181 resultados para Cabbage looper.
The fermentation characteristics of six specific types of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) were examined, with an emphasis on properties that are needed when designing plug-flow type anaerobic bioreactors. More specifically, the decomposition patterns of a vegetable (cabbage), fruits (banana and citrus peels), fresh leaf litter of bamboo and teak leaves, and paper (newsprint) waste streams as feedstocks were studied. Individual OFMSW components were placed into nylon mesh bags and subjected to various fermentation periods (solids retention time, SRT) within the inlet of a functioning plug-flow biogas fermentor. These were removed at periodic intervals, and their composition was analyzed to monitor decomposition rates and changes in chemical composition. Components like cabbage waste, banana peels, and orange peels fermented rapidly both in a plug-flow biogas reactor (PFBR) as well as under a biological methane potential (BMP) assay, while other OFMSW components (leaf litter from bamboo and teak leaves and newsprint) fermented slowly with poor process stability and moderate biodegradation. For fruit and vegetable wastes (FVW), a rapid and efficient removal of pectins is the main cause of rapid disintegration of these feedstocks, which left behind very little compost forming residues (2–5%). Teak and bamboo leaves and newsprint decomposed only to 25–50% in 30 d. These results confirm the potential for volatile fatty acids accumulation in a PFBR’s inlet and suggest a modification of the inlet zone or operation of a PFBR with the above feedstocks.
Approximately 30% of plant nuclear genes appear to encode proteins targeted to the plastids or endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The signals that direct proteins into these compartments are diverse in sequence, but, on the basis of a limited number of tests in heterologous systems, they appear to be functionally conserved across species. To further test the generality of this conclusion, we tested the ability of two plastid transit peptides and an ER signal peptide to target green fluorescent protein (GFP) in 12 crops, including three monocots (barley, sugarcane, wheat) and nine dicots (Arabidopsis, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, lettuce, radish, tobacco, turnip). In all species, transient assays following microprojectile bombardment or vacuum infiltration using Agrobacterium showed that the plastid transit peptides from tomato DCL (defective chloroplast and leaves) and tobacco RbcS [ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) small subunit] genes were effective in targeting GFP to the leaf plastids. GFP engineered as a fusion to the N-terminal ER signal peptide from Arabidopsis basic chitinase and a C-terminal HDEL signal for protein retention in the ER was accumulated in the ER of all species. The results in tobacco were confirmed in stably transformed cells. These signal sequences should be useful to direct proteins to the plastid stroma or ER lumen in diverse plant species of biotechnological interest for the accumulation of particular recombinant proteins or for the modification of particular metabolic streams.
Glucosinolates are a group of sulphur-containing glycosides found in the plant order Brassicales which includes the Brassica vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. When brought into contact with the plant enzymes, myrosinases, the glucosinolates break down releasing glucose and other products which serve principally in plant defence against herbivores. The most important of the products from a human nutritional viewpoint, are the isothiocyanates. These potent inducers of detoxifying enzymes bestow the distinct anti-cancer properties on these plants. Unique among tropical fruits, papaya is known to contain an abundance of one particular glucosinolate, glucotropaeolin. Other compounds that play a pivotal role in the chemical defence system of many plants are the cyanogenic glycosides. Cyanogenic glycosides are activated by plant enzymes in the event of pest attack, releasing the deterrent: toxic hydrogen cyanide. Papaya, in addition to glucosinolates, also contains low levels of cyanogenic glycosides, an unusual occurrence because it was assumed that the two classes of metabolites were mutually exclusive. Studies measuring the levels of both in the edible parts of the papaya fruit and other utilised tissues are discussed and considered in the context of potential human health ramifications. All rights reserved, Elsevier.
Spiders are thought to play a significant role in limiting pest outbreaks in agroecosystems such as vineyards, orchards and cotton. The diversity and impact of spiders in vegetable crops are less well understood, although there is evidence that predators may be important for suppression of lepidopteran pests in Brassica crops, particularly early in the season before parasitoids become established. Sampling was conducted in early season plantings of Brassicas in the Lockyer Valley (South East Queensland, Australia) in order to determine the most commonly occurring spider families. The most numerous were Theridiidae, which were more strongly associated with cauliflower and poorly associated with cabbage. The Lycosidae and Clubionidae/Miturgidae (formerly in the ‘catch-all’ family Clubionidae) also occurred commonly. Lycosidae (and to a lesser extent Salticidae) had above average abundance in Chinese cabbage and below average abundance in broccoli compared with average abundance for these spider families; Clubionidae/Miturgidae had above average abundance in cauliflower. Laboratory studies were then conducted to explore the predatory capacity of these three most commonly occurring spider families. All three were capable of feeding on larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus), and cabbage cluster caterpillar, Crocidolomia pavonana (Fabricius), under laboratory conditions. Theridiidae, which are thought to prey on small pests such as leafhoppers and aphids, were able to successfully attack larvae up to five times their body size. Predation rates varied from an average of 1.7 (SE = 0.47) (1.6 control corrected) larvae consumed over a 24 h period in the case of the Theridiidae, to 3.3 (SE = 0.60) larvae for the Clubionidae/Miturgidae.
Metsäteollisuudesta kertyy vuosittain suuria määriä ylijäämämateriaalia, kuten puun kuorta ja oksia.Ylimääräinen aines käytetään pääasiassa energiantuotantoon, mutta uusia soveltamismahdollisuuksia kaivataan. Kuoren on havaittu olevan potentiaalinen lähde monille bioaktiivisille yhdisteille, joille olisi käyttöä esimerkiksi lääke- ja kemianteollisuudessa sekä maa-, metsä- ja puutarhatuotannon tuholaistorjunnassa. Tutkimus on osa Euroopan Unionin rahoittamaa ForestSpeCs-projektia, jonka tarkoituksena on selvittää metsäteollisuuden ylijäämämateriaalien vaihtoehtoisia käyttötapoja. Valittujen kymmenen teollisesti merkittävän pohjoisen puulajin (Abies nephrolepis, Betula pendula, Larix decidua, L. gmelinii, L. sibirica, Picea abies, P. ajanensis, P. pumila, Pinus sylvestris, Populus tremula) kuoresta uutettujen aineiden soveltuvuutta syönninestoaineeksi testattiin kaaliperhosen (Pieris brassicae L.) ja krysanteemiyökkösen (Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval) toukilla sekä osittain sinappikuoriaisella (Phaedon cochloreae Fabricius) ja idänlehtikuoriaisella (Agelastica alni L.). Uutteet valmistettiin yhteistyössä projektin ryhmien avulla tai itsenäisesti erilaisin menetelmin. Testaukset tehtiin laboratorio-oloissa käyttäen lehtikiekkojen valintabiotestiä sekä karkeilla uutteilla että niistä erotelluilla yksittäisillä yhdisteillä. Tehdyistä mittauksista laskettiin syönninestoindeksit (FDI). Tulosten perusteella lähes kaikki testatut uutteet vaikuttivat ainakin jossain määrin kohdehyönteisen syöntikäyttäytymiseen. Hieman yli puolet kaaliperhosella testatuista 46 uutteesta aiheuttivat yli 50 % syönnineston eli kaaliperhonen suosi kontrollilehtiä uutteella käsiteltyjä todennäköisemmin. Krysanteemiyökkösellä yli 50 %:n syönnineston aiheuttivat vain seitsemän testatuista 56 uutteesta. Lisäksi kolme uutetta lisäsi käsiteltyjen kiekkojen syöntiä merkittävästi. Idänlehtikuoriaistoukat ja -aikuiset karttoivat erityisesti abietiinihapolla käsiteltyjä lehtiä. Sinappikuoriaisella testatut uutteet toimivat myös lupaavasti. Testattujen puulajien kuoresta on mahdollista uuttaa biologisesti aktiivisia yhdisteitä, mutta tuholaistorjunnan kannalta oikeiden pitoisuuksien ja tehokkaiden uuttomenetelmien löytäminen vaatii jatkotutkimuksia. Kuoren sisältämien yhdisteiden laatu ja määrä vaihtelevat monien tekijöiden, kuten ympäristön ja genetiikan vaikutuksesta. Hyönteisten sietokyky vaihtelee myös paljon lajeittain ja yksilöidenkin välillä on eroja. Uutteista valmistettavia torjunta-aineita olisi kuitenkin mahdollista sisällyttää esimerkiksi integroituun torjuntaan muiden menetelmien rinnalle tulevaisuudessa.
Charles M. Breder and his wife Ethel spent part of the summer of 1942 at the Palmetto Key field station, known today as Cabbage Key, on the west coast of Florida south of Charlotte Harbor. The Palmetto Key field station began in 1938 and ended in 1942 because of World War II. His Palmetto Key diary ran for 95 pages of notes, tables, diagrams, drawings, lists, and business records and this report presents a variety of fascinating entries. Diaries from other years all bear Breder's style of discipline, curiosity, humor, and speculations on nature. The diary was transcribed as part of the Coastal Estuarine Data/Document Rescue and Archeology effort for South Florida. (PDF contaons 24 pages)
Os pesticidas etileno-bis-ditiocarbamatos da classe dos ditiocarbamatos estão entre os fungicidas mais empregados em todo o mundo para o controle de pragas. Muitos métodos para determinar ditiocarbamatos são baseados na hidrólise ácida em presença de cloreto estanoso e análise do CS2 gerado por diferentes técnicas. Nesse contexto, constituiram em objetivos do presente trabalho, como primeira etapa, o estudo de condições adequadas à estocagem de amostras de solo, e como segunda etapa, a avaliação das taxas de degradação e de lixiviação do fungicida mancozebe num cambissolo distrófico através do método espectrofotométrico. O sítio de estudo foi uma área delimitada de 36 m2, de uma cultura de couve, localizada em São Lourenço no 3 distrito do município de Nova Friburgo-RJ. As análises foram realizadas no laboratório de tecnologia ambiental (LABTAM/UERJ). Na primeira etapa, duas sub-amostras de solo contaminadas com mancozebe foram submetidas a tratamento com cloridrato de L-cisteina e estocadas às temperaturas ambiente e de -20C, sendo posteriormente analisadas em intervalos de 1, 7, 15 e 35 dias após a aplicação do fungicida. Outras duas sub-amostras não tratadas com cloridrato de L-cisteina foram submetidas às mesmas condições de temperatura e analisadas nos mesmos intervalos de tempo. Na segunda etapa, foi efetuada a aplicação do fungicida MANZATE 800 (Dupont Brasil, 80% mancozebe) na dose recomendada de 3,0 Kg ha-1 e coletadas amostras do solo nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm em intervalos de 2,5,8,12,15,18 e 35 dias após aplicação. As amostras de cada profundidade foram tratadas com cloridrato de L-cisteina e acondicionadas sob temperatura de -20C. Através dos resultados obtidos na primeira etapa, pôde-se concluir que o tratamento com cisteina foi eficaz para conservação do analito, tanto para a amostra mantida a -20C quanto para a amostra mantida à temperatura ambiente. Os dados obtidos na segunda etapa do estudo mostraram que mancozebe apresentou comportamento semelhante ao descrito na literatura, para persistência no solo. Os resultados de lixiviação mostraram que nas condições pelas quais foi conduzido o experimento, resíduos de mancozebe foram detectados em profundidades de até 40 cm, porém através dos modelos de potencial de lixiviação, concluiu-se que o fungicida não oferece risco de contaminação de águas subterrâneas
The hatching rates of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) eggs on four natural substrates: the roots of Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes), water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), pond weed (Ceratophyllum dermasum) and green grass leaves (Commelina sp.), and four artificial substrates: sisal mats, nylon mats, papyrus mats and kakaban mats, was assessed. Concrete slabs were used as control. The natural substrates performed better than the artificial ones. Pistia roots gave the best mean hatching rate of 66.2 ± 3.62%. Green grass leaves were second with a mean rate of 54.0 ± 3.46%, water hyacinth was third with 49.7 ± 3.16% and Ceratophyllum fourth with a mean of 13.0 ± 2.37%. Concrete slabs gave a mean rate of 18.6 ± 2.8%, sisal mats 18.6 ± 2.0%, papyrus 12.2 ± 1.2% and kakaban 11.8 ± 1.9%. Nylon mats were the last, with a mean rate of 4.0 ± 0.7%. The best performing natural substrates were those with the ability to float and thin fibrous roots that seemed to allow higher aeration of the eggs during incubation. The cost of using natural substrates was minimal.
The results of experiments conducted on a pond dyke (655m²) in the Wastewater Aquaculture Division of the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Rahara, during 1992-93 for maximising production through optimum utilisation of resources are communicated. Round the year intensive cultivation of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus and A. viridus), water-bind weed (Ipomea aquatica), Indian spinach (Basella rubra), radish (Raphanus sativum), amaranth (Amaranthus viridis), cauliflower (Brassica oleracia var. votrytis), cabbage (Brassica oleracia var. capitota) and papaya (Carica papaya) was undertaken using the treated sewage water from fish ponds for irrigation. The pond dyke yielded 5,626.5 kg vegetable which worked out to 85.9 tons per ha per year. Multiple cropping with these vegetables excluding papaya on a 460 m² dyke recorded a production of 4,926.5 kg at the rate of 107.1t per ha/yr. An improved yearly net return of about 35% over investment could be achieved through the selection of highly productive and pest resistant vegetable crops of longer duration for integration into the system. Introduction of this type of integrated farming would enhance the overall productivity and returns from farming.
The results of two sets of experiments on mono-culture of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and mixed culture of carps (grass carp 50 : catla 20 : rohu 15 : mrigal 15) fed exclusively with vegetable leaves are reported. The experiments were conducted with two replicates each in 0.02 ha ponds of Wastewater Aquaculture Division of the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Rahara during 1991-93. Monoculture of grass carp stocked at 1000/ha demonstrated an average net production of 21.0 kg/ 0.02 ha/8 months (1501 kg/ha/yr). Mixed culture of carps stocked at 5000 /ha recorded an average net production of 22.5 kg/0.02 ha/8 months (1903.7 kg/ha/yr). Field studies revealed that water bind weed (Ipomoea aquatica) is the most preferred feed of grass carp amongst vegetable leaves followed by amaranths (Amaranthus gangeticus and Amaranthus viridis), cauliflower (Brassica oleracia var. votrytis) and cabbage (Brassica oleracia var. capitata) leaves. Through selection of highly productive leaf vegetables and suitable crop planning on fallow fish pond dykes, round the year feeding programme of grass carp has been explored. Recycling of sewage effluent for vegetable production and utilisation of vegetable leaves for fish production is considered an ideal way of integrated resource management for low cost production.
Aquaculture in Tanzania is still on a subsistence level and most of the ponds are maintained as part time job. The ponds are too small, shallow and over crowded with stunted Tilapia spp. In the present paper the results of experiments conducted in ponds at Nyegezi with T. esculenta and T. zillii are presented. This was part of an overall project of developing techniques of fish cultures with Tilapia under the limited existing conditions at Nyegezi. In a mono - species culture experiement with Tilapia zillii in nine month's time an average size of 172.8 mm/115.0 g was attained. In another experiment with T. zillii and T. esculenta in thirteen month's time, T. zillii attained an average size of 180.2mm/106.6 g and T. esculenta 193.6 mm/118.8 g. In another experiment with intensive feeding schedule an average size of 179.3 mm/126.6 g was attained by T. zillii and 191.0 mm/125.0 g by T. esculenta in four month's time. A locally prepared supplimentary feed with local Brewery Waste and Fish Meal (10:1) was readily accepted by both species of Tilapia. T. zillii voraciously fed on Cabbage leaves, Cauliflower leaves, Chinese cabbage leaves, Cassava leaves and on the common weed Comalina sp. Though all the items mentioned above were readily accepted by T. zillii feeding with Comaltna sp. was the easiest and most convenient because of its availability. In an intensive feeding experiment with vegetable leaves/Comalina sp. and the locally prepared supplimentary feed the fishes attained table size in four months time. Cement cistens of 5 X 3 X 1½ m size could be conveniently used for breeding both species of Tilapia. T. zillii had semi adhesive eggs and they were deposited on the sides of the cement wall. The number of young ones in a brood ranged from 160 to 314 in T. esculenta and 687 to 4,356 in T. zillii.
This paper highlights the results of a 12 month's ecological study of macrophytes and their role in the economy of the lower Sondu-Miriu river of Lake Victoria. A total of 34 species of aquatic macrophytes were identified. These were grouped as emergent, floating leaved, free floating and submersed. The major community type identified were dominated by Cladium jamaicanse (Crantz) Kurk., Cyperus paprus (L.) and Cyperus latifolius (Poir). The study observed an over dependence on macrophytes by the local community for the supply of bedding, grazing fields, fuel, roofing and other building materials. The white (heart) of Typha shoot, Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes and a legume solanum nigrum traditionally known as "osuga" are used as vegetables by local community. The only source of protein in this arid region is the fish caught in the swamps and birds which inhabit the swamp. The swamp provides the only source of green pasture in the dry season for the animals. An export oriented economy has developed involving mat making and basket weaving with exports reaching as far as Japan. The study proposes a rational and sustainable exploitation of the littoral zone to support the adjacent rural community.
采用盆栽试验,研究了两种高分子化合物聚丙烯酸钠(sodium polyacrylate,SP)与聚丙烯酰胺(Polyacrylamide,PAM)对甘蓝生长的影响。结果表明:在土壤中施入2/1000的两种高分子材料均能抑制土壤蒸发,砂土、粘土蒸发强度分别较对照降低35.5%、22.8%;甘蓝叶绿素受两种材料的影响不显著,受肥料影响较大;两种高分子材料施入土壤中增加了甘蓝产量、降低了根冠比,地上、地下生物量砂土较对照分别增加了61.1%、16.1%,粘土分别增加了55.2%、28.7%,根冠比砂土较对照平均降低了26.9%,粘土降低16%;PAM与SP使砂土容重较对照降低了13.9%,而粘土仅降低了4.1%;单施高分子处理水分利用效率平均较对照增加59.1%,与肥料混合使用时增加77.1%。总体来看,PAM与SP作用效果相近。
随着工农业的快速发展,土壤重金属污染问题日益严重,在我国东北,大面积的蔬菜种植地受到Cd、Pb的污染。大白菜在东北地区一直得到广泛种植,然而,Cd、Pb单一及复合污染对这一地区大白菜的胁迫效应仍然缺乏系统的研究。本研究以辽宁省普遍种植的四种大白菜(抗病金春KB、东洋春夏DY、青绿王QL、强势QS)为对象,用发芽实验、砂培实验和盆栽实验,研究了Cd、Pb单一及复合胁迫下大白菜的生理生化变化。 在发芽阶段,Cd、Pb单一及复合胁迫下,重金属浓度与根长、芽长和生物量抑制率间呈极显著线性相关,根伸长对Cd、Pb的毒害最敏感。KB对Cd毒害的抗性最强,DY对Pb单一和Cd、Pb复合胁迫的抗性最强,而QS对Cd、Pb单一及复合胁迫的抗性最弱。Cd、Pb复合胁迫时,对根伸长、芽伸长和生物量抑制的联合作用类型都为相加作用。 砂培实验中,在Cd、Pb浓度较低时,4种大白菜超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性及丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性蛋白(SP)、脯氨酸(PRO)含量都不同程度提高,但是随Cd、Pb浓度的提高,各生理过程受到抑制。KB和QS中PRO的含量约是DY和QL中的2-3倍,高PRO累积量很可能是Cd、Pb耐性大白菜品种所具有的特点。 盆栽实验中,在各生长时期,抗氧化酶活性、抗坏血酸(AsA)和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH),及可溶性糖和SP的含量随Cd、Pb浓度的提高先升高后下降。硝态氮的含量基本随Cd、Pb浓度的提高而上升。在整个实验期间,KB和QS中MDA都保持较低的水平,KB对Cd、Pb的耐性主要是由于其体内PRO及AsA、GSH等抗氧化剂的累积;而GSH和可溶性糖对QS的Cd、Pb耐性起重要作用。QL和DY中MDA的含量要高于KB和QS,它们体内的抗氧化酶活性,及PRO、AsA和GSH含量在某个生长时期会达到较高的水平,但是与KB和QS相比,这些变化并不稳定,所以比KB和QS对Cd、Pb的耐性要弱。
随着工农业的快速发展,土壤重金属尤其Cd和Pb污染日益严重。筛选和培育具有重金属低积累特性的农作物排异品种被认为是当前应对土壤重金属污染最为合理和有效的途径之一。本文通过盆栽试验、大田试验和砂培试验,研究了大白菜品种对Cd和Pb的吸收和积累的品种差异、对Cd、Pb胁迫的响应以及大白菜安全生产的调控技术,得出以下结论: 1) 盆栽梯度试验中,80种大白菜地上部对Cd的吸收存在显著差异(p < 0.05)。在3种Cd处理下(1.0, 2.5和5.0 mg/kg),80种大白菜Cd含量浓度范围分别为(mg/kg) 0.22–2.46, 0.90–14.10和2.03–18.01, 其平均值分别为 0.79, 3.76 和6.79 mg/kg DW。大白菜对Cd胁迫具有较强的耐性。大田试验中,15种大白菜的富集系数和转运系数与盆栽梯度试验的结果基本一致。排异植物的筛选和鉴定标准包括:(1)该植物的地上部和根部的Cd含量都很低或者可食部位低于有关标准;(2) 富集系数(BF) < 1.0;(3) 转运系数(TF) < 1.0;(4)该植物具有较高的Cd耐性,在较高的Cd污染下能够正常生长且生物量无显著下降。采用此标准,结合盆栽梯度试验和大田试验结果,北京新3号、绿星70和丰源新3号可鉴定为Cd排异品种。秋傲和赛新5号具有排异Cd特性,但其对Cd的耐性较差。 2) 盆栽梯度试验中,在Pb投加浓度为500和1500 mg/kg处理下,30种大白菜地上部对Pb的吸收存在显著差异 (p < 0.05),其Pb浓度的范围分别为:0.52–8.68 和1.86–16.20 mg/kg, 其平均值分别为3.01 和6.87 mg/kg DW。并且,随着Pb浓度的增加,白菜地上部Pb含量有随之增加的趋势。大白菜对Pb具有较强的耐性。低浓度的Pb处理对大白菜的生物具有一定的促进作用。结合盆栽试验和大田试验的结果,秋傲、世博秋抗和福星80可鉴定为Pb排异大白菜品种。 3) 砂培试验中,在Cd和Pb胁迫下,大白菜地上部的丙二醛(MDA)含量增加,随着Cd处理浓度的增加,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性呈现先下降后上升接着下降的趋势,酸菜王的SOD活性要高于北京新3号SOD的活性。随着Pb处理浓度的增加,福星80地上部的SOD活性随之增加,而绿星大棵菜地上部的SOD活性先下降后增加。在不同梯度的Cd处理下,大白菜地上部的可溶性蛋白(SP)含量未见显著降低,甚至有所增加,而在不同梯度的Pb处理下,大白菜地上部的SP含量有所降低。 4) 施用改良剂可升高土壤的pH值和降低土壤中的有效态Cd,从而对大白菜的生长具有促进作用。施用改良剂可显著降低大白菜对Cd和Pb的吸收和累积。