44 resultados para Canny
As critics have noted, Antillean literature has developed in tandem with a strong (self-) critical and theoretical body of work. The various attempts to theorize Antillean identity (négritude, antillanité, créolité) have been controversial and divisive, and the literary scene has been characterized as explosive, incestuous and self-referential. Yet writers aligned with, or opposed to, a given theory often have superior visibility. Meanwhile writers who claim to operate outside the boundaries of theory, such as Maryse Condé, are often canny theoretical operators who, from prestigious academic or cultural positions, manipulate readers’ responses and their own self-image through criticism. While recent polemics have helped to raise the critical stock of the islands generally, they have particularly enhanced the cultural capital of Chamoiseau and Condé, whose literary antagonism is in fact mutually sustaining. Both writers, through a strong awareness of (and contribution to) the critical field in which their work is read, position themselves as canonical authors.
Effectiveness Of Feature Detection Operators On The Performance Of Iris Biometric Recognition System
Iris Recognition is a highly efficient biometric identification system with great possibilities for future in the security systems area.Its robustness and unobtrusiveness, as opposed tomost of the currently deployed systems, make it a good candidate to replace most of thesecurity systems around. By making use of the distinctiveness of iris patterns, iris recognition systems obtain a unique mapping for each person. Identification of this person is possible by applying appropriate matching algorithm.In this paper, Daugman’s Rubber Sheet model is employed for irisnormalization and unwrapping, descriptive statistical analysis of different feature detection operators is performed, features extracted is encoded using Haar wavelets and for classification hammingdistance as a matching algorithm is used. The system was tested on the UBIRIS database. The edge detection algorithm, Canny, is found to be the best one to extract most of the iris texture. The success rate of feature detection using canny is 81%, False Accept Rate is 9% and False Reject Rate is 10%.
Evaluar si el Heliox reduce la resistencia en la vía aérea en niños y adolescentes con patología bronquial obstructiva que requieren ventilación mecánica. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo observacional descriptivo en niños y adolescentes con patología bronquial obstructiva y ventilación mecánica con Fi02 ≤ 0,5. Medición de variables: resistencia, presión pico, presión media de la vía aérea, presión meseta, volumen corriente, autoPEEP, distensibilidad, PetCO2, ventilación de espacio muerto antes de inicio de heliox y a los 30 minutos, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 y 24 horas y diariamente hasta suspenderlo por extubación o FiO2 > 0,5. Resultados: Resultados parciales, incluyó 9 pacientes encontrando descenso significativo de resistencia espiratoria a los 30 minutos (51,2 vs 32,3; p=0,0008 ), 2 horas ( 51,2 vs 33,4; p=0,0019) y 4 horas (51,2 vs 30,7; p=0,0012) así como de la resistencia inspiratoria a la hora 2 (48,6 vs 36,2; p = 0,013) y hora 4 (48,6 vs 30 ; p=0,004). Se observó tendencia al descenso de la PetCO2 que no fue significativa (52,3 vs 34,3: p=0,06). No se evidenció cambios en las variables; autoPEEP, presión pico, presión media de la vía aérea, distensibilidad, ventilación de espacio muerto, presión meseta y volumen corriente antes y después del inicio del Heliox. Conclusión: La ventilación mecánica con Heliox en niños con patología bronquial obstructiva parece ser que reduce de manera significativa la resistencia de la vía aérea, con tendencia al descenso de la PetC02. Se necesitan estudios prospectivos al menos observacionales analíticos que corroboren estos hallazgos.
This paper presents a unique two-stage image restoration framework especially for further application of a novel rectangular poor-pixels detector, which, with properties of miniature size, light weight and low power consumption, has great value in the micro vision system. To meet the demand of fast processing, only a few measured images shifted up to subpixel level are needed to join the fusion operation, fewer than those required in traditional approaches. By maximum likelihood estimation with a least squares method, a preliminary restored image is linearly interpolated. After noise removal via Canny operator based level set evolution, the final high-quality restored image is achieved. Experimental results demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed framework. It is a sensible step towards subsequent image understanding and object identification.
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
BACKGROUND Areal bone mineral density is predictive for fracture risk. Microstructural bone parameters evaluated at the appendicular skeleton by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) display differences between healthy patients and fracture patients. With the simple geometry of the cortex at the distal tibial diaphysis, a cortical index of the tibia combining material and mechanical properties correlated highly with bone strength ex vivo. The trabecular bone score derived from the scan of the lumbar spine by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) correlated ex vivo with the micro architectural parameters. It is unknown if these microstructural correlations could be made in healthy premenopausal women. METHODS Randomly selected women between 20-40 years of age were examined by DXA and HR-pQCT at the standard regions of interest and at customized sub regions to focus on cortical and trabecular parameters of strength separately. For cortical strength, at the distal tibia the volumetric cortical index was calculated directly from HR-pQCT and the areal cortical index was derived from the DXA scan using a Canny threshold-based tool. For trabecular strength, the trabecular bone score was calculated based on the DXA scan of the lumbar spine and was compared with the corresponding parameters derived from the HR-pQCT measurements at radius and tibia. RESULTS Seventy-two healthy women were included (average age 33.8 years, average BMI 23.2 kg/m(2)). The areal cortical index correlated highly with the volumetric cortical index at the distal tibia (R = 0.798). The trabecular bone score correlated moderately with the microstructural parameters of the trabecular bone. CONCLUSION This study in randomly selected premenopausal women demonstrated that microstructural parameters of the bone evaluated by HR-pQCT correlated with the DXA derived parameters of skeletal regions containing predominantly cortical or cancellous bone. Whether these indexes are suitable for better predictions of the fracture risk deserves further investigation.
La detección de los bordes de líneas en la carretera es una parte muy importante en los sistemas inteligentes de transportación, así como la detección de objetos tal como vehículos, con la finalidad de informar o prevenir a través de una alerta al conductor o al sistema informático. De aquí nace el interés de analizar algunos métodos de visión artificial (VA) que es un subcampo de la inteligencia artificial, cuyo propósito es programar un computador y que este “entienda” una escena o imagen, algunos de los métodos más comunes en la detección de líneas y vehículos (considerados objetos en nuestra investigación) son la transformada de Hough, el método de Canny, clasificador Haar Cascade, filtros de Fourier, etc. Se desarrollará una aplicación de escritorio o PC (Personal Computer) para el reconocimiento de vehículos y las líneas de bordes, el lenguaje de programación utilizado será Python y la biblioteca OpenCV que contiene más de 500 funciones en el campo de visión por computador. La validación del reconocimiento de objetos se la realizará con una prueba de campo. Este resultado apoyará a la automoción (máquina que se desplaza por acción de un motor como el vehículo) con datos que luego pueden ser procesados.
Heartman and Canny, p. 51.
It is well known that even slight changes in nonuniform illumination lead to a large image variability and are crucial for many visual tasks. This paper presents a new ICA related probabilistic model where the number of sources exceeds the number of sensors to perform an image segmentation and illumination removal, simultaneously. We model illumination and reflectance in log space by a generalized autoregressive process and Hidden Gaussian Markov random field, respectively. The model ability to deal with segmentation of illuminated images is compared with a Canny edge detector and homomorphic filtering. We apply the model to two problems: synthetic image segmentation and sea surface pollution detection from intensity images.
Nell'ambito dell'elaborazione delle immagini, si definisce segmentazione il processo atto a scomporre un'immagine nelle sue regioni costituenti o negli oggetti che la compongono. Ciò avviene sulla base di determinati criteri di appartenenza dei pixel ad una regione. Si tratta di uno degli obiettivi più difficili da perseguire, anche perché l'accuratezza del risultato dipende dal tipo di informazione che si vuole ricavare dall'immagine. Questa tesi analizza, sperimenta e raffronta alcune tecniche di elaborazione e segmentazione applicate ad immagini digitali di tipo medico. In particolare l'obiettivo di questo studio è stato quello di proporre dei possibili miglioramenti alle tecniche di segmentazione comunemente utilizzate in questo ambito, all'interno di uno specifico set di immagini: tomografie assiali computerizzate (TAC) frontali e laterali aventi per soggetto ginocchia, con ivi impiantate protesi superiore e inferiore. L’analisi sperimentale ha portato allo sviluppo di due algoritmi in grado di estrarre correttamente i contorni delle sole protesi senza rilevare falsi punti di edge, chiudere eventuali gap, il tutto a un basso costo computazionale.
El presente trabajo estudia la viabilidad a la hora de aplicar un modelo de programación basado en la extracción de paralelismo a nivel de tareas sobre distintas arquitecturas heterogéneas basadas en un procesador multinúcleo de propósito general acelerado con uno o más aceleradores hardware. Se ha implementado una aplicación completa cuyo objetivo es la detección de bordes en una imagen (implementando el Algoritmo de Canny), y se ha evaluado en detalle su rendimiento sobre distintos tipos de arquitecturas, incluyendo CPUs multinúcleo de última generación, sistemas multi-GPU y una arquitectura objetivo basada en procesadores ARM Cortex-A15 acelerados mediante un DSP C66x de la compañía Texas Instruments. Los resultados experimentales demuestran la viabilidad de este tipo de implementación también para arquitecturas heterogéneas novedosas como esta última, e ilustran la facilidad de programación que introduce este tipo de modelos de programación sobre arquitecturas de propósito específico.