97 resultados para Cartridges


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Hoje em dia, e com os avanços tecnológicos a surgirem de forma constante, existem novas áreas que têm de ser consideradas com um foco importante por parte de todas as organizações, sendo uma delas a robótica industrial. Motivada em aumentar o seu output, as condições de trabalho para os seus colaboradores, bem como todas as condições de organização da logística interna, a Grohe Portugal, mais especificamente o departamento da montagem, achou relevante fazer um estudo de métodos e tempos, calculando os ganhos potenciais de aumento de output com introdução de robótica nas linhas dos cartuchos. Os objetivos principais seriam então, fazer uma restruturação de todo o layout dessas linhas, tendo como foco automatizar alguma(s) operação(ões), conseguindo assim uma melhoria significativa do output dessas linhas com o menor payback possível. Posto isto, esta dissertação pretende apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido junto da Grohe Portugal, que teve como objetivo fazer os estudos e a automatização de linhas de montagem de cartuchos, bem como melhorar algumas linhas de montagem tendo em conta fatores ergonómicos. Relativamente à automatização da linha dos cartuchos, foi importante estudar todos os seguintes aspetos:  utilização de unidades robóticas;  ergonomia;  ganhos de produtividade;  automatizar ou semi-automatizar operações;  simplificar processos de montagem;  simplificar setups;  solicitar orçamentos;  elaborar caderno de encargos. Para a realização deste projeto, o trabalho desenvolvido foi decomposto em várias etapas, entre as quais se destacam:  análise e estudo dos métodos e sequências de montagem;  levantamento de todos os componentes e operações de montagem até à obtenção do cartucho final;  estudo de tempos de todas essas operações de montagem;  caraterização de um novo layout para as linhas com a introdução de unidades robóticas, tanto quanto possível, mais adequadas;  elaboração de caderno de encargos para ser enviado a empresas, para estas poderem apresentar uma orçamentação, bem como indicar as unidades robóticas mais adequadas para as tarefas pretendidas;  automatização da linha dos cartuchos. Relativamente ao projeto de novas linhas de montagem tendo em conta fatores ergonómicos, de forma a melhorar os sistemas de abastecimento e as condições de trabalho por parte dos operadores, foram postos em prática diferentes passos, nomeadamente:  identificação de todos os processos de montagem realizados pelos operadores na linha a melhorar;  estudo e definição da disposição dos componentes na nova linha, bem como a sua forma de abastecimento;  projeto da nova linha de montagem em 3D com recurso ao software SolidWorks;  realização prática da linha, acompanhando e ajudando a equipa da ferramentaria. O balanço final do trabalho foi bastante positivo, tanto na automatização das linhas de montagem dos cartuchos, em que todo o seu estudo foi alcançado com sucesso, como no melhoramento ergonómico das linhas de montagem, tendo-se alcançado melhorias em alguns índices de qualidade, tempos de abastecimento, organização das linhas, e nas condições de iluminação, resultando essas melhorias numa avaliação positiva por parte dos colaboradores que nelas trabalham todos os dias.


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Factors affecting the detennination of PAHs by capillary GC/MS were studied. The effect of the initial column temperature and the injection solvent on the peak areas and heights of sixteen PAHs, considered as priority pollutants, USillg crosslinked methyl silicone (DB!) and 5% diphenyl, 94% dimethyl, 1% vinyl polysiloxane (DBS) columns was examined. The possibility of using high boiling point alcohols especially butanol, pentanol, cyclopentanol, and hexanol as injection solvents was investigated. Studies were carried out to optimize the initial column temperature for each of the alcohols. It was found that the optimum initial column temperature is dependent on the solvent employed. The peak areas and heights of the PAHs are enhanced when the initial column temperature is 10-20 c above the boiling point of the solvent using DB5 column, and the same or 10 C above the boiling point of the solvent using DB1 column. Comparing the peak signals of the PAHs using the alcohols, p-xylene, n-octane, and nonane as injection solvents, hexanol gave the greatest peak areas and heights of the PAHs particularly the late-eluted peaks. The detection limits were at low pg levels, ranging from 6.0 pg for fluorene t9 83.6 pg for benzo(a)pyrene. The effect of the initial column temperature on the peak shape and the separation efficiency of the PARs was also studied using DB1 and DB5 columns. Fronting or splitting of the peaks was obseIVed at very low initial column temperature. When high initial column temperature was used, tailing of the peaks appeared. Great difference between DB! and.DB5 columns in the range of the initial column temperature in which symmetrical.peaks of PAHs can be obtained is observed. Wider ranges were shown using DB5 column. Resolution of the closely-eluted PAHs was also affected by the initial column temperature depending on the stationary phase employed. In the case of DB5, only the earlyeluted PAHs were affected; whereas, with DB1, all PAHs were affected. An analytical procedure utilizing solid phase extraction with bonded phase silica (C8) cartridges combined with GC/MS was developed to analyze PAHs in water as an alternative method to those based on the extraction with organic solvent. This simple procedure involved passing a 50 ml of spiked water sample through C8 bonded phase silica cartridges at 10 ml/min, dried by passing a gentle flow of nitrogen at 20 ml/min for 30 sec, and eluting the trapped PAHs with 500 Jll of p-xylene at 0.3 ml/min. The recoveries of PAHs were greater than 80%, with less than 10% relative standard deviations of nine determinations. No major contaminants were present that could interfere with the recognition of PAHs. It was also found that these bonded phase silica cartridges can be re-used for the extraction of PAHs from water.


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The surge in the urban population evident in most developing countries is a worldwide phenomenon, and often the result of drought, conflicts, poverty and the lack of education opportunities. In parallel with the growth of the cities is the growing need for food which leads to the burgeoning expansion of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA). In this context, urban agriculture (UA) contributes significantly to supplying local markets with both vegetable and animal produce. As an income generating activity, UA also contributes to the livelihoods of poor urban dwellers. In order to evaluate the nutrient status of urban soils in relation to garden management, this study assessed nutrient fluxes (inputs and outputs) in gardens on urban Gerif soils on the banks of the River Nile in Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan. To achieve this objective, a preliminary baseline survey was carried out to describe the structure of the existing garden systems. In cooperation with the author of another PhD thesis (Ms. Ishtiag Abdalla), alternative uses of cow dung in brick making kilns in urban Khartoum were assessed; and the socio-economic criteria of the brick kiln owners or agents, economical and plant nutritional value of animal dung and the gaseous emission related to brick making activities were assessed. A total of 40 household heads were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire to collect information on demographic, socio-economic and migratory characteristics of the household members, the gardening systems used and the problems encountered in urban gardening. Based on the results of this survey, gardens were divided into three groups: mixed vegetable-fodder gardens, mixed vegetable-subsistence livestock gardens and pure vegetable gardens. The results revealed that UA is the exclusive domain of men, 80% of them non-native to Khartoum. The harvested produce in all gardens was market oriented and represented the main source of income for 83% of the gardeners. Fast growing leafy vegetables such as Jew’s mallow (Corchorous olitorius L.), purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) and rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) were the dominant cultivated species. Most of the gardens (95%) were continuously cultivated throughout the year without any fallow period, unless they were flooded. Gardeners were not generally aware of the importance of crop diversity, which may help them overcome the strongly fluctuating market prices for their produce and thereby strengthen the contributions of UA to the overall productivity of the city. To measure nutrient fluxes, four gardens were selected and their nutrients inputs and outputs flows were monitored. In each garden, all plots were monitored for quantification of nutrient inputs and outputs. To determine soil chemical fertility parameters in each of the studied gardens, soil samples were taken from three selected plots at the beginning of the study in October 2007 (gardens L1, L2 and H1) and in April 2008 (garden H2) and at the end of the study period in March 2010. Additional soil sampling occurred in May 2009 to assess changes in the soil nutrient status after the River Nile flood of 2008 had receded. Samples of rain and irrigation water (river and well-water) were analyzed for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and carbon (C) content to determine their nutrient inputs. Catchment traps were installed to quantify the sediment yield from the River Nile flood. To quantify the nutrient inputs of sediments, samples were analyzed for N, P, K and organic carbon (Corg) content, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the particle size distribution. The total nutrient inputs were calculated by multiplying the sediment nutrient content by total sediment deposits on individual gardens. Nutrient output in the form of harvested yield was quantified at harvest of each crop. Plant samples from each field were dried, and analyzed for their N, P, K and Corg content. Cumulative leaching losses of mineral N and P were estimated in a single plot in garden L1 from December 1st 2008 to July 1st 2009 using 12 ion exchange resins cartridges. Nutrients were extracted and analyzed for nitrate (NO3--N), ammonium (NH4+-N) and phosphate PO4-3-P. Changes in soil nutrient balance were assessed as inputs minus outputs. The results showed that across gardens, soil N and P concentrations increased from 2007 to 2009, while particle size distribution remained unchanged. Sediment loads and their respective contents of N, P and Corg decreased significantly (P < 0.05) from the gardens of the downstream lowlands (L1 and L2) to the gardens of the upstream highlands (H1 and H2). No significant difference was found in K deposits. None of the gardens received organic fertilizers and the only mineral fertilizer applied was urea (46-0-0). This equaled 29, 30, 54, and 67% of total N inputs to gardens L1, L2, H1, and H2, respectively. Sediment deposits of the River Nile floods contributed on average 67, 94, 6 and 42% to the total N, P, K and C inputs in lowland gardens and 33, 86, 4 and 37% of total N, P, K and C inputs in highland gardens. Irrigation water and rainfall contributed substantially to K inputs representing 96, 92, 94 and 96% of total K influxes in garden L1, L2, H1 and H2, respectively. Following the same order, total annual DM yields in the gardens were 26, 18, 16 and 1.8 t ha-1. Annual leaching losses were estimated to be 0.02 kg NH4+-N ha-1 (SE = 0.004), 0.03 kg NO3--N ha-1 (SE = 0.002) and 0.005 kg PO4-3-P ha-1 (SE = 0.0007). Differences between nutrient inputs and outputs indicated negative nutrient balances for P and K and positive balances of N and C for all gardens. The negative balances in P and K call for adoptions of new agricultural techniques such as regular manure additions or mulching which may enhance the soil organic matter status. A quantification of fluxes not measured in our study such as N2-fixation, dry deposition and gaseous emissions of C and N would be necessary to comprehensively assess the sustainability of these intensive gardening systems. The second part of the survey dealt with the brick making kilns. A total of 50 brick kiln owners/or agents were interviewed from July to August 2009, using a semi-structured questionnaire. The data collected included general information such as age, family size, education, land ownership, number of kilns managed and/or owned, number of months that kilns were in operation, quantity of inputs (cow dung and fuel wood) used, prices of inputs and products across the production season. Information related to the share value of the land on which the kilns were built and annual income for urban farmers and annual returns from dung for the animal raisers was also collected. Using descriptive statistics, budget calculation and Gini coefficient, the results indicated that renting the land to brick making kilns yields a 5-fold higher return than the rent for agriculture. Gini coefficient showed that the kiln owners had a more equal income distribution compared to farmers. To estimate emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and losses of N, P, K, Corg and DM from cow dung when used in brick making, samples of cow dung (loose and compacted) were collected from different kilns and analyzed for their N, P, K and Corg content. The procedure modified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 1994) was used to estimate the gaseous emissions of cow dung and fuel wood. The amount of deforested wood was estimated according to the default values for wood density given by Dixon et al. (1991) and the expansion ratio for branches and small trees given by Brown et al. (1989). The data showed the monetary value of added N and P from cow dung was lower than for mineral fertilizers. Annual consumption of compacted dung (381 t DM) as biomass fuel by far exceeded the consumption of fuel wood (36 t DM). Gaseous emissions from cow dung and fuel wood were dominated by CO2, CO and CH4. Considering that Gerif land in urban Khartoum supports a multifunctional land use system, efficient use of natural resources (forest, dung, land and water) will enhance the sustainability of the UA and brick making activities. Adoption of new kilns with higher energy efficiency will reduce the amount of biomass fuels (cow dung and wood) used the amount of GHGs emitted and the threat to the few remaining forests.


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Sixteen lambs were divided into two groups and fed two different diets. Eight lambs were stall-fed with a concentrate-based diet (C), and the remaining eight lambs were allowed to graze on Lolium perenne (G). The antioxidant status was measured in the liver and plasma samples before and after solid-phase extraction (SPE) to probe the antioxidant effects that grass phenolic compounds may have conferred onto the animal tissues. The liver and plasma samples from grass-fed lambs displayed a greater antioxidant capacity than the tissues from C lamb group, but only if samples had not been passed through SPE cartridges. Finally, the feed and animal tissues, which had been purified by SPE, were analysed by liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to identify phenolic compounds present in L. perenne and to evaluate the results from the antioxidant assays. It would appear that the improvement of the antioxidant capacity of lamb liver and plasma from lambs fed ryegrass was not related to the direct transfer of phenolic compounds from grass to the animal tissues.


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Compared to other volatile carbonylic compounds present in outdoor air, formaldehyde (CH2O) is the most toxic, deserving more attention in terms of indoor and outdoor air quality legislation and control. The analytical determination of CH2O in air still presents challenges due to the low-level concentration (in the sub-ppb range) and its variation with sampling site and time. Of the many available analytical methods for carbonylic compounds, the most widespread one is the time consuming collection in cartridges impregnated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine followed by the analysis of the formed hydrazones by HPLC. The present work proposes the use of polypropylene hollow porous capillary fibers to achieve efficient CH2O collection. The Oxyphan (R) fiber (designed for blood oxygenation) was chosen for this purpose because it presents good mechanical resistance, high density of very fine pores and high ratio of collection area to volume of the acceptor fluid in the tube, all favorable for the development of air sampling apparatus. The collector device consists of a Teflon pipe inside of which a bundle of polypropylene microporous capillary membranes was introduced. While the acceptor passes at a low flow rate through the capillaries, the sampled air circulates around the fibers, impelled by a low flow membrane pump (of the type used for aquariums ventilation). The coupling of this sampling technique with the selective and quantitative determination of CH2O, in the form of hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) after derivatization with HSO3-, by capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (CE-(CD)-D-4) enabled the development of a complete analytical protocol for the CH2O evaluation in air. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Esta dissertação analisa a influência das instituições militares, particularmente a Escola Militar, no período de 1912 a 1944, na configuração urbana de Realengo, bairro localizado no subúrbio do município do Rio de Janeiro. Tendo como principal corpus documental os relatórios do Ministério da Guerra e a legislação pertinente, são estabelecidos marcos históricos para análise do processo de transformação da antiga zona rural do município em uma área militar, enfatizando os impactos que incidiram sobre a região em decorrência da transferência da sede da Escola Militar do Brazil, da Praia Vermelha para o Realengo. Preliminarmente, são identificadas as primeiras unidades militares que ocuparam a região, estabelecendo conexões entre o funcionamento dessas organizações, a constituição do seu patrimônio e o desenvolvimento urbano de Realengo. Para contextualização, também são apresentadas as sedes ocupadas pela Escola Militar ao longo do século XIX e as circunstâncias que motivaram sua saída da Praia Vermelha no início do século XX. O recorte temporal se inicia no período compreendido entre o início do século XIX, quando as chamadas terras realengas foram doadas à Câmara da cidade do Rio de Janeiro por D. João VI; atravessa o século XX, quando se consolidaram o patrimônio da Escola Militar em Realengo e a urbanização do bairro; e chega aos dias atuais, quando, após a extinção da escola, a decadência e o abandono são as marcas das antigas edificações militares do bairro. Também são assinalados o funcionamento da Fábrica de Cartuchos e a criação de duas grandes áreas militares, a Vila Militar de Deodoro e o Campo dos Afonsos. Por fim, são levantadas as perspectivas e ações do Exército Brasileiro e de outros órgãos da sociedade na preservação do patrimônio e da memória da antiga escola.


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The manufacture of prostheses for lower limb amputees (transfemural and transtibial) requires the preparation of a cartridge with appropriate and custom fit to the profile of each patient. The traditional process to the patients, mainly in public hospitals in Brazil, begins with the completion of a form where types of equipment, plugins, measures, levels of amputation etc. are identified. Currently, such work is carried out manually using a common metric tape and caliper of wood to take the measures of the stump, featuring a very rudimentary, and with a high degree of uncertainty geometry of the final product. To address this problem, it was necessary to act in two simultaneously and correlated directions. Originally, it was developed an integrated tool for viewing 3D CAD for transfemoral types of prostheses and transtibial called OrtoCAD I. At the same time, it was necessary to design and build a reader Mechanical equipment (sort of three-dimensional scanner simplified) able to obtain, automatically and with accuracy, the geometric information of either of the stump or the healthy leg. The methodology includes the application of concepts of reverse engineering to computationally generate the representation of the stump and/or the reverse image of the healthy member. The materials used in the manufacturing of prostheses nor always obey to a technical scientific criteria, because, if by one way it meets the criteria of resistance, by the other, it brings serious problems mainly due to excess of weight. This causes to the user various disorders due to lack of conformity. That problem was addressed with the creation of a hybrid composite material for the manufacture of cartridges of prostheses. Using the Reader Fitter and OrtoCAD, the new composite material, which aggregates the mechanical properties of strength and rigidity on important parameters such as low weight and low cost, it can be defined in its better way. Besides, it brings a reduction of up steps in the current processes of manufacturing or even the feasibility of using new processes, in the industries, in order to obtain the prostheses. In this sense, the hybridization of the composite with the combination of natural and synthetic fibers can be a viable solution to the challenges offered above


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An analytical procedure using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and capillary gas chromatography with electron-capture detection was developed to determine simultaneously residues of different pesticides (organochlorine, organophosphorus, organonitrogen and pyrethroid) in honey samples. Fortification experiments were conducted to test conventional extraction (liquid-liquid) and optimize the extraction procedure in SFE by varying the CO2-modifier, temperature, extraction time and pressure. Best efficiency was achieved at 400 bar using acetonitrile as modifier at 90 degreesC. For the clean-up step, Florisil cartridges were used for both methods LLE and SFE. Recoveries for majority of pesticides from fortified samples of honey at fortification level of 0.01-0.10 mg/kg ranged 75-94% from both methods. Limits of detection found were less than 0.01 mg/kg for ECD and confirmation of pesticide identity was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in selected-ion monitoring mode. The multiresidue methods in real honey samples were applied and the results of developed methods were compared. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The applicability of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) in pesticide multiresidue analysis (organohalogen, organonitrogen, organophosphorus, and pyrethroid) in soil samples was investigated. Fortification experiments were conducted to test the conventional extraction (solid-liquid) and to optimize the extraction procedure in SFE by varying the CO2 Modifier, temperature, extraction time, and pressure. The best efficiency was achieved at 400 bar using methanol as modifier at 60 degreesC. For the SFE method, C-18 cartridges were used for the cleanup. The analytical screening was performed by gas chromatography equipped with electron-capture detection (ECD). Recoveries for the majority of pesticides from spiked samples of soil at different residence times were 1, 20, and 40 days at the fortification level of 0.04-0.10 mg/kg ranging from 70 to 97% for both methods. The detection limits found were <0.01 mg/kg for ECD, and the confirmation of pesticide identity was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in a selected-ion monitoring mode. Multiresidue methods were applied in real soil samples, and the results of the methods developed were compared.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin (ENRO), a fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agent, was studied in male broiler chickens (Cobb) after single oral administration of 10 mg of ENRO/kg b.w. A high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detector (DAD) (HPLC-DAD) method was developed and validated and used for quantitation of ENRO and its major metabolite ciprofloxacin in plasma. The HPLC analyses were carried out using a cationic-octadecyl mixed column and 0.05 mol/L phosphate buffer (pH 2.5)/acetonitrile as mobile phase. The sample preparation of plasma consisted of the precipitation of proteins followed by solid phase extraction on cationic-octadecyl mixed cartridges. The method was validated considering linear range, linearity, selectivity, sensitivity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantitation (LOQ), intra- and inter-day precisions and accuracy. The LOD and LOQ for both fluoroquinolones were 60 and 200 ng/mL for plasma. The plasma concentration vs. time graph was characteristic of a two-compartment open model. The maximal plasma concentration of 1.5 +/- 0.2 mg/mL was achieved at 9 +/- 2 h. The elimination half-life and the mean residence time of ENRO were 1.5 +/- 0.2 and 15.64 h, respectively. The area under the concentration-time curve was calculated as 35 +/- 4 mg(.)h/mL.


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The recovery of the pharmaceuticals bezafibrate and tetracycline from water was evaluated, using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) with the aim of applying this technique to interrupt the pharmaceuticals' photodegradation by photo-Fenton process for further analysis. Sep-Pack C-18, Strata X, and Oasis HLB cartridges were evaluated. Oasis HLB showed the most satisfactory recovery and repeatability results: 98% (CV - 1%) for bezafibrate (20.0 mg L-1) and 76% (CV = 1%) for tetracycline (25.0 mg L-1). There was not a significant decrease in recovery at lower concentrations of the pharmaceuticals, and neither when present in Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) effluent matrix.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A method was developed for the differential-pulse cathodic stripping voltammetric determination of ceftazidime with a hanging mercury drop electrode using its reduction peak at -0.43 V in Britton-Robinson buffer pH 4.0. The optimum accumulation potential and time were -0.15 V and up to 60 s, respectively. Linear calibration graphs were obtained from 1 x 10(-8) M and 1.5 x 10(-7) M. The limit of determination was calculated to be 5 x 10(-9) M. The coefficient of variation was 4% (n = 7) at 1 x 10(-7) M ceftazidime. The effect of various components of urine on the voltammetric response was studied, and creatinine, uric acid, urea, and glucose were shown to interfere in the method. Ceftazidime bound to human albumin gives a unique stripping peak at -0.48 V. Recoveries of 87% +/- 2% of the ceftazidime (n = 5) were obtained from urine spiked with 1.27 mu g ml(-1) using C-18 solid phase extraction cartridges. (C) 1997 Academic Press.