172 resultados para Cate Consandine


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Une compréhension profonde de la séparation de charge à l’hétérojonction de semi-con- ducteurs organiques est nécessaire pour le développement de diodes photovoltaïques organiques plus efficaces, ce qui serait une grande avancée pour répondre aux besoins mondiaux en énergie durable. L’objectif de cette thèse est de décrire les processus impliqués dans la séparation de charges à hétérojonctions de semi-conducteurs organiques, en prenant en exemple le cas particulier du PCDTBT: PCBM. Nous sondons les excitations d’interface à l’aide de méthodes spectroscopiques résolues en temps couvrant des échelles de temps de 100 femto- secondes à 1 milliseconde. Ces principales méthodes spectroscopiques sont la spectroscopie Raman stimulée femtoseconde, la fluorescence résolue en temps et l’absorption transitoire. Nos résultats montrent clairement que le transfert de charge du PCDTBT au PCBM a lieu avant que l’exciton ne soit relaxé et localisé, un fait expérimental irréconciliable avec la théorie de Marcus semi-classique. La paire de charges qui est créée se divise en deux catégories : les paires de polarons géminales non piégées et les paires profondément piégées. Les premiers se relaxent rapidement vers l’exciton à transfert de charge, qui se recombine radiativement avec une constante de temps de 1– 2 nanoseconde, alors que les seconds se relaxent sur de plus longues échelles de temps via l’effet tunnel. Notre modèle photophysique quantitatif démontre que 2 % de l’excitation créée ne peut jamais se dissocier en porteurs de charge libre, un chiffre qui est en accord avec les rendements élevés rapportés pour ce type de système.


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Domaine en plein développement, le transfert des connaissances (TC) se définit, comme l’ensemble des activités, des mécanismes et des processus favorisant l’utilisation de connaissances pertinentes (tacites et empiriques) par un public cible tel que les intervenants psychosociaux. Cette recherche vise à améliorer l’efficacité des méthodes linéaires écrites de TC en identifiant mieux les besoins d’information des intervenants en protection de la jeunesse. Notons que les méthodes linéaires écrites de TC désignent des outils d’information écrits unidirectionnels tels que les revues, les publications, les sites Internet, etc. Le premier objectif est de déterminer les catégories de besoins exprimés par les intervenants, c’est-à-dire déterminer si les besoins rapportés par des intervenants se regroupent en types ou sortes de besoins. Le deuxième objectif est d’établir l’importance relative de chacune de ces catégories. Enfin, cette étude vise à déterminer si ces besoins diffèrent selon les caractéristiques des intervenants ou de l’environnement. Deux facteurs sont étudiés, l’expérience de l’intervenant et la direction pour laquelle celui-ci travaille (Direction des services milieu à l’enfance ou Direction des services milieu à l’adolescence et ressources). Un devis mixte séquentiel exploratoire a été développé. Lors de la première étape, une analyse thématique a été effectuée à partir des réponses à une question ouverte posée aux membres de trois équipes et à partir d’un document résumant les requêtes effectuées auprès de l’équipe de la bibliothèque du Centre jeunesse de Montréal. Les résultats permettent de répondre au premier objectif de ce mémoire. En effet, les analyses ont permis de créer un arbre thématique comprenant 42 éléments classés hiérarchiquement. Les besoins se regroupent en deux thèmes généraux, soit les besoins qui concernent les « opérations » (c’est-à-dire l’action de l’intervenant) et les besoins concernant les « systèmes » (c’est-à-dire les éléments sur lesquels peuvent porter l’intervention). Cette dernière catégorie se subdivise entre l’usager, ses environnements et le contexte culturel et sociétal. Lors de la deuxième étape, une analyse de la variance (ANOVA) et une analyse de variance multivariée (MANOVA) ont été effectuées à partir des réponses de 82 intervenants à un questionnaire en ligne structuré selon les catégories de besoins d’informations déterminées à l’étape qualitative précédente. Les résultats permettent de répondre au deuxième objectif de ce mémoire et de mesurer le degré de force ou d’importance de chacune des catégories de besoins, identifiées lors de la première étape, selon les intervenants eux-mêmes. Les besoins ont ainsi pu être classés par ordre décroissant d’importance. Il a été possible de définir un groupe de neuf besoins prioritaires (portant sur l’animation, les caractéristiques personnelles des usagers, les caractéristiques des parents et leurs relations avec l’enfant, ainsi que l’intervention interculturelle et les problématiques sociales) et un autre groupe de sept besoins moins élevés (portant sur les autres « opérations » et les services professionnels dont a bénéficié l’usager). L’interprétation de ces résultats indique que les besoins en TC des intervenants se limitent aux informations qui concernent directement leur mandat, leur pratique ou les problématiques rencontrées. Les résultats de cette étape ont également permis de répondre au troisième objectif de ce mémoire. En effet, les résultats indiquent que l’importance ressentie des besoins (sur une échelle de 1 à 7) ne diffère pas significativement selon la direction pour laquelle travaille l’intervenant, mais elle diffère significativement selon l’expérience de ce dernier (moins de 10 ans ou plus de 10 ans). Cette différence est discutée et plusieurs hypothèses explicatives sont envisagées telles que l’accumulation de connaissances liée à l’expérience ou les changements cognitifs liés à l’expertise. Enfin, dans la discussion, les résultats sont mis en contexte parmi les autres types de besoins existants et les autres caractéristiques des connaissances qui doivent être prises en considération. Cela permet de formuler des recommandations pour améliorer la production de documents écrits ainsi que pour poursuivre la recherche dans le domaine de l’évaluation des besoins de TC. Bien que présentant certaines limites méthodologiques, cette recherche ouvre la voie au développement de meilleurs outils d’évaluation des besoins et à l’amélioration des techniques de transfert linéaires écrites.


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Introducción: El programa de Tutores Pares-TP es una iniciativa creada en la EMCS de la Universidad del Rosario que brinda acompañamiento académico a través de estudiantes-tutores a pares menos avanzados. Éste entrega a sus Tutores sistemáticamente, herramientas para desempeñarse armónicamente en el ejercicio de guía y provee habilidades para el manejo del saber. Este estudio busca explorar posibles ´impactos´ generados tras la participación de estudiantes de medicina como TPs dentro de un programa estructurado. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cualitativo que involucró la construcción y aplicación de encuestas a grupos focales –TPs, Docentes y Familiares- creadas a partir de seis ejes/categorías que enmarcan al médico ideal. Las respuestas obtenidas de preguntas cerradas –en escala valorativa- y de naturaleza abierta fueron sometidas a análisis descriptivo –modas- y triangulación. Resultados: 41 tutores, agrupados en 4 grupos de análisis, evidenciaron un impacto general positivo con predominio en habilidades interpersonales (60%,65%,66%,45%, respectivamente), funciones/actividades basadas en la práctica y mejoramiento (57%,67%,60%,45%) y la forma como se emplean los conocimientos (47%,70%,67%,48%). Ocho docentes encuestados consideraron relevante el impacto del programa en habilidades interpersonales-(49%), conocimientos-(42%) y la interacción con colegas-(38%). En los padres de familia hay consenso en el cambio en habilidades interpersonales, funciones basadas en la práctica y mejoramiento y en actitudes-valores ético/morales. Dichos resultados están en paralelo con las observaciones plasmadas en las preguntas abiertas. Conclusiones: Se evidenció un impacto general positivo en la formación y desempeño profesional tras la participación como TPs dentro del programa; hallazgo que soporta aquellos publicados de experiencias académicas similares.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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The study of intuition is an emerging area of research in psychology, social sciences, and business studies. It is increasingly of interest to the study of management, for example in decision-making as a counterpoint to structured approaches. Recently work has been undertaken to conceptualize a construct for the intuitive nature of technology. However to-date there is no common under-standing of the term intuition in information systems (IS) research. This paper extends the study of intuition in IS research by using exploratory research to cate-gorize the use of the word “intuition” and related terms in papers published in two prominent IS journals over a ten year period. The entire text of MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research was reviewed for the years 1999 through 2008 using searchable PDF versions of these publications. As far as could be deter-mined, this is the first application of this approach in the analysis of the text of IS academic journals. The use of the word “intuition” and related terms was catego-rized using coding consistent with Grounded Theory. The focus of this research was on the first two stages of Grounded Theory analysis - the development of codes and constructs. Saturation of coding was not reached: an extended review of these publications would be required to enable theory development. Over 400 incidents of the use of “intuition”, and related terms were found in the articles reviewed. The most prominent use of the term of “intuition” was coded as “Intui-tion as Authority” in which intuition was used to validate a research objective or finding; representing approximately 37 per cent of codes assigned. The second most common coding occurred in research articles with mathematical analysis, representing about 19 per cent of the codes assigned, for example where a ma-thematical formulation or result was “intuitive”. The possibly most impactful use of the term “intuition” was “Intuition as Outcome”, representing approximately 7 per cent of all coding, which characterized research results as adding to the intui-tive understanding of a research topic or phenomena. This research contributes to a greater theoretical understanding of intuition enabling insight into the use of intuition, and the eventual development of a theory on the use of intuition in academic IS research publications. It also provides potential benefits to practi-tioners by providing insight into and validation of the use of intuition in IS man-agement. Research directions include the creation of reflective and/or formative constructs for intuition in information systems research.


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There is growing concern with the increasing prevalence of obesity in industrialised countries, a trend that is more apparent in the poor than in the rich. In an ecological study, the relationship between an area measure of socioeconomic status (SES) and the density of fast-food outlets was examined as one possible explanation for the phenomenon. It was found that there was a dose-response between SES and the density of fast-food outlets, with people living in areas from the poorest SES category having 2.5 times the exposure to outlets than people in the wealthiest category. The findings are discussed.


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Jockeys are required to maintain very low body weight and precise weight control during competition. This study examined the weight loss and weight management strategies of professional horseracing jockeys in the state of Victoria, Australia. An anonymous, self-completed questionnaire was administered (55 % response rate, n = 116). Almost half (43 %) reported that maintaining riding weight was difficult or very difficult, with 75 % routinely skipping meals. In preparation for racing, 60 % reported that they typically required additional weight loss, with 81 % restricting food intake in the 24 hours prior to racing. Additionally, sauna-induced sweating (29 %) and diuretics (22 %) were frequently employed to further aid in weight loss prior to racing. These rapid weight loss methods did not differ between the 51 % of jockeys who followed a weight management plan compared to those who did not. The impact of these extreme weight loss practices on riding performance and health remains unknown.


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This article reviews the merit of using the World Health Organization (WHO) / National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) references to evaluate the nutritional status of refugees and famine-affected populations and the implication of the findings for further development of Public Health Nutrition programs. Public health nutrition interventions, in order to change the nutritional status of refugees and famine affected-populations, need to be based on accurate and appropriate reference criteria in order to satisfy demands for cost-effectiveness and preserve the human right to adequate food. However, many are confused by the current practice of estimating malnutrition in complex emergencies and it appears that the use of WHO/NCHS references may not be appropriate for use under these conditions in particular, and in the third world in general. To verify this claim, we conducted a literature review. Factors to be reviewed were selected a priori. Computer-assisted searches for English-language publications in the MEDLINE database were conducted and references cited in related publications were reviewed. The literature was restricted to published papers from 1975 to 2000, which focused on malnutrition and its measurement. Findings from the literature review indicate that there is a need to develop more appropriate references that are reflective of the field of intervention. In the absence of more appropriate references, this paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of using these references and some policy recommendations.


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Objective: To determine the proportion of energy from foods prepared outside the home (FPOH) and the relationships with energy and nutrient intakes and body mass index (BMI).

Design: A nutrition survey of a representative sample of the Australian population aged 18 years and over (n = 10 863). Measure used was a 24-hour dietary recall. Underreporters (energy intake/estimated basal metabolic rate (EI/BMR) <0.9) were excluded from analysis. Daily energy and selected nutrient intakes were calculated using a 1996 nutrient composition database for all foods/beverages during the 24-hour period.

Results: On average FPOH contributed a significant 13% to total energy intake. About a third of the sample had consumed FPOH in the last 24 hours and on average this group consumed a third of their total energy as FPOH. The relative contributions of fat (for men and women) and alcohol (for women) were significantly higher for those in the top tertile of FPOH consumers. The intakes of fibre and selected micronutrients (calcium, iron, zinc, folate and vitamin C) were significantly lower in this group. After adjustment for age and income no relationship between FPOH and BMI was observed.

Conclusions: FPOH make a significant contribution to the energy intake of a third of the Australian population. FPOH contribute to poor nutritional intakes. Altering the supply of FPOH may be an effective means of improving diets at a population level.


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Describes adults' perceptions and beliefs about foods that are considered "fattening". Use of qualitative and quantitative methods to determine the prevalence of the perceptions among adults; Range of factors that are considered when judging foods as "fattening"; Limitations in the public's understandings of "fattening foods" which are inconsistent with dietary recommendations.


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Introduction: The burden of chronic diseases is rapidly increasing worldwide. In  Australia rural populations have a greater burden of disease. Chronic diseases are largely preventable with diet as a key risk factor. With respect to diet-related chronic disease, dietary risk may be due to poor food access, namely, poor availability and/or the high cost of healthy food. It is likely that poor food access is an issue in rural areas. Objective: To assess food access in rural south-west (SW) Victoria, Australia.

Methods: A total of 53 supermarkets and grocery stores in 42 towns participated in a survey of food cost and availability in the rural area of SW Victoria. The survey assessed availability and cost of a Healthy Food Access Basket (HFAB) which was designed to meet the nutritional needs of a family of 6 for 2 weeks.

Results: Seventy-two percent of the eligible shops in SW Victoria were surveyed. The study found that the complete HFAB was significantly more likely to be available in a town with a chain-owned store (p<0.00). The complete HFAB was less likely to be available from an independently owned store in a town with only one grocery shop (p<0.004). The average cost of the HFAB across SW Victoria was AU$380.30 ± $25.10 (mean ± SD). There was a mean range in difference of cost of the HFAB of $36.92. In particular, high variability was found in the cost of fruits and vegetables.

Conclusions: Cost and availability of healthy food may be compromised in rural areas. Implications: Improvements in food access in rural areas could reduce the high burden of disease suffered by rural communities.


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This study aimed to assess the dietary changes that occur for migrants moving from a low-income to a high-income country. The sample included 45 females who had migrated to Australia from Somalia within the past 5years (1996-2001). The data for the study was derived from structured interviews conducted by a bilingual interviewer and anthropometry. Usual dietary intake and frequency of consumption of 54 foods were determined both for Australia (current home) and for Somalia (previous home). In Australia, subjects maintained the structure of the diet from their country of birth. They did increase their consumption of some processed food, such as instant noodles, crisps, and pizza. However, there was little evidence that the subjects adopted ready or partially prepared meals or takeaway meals. A significant addition to the diet in Australia was the use of breakfast cereals. Significant substitutions were of ready-baked bread for traditional bread and lamb for camel meat. The mean BMI of the sample was 27.4kg/m2. Sixty percent of the sample were overweight or obese (BMI>25). Some of the dietary changes observed may be consistent with increased energy intake and altered nutrient density. Given the association between transition to a high-income diet and obesity, it is important that migrants are encouraged to retain the best of their traditional diet while adopting healthy foods from host country.


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Objective: (i) To describe sub-Saharan African (SSA) post-migration food habits and eating patterns; and (ii) to examine how the food habits of SSA households in Victoria reflect post-migration acculturation.
Design: A cross-sectional survey using a snowball sampling technique. Data on food habits and eating patterns were obtained using semi-structured, face-to-face interviews from November 2001 to April 2002.
Subjects: A total of 139 households of demographically diverse recent migrants from across sub-Saharan Africa.
Setting: Melbourne metropolitan and Melbourne fringes.
Analysis: Data were summarised using descriptive statistics.
Results: SSA migrants and refugees indicated dietary acculturation characterised by three processes: substitution, supplementation and modification of recipes. They experienced difficulty locating their traditional foods, in particular, African vegetables (34.2%), unprocessed maize meal (29.1%), camel milk (23.1%) and maize grain (13.7%). The new foods adopted since arrival were pizza, breakfast cereals and fast foods, but also included new fruits and vegetables. Takeaway food such as Pizza Hut or McDonalds featured prominently in the SSA post-migration diet. Reasons for eating out were favourite food (48.3%), routine family outing (38.3%), special occasion (33.3%) and no time to cook (25%). A significant change in meal pattern was the inclusion of breakfast, although 21% reported skipping breakfast.
Conclusion: Many of the observed dietary changes were not consistent with good health and may predispose this population to rapid weight gain and chronic disease. Rapid modernisation and the Anglo-Australian culture interact in a complex way with traditional eating and socialisation practices of SSA migrants. Understanding these forces can allow effective health promotion and community development strategies to be developed for the future health of SSA migrants and their communities.


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In all applications of clone detection it is important to have precise and efficient clone identification algorithms. This paper proposes and outlines a new algorithm, KClone for clone detection that incorporates a novel combination of lexical and local dependence analysis to achieve precision, while retaining speed. The paper also reports on the initial results of a case study using an implementation of KClone with which we have been experimenting. The results indi- cate the ability of KClone to find types-1,2, and 3 clones compared to token-based and PDG-based techniques. The paper also reports results of an initial empirical study of the performance of KClone compared to CCFinderX.