982 resultados para Cellular factors


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Transcription of the late genes of simian virus 40 (SV40) is repressed during the early phase of the lytic cycle of infection of binding of cellular factors, called IBP-s, to the SV40 late promoter; repression is relieved after the onset of viral DNA replication by titration of these repressors. Preliminary data indicated that one of the major components of IBP-s was human estrogen-related receptor 1 (hERR1). We show here that several members of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily, including testis receptor 2, thyroid receptor alpha 1 in combination with retinoid X receptor alpha, chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factors 1 and 2 (COUP-TF1 and COUP-TF2), as well as hERR1, possess the properties of IBP-s. These receptors bind specifically to hormone receptor binding sites present in the SV40 major late promoter. Recombinant COUP-TF1 specifically represses transcription from the SV40 major late promoter in a cell-free transcription system. Expression of COUP-TF1, COUP-TF2, or hERR1 in monkey cells results in repression of the SV40 late promoter, but not the early promoter, in the absence of the virally encoded large tumor antigen. Overexpression of COUP-TF1 leads to a delay in the early-to-late switch in SV40 gene expression during the lytic cycle of infection. Thus, members of this superfamily can play major direct roles in regulating expression of SV40. Possibly, natural or synthetic ligands to these receptors can serve as antiviral drugs. Our findings also provide the basis for the development of assays to screen for the ligands to testis receptor 2 and hERR1.


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Camptothecin is a potent antineoplastic agent that interferes with the action of eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I; the covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate is reversibly stabilized, leading to G2 arrest and cell death. We used a genetic screen to identify cellular factors, other than DNA topoisomerase I, that participate in the process of camptothecin-induced cell death. Following ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis of top1 delta yeast cells expressing plasmid-borne wild-type DNA topoisomerase I, six dominant suppressors of camptothecin toxicity were isolated that define a single genetic locus, sct1. Mutant SCT1 cells expressed DNA topoisomerase I protein of similar specific activity and camptothecin sensitivity to that of congenic, drug-sensitive sct1 cells, yet were resistant to camptothecin-mediated lethality. Moreover, camptothecin-treated SCT1 cells did not exhibit the G2-arrested, terminal phenotype characteristic of drug-treated wild-type cells. SCT1 cell sensitivity to other DNA-damaging agents suggests that alterations in SCT1 function suppress camptothecin-induced DNA damage produced in the presence of yeast DNA topoisomerase I.


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The mechanisms responsible for cytokine-mediated antiviral effects are not fully understood. We approached this problem by studying the outcome of intraocular herpes simplex (HSV) infection in transgenic mice that express interferon gamma in the photoreceptor cells of the retina. These transgenic mice showed selective survival from lethal HSV-2 infection manifested in both eyes, the optic nerve, and the brain. Although transgenic mice developed greater inflammatory responses to the virus in the eyes, inflammation and viral titers in their brains were equivalent to nontransgenic mice. However, survival of transgenic mice correlated with markedly lower numbers of central neurons undergoing apoptosis. The protooncogene Bcl2 was found to be induced in the HSV-2-infected brains of transgenic mice, allowing us to speculate on its role in fostering neuronal survival in this model. These observations imply a complex interaction between cytokine, virus, and host cellular factors. Our results suggest a cytokine-regulated salvage pathway that allows for survival of infected neurons.


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Les virus ont besoin d’interagir avec des facteurs cellulaires pour se répliquer et se propager dans les cellules d’hôtes. Une étude de l'interactome des protéines du virus d'hépatite C (VHC) par Germain et al. (2014) a permis d'élucider de nouvelles interactions virus-hôte. L'étude a également démontré que la majorité des facteurs de l'hôte n'avaient pas d'effet sur la réplication du virus. Ces travaux suggèrent que la majorité des protéines ont un rôle dans d'autres processus cellulaires tel que la réponse innée antivirale et ciblées pas le virus dans des mécanismes d'évasion immune. Pour tester cette hypothèse, 132 interactant virus-hôtes ont été sélectionnés et évalués par silençage génique dans un criblage d'ARNi sur la production interferon-beta (IFNB1). Nous avons ainsi observé que les réductions de l'expression de 53 interactants virus-hôte modulent la réponse antivirale innée. Une étude dans les termes de gène d'ontologie (GO) démontre un enrichissement de ces protéines au transport nucléocytoplasmique et au complexe du pore nucléaire. De plus, les gènes associés avec ces termes (CSE1L, KPNB1, RAN, TNPO1 et XPO1) ont été caractérisé comme des interactant de la protéine NS3/4A par Germain et al. (2014), et comme des régulateurs positives de la réponse innée antivirale. Comme le VHC se réplique dans le cytoplasme, nous proposons que ces interactions à des protéines associées avec le noyau confèrent un avantage de réplication et bénéficient au virus en interférant avec des processus cellulaire tel que la réponse innée. Cette réponse innée antivirale requiert la translocation nucléaire des facteurs transcriptionnelles IRF3 et NF-κB p65 pour la production des IFNs de type I. Un essai de microscopie a été développé afin d'évaluer l’effet du silençage de 60 gènes exprimant des protéines associés au complexe du pore nucléaire et au transport nucléocytoplasmique sur la translocation d’IRF3 et NF-κB p65 par un criblage ARNi lors d’une cinétique d'infection virale. En conclusion, l’étude démontre qu’il y a plusieurs protéines qui sont impliqués dans le transport de ces facteurs transcriptionnelles pendant une infection virale et peut affecter la production IFNB1 à différents niveaux de la réponse d'immunité antivirale. L'étude aussi suggère que l'effet de ces facteurs de transport sur la réponse innée est peut être un mécanisme d'évasion par des virus comme VHC.


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The human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) genome contains multiple, highly conserved structural RNA domains that play key roles in essential viral processes. Interference with the function of these RNA domains either by disrupting their structures or by blocking their interaction with viral or cellular factors may seriously compromise HIV-1 viability. RNA aptamers are amongst the most promising synthetic molecules able to interact with structural domains of viral genomes. However, aptamer shortening up to their minimal active domain is usually necessary for scaling up production, what requires very time-consuming, trial-and-error approaches. Here we report on the in vitro selection of 64 nt-long specific aptamers against the complete 5' -untranslated region of HIV-1 genome, which inhibit more than 75% of HIV-1 production in a human cell line. The analysis of the selected sequences and structures allowed for the identification of a highly conserved 16 nt-long stem-loop motif containing a common 8 nt-long apical loop. Based on this result, an in silico designed 16 nt-long RNA aptamer, termed RNApt16, was synthesized, with sequence 5'-CCCCGGCAAGGAGGGG-3-'. The HIV-1 inhibition efficiency of such an aptamer was close to 85%, thus constituting the shortest RNA molecule so far described that efficiently interferes with HIV-1 replication.


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Coccolithophores are unicellular phytoplankton that are characterized by the presence intricately formed calcite scales (coccoliths) on their surfaces. In most cases coccolith formation is an entirely intracellular process - crystal growth is confined within a Golgi-derived vesicle. A wide range of coccolith morphologies can be found amongst the different coccolithophore groups. This review discusses the cellular factors that regulate coccolith production, from the roles of organic components, endomembrane organization and cytoskeleton to the mechanisms of delivery of substrates to the calcifying compartment. New findings are also providing important information on how the delivery of substrates to the calcification site is co-ordinated with the removal of H(+) that are a bi-product of the calcification reaction. While there appear to be a number of species-specific features of the structural and biochemical components underlying coccolith formation, the fluxes of Ca(2+) and a HCO3(-) required to support coccolith formation appear to involve spatially organized recruitment of conserved transport processes.


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Coccolithophores are unicellular phytoplankton that are characterized by the presence intricately formed calcite scales (coccoliths) on their surfaces. In most cases coccolith formation is an entirely intracellular process - crystal growth is confined within a Golgi-derived vesicle. A wide range of coccolith morphologies can be found amongst the different coccolithophore groups. This review discusses the cellular factors that regulate coccolith production, from the roles of organic components, endomembrane organization and cytoskeleton to the mechanisms of delivery of substrates to the calcifying compartment. New findings are also providing important information on how the delivery of substrates to the calcification site is co-ordinated with the removal of H(+) that are a bi-product of the calcification reaction. While there appear to be a number of species-specific features of the structural and biochemical components underlying coccolith formation, the fluxes of Ca(2+) and a HCO3(-) required to support coccolith formation appear to involve spatially organized recruitment of conserved transport processes.


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The Picornaviridae family consists of positive-strand RNA viruses that are the causative agents of a variety of diseases in humans and animals. Few drugs targeting picornaviruses are available, making the discovery of new antivirals a high priority. Here, we identified and characterized three compounds from a library of kinase inhibitors that block replication of poliovirus, coxsackievirus B3, and encephalomyocarditis virus. The antiviral effect of these compounds is not likely related to their known cellular targets because other inhibitors targeting the same pathways did not inhibit viral replication. Using an in vitro translation-replication system, we showed that these drugs inhibit different stages of the poliovirus life cycle. A4(1) inhibited the formation of a functional replication complex, while E5(1) and E7(2) affected replication after the replication complex had formed. A4(1) demonstrated partial protection from paralysis in a murine model of poliomyelitis. Poliovirus resistant to E7(2) had a single mutation in the 3A protein. This mutation was previously found to confer resistance to enviroxime-like compounds, which target either PI4KIIIβ (major enviroxime-like compounds) or OSBP (minor enviroxime-like compounds), cellular factors involved in lipid metabolism and shown to be important for replication of diverse positive-strand RNA viruses. We classified E7(2) as a minor enviroxime-like compound, because the localization of OSBP changed in the presence of this inhibitor. Interestingly, both E7(2) and major enviroxime-like compound GW5074 interfered with the viral polyprotein processing. Multiple attempts to isolate resistant mutants in the presence of A4(1) or E5(1) were unsuccessful, showing that effective broad-spectrum antivirals could be developed on the basis of these compounds. Studies with these compounds shed light on pathways shared by diverse picornaviruses that could be potential targets for the development of broad-spectrum antiviral drugs.


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A number of different interferon-gamma ELISpot protocols are in use in laboratories studying antigen-specific immune responses. It is therefore unclear how results from different assays compare, and what factors most significantly influence assay outcome. One such difference is that some laboratories use a short in vitro stimulation period of cells before they are transferred to the ELISpot plate; this is commonly done in the case of frozen cells, in order to enhance assay sensitivity. Other differences that may be significant include antibody coating of plates, the use of media with or without serum, the serum source and the number of cells added to the wells. The aim of this paper was to identify which components of the different ELISpot protocols influenced assay sensitivity and inter-laboratory variation. Four laboratories provided protocols for quantifying numbers of interferon-gamma spot forming cells in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis derived antigens. The differences in the protocols were compared directly. We found that several sources of variation in assay protocols can be eliminated, for example by avoiding serum supplementation and using AIM-V serum free medium. In addition, the number of cells added to ELISpot wells should also be standardised. Importantly, delays in peripheral blood mononuclear cell processing before stimulation had a marked effect on the number of detectable spot forming cells; processing delay thus should be minimised as well as standardised. Finally, a pre-stimulation culture period improved the sensitivity of the assay, however this effect may be both antigen and donor dependent. In conclusion, small differences in ELISpot protocols in routine use can affect the results obtained and care should be given to conditions selected for use in a given study. A pre-stimulation step may improve the sensitivity of the assay, particularly when cells have been previously frozen.


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Transient overexpression of defined combinations of master regulator genes can effectively induce cellular reprogramming: the acquisition of an alternative predicted phenotype from a differentiated cell lineage. This can be of particular importance in cardiac regenerative medicine wherein the heart lacks the capacity to heal itself, but simultaneously contains a large pool of fibroblasts. In this study we determined the cardio-inducing capacity of ten transcription factors to actuate cellular reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts into cardiomyocyte-like cells. Overexpression of transcription factors MYOCD and SRF alone or in conjunction with Mesp1 and SMARCD3 enhanced the basal but necessary cardio-inducing effect of the previously reported GATA4, TBX5, and MEF2C. In particular, combinations of five or seven transcription factors enhanced the activation of cardiac reporter vectors, and induced an upregulation of cardiac-specific genes. Global gene expression analysis also demonstrated a significantly greater cardio-inducing effect when the transcription factors MYOCD and SRF were used. Detection of cross-striated cells was highly dependent on the cell culture conditions and was enhanced by the addition of valproic acid and JAK inhibitor. Although we detected Ca(2+) transient oscillations in the reprogrammed cells, we did not detect significant changes in resting membrane potential or spontaneously contracting cells. This study further elucidates the cardio-inducing effect of the transcriptional networks involved in cardiac cellular reprogramming, contributing to the ongoing rational design of a robust protocol required for cardiac regenerative therapies.


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The development of shallow cellular convection in warm orographic clouds is investigated through idealized numerical simulations of moist flow over topography using a cloud-resolving numerical model. Buoyant instability, a necessary element for moist convection, is found to be diagnosed most accurately through analysis of the moist Brunt–Väisälä frequency (N_m) rather than the vertical profile of θ_e. In statically unstable orographic clouds (N_m^2) < 0), additional environmental and terrain-related factors are shown to have major effects on the amount of cellularity that occurs in 2D simulations. One of these factors, the basic-state wind shear, may suppress convection in 2D yet allow for longitudinal convective roll circulations in 3D. The presence of convective structures within an orographic cloud substantially enhanced the maximum rainfall rates, precipitation efficiencies, and precipitation accumulations in all simulations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background. The long control region (LCR) of human papillomavirus (HPV) regulates early gene transcription by interaction with several viral and cellular transcription factors (TFs). Methods. To identify novel TFs that could influence early expression of HPV type 18 (HPV-18) and HPV type 16 (HPV-16), a high-throughput transfection array was used. Results. Among the 704 TFs tested, 28 activated and 36 inhibited the LCR of HPV-18 by more than 2-fold. For validation, C33 cells were cotransfected with increasing amounts of selected TF expression plasmids in addition to LCR-luciferase vectors of different molecular variants of HPV-18 and HPV-16. Among the TFs identified, only GATA3, FOXA1, and MYC have putative binding sites within the LCR sequence, as indicated using the TRANSFAC database. Furthermore, we demonstrated FOXA1 and MYC in vivo binding to the LCR of both HPV types using chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Conclusions. We identified new TFs implicated in the regulation of the LCR of HPV-18 and HPV-16. Many of these factors are mutated in cancer or are putative cancer biomarkers and could potentially be involved in the regulation of HPV early gene expression.


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Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection initially establishes in the endocervix in females, but if the infection ascends the genital tract, significant disease, including infertility, can result. Many of the mechanisms associated with chlamydial infection kinetics and disease ascension are unknown. We attempt to elucidate some of these processes by developing a novel mathematical model, using a cellular automata–partial differential equation model. We matched our model outputs to experimental data of chlamydial infection of the guinea-pig cervix and carried out sensitivity analyses to determine the relative influence of model parameters. We found that the rate of recruitment and action of innate immune cells to clear extracellular chlamydial particles and the rate of passive movement of chlamydial particles are the dominant factors in determining the early course of infection, magnitude of the peak chlamydial time course and the time of the peak. The rate of passive movement was found to be the most important factor in determining whether infection would ascend to the upper genital tract. This study highlights the importance of early innate immunity in the control of chlamydial infection and the significance of motility-diffusive properties and the adaptive immune response in the magnitude of infection and in its ascension.


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Experimental and theoretical studies have shown the importance of stochastic processes in genetic regulatory networks and cellular processes. Cellular networks and genetic circuits often involve small numbers of key proteins such as transcriptional factors and signaling proteins. In recent years stochastic models have been used successfully for studying noise in biological pathways, and stochastic modelling of biological systems has become a very important research field in computational biology. One of the challenge problems in this field is the reduction of the huge computing time in stochastic simulations. Based on the system of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade that is activated by epidermal growth factor, this work give a parallel implementation by using OpenMP and parallelism across the simulation. Special attention is paid to the independence of the generated random numbers in parallel computing, that is a key criterion for the success of stochastic simulations. Numerical results indicate that parallel computers can be used as an efficient tool for simulating the dynamics of large-scale genetic regulatory networks and cellular processes