997 resultados para Carbonic-anhydrase-b


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Bipolar disorder (BD) is a common psychiatric mood disorder affecting more than 1-2% of the general population of different European countries. Unfortunately, there is no objective laboratory-based test to aid BD diagnosis or monitor its progression, and little is known about the molecular basis of BD. Here, we performed a comparative proteomic study to identify differentially expressed plasma proteins in various BD mood states (depressed BD, manic BD, and euthymic BD) relative to healthy controls. A total of 10 euthymic BD, 20 depressed BD, 15 manic BD, and 20 demographically matched healthy control subjects were recruited. Seven high-abundance proteins were immunodepleted in plasma samples from the 4 experimental groups, which were then subjected to proteome-wide expression profiling by two-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight/time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry. Proteomic results were validated by immunoblotting and bioinformatically analyzed using MetaCore. From a total of 32 proteins identified with 1.5-fold changes in expression compared with healthy controls, 16 proteins were perturbed in BD independent of mood state, while 16 proteins were specifically associated with particular BD mood states. Two mood-independent differential proteins, apolipoprotein (Apo) A1 and Apo L1, suggest that BD pathophysiology may be associated with early perturbations in lipid metabolism. Moreover, down-regulation of one mood-dependent protein, carbonic anhydrase 1 (CA-1), suggests it may be involved in the pathophysiology of depressive episodes in BD. Thus, BD pathophysiology may be associated with early perturbations in lipid metabolism that are independent of mood state, while CA-1 may be involved in the pathophysiology of depressive episodes.


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La cartographie peptidique est une méthode qui permet entre autre d’identifier les modifications post-traductionnelles des protéines. Elle comprend trois étapes : 1) la protéolyse enzymatique, 2) la séparation par électrophorèse capillaire (CE) ou chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance (HPLC) des fragments peptidiques et 3) l’identification de ces derniers. Cette dernière étape peut se faire par des méthodes photométriques ou par spectrométrie de masse (MS). Au cours de la dernière décennie, les enzymes protéolytiques immobilisées ont acquis une grande popularité parce qu’elles peuvent être réutilisées et permettent une digestion rapide des protéines due à un rapport élevé d’enzyme/substrat. Pour étudier les nouvelles techniques d’immobilisation qui ont été développées dans le laboratoire du Professeur Waldron, la cartographie peptidique par CE est souvent utilisée pour déterminer le nombre total de peptides détectés et leurs abondances. La CE nous permet d’avoir des séparations très efficaces et lorsque couplée à la fluorescence induite par laser (LIF), elle donne des limites de détection qui sont 1000 fois plus basses que celles obtenues avec l’absorbance UV-Vis. Dans la méthode typique, les peptides venant de l’étape 1) sont marqués avec un fluorophore avant l’analyse par CE-LIF. Bien que la sensibilité de détection LIF puisse approcher 10-12 M pour un fluorophore, la réaction de marquage nécessite un analyte dont la concentration est d’au moins 10-7 M, ce qui représente son principal désavantage. Donc, il n’est pas facile d’étudier les enzymes des peptides dérivés après la protéolyse en utilisant la technique CE-LIF si la concentration du substrat protéique initial est inférieure à 10-7 M. Ceci est attribué à la dilution supplémentaire lors de la protéolyse. Alors, afin d’utiliser le CE-LIF pour évaluer l’efficacité de la digestion par enzyme immobilisée à faible concentration de substrat,nous proposons d’utiliser des substrats protéiques marqués de fluorophores pouvant être purifiés et dilués. Trois méthodes de marquage fluorescent de protéine sont décrites dans ce mémoire pour étudier les enzymes solubles et immobilisées. Les fluorophores étudiés pour le marquage de protéine standard incluent le naphtalène-2,3-dicarboxaldéhyde (NDA), la fluorescéine-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) et l’ester de 6-carboxyfluorescéine N-succinimidyl (FAMSE). Le FAMSE est un excellent réactif puisqu’il se conjugue rapidement avec les amines primaires des peptides. Aussi, le substrat marqué est stable dans le temps. Les protéines étudiées étaient l’-lactalbumine (LACT), l’anhydrase carbonique (CA) et l’insuline chaîne B (INB). Les protéines sont digérées à l’aide de la trypsine (T), la chymotrypsine (CT) ou la pepsine (PEP) dans leurs formes solubles ou insolubles. La forme soluble est plus active que celle immobilisée. Cela nous a permis de vérifier que les protéines marquées sont encore reconnues par chaque enzyme. Nous avons comparé les digestions des protéines par différentes enzymes telles la chymotrypsine libre (i.e., soluble), la chymotrypsine immobilisée (i.e., insoluble) par réticulation avec le glutaraldéhyde (GACT) et la chymotrypsine immobilisée sur billes d’agarose en gel (GELCT). Cette dernière était disponible sur le marché. Selon la chymotrypsine utilisée, nos études ont démontré que les cartes peptidiques avaient des différences significatives selon le nombre de pics et leurs intensités correspondantes. De plus, ces études nous ont permis de constater que les digestions effectuées avec l’enzyme immobilisée avaient une bonne reproductibilité. Plusieurs paramètres quantitatifs ont été étudiés afin d’évaluer l’efficacité des méthodes développées. La limite de détection par CE-LIF obtenue était de 3,010-10 M (S/N = 2,7) pour la CA-FAM digérée par GACT et de 2,010-10 M (S/N = 4,3) pour la CA-FAM digérée par la chymotrypsine libre. Nos études ont aussi démontrées que la courbe d’étalonnage était linéaire dans la région de travail (1,0×10-9-1,0×10-6 M) avec un coefficient de corrélation (R2) de 0,9991.


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Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by sialoadenitis and elevated titers of autoantibodies. To assess whether it is possible to induce inflammatory changes in salivary gland tissues, a series of immunizations in Balb/c mice have been undertaken, using salivary gland extract, modified or not, added to several adjuvants. Mice's humoral immune response to salivary gland antigens was monitored by ELISA. Inflammatory cells infiltrating gland tissue were seen 3 months after immunization with salivary gland extract modified with pepsin (AgGp) and metaperiodate (AgGMp). Although pathological progression was not observed, the histopathological picture was similar to the initial phase of Sjögren's syndrome. In addition, a monoclonal antibody reactive with 3 gland polypeptides and anhydrase carbonic II was rescued among B cells from immunized mice. Thus, immunizations with modified autoantigens were able to initiate pathological damage to glandular tissue and stimulate the proliferation of auto-reactive B cells.


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Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 lead to acidification of the ocean and alter seawater carbonate chemistry, which can negatively impact calcifying organisms, including mollusks. In estuaries, exposure to elevated CO2 levels often co-occurs with other stressors, such as reduced salinity, which enhances the acidification trend, affects ion and acid-base regulation of estuarine calcifiers and modifies their response to ocean acidification. We studied the interactive effects of salinity and partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) on biomineralization and energy homeostasis in juveniles of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, a common estuarine bivalve. Juveniles were exposed for 11 weeks to one of two environmentally relevant salinities (30 or 15 PSU) either at current atmospheric PCO2 (400 µatm, normocapnia) or PCO2 projected by moderate IPCC scenarios for the year 2100 (700-800 µatm, hypercapnia). Exposure of the juvenile oysters to elevated PCO2 and/or low salinity led to a significant increase in mortality, reduction of tissue energy stores (glycogen and lipid) and negative soft tissue growth, indicating energy deficiency. Interestingly, tissue ATP levels were not affected by exposure to changing salinity and PCO2, suggesting that juvenile oysters maintain their cellular energy status at the expense of lipid and glycogen stores. At the same time, no compensatory upregulation of carbonic anhydrase activity was found under the conditions of low salinity and high PCO2. Metabolic profiling using magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed altered metabolite status following low salinity exposure; specifically, acetate levels were lower in hypercapnic than in normocapnic individuals at low salinity. Combined exposure to hypercapnia and low salinity negatively affected mechanical properties of shells of the juveniles, resulting in reduced hardness and fracture resistance. Thus, our data suggest that the combined effects of elevated PCO2 and fluctuating salinity may jeopardize the survival of eastern oysters because of weakening of their shells and increased energy consumption.


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To discover genes involved in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-mediated carcinogenesis, we used renal cell carcinoma cell lines stably transfected with wild-type VHL-expressing transgenes. Large-scale RNA differential display technology applied to these cell lines identified several differentially expressed genes, including an alpha carbonic anhydrase gene, termed CA12. The deduced protein sequence was classified as a one-pass transmembrane CA possessing an apparently intact catalytic domain in the extracellular CA module. Reintroduced wild-type VHL strongly inhibited the overexpression of the CA12 gene in the parental renal cell carcinoma cell lines. Similar results were obtained with CA9, encoding another transmembrane CA with an intact catalytic domain. Although both domains of the VHL protein contribute to regulation of CA12 expression, the elongin binding domain alone could effectively regulate CA9 expression. We mapped CA12 and CA9 loci to chromosome bands 15q22 and 17q21.2 respectively, regions prone to amplification in some human cancers. Additional experiments are needed to define the role of CA IX and CA XII enzymes in the regulation of pH in the extracellular microenvironment and its potential impact on cancer cell growth.


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Measurement of protein-polymer second virial coefficients (B-AP) by sedimentation equilibrium studies of carbonic anhydrase and cytochrome c in the presence of dextrans (T10-T80) has revealed an inverse dependence of B-AP upon dextran molecular mass that conforms well with the behaviour predicted for the excluded-volume interaction between a spherical protein solute A and a random-flight representation of the polymeric cosolute P. That model of the protein-polymer interaction is also shown to provide a reasonable description of published gel chromatographic and equilibrium dialysis data on the effect of polymer molecular mass on BAP for human serum albumin in the presence of polyethylene glycols, a contrary finding from analysis of albumin solubility measurements being rejected on theoretical grounds. Inverse dependence upon polymer chainlength is also the predicted excluded-volume effect on the strength of several types of macromolecular equilibria-protein isomerization, protein dimerization, and 1 : 1 complex formation between dissimilar protein reactants. It is therefore concluded that published experimental observations of the reverse dependence, preferential reaction enhancement within DNA replication complexes by larger polyethylene glycols, must reflect the consequences of cosolute chemical interactions that outweigh those of thermodynamic nonideality arising from excluded-volume effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Cnidarian - dinoflagellate intracellular symbioses are one of the most important mutualisms in the marine environment. They form the trophic and structural foundation of coral reef ecosystems, and have played a key role in the evolutionary radiation and biodiversity of cnidarian species. Despite the prevalence of these symbioses, we still know very little about the molecular modulators that initiate, regulate, and maintain the interaction between these two different biological entities. In this study, we conducted a comparative host anemone transcriptome analysis using a cDNA microarray platform to identify genes involved in cnidarian - algal symbiosis. Results: We detected statistically significant differences in host gene expression profiles between sea anemones ( Anthopleura elegantissima) in a symbiotic and non-symbiotic state. The group of genes, whose expression is altered, is diverse, suggesting that the molecular regulation of the symbiosis is governed by changes in multiple cellular processes. In the context of cnidarian dinoflagellate symbioses, we discuss pivotal host gene expression changes involved in lipid metabolism, cell adhesion, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and oxidative stress. Conclusion: Our data do not support the existence of symbiosis- specific genes involved in controlling and regulating the symbiosis. Instead, it appears that the symbiosis is maintained by altering expression of existing genes involved in vital cellular processes. Specifically, the finding of key genes involved in cell cycle progression and apoptosis have led us to hypothesize that a suppression of apoptosis, together with a deregulation of the host cell cycle, create a platform that might be necessary for symbiont and/or symbiont-containing host cell survival. This first comprehensive molecular examination of the cnidarian - dinoflagellate associations provides critical insights into the maintenance and regulation of the symbiosis.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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Extensive use of fossil fuels is leading to increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and causes changes in the carbonate chemistry of the oceans which represents a major sink for anthropogenic CO2. As a result, the oceans' surface pH is expected to decrease by ca. 0.4 units by the year 2100, a major change with potentially negative consequences for some marine species. Because of their carbonate skeleton, sea urchins and their larval stages are regarded as likely to be one of the more sensitive taxa. In order to investigate sensitivity of pre-feeding (2 days post-fertilization) and feeding (4 and 7 days post-fertilization) pluteus larvae, we raised Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos in control (pH 8.1 and pCO2 41 Pa e.g. 399 µatm) and CO2 acidified seawater with pH of 7.7 (pCO2 134 Pa e.g. 1318 µatm) and investigated growth, calcification and survival. At three time points (day 2, day 4 and day 7 post-fertilization), we measured the expression of 26 representative genes important for metabolism, calcification and ion regulation using RT-qPCR. After one week of development, we observed a significant difference in growth. Maximum differences in size were detected at day 4 (ca. 10 % reduction in body length). A comparison of gene expression patterns using PCA and ANOSIM clearly distinguished between the different age groups (Two way ANOSIM: Global R = 1) while acidification effects were less pronounced (Global R = 0.518). Significant differences in gene expression patterns (ANOSIM R = 0.938, SIMPER: 4.3% difference) were also detected at day 4 leading to the hypothesis that differences between CO2 treatments could reflect patterns of expression seen in control experiments of a younger larva and thus a developmental artifact rather than a direct CO2 effect. We found an up regulation of metabolic genes (between 10 to 20% in ATP-synthase, citrate synthase, pyruvate kinase and thiolase at day 4) and down regulation of calcification related genes (between 23 and 36% in msp130, SM30B, SM50 at day 4). Ion regulation was mainly impacted by up regulation of Na+/K+-ATPase at day 4 (15%) and down regulation of NHE3 at day 4 (45%). We conclude that in studies in which a stressor induces an alteration in the speed of development, it is crucial to employ experimental designs with a high time resolution in order to correct for developmental artifacts. This helps prevent misinterpretation of stressor effects on organism physiology.


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Background: Cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis postulates that tumors are maintained by a self-renewing CSC population that is also capable of differentiating into non-self-renewing cell populations that constitute the bulk of tumor. Stem cells renewal and differentiation can be directly influenced by the oxygen levels of determined tissues, probably by the reduction of oxidative DNA damage in hypoxic regions, thus leading to a friendlier microenvironment, regarding to clonal expansion and for resistance to chemotherapeutic regimens. Furthermore, there have been strong data indicating a pivotal role of hypoxic niche in cancer stem cells development. There are evidence that hypoxia could drive the maintenance of CSC, via HIF-1 alpha expression, but it still to be determined whether hypoxia markers are expressed in breast tumors presenting CD44(+)CD24(-/low) immunophenotype. Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis of CD44(+)CD24(-/low) expression and its relationship with hypoxia markers and clinical outcome were evaluated in 253 samples of breast ductal carcinomas. Double-immunolabeling was performed using EnVision Doublestain System (Dako, Carpinteria, CA, USA). Slides were then scanned into high-resolution images using Aperio ScanScope XT and then, visualized in the software Image Scope (Aperio, Vista, CA, USA). Results: In univariate analysis, CD44(+)CD24(-/low) expression showed association with death due to breast cancer (p = 0.035). Breast tumors expressing CD44(+)CD24(-/low) immunophenotype showed relationship with HIF-1 alpha (p = 0.039) and negativity for HER-2 (p = 0.013). Conclusion: Considering that there are strong evidences that the fraction of a tumour considered to be cancer stem cells is plastic depending upon microenvironmental signals, our findings provide further evidence that hypoxia might be related to the worse prognosis found in CD44(+)CD24(-/low) positive breast tumors.


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Dinoflagellates exist in symbiosis with a number of marine invertebrates including giant clams, which are the largest of these symbiotic organisms. The dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) live intercellularly within tubules in the mantle of the host clam. The transport of inorganic carbon (Ci) from seawater to Symbiodinium (=zooxanthellae) is an essential function of hosts that derive the majority of their respiratory energy from the photosynthate exported by the zooxanthellae. Immunolocalisation studies show that the host has adapted its physiology to acquire, rather than remove CO2, from the haemolymph and clam tissues. Two carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoforms (32 and 70 kDa) play an essential part in this process. These have been localised to the mantle and gill tissues where they catalyse the interconversion of HCO3- to CO2, which then diffuses into the host tissues. The zooxanthellae exhibit a number of strategies to maximise Ci acquisition and utilisation. This is necessary as they express a form II Rubisco that has poor discrimination between CO2 and O-2. Evidence is presented for a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) to overcome. this disadvantage. The CCM incorporates the presence of a light-activated CA activity, a capacity to take up both HCO3- and CO2, an ability to accumulate an elevated concentration of Ci within the algal cell, and localisation of Rubisco to the pyrenoid. These algae also express both external and intracellular CAs, with the intracellular isoforms being localised to the thylakoid lumen and pyrenoid. These results have been incorporated into a model that explains the transport of Ci from seawater through the clam to the zooxanthellae.


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Glioma is the most frequent form of malignant brain tumor in the adults and childhood. There is a global tendency toward a higher incidence of gliomas in highly developed and industrialized countries. Simultaneously obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in such developed countries. It has been highly accepted that obesity may play an important role in the biology of several types of cancer. We have developed an in vitro method for the understanding of the influence of obesity on glioma mouse cells (Gl261). 3T3-L1 mouse pre-adipocytes were induced to the maturity. The conditioned medium was harvested and used into the Gl261 cultures. Using two-dimension electrophoresis it was analyzed the proteome content of Gl261 in the presence of conditioned medium (CGl) and in its absence (NCGl). The differently expressed spots were collected and analyzed by means of mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF-MS). Significantly expression pattern changes were observed in eleven proteins and enzymes. RFC1, KIF5C, ANXA2, N-RAP, RACK1 and citrate synthase were overexpressed or only present in the CGl. Contrariwise, STI1, hnRNPs and phosphoglycerate kinase 1 were significantly underexpressed in CGl. Aldose reductase and carbonic anhydrase were expressed only in NCGl. Our results show that obesity remodels the physiological and metabolic behavior of glioma cancer cells. Also, proteins found differently expressed are implicated in several signaling pathways that control matrix remodeling, proliferation, progression, migration and invasion. In general our results support the idea that obesity may increase glioma malignancy, however, some interesting paradox finding were also reported and discussed.


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The tegument surface of the adult schistosome, bounded by a normal plasma membrane overlain by a secreted membranocalyx, holds the key to understanding how schistosomes evade host immune responses. Recent advances in mass spectrometry (MS), and the sequencing of the Schistosoma mansoni transcriptome/genome, have facilitated schistosome proteomics. We detached the tegument from the worm body and enriched its surface membranes by differential extraction, before subjecting the preparation to liquid chromatography-based proteomics to identify its constituents. The most exposed proteins on live worms were labelled with impearmeant biotinylation reagents, and we also developed methods to isolate the membranocalyx for analysis. We identified transporters for sugars, amino acids, inorganic ions and water, which confirm the importance of the tegument plasma membrane in nutrient acquisition and solute balance. Enzymes, including phosphohydrolases, esterases and carbonic anhydrase were located with their catalytic domains external to the plasma membrane, while five tetraspanins, annexin and dysferlin were implicated in membrane architecture. In contrast, few parasite proteins could be assigned to the membranocalyx but mouse immune response proteins, including three immunoglobulins and two complement factors, were detected, plus host membrane proteins such as CD44, integrin and a complement regulatory protein, testifying to the acquisitive properties of the secreted bilayer.


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OBJECTIVES: To characterize the pathogenesis and clinical features of optic disc edema associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (SAS). METHODS: A series of 4 patients with SAS and papilledema (PE) underwent complete neuro-ophthalmologic evaluation and lumbar puncture. In 1 patient, continuous 24-hour intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring was also performed. RESULTS: All 4 patients had bilateral PE that was asymmetric in 2. Three patients had optic nerve dysfunction, asymmetric in 1, unilateral in 2. Daytime cerebrospinal fluid pressure measurements were within normal range. Nocturnal monitoring performed in one patient, however, demonstrated repeated episodes of marked ICP elevation associated with apnea and arterial oxygen desaturation. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that PE in SAS is due to episodic nocturnal hypoxemia and hypercarbia resulting in increased ICP secondary to cerebral vasodilation. In these individuals, intermittent ICP elevation is sufficient to cause persistent disc edema. These patients may be at increased risk for developing visual loss secondary to PE compared with patients with obesity-related pseudotumor cerebri because of associated hypoxemia. The diagnosis of SAS PE may not be appreciated because daytime cerebrospinal fluid pressure measurements are normal and because patients tend to present with visual loss rather than with symptoms of increased ICP.


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Oxidative metabolism of isolated toad skin epithelium (Bufo viridis) was investigated in vitro under open-circuit conditions using the spectrophotometric oxyhemoglobin micromethod. This highly sensitive technique has been adapted for studying several epithelia in parallel and for detecting possible regional variations of oxygen uptake in individual epithelium. Changes in the proportion of mitochondria-rich cells (MRC) by ionic acclimation affected oxidative metabolism under nontransporting condition. After acclimation of animals to either NaNO3 or NaCl solutions (100 mmol/l, for greater than 2 wk), the number of MRC per square millimeter in epithelia from nonacclimated and NaNO3- and NaCl-acclimated animals was 350 +/- 113, 460 +/- 196, and 107 +/- 52, respectively. O2 uptake of nonacclimated and NaNO3-acclimated epithelia was significantly higher than that of NaCl-acclimated epithelia (i.e., 0.89 and 0.90 vs. 0.57 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2, respectively). The correlation established between O2 uptake and number of MRC allowed evaluation of the respiration rate of one single MRC, i.e., approximately 1 pmol O2/h. The lowest mitochondrial oxidative activity was found in the epithelia from NaCl-acclimated toads where the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (50 mumols/l) had the highest relative stimulatory effect (+114%). Acetazolamide (50 mumols/l), a potent inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase mainly present in the MRC, reduced selectively by 31% O2 uptake of the MRC-rich epithelia (NaNO3 acclimated). O2 uptake increased significantly by approximately 80% when basolateral pH increased from 5.8 to 7.8, but did not depend on apical pH. These findings indicate that under nontransporting (open-circuit) conditions, aerobic metabolism of the isolated toad skin epithelium is related to the density and/or characteristics of the MRC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)