964 resultados para Cell cycle arrest


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Background - Plants have proved to be an important source of anti-cancer drugs. Here we have investigated the cytotoxic action of an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica, used widely as a herbal tea-based treatment for breast cancer. Methodology/Principal Findings - Using flow cytometric analysis of cells labeled with cyclin A, annexin V and propidium iodide, we describe a time and dose-dependent arrest of the cell cycle in G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and apoptosis following extract treatment in MCF-7 (WT-p53) and MDA-MB-231 (mutant-p53) human breast cancer cell lines with a markedly reduced effect on primary human mammary epithelial cells. Analysis of p53 protein expression and of its downstream transcription targets, p21 and BAX, revealed a p53 associated growth arrest within 5 hours of extract treatment and apoptosis within 24 hours. DNA double strand breaks measured as ?-H2AX were detected early in both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. However, loss of cell viability was only partly due to a p53-driven response; as MDA-MB-231 and p53-knockdown MCF-7 cells both underwent cell cycle arrest and death following extract treatment. p53-independent growth arrest and cytotoxicity following DNA damage has been previously ascribed to FOXO3a expression. Here, in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells, FOXO3a expression was increased significantly within 3 hours of extract treatment and FOXO3 siRNA reduced the extract-induced loss of cell viability in both cell lines. Conclusions/Significance - Our results demonstrate for the first time that an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via p53-dependent and independent mechanisms, with activation of the DNA damage response. We also show that FOXO3a is required for activity in the absence of p53. Our findings indicate that Fagonia cretica aqueous extract contains potential anti-cancer agents acting either singly or in combination against breast cancer cell proliferation via DNA damage-induced FOXO3a and p53 expression.


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BACKGROUND Protein-bound polysaccharide (PSK) is derived from the CM-101 strain of the fungus Coriolus versicolor and has shown anticancer activity in vitro and in in vivo experimental models and human cancers. Several randomized clinical trials have demonstrated that PSK has great potential in adjuvant cancer therapy, with positive results in the adjuvant treatment of gastric, esophageal, colorectal, breast and lung cancers. These studies have suggested the efficacy of PSK as an immunomodulator of biological responses. The precise molecular mechanisms responsible for its biological activity have yet to be fully elucidated. METHODS The in vitro cytotoxic anti-tumour activity of PSK has been evaluated in various tumour cell lines derived from leukaemias, melanomas, fibrosarcomas and cervix, lung, pancreas and gastric cancers. Tumour cell proliferation in vitro was measured by BrdU incorporation and viable cell count. Effect of PSK on human peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferation in vitro was also analyzed. Studies of cell cycle and apoptosis were performed in PSK-treated cells. RESULTS PSK showed in vitro inhibition of tumour cell proliferation as measured by BrdU incorporation and viable cell count. The inhibition ranged from 22 to 84%. Inhibition mechanisms were identified as cell cycle arrest, with cell accumulation in G0/G1 phase and increase in apoptosis and caspase-3 expression. These results indicate that PSK has a direct cytotoxic activity in vitro, inhibiting tumour cell proliferation. In contrast, PSK shows a synergistic effect with IL-2 that increases PBL proliferation. CONCLUSION These results indicate that PSK has cytotoxic activity in vitro on tumour cell lines. This new cytotoxic activity of PSK on tumour cells is independent of its previously described immunomodulatory activity on NK cells.


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Gamma-irradiation (gamma-IR) is extensively used in the treatment of hormone-resistant prostate carcinoma. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of 60Co gamma-IR on the growth, cell cycle arrest and cell death of the human prostate cancer cell line DU 145. The viability of DU 145 cells was measured by the Trypan blue exclusion assay and the 3(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5,diphenyltetrazolium bromide test. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation was used for the determination of cell proliferation. Cell cycle arrest and cell death were analyzed by flow cytometry. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), specifically CuZnSOD and MnSOD protein expression, after 10 Gy gamma-IR, was determined by Western immunoblotting analysis. gamma-IR treatment had a significant (P < 0.001) antiproliferative and cytotoxic effect on DU 145 cells. Both effects were time and dose dependent. Also, the dose of gamma-IR which inhibited DNA synthesis and cell proliferation by 50% was 9.7 Gy. Furthermore, gamma-IR induced cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase and the percentage of cells in the G2/M phase was increased from 15% (control) to 49% (IR cells), with a nonsignificant induction of apoptosis. Treatment with 10 Gy gamma-IR for 24, 48, and 72 h stimulated CuZnSOD and MnSOD protein expression in a time-dependent manner, approximately by 3- to 3.5-fold. These data suggest that CuZnSOD and MnSOD enzymes may play an important role in the gamma-IR-induced changes in DU 145 cell growth, cell cycle arrest and cell death.


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ß-catenin is a multifunctional protein involved in cell-cell adhesion and Wnt signal transduction. ß-Catenin signaling has been proposed to act as inducer of cell proliferation in different tumors. However, in some developmental contexts and cell systems ß-catenin also acts as a positive modulator of apoptosis. To get additional insights into the role of ß-Catenin in the regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis, we have analyzed the levels and subcellular localization of endogenous ß-catenin and its relation with adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) during the cell cycle in S-phase¿synchronized epithelial cells. ß-Catenin levels increase in S phase, reaching maximum accumulation at late G2/M and then abruptly decreasing as the cells enter into a new G1 phase. In parallel, an increased cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of ß-catenin and APC is observed during S and G2 phases. In addition, strong colocalization of APC with centrosomes, but not ß-catenin, is detected in M phase. Interestingly, overexpression of a stable form of ß-catenin, or inhibition of endogenous ß-catenin degradation, in epidermal keratinocyte cells induces a G2 cell cycle arrest and leads to apoptosis. These results support a role for ß-catenin in the control of cell cycle and apoptosis at G2/M in normal and transformed epidermal keratinocytes.


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RESUME POUR UN LARGE PUBLIC Parmi les globules blancs, les lymphocytes T 004 jouent un rôle primordial dans la coordination de la réponse immunitaire contre les pathogènes et les lymphocytes T CD8 dans leur élimination. Lors d'une infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH-1), non seulement les cellules T CD4 sont les principales cibles d'infections, mais aussi elles disparaissent progressivement tout au long de la maladie. Ce phénomène, appelé aussi épuisement des lymphocytes T CD4, est la principale cause provoquant le Syndrome d'Immunodéficience Acquise (SIDA). Malgré de grands efforts de recherche, nous ne sommes toujours pas en mesure de dire si ce phénomène est dû à un défaut dans la production de nouvelles cellules ou à une destruction massive de cellules en circulation. Dans cette étude, nous nous proposions, dans un premier temps, de comparer la production de nouvelles cellules T CD4 et CD8 chez des individus VIH-négatifs et positifs. Les cellules nouvellement produites portent un marqueur commun que l'on appelle TREC et qui est facilement mesurable. En considérant des paramètres cliniques, nous étions en mesure de déterminer le niveau de TRECs de cellules T CD4 et CD8 dans différentes phases de la maladie. De là, nous avons pu déterminer que le niveau de TREC est toujours plus bas dans les cellules T CD8 de patients VIH-positifs comparativement à notre groupe contrôle. Nous avons pu déterminer par une analyse ultérieure que cette différence est due à une forte prolifération de ces cellules chez les patients VIH-positifs, ce qui a pour effet de diluer ce marqueur. En revanche, la production de nouvelles cellules T CD4 chez des patients VIH-positifs est accentuée lors de la phase précoce de la maladie et largement réprimée lors de la phase tardive. Dans un second temps, nous avons effectué une analyse à grande échelle de l'expression de gènes associés à la division cellulaire sur des lymphocytes T CD4 et CD8 d'individus VIH-¬positifs et négatifs, avec comme contrôle des cellules proliférant in vitro. De cette étude, nous avons pu conclure que les cellules T CD8 de patients VIH-positifs étaient en état de prolifération, alors que les lymphocytes T CD4 présentaient des défauts majeurs conduisant à un arrêt de la division cellulaire. Nos résultats montrent que la capacité à produire de nouvelles cellules chez des patients VIH¬positifs reste active longtemps pendant la maladie, mais que l'incapacité des cellules T CD4 à proliférer peut enrayer la reconstitution immunitaire chez ces individus. ABSTRACT The hallmark of HIV-1 infection is the depletion of CD4 T cells. Despite extensive investigation, the mechanisms responsible for the loss of CD4 T cells have been elucidated only partially. In particular, it remains controversial whether CD4 T cell depletion results from a defect in T cell production or from a massive peripheral destruction. In this study, de novo T cell generation has been investigated by measuring T cell receptor rearrangement excision circles (TRECs) on large cohorts of HIV-negative (N=120) and HIV-1 infected (N=298) individuals. Analysis of TREC levels was performed in HIV-infected subjects stratified by the stage of HIV disease based on CD4 T cell counts (early: >500 CD4 T cells/µl; intermediate: <500>200; late: <200) and by age (20 to 60 years, n = 259). Our data show that TREC levels in CD8 T cells were significantly lower in HIV-infected subjects at any stage of disease compared to the control group. In contrast, TREC levels in CD4 T cells were significantly higher in HIV-infected subjects at early stages disease while no significant differences were observed at intermediate stages of the disease and were severely reduced only at late stages of disease. To investigate further the status of cell cycle in peripheral CD4 and CD8 T cells in HIV-1 infections, we determined the pattern of gene expression with the microarray technology. In particular, CD4 and CD8 T cells of HIV-1 infected and HIV-negative subjects were analysed by Cell Cycle cDNA expression array. The patterns of gene expression were compared to in vitro stimulated CD4 and CD8 T cells and this analysis showed that CD8 T cells of HIV-1 infected subjects had a pattern of gene expression very similar to that of in vitro stimulated CD8 T cells thus indicating ongoing cell cycling. In contrast, CD4 T cells of HIV-1 infected subjects displayed a complex pattern of gene expression. In fact, CD4 T cells expressed high levels of genes typically associated with cell activation, but low levels of cell cycle genes. Therefore, these results indicated that activated CD4 T cells of HIV-1 infected subjects were in cell cycle arrest. Taking together these results indicate that thymus function is preserved for long time during HIV- 1 infection and the increase observed in early stage disease may represent a compensatory mechanism to the depletion of CD4 T cells. However, we provide evidence for a cell cycle arrest of peripheral CD4 T cells that may prevent potentially the replenishment of CD4 T cells. RESUME Les mécanismes responsables de la perte des lymphocytes T CD4 lors de l'infection pas VIH n'ont été élucidés que partiellement. Nous ne savons toujours pas si l'épuisement des lymphocytes T CD4 résulte d'un défaut dans la production de cellules ou d'une destruction périphérique massive. Dans cette étude, la production de cellules T a été étudiée en mesurant les cercles d'excision générés lors du réarrangement du récepteur au cellules T (TRECs) chez des individus VIH-négatifs (N=120) et VIH-1 positifs (N=298). L'analyse des niveaux de TREC a été faite chez sujets HIV-infectés en considérant les phases de la maladie sur la base des comptes CD4 (phase précoce: > 500 cellules CD4/µl; intermédiaire: < 500>200; tardive: < 200) et par âge. Nos données démontrent que les niveaux de TRECs des cellules T CD8 étaient significativement plus bas chez les sujets VIH-1 infectés, à tous les stades de la maladie comparativement au groupe contrôle. En revanche, les niveaux de TRECs des cellules T CD4 étaient significativement plus élevés chez les sujets VIH-1 infectés durant la phase précoce de la maladie, tandis qu'aucune différence significative n'était observée durant la phase intermédiaire et étaient très réduits dans la phase tardive. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons utilisé la technique des biopuces à d'ADN complémentaire pour analyser la régulation du cycle cellulaire chez les lymphocytes T CD4 et CD8 périphériques lors d'une infection au VIH-1. Des profils d'expression ont été déterminés et comparés à ceux de cellules T CD4 et CD8 stimulées in vitro, démontrant que les cellules T CD8 des sujets VIH-positifs avaient un profil d'expression très semblable à celui des cellules stimulées in vitro en prolifération. En revanche, les lymphocytes T CD4 des sujets VIH-1 positifs avaient un profil d'expression de gène plus complexe. En fait, leur profil montrait une sur- expression de gènes associés à une activation cellulaire, mais une sous-expression de ceux induisant une division. Ainsi, ces résultats indiquent que les lymphocytes T CD4 d'individus VIH-positifs présentent des dérégulations qui conduisent à un arrêt du cycle cellulaire. Ces résultats montrent que la fonction thymique est préservée longtemps pendant l'infection au VIH-1 et que l'augmentation de la quantité de TRECs dans la phase précoce de la maladie peut représenter un mécanisme compensatoire à l'épuisement des cellules T CD4. Cependant, nous démontrons aussi un clair dysfonctionnement du cycle cellulaire chez les cellules T CD4 d'individus infectés par VIH-1 ce qui peut enrayer la reconstitution du système immunitaire.


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REGγ is a proteasome activator that facilitates the degradation of small peptides. Abnormally high expression of REGγ has been observed in thyroid carcinomas. The purpose of the present study was to explore the role of REGγ in poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC). For this purpose, small interfering RNA (siRNA) was introduced to down-regulate the level of REGγ in the PDTC cell line SW579. Down-regulation of REGγ at the mRNA and protein levels was confirmed by RT-PCR and Western blot analyses. FACS analysis revealed cell cycle arrest at the G1/S transition, the MTT assay showed inhibition of cell proliferation, and the Transwell assay showed restricted cell invasion. Furthermore, the expression of the p21 protein was increased, the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) protein decreased, and the expression of the p27 protein was unchanged as shown by Western blot analyses. REGγ plays a critical role in the cell cycle, proliferation and invasion of SW579 cells. The alteration of p21 and PCNA proteins related to the down-regulation of REGγ suggests that p21 and PCNA participate in the process of REGγ regulation of cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. Thus, targeting REGγ has a therapeutic potential in the management of PDTC patients.


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Affiliation: Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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Colon cancer is a leading and expanding cause of death worldwide. A major contributory factor to this disease is diet composition; some components are beneficial (e.g. dietary fibre) whilst others are detrimental (e.g. alcohol). Garlic oil is a prominent dietary constituent that prevents the development of colorectal cancer. This effect is believed to be mainly due to diallyl disulphide (DADS), which selectively induces redox stress in cancerous (rather than normal) cells which leads to apoptotic cell death. However, the detailed mechanism by which DADS causes apoptosis remains unclear. We show that DADS-treatment of colonic adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) initiates a cascade of molecular events characteristic of apoptosis. These include a decrease in cellular proliferation, translocation of phosphatidylserine to the plasma-membrane outer-layer, activation of caspase-3, genomic-DNA fragmentation and G2/M phase cell-cycle arrest. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), particularly butyrate (abundantly produced in the gut by bacterial fermentation of dietary polysaccharides), enhance colonic cell integrity but, in contrast, inhibit colonic-cancer cell growth. Combining DADS with butyrate augmented the effect of butyrate on HT-29 cells. These results suggest that the anti-cancerous properties of DADS afford greater benefit when supplied with other favourable dietary factors (SCFA/polysaccharides) that likewise reduce colonic tumour development.


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The role of PPAR-gamma in ciglitazone and 15-d PGJ(2)-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of Jurkat (before and after PPAR gamma gene silencing), U937 (express high levels of PPAR gamma) and HeLa (that express very low levels of PPAR gamma) cells was investigated. PPAR gamma gene silencing, per se, induced a G2/M cell arrest, loss of membrane integrity and DNA fragmentation of Jurkat cells, indicating that PPAR gamma is important for this cell survival and proliferation. Ciglitazone-induced apoptosis was abolished after knockdown of PPAR gamma suggesting a PPAR gamma-dependent pro-apoptotic effect. However, ciglitazone treatment was toxic for U937 and HeLa cells regardless of the presence of PPAR gamma. This treatment did not change the cell cycle distribution corroborating with a PPAR gamma-independent mechanism. On the other hand, 15-d PGJ(2) induced apoptosis of the three cancer cell lines regardless of the expression of PPAR gamma. These results suggest that PPAR gamma plays an important role for death of malignant T lymphocytes (Jurkat cells) and PPAR gamma agonists exert their effects through PPAR gamma-dependent and -independent mechanisms depending on the drug and the cell type. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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MicroRNAs (miRNA) are negative regulators of gene expression at the posttranscriptional level, which are involved in tumorigenesis. Two miRNAs, miR-15a and miR-16, which are located at chromosome 13q14, have been implicated in cell cycle control and apoptosis, but little information is available about their role in solid tumors. To address this question, we established a protocol to quantify miRNAs from laser capture microdissected tissues. Here, we show that miR-15a/miR-16 are frequently deleted or down-regulated in squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the lung. In these tumors, expression of miR-15a/miR-16 inversely correlates with the expression of cyclin D1. In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines, cyclins D1, D2, and E1 are directly regulated by physiologic concentrations of miR-15a/miR-16. Consistent with these results, overexpression of these miRNAs induces cell cycle arrest in G(1)-G(0). Interestingly, H2009 cells lacking Rb are resistant to miR-15a/miR-16-induced cell cycle arrest, whereas reintroduction of functional Rb resensitizes these cells to miRNA activity. In contrast, down-regulation of Rb in A549 cells by RNA interference confers resistance to these miRNAs. Thus, cell cycle arrest induced by these miRNAs depends on the expression of Rb, confirming that G(1) cyclins are major targets of miR-15a/miR-16 in NSCLC. Our results indicate that miR-15a/miR-16 are implicated in cell cycle control and likely contribute to the tumorigenesis of NSCLC.


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Most studies of p53 function have focused on genes transactivated by p53. It is less widely appreciated that p53 can repress target genes to affect a particular cellular response. There is evidence that repression is important for p53-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. It is less clear if repression is important for other p53 functions. A comprehensive knowledge of the genes repressed by p53 and the cellular processes they affect is currently lacking. We used an expression profiling strategy to identify p53-responsive genes following adenoviral p53 gene transfer (Ad-p53) in PC3 prostate cancer cells. A total of 111 genes represented on the Affymetrix U133A microarray were repressed more than two fold (p ≤ 0.05) by p53. An objective assessment of array data quality was carried out using RT-PCR of 20 randomly selected genes. We estimate a confirmation rate of >95.5% for the complete data set. Functional over-representation analysis was used to identify cellular processes potentially affected by p53-mediated repression. Cell cycle regulatory genes exhibited significant enrichment (p ≤ 5E-28) within the repressed targets. Several of these genes are repressed in a p53-dependent manner following DNA damage, but preceding cell cycle arrest. These findings identify novel p53-repressed targets and indicate that p53-induced cell cycle arrest is a function of not only the transactivation of cell cycle inhibitors (e.g., p21), but also the repression of targets that act at each phase of the cell cycle. The mechanism of repression of this set of p53 targets was investigated. Most of the repressed genes identified here do not harbor consensus p53 DNA binding sites but do contain binding sites for E2F transcription factors. We demonstrate a role for E2F/RB repressor complexes in our system. Importantly, p53 is found at the promoter of CDC25A. CDC25A protein is rapidly degraded in response to DNA damage. Our group has demonstrated for the first time that CDC25A is also repressed at the transcript level by p53. This work has important implications for understanding the DNA damage cell cycle checkpoint response and the link between E2F/RB complexes and p53 in the repression of target genes. ^


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When proliferating fission yeast cells are exposed to nitrogen starvation, they initiate conjugation and differentiate into ascospores. Cell cycle arrest in the G1-phase is one of the prerequisites for cell differentiation, because conjugation occurs only in the pre-Start G1-phase. The role of ste9+ in the cell cycle progression was investigated. Ste9 is a WD-repeat protein that is highly homologous to Hct1/Cdh1 and Fizzy-related. The ste9 mutants were sterile because they were defective in cell cycle arrest in the G1-phase upon starvation. Sterility was partially suppressed by the mutation in cig2 that encoded the major G1/S cyclin. Although cells lacking Ste9 function grow normally, the ste9 mutation was synthetically lethal with the wee1 mutation. In the double mutants of ste9 cdc10ts, cells arrested in G1-phase at the restrictive temperature, but the level of mitotic cyclin (Cdc13) did not decrease. In these cells, abortive mitosis occurred from the pre-Start G1-phase. Overexpression of Ste9 decreased the Cdc13 protein level and the H1-histone kinase activity. In these cells, mitosis was inhibited and an extra round of DNA replication occurred. Ste9 regulates G1 progression possibly by controlling the amount of the mitotic cyclin in the G1-phase.