974 resultados para Cellular network


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Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo de caso comparativo entre duas empresas operadoras de telefonia celular, onde são analisadas a acumulação de competências tecnológicas dessas empresas e a sua implicação para a performance operacional. Para tanto, é sugerida uma estrutura analítica que foi desenvolvida a partir de outra similar apresentada por Figueiredo (2000a). Essa estrutura sugerida é aplicada às empresas sob análise e permitirá a determinação do nível de acumulação de competências tecnológicas ocorrido no período de análise de cada uma delas. Além dos níveis de acumulação dessas competências, também poderão ser determinadas as taxas de evolução desse processo ao longo do tempo. Associada à análise da acumulação de competências tecnológicas, é também realizado um estudo da evolução da performance operacional da rede celular dessas empresas ao longo do tempo. Essa análise é feita suportada por medidas de indicadores operacionais específicos para redes como as estudas. A partir dessas duas análises, é avaliada a importância da acumulação de competências tecnológicas para a melhoria da performance operacional das empresas estudadas.


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O propósito deste Estudo de Caso é descrever, comparar e interpretar informações que nos permita confirmar a importância da utilização de uma ferramenta de gestão durante os processos de negociação. Com a ajuda destas ferramentas, negociadores poderão maximizar as probabilidades de sucesso em suas negociações, dada a visão estratégica que estas oferecem nos estágios de preparação, desenvolvimento e conclusão das negociações. Quando utilizada adequadamente, a ferramenta dará aos negociadores uma visão mais ampla em cada etapa, muito além de somente pontos técnicos e/ou comerciais inerentes a um determinado projeto, os quais comumente são considerados. Para suportar este Estudo de Caso, foi realizada uma Pesquisa Qualitativa junto a profissionais de vendas de várias Empresas do Setor de Telcomunicações no Brasil, a qual vem apoiada por material teórico de autores de referência, objetivando confortar a percepção limitada pelas próprias características da pesquisa qualitativa. Este estudo avalia, diagnostica e recomenda soluções de gestão de negociações, à luz da técnica da criação de consensos suportadas e conduzidas pela ferramenta MNC (Matriz de Negociações Complexas), tendo como base os resultados finais de uma negociação comercial ocorrida em finais de 2003 entre duas grandes multinacionais do Setor de Telecomunicações e cujo principal objetivo na época era a obtenção de um contrato para expansão e modernização de uma Rede CDMA WLL de Telefonia Fixa Celular pertencente a uma Operadora. No decorrer da negociação a qual é abordada como exemplo, não foram utilizadas técnicas semelhantes àquelas sustentadas pela MNC, importante ferramenta de gestão de negociação, a qual já vem sendo utilizada inclusive pelo CDES (Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social) do Brasil, nem tampouco nenhuma outra ferramenta de gestão. Este trabalho objetiva demonstrar que sua aplicação na organização, acompanhamento, diagnose, condução e conclusão de negociações, quaisquer que sejam estas, pode aumentar a probabilidade de êxito, trazendo para as Organizações, Instituições ou para aqueles que a adotarem, maior eficácia na condução e alcance dos resultados finais almejados. É apresentada uma análise diagnóstica dos parâmetros envolvidos na negociação em questão, passando por aqueles que estavam em desacordo com a ferramenta como o Contexto, as Opções, a Comunicação, o Relacionamento, as Concessões, o Facilitador, etc., e que foram considerados inconsistentes ou que eventualmente tenham passado despercebidos pelos negociadores, apresentando como conclusão os resultados comparativos entre a negociação utilizando-se os parâmetros da MNC e aqueles obtidos sem a utilização dos mesmos. Este estudo procura sustentar que a adoção desta ferramenta possui grande importância para a melhoria de desempenho durante os processos de negociação, não significando todavia, uma garantia de êxito sobre todas as negociações nas quais os negociadores estiverem envolvidos. Autores como Roger Fisher e Willian Ury (1981) sustentam que as pessoas negociam para obter um resultado melhor do que o que obteriam caso não negociassem. Desta forma, pode-se notar que de maneira direta ou indireta, no decorrer de nossas vidas sempre estivemos e a cada dia novamente estaremos nos deparando com a necessidade em participar de algum novo processo de negociação, diariamente, desde o mais básico ao mais complexo. A negociação passa a ser para o indivíduo uma ciência extremamente necessária e ao mesmo tempo complexa, atraente e sedutora, cuja percepção da necessidade de desenvolvimento dessas habilidades pode muitas vezes passar despercebida por muitos no transcorrer de suas vidas. As conclusões deste estudo de caso têm a intenção de demonstrar também que o sucesso de uma negociação nem sempre se resumirá em atingir os objetivos inicialmente propostos na MNC. Outros aspectos considerados por esta metodologia, se melhor ou pior aplicados, também poderão contribuir para o eventual sucesso ou fracasso de uma negociação.


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The rapid development in the field of lighting and illumination allows low energy consumption and a rapid growth in the use, and development of solid-state sources. As the efficiency of these devices increases and their cost decreases there are predictions that they will become the dominant source for general illumination in the short term. The objective of this thesis is to study, through extensive simulations in realistic scenarios, the feasibility and exploitation of visible light communication (VLC) for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) applications. A brief introduction will introduce the new scenario of smart cities in which visible light communication will become a fundamental enabling technology for the future communication systems. Specifically, this thesis focus on the acquisition of several, frequent, and small data packets from vehicles, exploited as sensors of the environment. The use of vehicles as sensors is a new paradigm to enable an efficient environment monitoring and an improved traffic management. In most cases, the sensed information must be collected at a remote control centre and one of the most challenging aspects is the uplink acquisition of data from vehicles. My thesis discusses the opportunity to take advantage of short range vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications to offload the cellular networks. More specifically, it discusses the system design and assesses the obtainable cellular resource saving, by considering the impact of the percentage of vehicles equipped with short range communication devices, of the number of deployed road side units, and of the adopted routing protocol. When short range communications are concerned, WAVE/IEEE 802.11p is considered as standard for VANETs. Its use together with VLC will be considered in urban vehicular scenarios to let vehicles communicate without involving the cellular network. The study is conducted by simulation, considering both a simulation platform (SHINE, simulation platform for heterogeneous interworking networks) developed within the Wireless communication Laboratory (Wilab) of the University of Bologna and CNR, and network simulator (NS3). trying to realistically represent all the wireless network communication aspects. Specifically, simulation of vehicular system was performed and introduced in ns-3, creating a new module for the simulator. This module will help to study VLC applications in VANETs. Final observations would enhance and encourage potential research in the area and optimize performance of VLC systems applications in the future.


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We describe an efficient technique for the selective chemical and biological manipulation of the contents of individual cells. This technique is based on the electric-field-induced permeabilization (electroporation) in biological membranes using a low-voltage pulse generator and microelectrodes. A spatially highly focused electric field allows introduction of polar cell-impermeant solutes such as fluorescent dyes, fluorogenic reagents, and DNA into single cells. The high spatial resolution of the technique allows for design of, for example, cellular network constructions in which cells in close contact with each other can be made to possess different biochemical, biophysical, and morphological properties. Fluorescein, and fluo-3 (a calcium-sensitive fluorophore), are electroporated into the soma of cultured single progenitor cells derived from adult rat hippocampus. Fluo-3 also is introduced into individual submicrometer diameter processes of thapsigargin-treated progenitor cells, and a plasmid vector cDNA construct (pRAY 1), expressing the green fluorescent protein, is electroporated into cultured single COS 7 cells. At high electric field strengths, observations of dye-transfer into organelles are proposed.


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This dissertation discussed resource allocation mechanisms in several network topologies including infrastructure wireless network, non-infrastructure wireless network and wire-cum-wireless network. Different networks may have different resource constrains. Based on actual technologies and implementation models, utility function, game theory and a modern control algorithm have been introduced to balance power, bandwidth and customers' satisfaction in the system. ^ In infrastructure wireless networks, utility function was used in the Third Generation (3G) cellular network and the network was trying to maximize the total utility. In this dissertation, revenue maximization was set as an objective. Compared with the previous work on utility maximization, it is more practical to implement revenue maximization by the cellular network operators. The pricing strategies were studied and the algorithms were given to find the optimal price combination of power and rate to maximize the profit without degrading the Quality of Service (QoS) performance. ^ In non-infrastructure wireless networks, power capacity is limited by the small size of the nodes. In such a network, nodes need to transmit traffic not only for themselves but also for their neighbors, so power management become the most important issue for the network overall performance. Our innovative routing algorithm based on utility function, sets up a flexible framework for different users with different concerns in the same network. This algorithm allows users to make trade offs between multiple resource parameters. Its flexibility makes it a suitable solution for the large scale non-infrastructure network. This dissertation also covers non-cooperation problems. Through combining game theory and utility function, equilibrium points could be found among rational users which can enhance the cooperation in the network. ^ Finally, a wire-cum-wireless network architecture was introduced. This network architecture can support multiple services over multiple networks with smart resource allocation methods. Although a SONET-to-WiMAX case was used for the analysis, the mathematic procedure and resource allocation scheme could be universal solutions for all infrastructure, non-infrastructure and combined networks. ^


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A realização desta dissertação tem como principal objetivo a análise de indicadores chave de desempenho numa rede celular de terceira geração - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), bem como a aplicação de técnicas matemáticas de previsão como apoio ao respetivo planeamento e otimização. Para o efeito, foi inicialmente efetuado um estudo sobre a evolução das comunicações de uma forma generalista, até às redes de nova geração, abordando individualmente, as de voz, as de dados e as comunicações móveis, assim como, uma breve descrição das organizações envolvidas nestas mudanças. No seguimento do estudo inicial, dando enfoque à tecnologia UMTS, foram expostas as suas características, a sua estrutura e arquitetura. Foram ainda elaboradas, duas comparações, com base em diferentes parâmetros, uma com a tecnologia da geração anterior e outra, com a de última geração. Com base nos conhecimentos adquiridos em diferentes pesquisas, foram estudados, os indicadores chave de desempenho (KPIs), as técnicas de planeamento e otimização, apresentando propostas de prevenção e soluções para problemas existentes na rede.


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Distinct endogenous network events, generated independently of sensory input, are a general feature of various structures of the immature central nervous system. In the immature hippocampus, these type of events are seen as "giant depolarizing potentials" (GDPs) in intracellular recordings in vitro. GABA, the major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the adult brain, has a depolarizing action in immature neurons, and GDPs have been proposed to be driven by GABAergic transmission. Moreover, GDPs have been thought to reflect an early pattern that disappears during development in parallel with the maturation of hyperpolarizing GABAergic inhibition. However, the adult hippocampus in vivo also generates endogenous network events known as sharp (positive) waves (SPWs), which reflect synchronous discharges of CA3 pyramidal neurons and are thought to be involved in cognitive functions. In this thesis, mechanisms of GDP generation were studied with intra- and extracellular recordings in the neonatal rat hippocampus in vitro and in vivo. Immature CA3 pyramidal neurons were found to generate intrinsic bursts of spikes and to act as cellular pacemakers for GDP activity whereas depolarizing GABAergic signalling was found to have a temporally non-patterned facilitatory role in the generation of the network events. Furthermore, the data indicate that the intrinsic bursts of neonatal CA3 pyramidal neurons and, consequently, GDPs are driven by a persistent Na+ current and terminated by a slow Ca2+-dependent K+ current. Gramicidin-perforated patch recordings showed that the depolarizing driving force for GABAA receptor-mediated actions is provided by Cl- uptake via the Na-K-C1 cotransporter, NKCC1, in the immature CA3 pyramids. A specific blocker of NKCC1, bumetanide, inhibited SPWs and GDPs in the neonatal rat hippocampus in vivo and in vitro, respectively. Finally, pharmacological blockade of the GABA transporter-1 prolonged the decay of the large GDP-associated GABA transients but not of single postsynaptic GABAA receptor-mediated currents. As a whole the data in this thesis indicate that the mechanism of GDP generation, based on the interconnected network of bursting CA3 pyramidal neurons, is similar to that involved in adult SPW activity. Hence, GDPs do not reflect a network pattern that disappears during development but they are the in vitro counterpart of neonatal SPWs.


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In this paper, we describe SpeedNet, a GSM network variant which resembles an ad hoc wireless mobile network where base stations keep track of the velocities of mobile users (cars). SpeedNet is intended to track mobile users and their speed passively for both speed policing and control of traffic. The speed of the vehicle is controlled in a speed critical zone by means of an electro-mechanical control system, suitably referred to as VVLS (Vehicular Velocity Limiting System). VVLS is mounted on the vehicle and responds to the command signals generated by the base station. It also determines the next base station to handoff, in order to improve the connection reliability and bandwidth efficiency of the underlying network. Robust Extended Kalman Filter (REKF) is used as a passive velocity estimator of the mobile user with the widely used proportional and integral controller speed control. We demonstrate through simulation and analysis that our prediction algorithm can successfully estimate the mobile user’s velocity with low system complexity as it requires two closest mobile base station measurements and also it is robust against system uncertainties due to the inherent deterministic nature in the mobility model.


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In this paper, we describe SpeedNet, a GSM network variant which resembles an ad hoc wireless mobile network where base stations (possibly other vehicles in the network) keep track of the velocities of mobile users (cars). SpeedNet is intended to track mobile users and their speed passively for both speed policing and control of traffic. The speed of the vehicle is controlled in a speed critical zone by means of an electro-mechanical control system, suitably referred to as VVLS (vehicular velocity limiting system). VVLS is mounted in the vehicle and responds to the command signals generated by the base station. It also determines the next basestation to handoff, in order to improve the connection reliability and bandwidth efficiency of the underlying network. Robust extended Kalman filter (REKF) is used as a passive velocity estimator of the mobile user with the widely used proportional and integral controller speed control. We demonstrate through simulation and analysis that our prediction algorithm can successfully estimate the mobile users velocity with low system complexity as it requires two closet mobile-base station measurement and also it is robust against system uncertainties due to the inherent deterministic nature in the mobility model.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The generation of rhythmic electrical activity is a prominent feature of spinal cord circuits that is used for locomotion and also for circuit refinement during development. The mechanisms involved in rhythm generation in spinal cord networks are not fully understood. It is for example not known whether spinal cord rhythms are driven by pacemaker neurons and if yes, which neurons are involved in this function. We studied the mechanisms involved in rhythm generation in slice cultures from fetal rats that were grown on multielectrode arrays (MEAs). We combined multisite extracellular recordings from the MEA electrodes with intracellular patch clamp recordings from single neurons. We found that spatially restricted oscillations of activity appeared in most of the cultures spontaneously. Such activity was based on intrinsic activity in a percentage of the neurons that could activate the spinal networks through recurrent excitation. The local oscillator networks critically involved NMDA, AMPA and GABA / glycine receptors at subsequent phases of the oscillation cycle. Intrinsic spiking in individual neurons (in the absence of functional synaptic coupling) was based on persistent sodium currents. Intrinsic firing as well as persistent sodium currents were increased by 5-HT through 5-HT2 receptors. Comparing neuronal activity to muscle activity in co-cultures of spinal cord slices with muscle fibers we found that a percentage of the intrinsically spiking neurons were motoneurons. These motoneurons were electrically coupled among each other and they could drive the spinal networks through cholinergic recurrent excitation. These findings open the possibility that during development rhythmic activity in motoneurons is not only involved in circuit refinement downstream at the neuromuscular endplates but also upstream at the level of spinal cord circuits.


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Neuromodulation is essential to many functions of the nervous system. In the simple gastropod mollusk Aplysia californica, neuromodulation of the circuits for the defensive withdrawal reflexes has been associated with several forms of learning. In the present work, the neurotransmitters and neural circuitry which contribute to the modulation of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex were examined.^ A recently-identified neuropeptide transmitter, buccalin A was found to modulate the biophysical properties of the sensory neurons that mediate the reflex. The actions of buccalin A on the sensory neurons were compared with those of the well-characterized modulatory transmitter serotonin, and convergence and divergence in the actions of these two transmitters were evaluated. Buccalin A dramatically increased the excitability of sensory neurons and occluded further enhancement of excitability by serotonin. Buccalin A produced no significant change in spike duration, and it did not block serotonin-induced spike broadening. Voltage-clamp analysis revealed the currents that may be involved in the effects on spike duration and excitability. Buccalin A decreased an outward current similar to the S-K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K,S}$). Buccalin A appeared to occlude further modulation of I$\sb{\rm K,S}$ by serotonin, but did not block serotonin-induced modulation of the voltage-dependent delayed rectifier K$\sp+$ current (I$\sb{\rm K,V}$). These results suggest that buccalin A converges on some, but not all, of the same subcellular modulatory pathways as serotonin.^ In order to begin to understand neuromodulation in a more physiological context for the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex, the modulatory circuitry for the tail-withdrawal circuit was examined. Mechanoafferent neurons in the J cluster of the cerebral ganglion were identified as elements of a modulatory circuit for the reflex. Excitatory and inhibitory connections were observed between the J cells and the pleural sensory neurons, the tail motor neurons, and several classes of interneurons for the tail-siphon withdrawal circuit. The J cells produced both fast and slow PSPs in these neurons. Of particular interest was the ability of the J cells to produce slow EPSPs in the pleural sensory neurons. These slow EPSPs were associated with an increase in the excitability of the sensory neurons. The J cells appear to mediate both sensory and modulatory inputs to the circuit for the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex from the anterior part of the animal. ^