83 resultados para CULTIVATIONS


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With the aim of evaluating the effect of intercropping on the productivity of beet and roquette crops, a study was conducted in the Section of Vegetable and Aromatic-Medicinal Plants, FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal/SP. The treatments consisted of co-cultivations of roquette (Cultivada) and beets (Early Wonder) established at 0, 7, 14 and 21 days after the transplanting of beets, and as monocultures of beets and roquette. The experiments were delineated in a randomized block design. The productivity of beets in monoculture was not superior to that obtained with intercropping with roquette. The production of dry mass of roquette with intercropping was less than that with monoculture and the reduction was more marked with more delayed establishment of co-cultivation. Intercropping established at 0 and 7 days after the transplanting of beets was the most efficient, with indices of efficient use of land of 1.26 and 1.27, respectively.


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In order to evaluate the flying capacity and nest site selection of Angiopolybia pallens (Lepeletier, 1836), we made 17 incursions (136 hours of sample efforts) in Atlantic Rain Forest environments in Bahia state. Our data show this wasp prefers to nest on wide leaves of bushes and short trees (nests between 0.30 and 3m from the ground) placed in half-shady environments (clearings and shadowed cultivations). The logistic regression model using Quasi-Newton method provided a good description of the flying capacity observed in A. pallens (x 2 = 91.52; p≪0.001). According to the logistic regression model, the A. pallens flight autonomy is low, flying for short distances and with an effective radius of action of about 24m measured from their nests, which means a foraging area of nearly 1,800 m 2.


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A mark-recapture study of a snake assemblage using pitfall traps with drift fences was carried out in a disturbed grassland environment (e.g. cattle breeding and cultivations), located in the Pampa Biome, in the central region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. From February 2001 to January 2004 we caught 272 snakes belonging to 20 species from the following families: Elapidae (5%), Viperidae (10%), and Colubridae (85%). The assemblage had a unimodal seasonal pattern of activity, and the highest number of captures occurred between September and May. There was a positive and significant correlation between the number of captures and monthly minimum and maximum average temperatures. Recruitment was observed from January to April. During the study, the area was affected by human activities, which altered the community structure: Pseudablabes agassizii was negatively affected by habitat devastation while Liophis poecilogyrus took advantage of this. Our results reinforced the impression that Pseudablabes agassizii is a habitat specialist species. We extend the understanding of the susceptibility of this species to environmental destruction in open natural environments of South America, and propose its use as a potential bio-indicator of the Pampa biome. We also discuss the importance of conservation strategies for snakes in grasslands of southern Brazil. © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2007.


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The ideal size precision of the foliar sample determines manual work optimization, and also diminishes inherent errors in diagnosis reports of nutritional state. This work aimed to determine the size of the foliar samples and the sample error variation in guava plantations submitted to two hydric cultivations for the nutritional state diagnosis of this fruit. The work included two studies, both under an entirely randomized experimental design. Study 1 was carried out in an orchard under unirrigated cultivation with four treatments and six repetitions that consisted of leaf collection in 5, 10, 20 and 40 plants. Study 2 was carried out in an orchard under irrigated cultivation with five treatments and 10 repetitions that consisted of leaf collection in 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 guava plants. It was concluded that in unirrigated orchards it is necessary to sample leaves in 40 plants in order to keep the macronutrients sample error between 5 to 10%. For the micronutrients, on the other hand, at least 40 plants were necessary and, if Fe and Zn were considered, the sample must be even larger. In irrigated orchards, leaves deriving from 10 plants were enough to keep the sample error between 5 to 10%. However, considering the micronutrients, it was necessary to sample 20 guava plants.


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The rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) is an exotic fruit with great market potential in Brazil. However, there are few available informations about plants with potential for cultivation, because great morphologic variation is observed among plants and for consequence, little uniformity in the orchards and in the fruits. This research had for objective to evaluate the genetic diversity of a collection of rambutan plants obtained by seeds through morfo-chemical analyses of plants and fruits and by fAFLP molecular markers, to indication of promising materials to be used in new plantings of the culture in the São Paulo State. Was verified that both markers, morphologic and molecular, were efficient in the distinction of varieties, showing the presence of genetic variability among the plants of this study. Was also verified that the materials A51 and B03 presented a larger group of desirable characteristics for new cultivations of the fruitful.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La agrobiodiversidad presente en playas y barreales de la Amazonía Peruana fue estudiada en Muyuy, sector ubicado a tres horas de la ciudad de Iquitos, capital de La Región Loreto. El objetivo de trabajo fue orientado a medir la agrobiodiversidad en estos ambientes dinámicos y su contribución en la economía familiar ribereña. Primeramente, vemos que la actividad agrícola practicada en playas y barreales se da a través de un rol de producción con cultivos de corto periodo vegetativo (arroz, caupí, maní, etc.); esto para disminuir el riesgo provocado por los repiquetes o el nuevo ciclo anual de inundación. Datos levantados en las campañas agrícolas de 1999 y 2004, permiten identificar el establecimiento de 9 y 2 cultivos respectivamente, esta variación se debe al diferente comportamiento de inundación; variación que a la vez influencia la formación de diferentes ambientes como playas y barreales: altos, medios, y bajos. A continuación, vemos que el ambiente de barreal óptimo para la producción de arroz, fue promocionado con créditos agrícolas - 2004; esto implicó consecuentemente la incursión de variedades certificadas o tardías (Inti, Ecoarroz, Jar, Capirona, y Amor 107), sensibles a una inundabilidad rápida como la sucedida en la campaña agrícola 2004. Los resultados muestran que las comunidades SPC, ODN, TPZ, CON y DDM beneficiadas con los créditos y afectadas por la inundabilidad, consiguieron rescatar hasta un 10% de la producción esperada del arroz; aquí, también se encuentran casos de agricultores de las comunidades DDM y MAZ empleando variedades precoces no promocionadas como el Milagrito, consiguiendo rescatar de 50 a 60 % de la producción. Los agricultores que establecieron caupí en playas consiguieron aprovechar aproximadamente 10% de la producción esperada. La inundación que afectó los cultivos cerca al periodo de cosecha creó ambientes propicios para la alimentación y protección de algunas especies de peces y tortugas, esto a la vez aumentó los factores o recursos de aprovechamiento para los agricultores; aquí, se ejecutó la labor de pesca tanto para el consumo general y la comercialización por parte de algunos casos encontrados en las comunidades estudiadas, el más representativo como la familia 11 muestra que a partir de esta labor de pesca consiguió el 2.9% de recuperación en base al cálculo rentable de los cultivos establecidos; y de la captura de tortugas el 3.1%. Se concluye que los cultivos perdidos por inundabilidad pueden ser recuperados en porcentajes más significativos, si se usara manejos adecuados sin alterar los ambientes de producción como ocurre con la aplicación de agroquímicos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)