998 resultados para Cancer sur sein


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La physiothérapie peut influencer positivement certaines complications de la chirurgie des cancers du sein. Pour cela, il est important de garantir une intervention individualisée précoce qui soit également poursuivie après la phase d'hospitalisation.


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A survey was undertaken among a representative sample of the female population, aged 20 to 74, of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland (total population 550,000) to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of women in respect to breast cancer and its prevention. The present study focuses on access by women to medical preventive measures (breast examination by physician and information on breast self-examination). The data are analyzed in relation to the individual risk factors affecting women, in particular age. While with age the risk of breast cancer grows in a linear fashion, the proportion of women having their breast examined by a physician declines. Women over 50 who had no children before the age of 30 constitute an especially high risk category, with the lowest access to information and prevention. This is explained in large part by the fact that they consult gynecologists less often. In this regard it should be noted that a visit to a gynecologist's office is associated much more often with breast examination than a visit to a family physician. It is important to take such findings into account in providing more appropriate and complete care for those groups. This involves sensitization of the physician and improved information for the women themselves.


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Several large randomized trials showed that tamoxifen alone is no more the standard adjuvant hormonal therapy for menopausal patients. Aromatase inhibitors, given upfront or sequentially after tamoxifen, confirmed their efficacy by improving disease free survival, risk of distant metastasis and overall survival in some situations or subgroups of patients. These drugs are usually well tolerated, but they clearly increase bone mineral density loss as well as the risk of fractures and their long term safety on the cardio-vascular system needs to be followed. Thus, even if the role of the aromatase inhibitors is now evident in the adjuvant therapy of postmenopausal women the benefice/risk ratio should be carefully evaluated for each patient.


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Her2/neu is a tyrosine kinase receptor which stimulates cell growth. The receptor is overexpressed in about 20% of breast cancers. Her2/neu expression is an indicator of poor prognosis but also the target of the treatment of breast cancer using humanised anti-Her2/ neu antibodies. Only cancers overexpressing the protein will respond to this therapy, but which has significant (cardiac) side effects and is expensive. It is therefore important to test for the overexpression of the protein on breast cancer cells. This paper discusses how this can be done and ongoing research into new therapeutic options targeting the involved signaling pathways.


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Quality assurance is an essential process which should be applied for any organised breast cancer screening program since mammography it the only test available for an early diagnosis. It should also assess the quality of diagnostic and treatment processes in order to ascertain that the quality of the screening program would not be altered by the procedures which take place after the screening. Quality assurance must be applied to each component of the screening process: equipment, radiographers (technicians) as well as radiologists. It is a multidisciplinary approach following a well defined protocol, which should be supervised by a coordination unit, the Breast Cancer Screening Foundation in Canton of Vaud. Performances of the Vaud program show clearly at what extend multiple reading method improves the quality of screening. It seems that there is no inconvenient to involve radiologists who wish to participate without any selection to the reading process provided that there is in place a team of 2nd and 3rd readers who benefit of an appropriate training and experience.


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Tailoring adjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients relies on prognostic and predictive factors, most of which are currently established by histopathological analysis of tumors. The quality of the assessment of the former (i.e.: tumor size, lymph node status, tumor grade, HER2 status, and lymphovascular invasion) and the latter (estrogen and progesteron receptors expression, HER2 overexpression or amplification) is an essential prerequisite for an optimal therapeutic decision. If the prognostic and predictive values of multigenes signatures are confirmed by on-going clinical studies, this approach could enter the clinical practice in the coming years and result in improved accuracy of adjuvant therapies in breast cancer patients. This approach might especially allow avoiding overtreatment in patients at low risk of recurrence.


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Apart from therapeutic advances related to new treatments, our practices in the management of early breast cancer have been modified by to key organizational settings (1) mass screening, substantially altering the presentation and epidemiology of breast cancer and (2) the development of guidelines to ensure that any patient management is in agreement with the demonstrated impact in the adjuvant treatment. In daily practice, the impact of screening and guidelines recommendations has put us now in a paradoxical situation: while the majority of non-metastatic breast cancers treated in the hexagon are node negative, most of the results of clinical studies on chemotherapy and targeted therapies today arise from populations predominantly node positive. Therefore, it seemed legitimate to convene a working group around a reflection on the directions of adjuvant chemotherapy in a growing node negative population in order to better respond to the questions of the field oncologists, trying to address the discrepancies between different existing guidelines.


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Le Programme de dépistage du cancer du sein BEJUNE a démarré en mai 2005 dans le canton du Jura, s'est étendu au canton de Neuchâtel en mai 2007 et englobe le Jura bernois depuis janvier 2009. Ses buts sont de promouvoir, organiser, gérer et mener à bien une action de dépistage auprès de la population féminine dans la tranche d'âge de 50 à 69 ans révolus (environ 42'000 femmes). [...] Ce rapport constitue, après 5 ans et demi d'activité, la première évaluation épidémiologique du Programme de dépistage du cancer du sein BEJUNE. Cette évaluation a été réalisée par l'Unité d'épidémiologie du cancer (UEC) de l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne (IUMSP) qui jouit d'une longue expérience dans le domaine. Dans ce rapport, on analyse le fonctionnement, la participation, la qualité et l'efficacité précoce du programme. Les indicateurs de performance retenus suivent les recommandations européennes et les directives émises par la Fédération suisse des programmes de dépistage du cancer du sein. Entre mai 2005 et novembre 2010, plus de 37'000 mammographies ont été réalisées dans 11 Centres/Instituts de radiologie. Les 6750 examens effectués annuellement correspondent à un volume de 420 mammographies par radiologue: 380 pour les 1e lecteurs et 1300 pour les 2e lecteurs (auxquels s'ajoutent les lectures réalisées dans le cadre d'un autre programme cantonal). [...] [Auteurs, p. 5]


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Obesity is associated with different cancers including breast cancer, whose incidence is increased in postmenopausal women. It has an adverse impact on the prognosis of the patients, regardless of their menopausal status. The fact of receiving a systemic adjuvant therapy does not neutralize the prognostic role of obesity. Moderate weight loss after cancer diagnosis could improve the outcome of the patients, while a weight gain during treatment seems without significant effect. Currently available data are still too incomplete to justify systematic programs to lose weight with an oncologic therapeutic aim. However, it is worth to encourage and support our patients to have an optimal diet, physical activity, and to lose weight as promotion of general health.


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Endocrine therapy remains a mainstay in the treatment of endocrine-sensitive breast cancer. In the adjuvant setting, 5 years of endocrine therapy significantly reduces recurrence rate and mortality. Tamoxifen is the molecule of choice for premenopausal women, whereas for postmenopausal women aromatase inhibitors are currently part of the standard treatment. Endocrine therapy can induce side effects, which can affect patient's quality of life and lead to premature treatment interruption. Identification and adequately addressing these side effects is fundamental to maintain good treatment compliance and therefore improve breast cancer specific outcome.