973 resultados para Cancer Biology


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Le cancer épithélial des ovaires (CEO) est classifié en sous types histopathologiques identifiés tel que séreux, endométrioide, à cellules claires et mucineux. Une analyse génétique réalisée au niveau moléculaire a suggéré un rôle pour des gènes suppresseurs de tumeur localisés sur le bras court du chromosome 3p21.3 dans la pathogénèse du CEO de type séreux. Notre objectif était d’évaluer le profil d’expression de HYAL-1, localisé dans cette même région, dans les différents sous types du CEO, et de vérifier une éventuelle corrélation avec l’expression des récepteurs d’hormones stéroïdiennes. Pour se faire, nous avons analysé par RT-PCR quantitative l’expression de l’ARNm de HYAL-1, des récepteurs d’estrogène (ER-α et ER-β) et du récepteur de progestérone (PR) dans des échantillons de tissus extraits de tumeurs du CEO provenant de deux cohortes indépendantes et dans des lignées cellulaires. Nous avons également réalisé des analyses bioinformatiques à partir de l’expression de ces gènes en ayant recours à une base de données de microarray disponible en ligne et ouverte au public. Par la suite, nous avons mesuré l’activité enzymatique de HYAL-1 dans des lignées cellulaires du CEO et dans des échantillons de plasma. Nos résultats ont montré que l’expression de l’ARNm de HYAL-1 était élevée dans le type à cellules claires et mucineux mais non dans les types séreux et endométrioides, autant dans les échantillons sains que de ceux provenant de tumeurs bénignes. De façon cohérente, le niveau d’ARNm et l’activité enzymatique de HYAL-1 étaient élevés dans les lignées cellulaires à cellules claires et mucineuses. Nous avons aussi démontré qu’il y avait une corrélation inverse entre les niveaux de l’ARNm de HYAL-1 et ceux d’ER-α et PR dans les échantillons de tissus de CEO du type mucineux et à cellules claires. De façon similaire, nous avons noté que l’activité de HYAL-1 était élevée dans le plasma de ces mêmes patients. En conséquence nos travaux proposent HYAL-1 en tant que biomarqueur potentiel dans le cas des CEO de type à cellules claires et mucineux présentant un faible niveau d’expression d’ER-α et PR.


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L’implication des protéines tyrosines phosphatases (PTPs) dans la régulation de la signalisation et la médiation des fonctions cellulaires a été bien établie dans les dernières années. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les PTPs régulent les processus fondamentaux tels que l’angiogenèse demeurent méconnus. Il a été rapporté que l’expression de la PTP DEP-1 (Density-enhanced phosphatase 1) augmente avec la densité cellulaire et corrèle avec la déphosphorylation du récepteur VEGFR2. Cette déphosphorylation contribue à l’inhibition de contact dans les cellules endothéliales à confluence et diminue l’activité du VEGFR2 en déphosphorylant spécifiquement ses résidus catalytiques Y1054/1059. De plus, la plupart des voies de signalisation en aval du VEGFR2 sont diminuées sauf la voie Src-Gab1-AKT. DEP-1 déphosphoryle la Y529 de Src et contribue à la promotion de la survie dans les cellules endothéliales. L’objectif de cette thèse est de mieux définir le rôle de DEP-1 dans la régulation de l’activité de Src et les réponses biologiques dans les cellules endothéliales. Nous avons identifié les résidus Y1311 et Y1320 dans la queue C-terminale de DEP-1 comme sites majeurs de phosphorylation en réponse au VEGF. La phosphorylation de ces résidus est requise pour l’activation de Src et médie le remodelage des jonctions cellules-cellules dépendantes de Src. Ce remodelage induit la perméabilité, l’invasion et la formation de capillaires en réponse au VEGF. Nos résultats démontrent que la phosphorylation de DEP-1 sur résidu tyrosine est requise pour diriger la spécificité de DEP-1 vers son substrat Src. Les travaux révèlent pour la première fois un rôle positif de DEP-1 sur l’induction du programme angiogénique des cellules endothéliales. En plus de la phosphorylation sur tyrosine, DEP-1 est constitutivement phosphorylé sur la thréonine 1318 situé à proximité de la Y1320 en C-terminal. Cette localisation de la T1318 suggère que ce résidu pourrait être impliqué dans la régulation de la Y1320. En effet, nous avons observé que la T1318 de DEP-1 est phosphorylée potentiellement par CK2, et que cette phosphorylation régule la phosphorylation de DEP-1 sur tyrosine et sa capacité de lier et d’activer Src. En accord avec ces résultats, nos travaux révèlent que la surexpression du mutant DEP-1 T1318A diminue le remodelage des jonctions cellules-cellules et par conséquent la perméabilité. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que la T1318 de DEP-1 constitue un nouveau mécanisme de contrôle de la phosphorylation sur tyrosine et que ceci résulte en l’activation de Src et l’induction des fonctions biologiques des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF. Suite à ces travaux dans les cellules endothéliales qui démontrent un rôle positif de DEP-1 dans la médiation des réponses angiogéniques, nous avons voulu approfondir nos connaissances sur l’implication potentielle de DEP-1 dans les cellules cancéreuses où l’activité de Src est requise pour la progression tumorale. Malgré le rôle connu de DEP-1 comme suppresseur tumoral dans différents types de cancer, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que DEP-1 pourrait promouvoir les fonctions biologiques dépendantes de Src telles que la migration et l’invasion dans les cellules cancéreuses. Ainsi, nous avons observé que l’expression de DEP-1 est plus élevée dans les lignées basales de cancer du sein qui sont plus invasives comparativement aux lignées luminales peu invasives. Dans les lignées basales, DEP-1 active Src, médie la motilité cellulaire dépendante de Src et régule la localisation des protéines impliquées dans l’organisation du cytosquelette. L’analyse d’un micro-étalage de tissu a révélé que l’expression de DEP-1 est associée avec une réduction tendencielle de survie des patients. Nos résultats proposent donc, un rôle de promoteur tumoral pour DEP-1 dans la progression du cancer du sein. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse démontrent pour la première fois que DEP-1 peut agir comme promoteur des réponses angiogéniques et du phénotype pro-invasif des lignées basales du cancer du sein probablement du à sa capacité d’activer Src. Nos résultats suggèrent ainsi que l’expression de DEP-1 pourrait contribuer à la progression tumorale et la formation de métastases. Ces découvertes laissent donc entrevoir que DEP-1 représente une nouvelle cible thérapeutique potentielle pour contrer l’angiogenèse et le développement du cancer.


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Evolutionary processes play a central role in the development, progression and response to treatment of cancers. The current challenge facing researchers is to harness evolutionary theory to further our understanding of the clinical progression of cancers. Central to this endeavour will be the development of experimental systems and approaches by which theories of cancer evolution can be effectively tested. We argue here that the experimental evolution approach – whereby evolution is observed in real time and which has typically employed microorganisms – can be usefully applied to cancer. This approach allows us to disentangle the ecological causes of natural selection, identify the genetic basis of evolutionary changes and determine their repeatability. Cell cultures used in cancer research share many of the desirable traits that make microorganisms ideal for studying evolution. As such, experimental cancer evolution is feasible and likely to give great insight into the selective pressures driving the evolution of clinically destructive cancer traits. We highlight three areas of evolutionary theory with importance to cancer biology that are amenable to experimental evolution: drug resistance, social evolution and resource competition. Understanding the diversity, persistence and evolution of cancers is vital for treatment and drug development, and an experimental evolution approach could provide strategic directions and focus for future research.


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Background: Novel predictive markers are needed to accurately diagnose the breast cancer patients so they do not need to undergo any unnecessary aggressive therapies. Various gene expression studies based predictive gene signatureshave generated in the recent past to predict the binary estrogen-receptor subclass or to predict the therapy response subclass. However, the existing algorithms comes with many limitations, including low predictive performances over multiple cohorts of patients and non-significant or limited biological roles associated with thepredictive gene signatures. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop novel predictive markers with improved performances.Methods: We propose a novel prediction algorithm called IPA to construct a predictive gene signature for performing multiple prediction tasks of predicting estrogen-receptor based binary subclass and predicting chemotherapy response (neoadjuvantly) based binary subclass. The constructed gene signature with considering multiple classification techniques was used to evaluate the algorithm performance on multiple cohorts of breast cancer patients.Results: The evaluation on multiple validation cohorts demonstrated that proposed algorithm achieved stable and high performance to perform prediction tasks, with consideration given to any classification techniques. We show that the predictive gene signature of our proposed algorithm reflects the mechanisms underlying the estrogen-receptors or response to therapy with significant greater biological interpretations, compared with the other existing algorithm.


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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death and the most common non-skin cancer in men in the USA. Considerable advancements in the practice of medicine have allowed a significant improvement in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease and, in recent years, both incidence and mortality rates have been slightly declining. However, it is still estimated that 1 man in 6 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, and 1 man in 35 will die of the disease. In order to identify novel strategies and effective therapeutic approaches in the fight against prostate cancer, it is imperative to improve our understanding of its complex biology since many aspects of prostate cancer initiation and progression still remain elusive. The study of tumor biomarkers, due to their specific altered expression in tumor versus normal tissue, is a valid tool for elucidating key aspects of cancer biology, and may provide important insights into the molecular mechanisms underlining the tumorigenesis process of prostate cancer. PCA3, is considered the most specific prostate cancer biomarker, however its biological role, until now, remained unknown. PCA3 is a long non-coding RNA (ncRNA) expressed from chromosome 9q21 and its study led us to the discovery of a novel human gene, PC-TSGC, transcribed from the opposite strand and in an antisense orientation to PCA3. With the work presented in this thesis, we demonstrate that PCA3 exerts a negative regulatory role over PC-TSGC, and we propose PC-TSGC to be a new tumor suppressor gene that contrasts the transformation of prostate cells by inhibiting Rho-GTPases signaling pathways. Our findings provide a biological role for PCA3 in prostate cancer and suggest a new mechanism of tumor suppressor gene inactivation mediated by non-coding RNA. Also, the characterization of PCA3 and PC-TSGC led us to propose a new molecular pathway involving both genes in the transformation process of the prostate, thus providing a new piece of the jigsaw puzzle representing the complex biology of prostate cancer.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) develops from multiple progressive modifications of normal intestinal epithelium into adenocarcinoma. Loss of cell polarity has been implicated as an early event in this process, but the molecular players involved are not well known. NHERF1 (Na+/H+ Exchanger Regulatory Factor 1) is an adaptor protein with apical membrane localization in polarized epithelia. In this study, we tested our hypothesis that NHERF1 plays a role in CRC. We examined surgical CRC resection specimens for changes in NHERF1 expression, and modeled these changes in two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) Caco-2 CRC cell systems. NHERF1 had significant alterations from normal to adenoma and carcinoma transitions (2=38.5, d.f.=4, P<0.001), displaying apical membrane localization in normal tissue but loss of expression in adenoma and ectopic overexpression in carcinoma. In Caco-2 cell models, NHERF1 depletion induced epithelial-mesenchymal-transition in 2D cell monolayers and disruption of apical-basal polarity in 3D cyst system. The mesenchymal phenotype of NHERF1-depleted cells was fully restored by re-expression of NHERF1 at the apical membrane. Cytoplasmic and nuclear NHERF1 re-expression not only failed to restore the epithelial phenotype but led to more aggressive phenotypes. Our findings suggest that membrane NHERF1 is an important regulator of epithelial morphogenesis, and that changes in NHERF1 expression correlate with CRC progression. NHERF1 loss and ectopic expression that induce massive disruption of epithelial cell polarity may, thereby, mark important steps in CRC development.


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Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the fourth leading cancer cause of death in the US. Gemcitabine is the first-line therapy for this disease, but unfortunately it shows only very modest benefit. The focus of the current study was to investigate the role and regulation of EphA2, a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed in PDAC, to further understand this disease and identify new therapeutic targets. The role of EphA2 was determined in PDAC by siRNA mediated silencing. In combination with gemcitabine, silencing of EphA2 caused a dramatic increase in apoptosis even in highly resistant cells in vitro. Furthermore, EphA2 silencing was found to be useful in 2 orthotopic models in vivo: 1) shRNA-pretreated Miapaca-2 cells, and 2) in vivo delivery of siRNA to established MPanc96 tumors. Silencing of EphA2 alone reduced tumor growth in Miapaca-2 cells. In MPanc96, only the combination treatment of gemcitabine plus siEphA2 significantly reduced tumor growth, as well as the number of lung and liver metastases. Taken together, these observations support EphA2 as a target for combination therapies for PDAC. The regulation of EphA2 was further explored with a focus on the role of Ras. K-Ras activating mutations are the most important initiating event in PDAC. We demonstrated that Ras regulates EphA2 expression through activation of MEK2 and phosphorylation of ERK. Downstream of ERK, silencing of the transcription factor AP-1 subunit c-Jun or inhibition of the ERK effector RSK caused a decrease in EphA2 expression, supporting their roles in this process. Further examination of Ras/MEK/ERK pathway modulators revealed that PEA-15, a protein that sequesters ERK to the cytoplasm, inhibited expression of EphA2. A significant inverse correlation between EphA2 and PEA-15 levels was observed in mouse models of PDAC. In cells where an EGFR inhibitor reduced phospho-Erk, expression of EphA2 was also reduced, indicating that changes in EphA2 levels may allow monitoring the effectiveness of anti-Ras/MEK/ERK therapies. In conclusion, EphA2 levels may be a good prognostic factor for anti-EGFR/anti-Ras therapies, and EphA2 itself is a relevant target for the development of new therapies.


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EphA2, also known as ECK (epithelial cell kinase), is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that is commonly over-expressed in cancers such as those of the prostate, colon, lung, and breast. For breast cancers, EphA2 overexpression is most prominent in the ER-negative subtype, and is associated with a higher rate of lung metastasis. Studies conducted to demonstrate the role of EphA2 in a non-cancerous environment have shown that it is very important in developmental processes, but not in normal adult tissues. These results make EphA2 a prospective therapeutic target since new therapies are needed for the more aggressive ER-negative breast cancers. A panel of breast cancer cell lines was screened for expression of EphA2 by immunoblotting. Several of the overexpressing cell lines, including BT549, MDA-MB-231, and HCC 1954 were selected for experiments utilizing siRNA for transient knockdown and shRNA for stable knockdown. Targeted knockdown of EphA2 was measured using RT-PCR and immunoblotting techniques. Here, the functions of EphA2 in the process of metastasis have been elucidated using in vitro assays that indicate cancer cell metastatic potential and in vivo studies that reveal the effect of EphA2 on mammary fat pad tumor growth, vessel formation, and the effect of using EphA2-targeting siRNA on pre-established mammary fat pad tumors. A decrease in EphA2 expression both in vitro and in vivo correlated with reduced migration and experimental metastasis of breast cancer cells. Current work is being done to investigate the mechanism behind EphA2’s participation in some of these processes. These studies are important because they have contributed to understanding the role that EphA2 plays in the progression of breast cancers to a metastatic state.


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Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) represents the fourth most common cause of cancer-associated death in the United States. Little progress has been made in understanding how proteotoxic stress affects rapidly proliferating pancreatic tumor cells. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress occurs when protein homeostasis in the ER lumen is perturbed. ER stress activates the unfolded protein response (UPR) to reduce the protein load in the ER. Under conditions of moderate ER stress, the UPR promotes cell cycle arrest which allows time for successful protein load reduction and enables cell survival. However, under conditions of high levels of ER stress the UPR induces cellular apoptosis. In this dissertation, I investigated the role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and its effects on the cell cycle in pancreatic cancer cells. Activation of the unfolded protein response after ER stress induction was determined by comparing expression of key UPR mediators in non-tumorigenic pancreatic ductal cells to pancreatic cancer cells. Two arms of the UPR were assessed: eIF2α/ATF4/CHOP and IRE1α/XBP1s. Pancreatic cancer cells exhibited altered UPR activation characterized by a delay in both phosphorylation of eIF2α and induction of spliced XBP1. Further evaluation of the UPR-mediated effects on cell cycle progression revealed that pancreatic cancer cells showed a compromised ability to inhibit G1 to S phase progression after ER stress. This reduced ability to arrest proliferation was found to be due to an impaired ability to downregulate cyclin D1, a key gatekeeper of the G1/S checkpoint. Abrogation of cyclin D1 repression was mediated through a slow induction of phosphorylation of eIF2α, a critical mediator of translational attenuation in response to ER stress. In conclusion, pancreatic cancer cells demonstrate a globally compromised ability to regulate the unfolded protein response. This deficiency results in reduced cyclin D1 repression through an eIF2α-mediated mechanism. These findings indicate that pancreatic cancer cells have increased tolerance for elevated ER stress compared to normal cells, and this tolerance results in continued tumor cell proliferation under proteotoxic conditions.


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Transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) is a cytokine that plays essential roles in regulating embryonic development and tissue homeostasis. In normal cells, TGF-b exerts an anti-proliferative effect. TGF-b inhibits cell growth by controlling a cytostatic program that includes activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 and repression of c-myc. In contrast to normal cells, many tumors are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b. In several types of tumors, particularly those of gastrointestinal origin, resistance to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b has been attributed to TGF-b receptor or Smad mutations. However, these mutations are absent from many other types of tumors that are resistant to TGF-b-mediated growth inhibition. The transcription factor encoded by the homeobox patterning gene DLX4 is overexpressed in a wide range of malignancies. In this study, I demonstrated that DLX4 blocks the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b by disabling key transcriptional control mechanisms of the TGF-b cytostatic program. Specifically, DLX4 blocked the ability of TGF-b to induce expression of p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 by directly binding to Smad4 and to Sp1. Binding of DLX4 to Smad4 prevented Smad4 from forming transcriptional complexes with Smad2 and Smad3, whereas binding of DLX4 to Sp1 inhibited DNA-binding activity of Sp1. In addition, DLX4 induced expression of c-myc, a repressor of p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 transcription, independently of TGF-b signaling. The ability of DLX4 to counteract key transcriptional control mechanisms of the TGF-b cytostatic program could explain in part the resistance of tumors to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b. This study provides a molecular explanation as to why tumors are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b in the absence of mutations in the TGF-b signaling pathway. Furthermore, this study also provides insights into how aberrant activation of a developmental patterning gene promotes tumor pathogenesis.


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Previous studies have shown that Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) is an important indicator for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of breast cancers. However, the question remains as to the role of ERα in the cell in the presence versus absence of 17-β estradiol In this dissertation the role of ERα in both its unliganded and liganded state, with respect to the cell cycle will be explored. The cell line models used in this project are ER-positive MCF-7 cells with and without siRNA to ERα and ER-positive MDA-MB-231 cells that have been engineered to express ERα. Cells were synchronized and the cell cycle progression was monitored by flow cytometric analysis. Using these methods, two specific questions were addressed: Does ERα modulate the cell cycle differently under liganded versus unliganded conditions? And, does the presence of ERα regulate cell cycle phase transitions? The results show for the first time that ERα is cell cycle regulated and modulates the progression of cells through S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Ligand bound ERα increases progression through S and G2/M phases, whereas unliganded ERα acts as an inhibitor of cell cycle progression. To further investigate the cell cycle regulated effects of liganded ERα, a luciferase assay was performed and showed that the transcription of target genes such as Progestrone Receptor (PgR) and Trefoil protein (pS2) increased duing S and G2/M phases when ERα is bound to ligand. Additionally, complex formation between cyclin B and ER α was shown by immunoprecipitation and led to the discovery that anaphase promoting complex (APC) is the E3 ligase for both cyclin B and ERα at the termination of M phase. Our findings suggest that unliganded ERα has an inhibitory effect on the progression of the cell cycle. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that the combination of drugs that lower estrogen level (such as aromatase inhibitors) and preserves ERα from degradation would provide better outcome for breast cancer treatment. We have shown that APC functions as the E3 ligase for ERα and thus might provide a target to design a specific inhibitor of ERα degradation.


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The extracellular milieu is rich in growth factors that drive tumor progression,but the mechanisms that govern tumor cell sensitivity to those ligands have notbeen fully defined. In this study, we address this question in mice that developmetastatic lung adenocarcinomas through the suppression of the microRNA-200 (miR-200) family. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) enhance tumorgrowth and invasion by secreting VEGF-A that binds to VEGFR1, a processrequired for tumor growth and metastasis in mice and correlated with a poorprognosis in lung adenocarcinoma patients. In this study, we discovered thatmiR-200 blocked CAF-induced tumor cell invasion by directly targetingVEGFR1 in tumor cells. In the context of previous studies, our findings suggestthat the miR-200 family is a point of convergence for diverse biologic processesthat regulate tumor cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis; its target genesixdrive epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (ZEB1 and ZEB2) and promotesensitivity to a potent tumor growth factor emanating from the microenvironment(VEGFR1). Clinical trials should focus not only on the role of VEGFR1 inangiogenesis but also on the expression and activation of VEGFR1 in tumorcells by stromal sources of VEGF-A in the tumor microenvironment as a targetfor metastasis prevention.


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Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal type of cancer due to its high metastasis rate and resistance to chemotherapy. Pancreatic fibrosis is a constant pathological feature of chronic pancreatitis and the hyperactive stroma associated with pancreatic cancer. Strong evidence supports an important role of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and COX-2 generated prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) during pancreatic fibrosis. Pancreatic stellate cells (PSC) are the predominant source of extracellular matrix production (ECM), thus being the key players in both diseases. Given this background, the primary objective is to delineate the role of PGE2 on human pancreatic stellate cells (PSC) hyper activation associated with pancreatic cancer. This study showed that human PSC cells express COX-2 and synthesize high levels of PGE2. PGE2 stimulated PSC migration and invasion; expression of extra cellular matrix (ECM) genes and tissue degrading matrix metallo proteinases (MMP) genes. I further identified the PGE2 EP receptor responsible for mediating these effects on PSC. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches I identified the receptor required for PGE2 mediates PSC hyper activation. Treating PSC with Specific antagonists against EP1, EP2 and EP4, demonstrated that blocking EP4 receptor only, resulted in a complete reduction of PGE2 mediated PSC activation. Furthermore, siRNA mediated silencing of EP4, but not other EP receptors, blocked the effects of PGE2 on PSC fibrogenic activity. Further examination of the downstream pathway modulators revealed that PGE2 stimulation of PSC involved CREB and not AKT pathway. The regulation of PSC by PGE2 was further investigated at the molecular level, with a focus on COL1A1. Collagen I deposition by PSC is one of the most important events in pancreatic cancer. I found that PGE2 regulates PSC through activation of COL1A1 expression and transcriptional activity. Downstream of PGE2, silencing of EP4 receptor caused a complete reduction of COL1A1 expression and activity supporting the role of EP4 mediated stimulation of PSC. Taken together, this data indicate that PGE2 regulates PSC via EP4 and suggest that EP4 can be a better therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer to reduce the extensive stromal reaction, possibly in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs can further kill pancreatic cancer cells.


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Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is a critical component of the cellular response to DNA damage, where it acts as a damage sensor, and signals to a large network of proteins which execute the important tasks involved in responding to the damage, namely inducing cell cycle checkpoints, inducing DNA repair, modulating transcriptional responses, and regulating cell death pathways if the damage cannot be repaired faithfully. We have now discovered that an additional novel component of this ATM-dependent damage response involves induction of autophagy in response to oxidative stress. In contrast to DNA damage-induced ATM activation however, oxidative stress induced ATM, occurs in the cytoplasm, and does not require nuclear-to-cytoplasmic shuttling of ATM. Using several cell culture systems including MCF7 breast carcinoma cells, SKOV3 ovarian cancer cells, and various lineages of mouse embryonic fibroblasts, we showed that once activated by reactive oxygen species (ROS), ATM signals to mTORC1 to induce autophagy via the LKB1-AMPK-TSC2 pathway. Targeting dysregulation of mTORC1 in Atm-deficient mice, which succumb to lymphomagenesis within 3-4 months of age with daily administration of rapamycin, could significantly extend survival and cause regression of tumors, suggesting that pharmacologically targeting this pathway has therapeutic implications in cancer. We also identified a second contrasting pathway for DNA damage-induced mTORC1 repression which does not require AMPK activation, but does require ATM and TSC2. Several potential mechanisms including mTOR localization and p53-mediated pathways were ruled out however we identified that TSC2 may be an additional cytoplasmic direct ATM substrate that is engaged in response to DNA damage specifically. Lastly, a study was performed to examine whether autophagy induced by ovarian cancer therapeutics (focusing on cisplatin, since paclitaxel does not induce autophagy in the SKOV3 cell line model we used) plays a role in resistance to therapy since autophagy can play both pro-survival mechanisms or be a mechanism of cell death. Using a genetic approach to knock-down Atg5 expression with shRNA in SKOV3 ovarian carcinoma cells, we compared the cytotoxicity of cisplatin in vector or Atg5 knock-down cells, and demonstrated that autophagy does not play any significant role in the response to cisplatin in this cell line.