955 resultados para Canchim breed
Atrioventricular valve complex of 30 Jafarabadi water buffaloes, adult males were studied in this research with no heart diseases. The animals were obtained from a slaughterhouse in Brazilian State of Parana. The hearts were opened at the third portion affording access to the valve complex. The complexes had its area, number and type of tendinous cords submitted to analysis. The results showed that the complex is composed by two cusps and four accessory cusps, two or three papillary muscles in which 10-25 tendinous cords fix on the cusps that face the ventricle wall. The total area of the complex was on average 38.56cm², with a minimum of 24.96cm² and a maximum of 55.54cm². Statistically, no relation between the number of cords and the cusps' area where they are inserted or with the number of papillary muscle where they originated from was observed.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of genetic polymorphism of kappa-casein, breed and seasonality on the physicochemical characteristics, composition and stability of milk in commercial dairy herds. A total of 879 milk and blood samples were collected from 603 Holstein and 276 Girolando cows, obtained during rainy and dry seasons. Milk samples were analyzed to determine the physicochemical characteristics, composition and ethanol stability, while blood samples were subjected to polymerase chain reaction to identify the kappa-casein genotype. The frequencies of genotypes AA, AB and BB of k-casein were respectively, 66.83, 31.84 and 1.33% for Holstein, and 71.38, 27.90 and 0.72% for the Girolando cows, respectively. The A allele was more frequent than the B allele, both for Holstein (0.827 and 0.173) and Girolando cows (0.853 and 0.147), respectively. Cows of AB and BB genotypes showed a higher milk fat content compared to the AA genotype. There was an interaction between breed and seasonality on the concentration of milk urea with higher values for Holstein and Girolando cows in the rainy and dry season, respectively. The levels of lactose, total solids, crude protein, true protein, casein and the casein:true protein ratio were higher during the dry season, while during the rainy season, the somatic cell count and milk urea concentration were higher. There was no association between milk stability and k-casein genotypes, but Holstein cows showed higher milk stability than Girolando cows, and milk was more stable during the rainy season than during the dry season.
The objectives were to evaluate preweaning performance, body composition, and efficiency of calves representing straightbred Nellore (NL), F(1), and 3-breed-cross systems. Energy requirements, milk production, and efficiency of 39 cow-calf pairs were recorded from straightbred NL calves from NL cows (10), crossbred (Angus-sired) calves from NL cows (ANL: 9), and crossbred calves (CC; Canchim-sired: 5/8 Charolais, 3/8 Zebu) from ANL (10) and Simmental x NL (10) cows. Cows and their respective calves were individually fed from birth to weaning (17 to 190 d postpartum). At 38 d of age, corn silage (7.8% CP, 2.19 Mcal of ME/kg of DM) was available to calves ad libitum. Milk production at 42, 98, 126, and 180 d postpartum was recorded by weighing calves before and after suckling. The ratio between GE and ME of milk was considered 1:0.93. Calves were slaughtered at weaning and the 9th-, 10th-, and 11th-rib section was removed for body composition estimation. The ANL calves were lighter (P < 0.01) at birth than the CC calves; the NL calves were intermediate. At weaning, the CC calves were heavier (P = 0.04) than the NL and ANL calves (230 +/- 5.5 vs. 172 +/- 8.1 and 209 +/- 8.6 kg, respectively). The ANL calves had greater (371 +/- 27 Mcal; P = 0.01) silage intake than the NL (270 +/- 25 Mcal) and CC (279 +/- 17 Mcal) calves. Milk energy intake was greater for the CC calves (970 +/- 38 Mcal of ME; P = 0.005) than the NL (670 +/- 57 Mcal of ME) and ANL (743 +/- 61 Mcal of ME) calves. The ANL calves compensated for the reduced milk production of the NL cows, which supplied less of their energy requirement for growth by increased silage intake. Calves from crossbred cows received a greater proportion of their total energy intake from milk. Crossbred calves had greater (P < 0.03) retained energy (retained energy = weaning body energy - birth body energy) than the NL calves (388 +/- 23 for ANL, and 438 +/- 15 for CC vs. 312 +/- 22 Mcal for NL calves). Percentages of water (P = 0.74) and chemical fat (P = 0.51) were similar among groups (63.7 +/- 0.6 and 14.3 +/- 0.7% for ANL calves, 63.1 +/- 0.4 and 14.7 +/- 0.5% for CC calves, and 63.3 +/- 0.6 and 13.7 +/- 0.7% of empty BW for water and chemical fat, respectively, for NL calves). Energetic efficiency (kcal of retained energy/Mcal of ME intake) was similar (P = 0.52) among groups (358 +/- 22 for ANL calves, 355 +/- 14 for CC calves, and 327 +/- 22 for NL calves). The greater BW gains and the differences in empty body composition at weaning were not enough to compensate for the greater ME intake of crossbreds. In this study, the crossbreeding systems evaluated increased preweaning calf performance but did not affect gross or energetic calf efficiency.
The objectives of this study were to determine if percentage Bos taurus (0 or 50%) of the cow had an effect on ME requirements and milk production, and to compare cow/calf efficiency among 3 mating systems. Metabolizable energy requirements were estimated during a feeding trial that encompassed a gestation and lactation feeding trial for each of 2 groups of cows. Cows were 0 or 50% Bos taurus ( 100 or 50% Nellore) breed type: Nellore cows (NL; n = 10) mated to Nellore bulls, NL cows ( n = 9) mated to Angus bulls, Angus x Nellore (ANL; n = 10) and Simmental x Nellore (SNL; n = 10) cows mated to Canchim (5/ 8 Charolais 3/ 8 Zebu) bulls. Cows were individually fed a total mixed diet that contained 11.3% CP and 2.23 Mcal of ME/kg of DM. At 14-d intervals, cows and calves were weighed and the amount of DM was adjusted to keep shrunk BW and BCS of cows constant. Beginning at 38 d of age, corn silage was available to calves ad libitum. Milk production at 42, 98, 126, and 180 d postpartum was measured using the weigh-suckle-weigh technique. At 190 d of age, calves were slaughtered and body composition estimated using 9-10-11th-rib section to obtain energy deposition. Regression of BW change on daily ME intake (MEI) was used to estimate MEI at zero BW change. Increase in percentage Bos taurus had a significant effect on daily ME requirements (Mcal/d) during pregnancy (P < 0.01) and lactation (P < 0.01). Percentage Bos taurus had a positive linear effect on maintenance requirements of pregnant (P = 0.07) and lactating (P < 0.01) cows; during pregnancy, the ME requirements were 91 and 86% of those in lactation (131 +/- 3.5 vs. 145 +/- 3.4 Mcal.kg(-0.75).d(-1)) for the 0 and 50% B. taurus groups, respectively. The 50% B. taurus cows, ANL and SNL, suckling crossbred calves had greater total MEI (4,319 +/- 61 Mcal; P < 0.01) than 0% B. taurus cows suckling NL (3,484 +/- 86 Mcal) or ANL calves (3,600 +/- 91 Mcal). The 0% B. taurus cows suckling ANL calves were more efficient (45.3 +/- 1.6 g/Mcal; P = 0.03) than straightbred NL (35.1 +/- 1.5 g/Mcal) and ANL or SNL pairs (41.0 +/- 1.0 g/Mcal). Under the conditions of this study, crossbreeding improved cow/ calf efficiency and showed an advantage for cows that have lower energy requirements.
Thirty steers were used in two pen experiments (Expts 1 and 2). and 27 of these in a third (Expt 3), to quantify their responses of hay intake, rumen ammonia nitrogen (RAN) concentrations, and liveweight to inputs of rumen soluble nitrogen (urea) and rumen undegradable protein (formaldehyde-treated casein; F-casein) when added to a basal diet of low quality hays. The hays were made From unimproved native pastures typical of those grazed by cattle in the subtropics of Australia and contained 7.8 g N/kg dry matter (DM) with coefficient of organic matter digestibility of 0.503 in Expts 1 and 2, and 5.2 g N/kg DM with a digestibility range from 0.385 to 0.448 in Expt 3. The steers (15 months old) were either Brahman (B), Hereford (H) or the F-1 Brahman x Hereford (BH) cross. Steers were offered supplementary minerals with the hays in each experiment. In Expt 1 (35 days) urea was sprayed on part of the hay, allowing for daily urea intakes (g/steer) of either 0, 5, 11, 16 or 26. In Expt 2 (42 days), F-casein was offered daily (g/steer) at either 0, 75, 150, 225 or 300 and in Expt 3 (56 days) discrete offerings were made of soluble casein (225 g/day), of urea (18 g/day) + F-casein (225 g/day) or of nil. There were significant linear effects of urea intake upon hay intake and liveweight change of steers. However, B steers had smaller increases in intake and liveweight change than did H steers, and B steers did not have a linear increase in RAN concentrations with increasing urea intake as did H and SH steers. In Expt 2 there were significant linear effects of F-casein supplements on hay intake and liveweight change of steers and a significant improvement in their feed conversion ratio (i.e. DM intake:liveweight change). The B steers did not differ from H and BH steers in liveweight change but had significantly lower hay intakes and non-significantly smaller increases in RAN with increasing F-casein intake. In Expt 3, hay intake of the steers increased with soluble casein (by 16.8 %) and with urea + F-casein (24.5 %). Only steers given urea + F-casein had a high RAN concentration (94 mg/l) and a high liveweight gain. The B steers had a liveweight loss and a lower hay intake than H or BH steers in Expt 3 but a higher RAN concentration. These studies have indicated the importance of the form and quantity of additional N required by cattle of differing breed types to optimize their feed intake and liveweight gain when offered low-N, low-digestible hays.
Control recommendations are presented for four genetic or familial diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality in affected English Bull Terriers. Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed by detecting a minimum of three renal cysts, with cysts present in both kidneys, and similarly affected family members to confirm the inherited nature of the cysts. Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed in otherwise normal animals with urinary protein: creatinine ratios persistently >0.3 and no significant urinary sediment, a family history of the disease, and characteristic glomerular basement membrane lesions. Mitral valve myxomatous degeneration and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in Bull Terriers are familial diseases diagnosed by auscultating characteristic murmurs in affected animals. Excluding animals with these clinical signs from the breeding pool will reduce the prevalence rates of these diseases, however maintenance of an effective population size is also important. Providing breeders with information on genetics, including the risks associated with inbreeding and the benefits of outcrossing, is likely to improve canine breeding practices, thus increasing fitness and fecundity of these purebred dogs.
FUNDAMENTO: A influência que a ponte miocárdica exerce sobre a corrente sanguínea no curso do segmento arterial sob a ponte tem sido objeto de discussão pela comunidade científica. OBJETIVO: Comparar o tecido muscular ultraestrutural da ponte miocárdica e a parede ventricular; analisar o grau de lesão da camada íntima dos segmentos arteriais e investigar possíveis mudanças que podem preceder ou iniciar o processo de lesões ateroscleróticas. MÉTODOS: Quarenta corações bovinos da raça Canchim foram estudados em relação às alterações da camada íntima das artérias coronarianas nos diferentes segmentos de ponte miocárdica. Para o exame microscópico, foram feitas colorações por hematoxilina-eosina e fucsina-resorcina seguindo técnicas microscópicas convencionais. Para o exame de microscopia eletrônica, os segmentos da ponte miocárdica de doze corações bovinos Canchim foram coletados a partir da parede ventricular e da artéria coronariana e foram processados de acordo com técnicas convencionais. RESULTADOS: Na microscopia de luz, foi observada maior frequência de lesões em segmentos pré-ponte e pós-ponte da camada íntima, em comparação ao segmento ponte. Espessamentos da camada íntima foram seguidos por um desarranjo na lâmina limitante elástica interna. Essas células frequentemente apresentaram seus citoplasmas ingurgitados por gotas lipídicas, compondo as chamadas células de espuma. A microscopia eletrônica revelou que as fibras musculares da ponte miocárdica geralmente se unem de forma reta e lisa apresentando ramos laterais com um número maior de mitocôndrias no músculo ventricular do que na ponte. CONCLUSÃO: Há poucas diferenças entre os tecidos musculares estudados; lesões da camada íntima são menos frequentes em regiões da ponte em comparação com as regiões pré e pós-ponte.
Neste trabalho estimou-se o coeficiente de herdabilidade do peso aos 18 meses de idade do gado Canchim, que e o bimestiço 5/8 Charolês-Zebu, bem como avaliaram-se os reprodutores pela estimação dos efeitos de touros e vacas, em função de sua descendencia. Os estudos se basearam em 252 pesos aos 18 meses de animais oriundos de 15 touros e 94 vacas. Foram feitos ajustes para sexo, estação do ano e numero de ordem da parição da vaca. O ajuste foi feito com auxílio do modelo matemático y ijkr = m + + si + e j + pk + e ijkr, onde s i (i = 1 , 2) = efeito do sexo, e j (j =1, 2, 3, 4) = efeito da estação do ano, Pk (k = 1,2,3,4,5) = efeito da parição. Com os dados ajustados y ijkr> obtidos pela formula y ijkr = Yijkr - si - êj - pk, foi feita a análise da variância seguindo-se o modelo de blocos incompletos, conforme PIMENTEL GOMES (1967, 1968, 1970), onde touros eram considerados como blocos e vacas como tratamentos. Os resultados obtidos foram: Com as estimativas dos componentes de variancia E, D, S, foram calculados os coeficientes de herdabilidade pelas formulas resultados foram: Tambera se estimaram os efeitos de touros e vacas o que permitiu apontar os melhores reprodutores do rebanho.
Conduziu-se um experimento na Fazenda Canchim, em São Carlos, SP, para se verificar se determinados componentes do sangue de bovinos jovens refletiriam diferentes estados nutricionais. 0 delineamento estatístico foi o de blocos casualizados. Empregaram - se 36 bovinos canchim desmamados, inteiros, em regime de pasto exclusivo (T1), ou confinados, recebendo feno de soja e rolão de milho (T2), torta de algodão e cana-de-açúcar (T3), ou ração completa (T4), de março a setembro de 1973, e em seguida somente pasto, até março de 1974. No período de confinamento, as pesagens e coletas de sangue foram a cada 2 semanas, passando para 4no período seguinte. Embora os tratamentos houvessem proporcionado diferentes níveis de consumo, de ganho de peso e de conversão, não houve variação correspondente nos diversos componentes de sangue analisados, talvez porque os intervalos de coleta e de pesagens deveriam ter sido mais curtos, para que se relacionassem melhor, pois os primeiros dados corresponderam às médias diárias do intervalo entre pesagens, enquanto que as dosagens correspondiam a uma única determinação do dia da coleta. A utilização de "kits" para análise do sangue comprovou-se plenamente satisfatória, mais simples e rápida em relação ao sistema convencional. Foram assumidos como normais os níveis médios para os seguintes parâmetros do sangue: uréia, 11,1 a 16,1 mg;proteínas totais, 5,92 a 6,32 g; fósforo, 6,24 a 7,11 mg; Ca, 11,01 a 12,66 mg; e hemoglobina, 10,14 a 10,55 g por decilitro.
Wild sigmondontine rodents are known to be the reservoir of several serotypes of New World hantaviruses. The mechanism of viral transmission is by aerosol inhalation of the excreta from infected rodents. Considering that the captive breed colonies of various wild mammals may present a potencial risk for hantaviral transmission, we examined 85 speciemens of Thrichomys spp. (Echimyidae) and 17 speciemens of Nectomys squamipes (Sigmodontinae) from our colony for the presence of hantavirus infections. Blood samples were assayed for the presence of antibodies to Andes nucleocapsid antigen using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Additionally, serum samples from workers previously exposed to wild rodents, in the laboratories where the study was conducted, were also tested by ELISA to investigate prevalence of anti-hantavirus IgG antibodies. All blood samples were negative for hantavirus antibodies. Although these results suggest that those rodent's colonies are hantavirus free, the work emphasizes the need for hantavirus serological monitoring in wild colonized rodents and secure handling potentially infected rodents as important biosafety measures.
Selostus: Karkearehuruokinnan vaikutus risteytyshiehojen ja niiden vasikoiden kehitykseen sisäruokinta- ja laidunkaudella
O trabalho foi conduzido para estimar a heterose sobre os pesos ao nascimento (PNT), à desmama (P210) e ao ano (P365) e sobre os ganhos de pesos médios diários do nascimento à desmama (G210) e da desmama ao ano (G365) nas quatro primeiras gerações do sistema de cruzamentos alternados entre as raças Canchim (C) e Aberdeen Angus (A). Os dados de 1.147 bezerros nascidos de 1981 a 1998 foram analisados pelo método dos mínimos quadrados, ajustando-se um modelo linear que incluiu os efeitos linear e quadrático da idade da mãe do bezerro e os efeitos fixos de sexo, grupo genético, mês e ano de nascimento do bezerro. Estimativas de heterose e de outras diferenças genéticas foram estimadas por contrastes entre médias e testadas pelo teste t. O contraste "CA" foi positivo e significativo (P<0,001) para as cinco características. O contraste F1CAF1AC teve sinal negativo e foi altamente significativo (P<0,001) para P210 e G210 e significativo (P<0,05) para P365. A geração F1 exibiu heterose de 4,8% para P210 e de 4,9% para G210. A heterose materna foi de 3,7%, 5,8%, 6,3% e 20,4%, respectivamente, para P210, G210, P365 e G365. A heterose média das terceira e quarta gerações do cruzamento alternado entre C e A foi de 4,6% para P210, 5,3% para G210 e de 3,5% para P365.
The objective of this study was to verify the genetic diversity between and within seven populations of Moxotó goat (n = 264) from the States of Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte, using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). Moxotó, as well as other naturalized breeds, suffers genetic losses due to the indiscriminate miscegenation with breeds raised in the Northeast Region of Brazil. The genetic characterization of these genetic resources is essential to conservation and breeding programs. DNA was extracted from lymphocytes using a non-organic protocol. The 16 primers used were selected from 120 decamer oligonucleotide primers and generated 56 polymorphic bands. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the greater part of total genetic variability (71.55%) was due to differences between individuals within populations, while 21.21% was among populations. The analysis of variance among the pairs of populations demonstrated that the populations located in Floresta, PE x Angicos, RN presented a smaller value of intrapopulational differentiation (8.9%), indicating low genetic variability among them. Nei's genetic distances varied between 0.0546 and 0.1868 in the populations. The dendrogram generated showed that the Canindé breed, used as outgroup, clustered with the populations of Moxotó, indicating a possible common origin of the naturalized goat breeds.