this complex and the volume changes of chest wall between obese and non-obese patients. Materials and Methods: We studied 16 patients divided into two groups: the obese group (n = 8) and group non-obese (n = 8). The two groups were homogeneous in terms of spirometric characteristics (FVC mean: 4.97 ± 0.6 L - 92.91 ± 10.17% predicted, and 4.52 ± 0.6 L - 93.59 ± 8.05%), age 25.6 ± 5.0 and 26.8 ± 4.9 years, in non-obese and obese respectively. BMI was 24.93 ± 3.0 and 39.18 ± 4.3 kg/m2 in the groups investigated. All subjects performed breathing calm and slow and maneuver MVV, during registration for optoelectronic plethysmography. Statistical analysis: we used the unpaired t test and Mann-Whitney. Results: Obese individuals had a lower percentage contribution of the rib cage abdominal (RCa) during breathing at rest and VVM. The variation of end expiratory (EELV) and end inspiratory (EILV) lung volumes were lower in obese subjects. It has been found asynchrony and higher distortion between compartments of thoracoabdominal complex in obese subjects when compared to non-obese. Conclusions: Central obesity impairs the ventilation lung, reducing to adaptation efforts and increasing the ventilatory work


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os objetivos deste estudo foram comparar medidas de circunferências da cintura e abdominal e analisar suas relações com fatores de risco cardiometabólico em servidores de uma universidade da Bahia. Para tanto, cinquenta e cinco homens e setenta e uma mulheres (36,4 ± 11,2 anos) foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica bem como medidas das pressões arteriais sistólica e diastólica, glicemia, triglicerídeos, colesterol total e frações HDL e LDL. Apesar das fortes correlações (P < 0.01) entre as diferentes medidas (r > 0,93), a circunferência da cintura foi significativamente menor que a circunferência abdominal em ambos os sexos, sendo a diferença média entre locais maior em mulheres (8,6 ± 4,1 vs 3,8 ± 4,2 cm; P < 0,01). A circunferência da cintura foi significativamente relacionada a dois e quatro fatores de risco em homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Por outro lado, a circunferência abdominal foi significativamente relacionada a um fator em homens e cinco em mulheres. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P > 0,05) entre coeficientes de correlação nos casos em que ambas as circunferências se relacionaram significativamente a um fator de risco. Esses resultados sugerem que o local de mensuração tem influência substancial sobre a circunferência tomada na região inferior do tronco, particularmente, em mulheres, porém, não evidenciam clara superioridade de uma das medidas quanto às relações com fatores de risco cardiometabólico tradicionais em amostra brasileira. Estudos devem ser conduzidos, buscando comparar a capacidade preditiva de diferentes medidas de circunferência para o desenvolvimento de fatores de risco e doenças cardiovasculares em diferentes populações.


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PURPOSE: To assess the occurrence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors. METHODS: A total of 158 breast cancer survivors were included in this cross-sectional study. Eligibility criteria were: women with amenorrhea >12 months and age ≥45 years, treated for breast cancer and no metastasis for at least five years. Clinical history and anthropometric indicator data (body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference, (WC) were collected. Biochemical parameters, including total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides (TG), glucose and C-reactive protein (CRP), were measured. MetS was diagnosed as the presence of at least three of the following diagnostic criteria: WC>88 cm, blood pressure≥130/85 mmHg, triglycerides≥150 mg/dl, HDL <50 mg/dL,and glucose≥100 mg/dL. The Student's t-test and χ 2 test were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The mean age of breast cancer survivors was 63.1±8.6 years, with a mean follow-up of 9.1±4.0 years. MetS was diagnosed in 48.1% (76/158) and the most prevalent diagnostic criterion was abdominal obesity (WC>88 cm), affecting 54.4% (86/158) of the women. The patients without MetS had a longer follow-up compared those with MetS (p<0.05). Regarding the current BMI, PN average, those without MetS were overweight, and those with MetS were obese (p<0.05). Among the latter, comparison of BMI at the time of cancer diagnosis and current BMI (27.8±5.4 versus 33.4±5.4 kg/m2) showed a significant weight gain (p<0.05). Mean CRP values were higher in women with MetS (p<0.05). In the comparison of tumor characteristics and cancer treatments there was no difference between groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Postmenopausal breast cancer survivors had a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome and central obesity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)