43 resultados para Caneiro


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PURPOSE To quantify the influence of short-term wear of miniscleral contact lenses on the morphology of the corneo-scleral limbus, the conjunctiva, episclera and sclera. METHODS OCT images of the anterior eye were captured before, immediately following 3h of wear and then 3h after removal of a miniscleral contact lens for 10 young (27±5 years) healthy participants (neophyte rigid lens wearers). The region of analysis encompassed 1mm anterior, to 3.5mm posterior to the scleral spur. Natural diurnal variations in thickness were measured on a separate day and compensated for in subsequent analyses. RESULTS Following 3h of lens wear, statistically significant tissue thinning was observed across all quadrants, with a mean decrease in thickness of -24.1±3.6μm (p<0.001), which diminished, but did not return to baseline 3h after lens removal (-16.9±1.9μm, p<0.001). The largest tissue compression was observed in the superior quadrant (-49.9±8.5μm, p<0.01) and in the annular zone 1.5mm from the scleral spur (-48.2±5.7μm), corresponding to the approximate edge of the lens landing zone. Compression of the conjunctiva/episclera accounted for about 70% of the changes. CONCLUSIONS Optimal fitting miniscleral contact lenses worn for three hours resulted in significant tissue compression in young healthy eyes, with the greatest thinning observed superiorly, potentially due to the additional force of the eyelid, with a partial recovery of compression 3h after lens removal. Most of the morphological changes occur in the conjunctiva/episclera layers.


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Purpose To examine whether anterior scleral and conjunctival thickness undergoes significant diurnal variation over a 24-hour period. Methods Nineteen healthy young adults (mean age 22 ± 2 years) with minimal refractive error (mean spherical equivalent refraction -0.08 ± 0.39 D), had measures of anterior scleral and conjunctival thickness collected using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) at seven measurement sessions over a 24-hour period. The thickness of the temporal anterior sclera and conjunctiva were determined at 6 locations (each separated by 0.5 mm) at varying distances from the scleral spur for each subject at each measurement session. Results Both the anterior sclera and conjunctiva were found to undergo significant diurnal variations in thickness over a 24-hour period (both p <0.01). The sclera and conjunctiva exhibited a similar pattern of diurnal change, with a small magnitude thinning observed close to midday, and a larger magnitude thickening observed in the early morning immediately after waking. The amplitude of diurnal thickness change was larger in the conjunctiva (mean amplitude 69 ± 29 μm) compared to the sclera (21 ± 8 μm). The conjunctiva exhibited its smallest magnitude of change at the scleral spur location (mean amplitude 56 ± 17 μm) whereas the sclera exhibited its largest magnitude of change at this location (52 ± 21 μm). Conclusions This study provides the first evidence of diurnal variations occurring in the thickness of the anterior sclera and conjunctiva. Studies requiring precise measures of these anatomical layers should therefore take time of day into consideration. The majority of the observed changes occurred in the early morning immediately after waking and were of larger magnitude in the conjunctiva compared to the sclera. Thickness changes at other times of the day were of smaller magnitude and generally not statistically significant.


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Thickness measurements derived from optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the eye are a fundamental clinical and research metric, since they provide valuable information regarding the eye’s anatomical and physiological characteristics, and can assist in the diagnosis and monitoring of numerous ocular conditions. Despite the importance of these measurements, limited attention has been given to the methods used to estimate thickness in OCT images of the eye. Most current studies employing OCT use an axial thickness metric, but there is evidence that axial thickness measures may be biased by tilt and curvature of the image. In this paper, standard axial thickness calculations are compared with a variety of alternative metrics for estimating tissue thickness. These methods were tested on a data set of wide-field chorio-retinal OCT scans (field of view (FOV) 60° x 25°) to examine their performance across a wide region of interest and to demonstrate the potential effect of curvature of the posterior segment of the eye on the thickness estimates. Similarly, the effect of image tilt was systematically examined with the same range of proposed metrics. The results demonstrate that image tilt and curvature of the posterior segment can affect axial tissue thickness calculations, while alternative metrics, which are not biased by these effects, should be considered. This study demonstrates the need to consider alternative methods to calculate tissue thickness in order to avoid measurement error due to image tilt and curvature.


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PURPOSE To examine longitudinal changes in choroidal thickness and axial length in a population of children with a range of refractive errors. METHODS One hundred and one children (41 myopes and 60 nonmyopes) aged 10 to 15 years participated in this prospective, observational longitudinal study. For each child, 6-month measures of choroidal thickness (using enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography) and axial ocular biometry were collected four times over an 18-month period. Linear mixed-models were used to examine the longitudinal changes in choroidal thickness and the relationship between changes in choroidal thickness and axial eye growth over the study period. RESULTS A significant group mean increase in subfoveal choroidal thickness was observed over 18 months (mean increase 13 6 22 lm, P < 0.001). Myopic children exhibited significantly thinner choroids compared with nonmyopic children (P < 0.001), although there was no significant time by refractive group interaction (P ¼ 0.46), indicating similar changes in choroidal thickness over time in myopes and nonmyopes. However, a significant association between the change in choroidal thickness and the change in axial length over time was found (P < 0.001, β = −0.14). Children showing faster axial eye growth exhibited significantly less choroidal thickening over time compared with children showing slower axial eye growth. CONCLUSIONS A significant increase in choroidal thickness occurs over an 18-month period in normal 10- to 15-year-old children. Children undergoing faster axial eye growth exhibited less thickening and, in some cases, a thinning of the choroid. These findings support a potential role for the choroid in the mechanisms regulating eye growth in childhood.


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To develop and compare a set of metrics for calculating tissue thickness in wide-field OCT data.


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• Evidence from cross-sectional studies1,2 suggests that choroidal thickness (ChT) varies with age and refractive error in childhood. However, to date there have been no longitudinal studies examining changes in pediatric ChT. • In this prospective study, the longitudinal changes in ChT and its relationship with eye growth were examined in a population of normal children with a range of refractive errors.


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To develop and test a custom-built instrument to simultaneously assess tear film surface quality (TFSQ) and subjective vision score (SVS).


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• The biomechanical properties of the sclera are documented to be altered in eyes with myopia, with the myopic sclera thought to be more susceptible to deformation from otherwise normal ocular forces. • The close anatomical and functional relationship between the ciliary body and sclera suggests that ciliary muscle contraction during accommodation may influence the overlying sclera. • This study aimed to characterise the changes occurring in anterior scleral thickness with accommodation using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) in young adult myopes and emmetropes.


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To quantify regional (nasal, superior, temporal and inferior) and location specific (corneal and scleral) tissue compression following short-term miniscleral contact lens wear.


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Obra atribuída a Quintino Bocaiúva, político brasileiro, adepto das idéias republicanas, membro preeminente da conspiração que depôs o último gabinete do império. A rendição de Uruguaiana é um episódio da Guerra do Paraguai ocorrido em 18/10/1865, no qual a localidade de Uruguaiana é ocupada pelo exército paraguaio e retomada pouco depois. Inclui transcrições de vários documentos oficiais (despachos, notas, ofícios), do Ministério de Relações Exteriores do Paraguai e da Legação Imperial do Brasil, assinados por José Berges, Cesar Sauvan Vianna de Lima e Carlos Caneiro de Campos.


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Se presenta una selección de los trabajos de dramaturgia de los alumnos de esta asignatura en cuarto curso de la especialidad de Interpretación Textual de la Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático del Principado de Asturias. Se trata de tres adaptaciones del cuento de Ricardo Menéndez Salmón 'Ceremonia', contenido en su libro 'Los caballos azules' publicado en 2005 por Ediciones Trea, y que también se incluye en esta publicación.