959 resultados para Casting atmosphere
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais
A systematic study for the production of porous poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene), P(VDF-TrFE), films using solvent evaporation and non-solvent induced phase separation techniques is presented. Processing parameters such as copolymer volume fraction, solvent, preset exposure time to air before immersion, and non-solvent and temperature of the coagulation bath were varied and the corresponding sample morphology, hydrophobicity, thermal and mechanical properties were determined. Film morphologies including homogeneous pore distributions, micropores, microvoids, spherulites and non-porous films were obtained. The morphology variations strongly influence sample hydrophobicity and mechanical properties. All samples crystallize in the electroactive β-phase with a degree of crystallinity around 30 %.
Identification of the tensile constitutive behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) represents an important aspect of the design of structural elements using this material. Although an important step has been made with the introduction of guidance for the design with regular FRC in the recently published fib Model Code 2010, a better understanding of the behaviour of this material is still necessary, mainly for that with self-compacting properties. This work presents an experimental investigation employing Steel Fibre Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC) to cast thin structural elements. A new test method is proposed for assessing the post-cracking behaviour and the results obtained with the proposed test method are compared with the ones resulted from the standard three-point bending tests (3PBT). Specimens extracted from a sandwich panel consisting of SFRSCC layers are also tested. The mechanical properties of SFRSCC are correlated to the fibre distribution by analysing the results obtained with the different tests. Finally, the stress-crack width constitutive law proposed by the fib Model Code 2010 is analysed in light of the experimental results.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Materials Engineering
თბილისში მსუბუქი იონების, რადონის და გალაქტიკური კოსმოსური სხივების ნეიტრონული კომპონენტის ინტენსივობის 2009-2010 წლებში კომპლექსური მონიტორინგის მონაცემების მიხედვით გამოვლენილია მაიონიზებელი გამოსხივების ინტენსივობისა და ატმოსფეროში მსუბუქი იონების შემცველობის უკუკავშირის ეფექტი.
The results of investigations of the influence of aerosol pollution of atmosphere in Tbilisi (the capital of the Georgia, city with the greatest level of air pollution) on the total air electric conductivity in Dusheti (the small city, located in 40-45 km to the north of Tbilisi) are represented.
Ground-based measurements of the parameters of atmosphere in Tbilisi during the same period, which are provided by the Mikheil Nodia Institute of geophysics, were used as calibration data. Satellite data monthly averaging, preprocessing, analysis and visualization was performed using Giovanni web-based application. Maps of trends and periodic components of the atmosphere aerosol optical thickness and ozone concentration over the study area were calculated.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2010
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012
v. 8 no. 9
Abstract: The use of an enriched CO2 atmosphere in tree nurseries has been envisaged as a promising technique to increase productivity and to obtain seedlings with a higher root/shoot ratio, an essential trait to respond to water stress in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. In that framework, we have analyzed the effects of three levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration (350, 500 and 700 ppm) on the germination rate, growth and morphology of seedlings of two Mediterranean oaks used in reforestation programs: the evergreen Quercus ilex L. and the deciduous Quercus cerrioides Wilk. et Costa. CO2 enrichment increased the germination rate of Q. cerrioides (from 70±7 to 81±3 %) while it decreased that of Q. ilex (from 71±10 to 41±12 %). Seedlings of both species increased approximately 60% their total biomass in response to CO2 enrichment but at two different CO2 concentrations: 500 ppm for Q. cerrioides and 700 ppm for Q. ilex. This increase in seedlings biomass was entirely due to an augmentation of root biomass. Considering germination and biomass partitioning, an enriched CO2 atmosphere might not be appropriate for growing Mediterranean evergreen oaks, such as Q. ilex, since it reduces acorn germination and the only gains in root biomass occur at a high concentration (700 ppm). On the other hand, a moderate CO2 enrichment (500 ppm) appears as a promising nursery technique to stimulate the germination, growth and root/shoot ratio of deciduous oaks, such as Q. cerrioides. Resumen: El uso de una atmósfera enriquecida en CO2 durante la fase de vivero puede contribuir a aumentar la producción viverÃstica, a la vez que ayudar a conseguir plántulas con una mayor relación biomasa subterránea/biomasa aérea, más adecuadas para hacer frente al severo estrés hÃdrico que generalmente limita el éxito de las repoblaciones en el clima Mediterráneo. En este estudio hemos analizado el efecto de tres niveles de abonado carbónico atmosférico (350, 500 y 750 ppm) en la germinación y morfologÃa de plántulas de encina (Quercus ilex) y roble cerrioide (Quercus cerrioides). Una atmósfera enriquecida en CO2 incrementó la germinación de Q. cerrioides (de 70±7 a 81±3 %) mientras que disminuyó la de Q. ilex (de 71±10 a 41±12 %). Las plántulas de ambas especies incrementaron aproximadamente un 60% su biomasa en respuesta a una mayor concentración de CO2, aunque esta respuesta se produjo a diferentes dosis: 500 ppm en Q. cerrioides y 700 ppm en Q. ilex. El aumento en la biomasa total de las plántulas se debió enteramente a un mayor desarrollo de su sistema radical, Considerando tanto la germinación como los efectos sobre la relación biomasa subterránea/biomasa aérea, una atmósfera enriquecida en CO2 no parece ser un tratamiento adecuado para la producción en vivero de plántulas de Q.ilex, puesto que diminuye su germinación y solo aumenta su sistema radicular a dosis muy elevadas (700 ppm). Por el contrario, un aumento moderado en la concentración de CO2 (500 ppm) aparece como una técnica interesante para estimular el crecimiento y obtener plántulas de Q. cerrioides con un sistema radical más desarrollado.
A continuum of carbon, from atmospheric CO2 to secondary calcium carbonate, has been studied in a soil associ- ated with scree slope deposits in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland. This approach is based on former studies conducted in other environments. This C continuum includes atmospheric CO2, soil organic matter (SOM), soil CO2, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in soil solutions, and secondary pedogenic carbonate. Soil parameters (pCO2, temperature, pH, Cmin and Corg contents), soil solution chemistry, and isotopic compositions of soil CO2, DIC, carbonate and soil organic matter (δ13CCO2, δ13CDIC, δ13Ccar and δ13CSOM values) have been monitored at different depths (from 20 to 140 cm) over one year. Results demonstrated that the carbon source in secondary carbonate (mainly needle fiber calcite) is related to the dissolved inorganic carbon, which is strongly dependent on soil respiration. The heterotrophic respiration, rather than the limestone parent material, seems to control the pedogenic carbon cycle. The correlation of δ13Corg values with Rock-Eval HI and OI indices demonstrates that, in a soil associated to scree slope deposits, the main process responsible for 13C-enrichment in SOM is related to bac- terial oxidative decarboxylation. Finally, precipitation of secondary calcium carbonate is enhanced by changes in soil pCO2 associated to the convective movement of air masses induced by temperature gradients (heat pump effect) in the highly porous scree slope deposits. The exportation of soil C-leachates from systems such as the one studied in this paper could partially explain the "gap in the European carbon budget" reported by recent studies.
BACKGROUND: Serial casting is often prescribed after botulinum toxin injections to improve joint ranges of motion and to potentiate the decrease in hypertonia. The aim of this study was to compare delayed versus immediate serial casting as an adjunct to botulinum toxin therapy for partially reducible spastic equinus. METHODS: Twelve children who presented spastic equinus associated with mild gastrosoleus contracture took part. Five of them had a diagnosis of spastic diplegia, whereas 7 had a diagnosis of congenital hemiplegia. Children were randomized to immediate serial casting (same day) or delayed serial casting (4 weeks later) after botulinum toxin injection to their gastrosolei. Casts were replaced weekly for 3 weeks. RESULTS: Three children complained of pain that required recasting in the immediate casting group versus none in the delayed casting group (P = 0.08). At 3 months, there was a 27-degree improvement in the fast dorsiflexion angle (Tardieu R1) in the delayed casting group versus 17 degrees in the immediate casting group (P = 0.029). At 6 months, a 19-degree improvement persisted in the delayed group compared with 11 degrees in the immediate group (P = 0.010). CONCLUSIONS: There is a clear benefit in delaying serial casting after the injection of botulinum toxin in the recurrence of spasticity at the gastrosoleus that may also offer an advantage regarding the incidence of painful episodes associated with casting. Most importantly, reducing the recurrence of spasticity by delayed serial casting may offer the possibility of decreasing the frequency of botulinum toxin reinjections.