960 resultados para CRITICAL ASPECTS


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A preocupação com a qualidade do ensino online tem vindo a aumentar, emconsequência da expansão de cursos na Internet que, frequentemente, possuem um fraco ou nulo interesse de aprendizagem. Com o desígnio demudar o rumo é necessário avaliar para que se tome consciência dos errosque se cometem e das verdadeiras potencialidades deste modelo de ensino. O intuito desta dissertação foi elaborar uma avaliação da parte curricular doMestrado em Multimédia em Educação 2002/2004, que decorreu naUniversidade de Aveiro e, com suporte nesse trabalho, propor um referencial para a avaliação de acções de pós-graduação que utilizem um modelo de ensino baseado em tecnologias eLearning. A avaliação do presente Mestrado surge da necessidade de aferir qual o realimpacto do modelo de ensino utilizado, pois pela primeira vez em Portugal foi leccionado um curso de pós-graduação com base em suportes tecnológicos, que permitiam, aos alunos e professores, a construção de conhecimento sema necessidade permanente da presença física numa sala de aula. Para possibilitar esta avaliação foi necessário construir um referencial contendo aspectos que influenciaram no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O estudo foi efectuado tendo em conta a percepção dos intervenientes, que foirecolhida através de questionários, e da análise dos registos da plataforma,que suportou, em termos tecnológicos, a maioria das comunicações viaInternet. Para avaliar é fundamental saber o que se pretende analisar, por conseguinteao longo deste projecto foi elaborado um referencial que suporta todo oprocesso de avaliação. As suas categorias são as seguintes: perfil dos alunos, modelo de aprendizagem, atitudes dos intervenientes, pedagogia, tecnologia, aspectos logísticos e apreciação global. Para especificar cada categoria foram delineadas algumas dimensões,que, por sua vez, foram mensuradas a partir de um conjunto de indicadores. Esta dissertação tem a pretensão de oferecer uma ferramenta avaliativa para todos aqueles que de alguma forma interfiram no processo de ensino online, possibilitando a tomada de consciência dos aspectos críticos que devem ser ponderados em toda a acção educativa. ABSTRACT: The concern with the quality of education online has come to increase, inconsequence of the expansion of courses in the Internet that, frequently, possess a weak or null interest of learning. With the design to change the pathit is necessary to evaluate so that if it takes conscience of the errors that ifcommit and the true potentialities of this model of education. The intentionof this dissertation was to elaborate an evaluation of curricularpart of the Master’s in Multimedia in Education 2002/2004, that it elapsed in the University of Aveiro and, with base in this work, to consider a referential for theevaluation of after-graduation eventsthat use a model of education based on technologies eLearning. The evaluation of the Master’s appears of the necessity to survey which the real impact of the model of used education, therefore in Portugal a after-graduation course was teach for the first time on the basis of technological supports, that the student and teachers allowed to the construction ofknowledge without the permanent necessity of the physical presence in aclassroom. To make possible this evaluation was necessary to construct a referential contend aspects that had influenced in the teaching/apprenticeship process. The study it was realize having in account the perception of the intervenient,that it was collected through questionnaire, and the analysis of the registers of the platform,that it supported, in technological terms, the majority of thecommunications trough Internet. To evaluate it is basic to know what if it intends to analyze, therefore to long ofthis project was elaborated a referential that supports the evaluation process all. Its categories are the following ones: profile of the students, attitudes ofintervenient, model of learning, pedagogy, technology, logistic aspects, and global appreciation. To specify each category some dimensions had been delineated, which,for its time, had been observed from a set of indicators. This dissertation has the pretension to offer to a tool for all those that of someform intervene with the education process online, making possible the taking of conscience of the critical aspects that must be weighed in the entire educativeevents.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (TIC na Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientadora: Doutora Cláudia Lopes


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Introdução: O envelhecimento demográfico e o aumento da esperança de vida, criam condições para uma maior incidência de doenças degenerativas. Vários aspectos críticos envolvem a medicação no idoso, tais como: polimedicação frequente, com risco acrescido de ocorrência de reacções adversas, relacionadas com interacções medicamentosas e eventual medicação desaconselhada, em que o risco pode ser superior ao benefício. Estes aspectos são particularmente críticos no idoso hospitalizado. Objectivo: Este estudo teve como objectivo estimar a prevalência da polimedicação em idosos hospitalizados e analisar a medicação considerada inadequada nesta população. Participantes e metodologia: Seguiu-se um modelo retrospectivo descritivo transversal, reportando-se os dados a um período de um ano e meio, incidindo sobre o último internamento. A natureza da medicação, foi analisada de acordo com o Formulário Terapêutico Nacional, Resumo das Caracteristicas do Medicamento e com critérios de Beers-2002.Englobou 100 idosos (>65 anos) utentes do Hospital Cuf Descobertas, em regime de internamento. Os dados pessoais e clínicos e respectivo mapa farmacoterapêutico, foram introduzidos em base de dados construída para este estudo, em Access 2003 SP2. Procedeu-se à analise estatística (SPSS 13,0), descritiva, com cálculo de medidas de tendência central; análise univariada para todas as variáveis relevantes e análise bi-variada para quantificar a prevalência da polimedicação por sexo e grupo etário. Resultados:Dos doentes estudados (65-98 anos), maioritariamente femininos, 7 apresentavam 4 patologias em simultâneo, 13:3 patologias, 27:2 patologias e 30:1 patologia. Em 23 não se verificou qualquer patologia crónica. A hipertensão (n=49:27,5%) e a patologia cardiovascular (n=41:23%) foram as mais frequentemente encontradas na amostra em estudo sendo as de menor frequência a patologia reumática (n=1:0,56%), a osteoporose e os problemas psíquicos (n=2:1,12%. A prevalência de polimedicação foi de 84% e nº de medicamentos prescrito em simultâneo variou entre 2 e 23.Não se observou associação entre a polimedicação, a idade: e o sexo. Em apenas um caso foi identificado um medicamento desaconselhado em função do diagnóstico (metoclopramida:Parkinson), e independentemente do diagnóstico a amiodariona foi o mais frequente (25%), hidroxizina (22%), ticlopidina (2%) e cetorolac (1%). Conclusões: A polimedicação é um fenómeno muito frequente nos idosos hospitalizados; o número de medicamentos envolvidos pode ser elevado e a prevalência de medicamentos que requerem uma ponderação sobre o risco/benefício no idoso, indicia a vantagem da revisão da terapêutica, impondo-se a implementação de estratégias informativas sobre os mesmos. Background: The demographic aging and expansion of life expectancy create conditions for increased occurrence of degenerative illnesses. Several critical aspects involve the medication of the elderly, such as: frequent polipharmacy with increased occurrence of adverse drug reactions, related to medication interactions and inappropriate prescribing, in which the benefits can be inferior to the risks.These aspects are particularly critical in the hospitalized elderly. Aim: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of polipharmacy in hospitalized elderly and to analyze the medication considered inappropriate in this population. Participants and Methodology: A cross sectional model was followed, in which the data used relate to a period of a year and a half, focussing on the last hospitalization. The nature of the medication was analysed according to National Therapeutic Formulary, Drug Characteristics Summary and according to Beers-2002.It considered 100 elderly (>65 years) hospitalized at Hospital Cuf Descobertas. The personal and clinical data and the corresponding pharmacotherapeutic registration were introduced in a database created for this study in Access 2003 SP2. Descriptive statistics was calculated trough SPSS 13,0,.Exploraty analysis consisted in measures of average and spread for all variable considered relevant and univariate and bivariate analysis to quantify the prevalence of polipharmacy by sex and age and to relate polipharmacy with inappropriate medication. Results: Of the patients studied (65-98 years), the majority were women, 7 presented 4 pathologies, 13:3 pathologies, 27:2 pathologies and 30:1 pathology. In 23 patients there was any chronic pathology. Hypertension (n=49:27,5%) and cardiovascular disease (n=41:23%) were the most frequent disease in our study, and the minimal values were observed in rheumatism (n=1:0,56%), osteoporosis and psychic disorders (n=2:1,12%. The prevalence of polipharmacy was of 84% and the amount of medication simultaneously prescribed varied between 2 and 23.No association was observed between polipharmacy and age or gender. In only one case inappropriate medication was identified concerning diagnosis (metoclopramid: Parkinson), and independent of diagnosis the amiodaron was the most frequent (25%), hydroxyzin (22%), ticlopidin (2%). and ketorolac (1%). Conclusions: Polipharmacy is very prevalent among elderly people admitted to the hospital; the number of inappropriate medication can also be very high and this evidence should be collected in order to accomplish good drug use reviews and informative strategies in the hospital setting.


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This paper discusses an ongoing project that aims at improving the potential for resilience of a system responsible for the planning of rail engineering work delivery. It focuses on the use of a human factors based approach as a way to achieve this end. In particular, the paper discusses the initial data collected by means of interviews and how this process gave way to a two fold goal: Understanding how the planning process works in reality and identifying any critical aspects of the system from a Resilience Engineering perspective. Given the nature of the process under study, information flows and communication issues have been given particular attention throughout the data collection and analysis stages. Initial data confirms that the planning process is greatly reliant on the capability of people using their knowledge and skills to communicate in a dynamic informational environment. Finally, the added value of the interviews is discussed from a human factors perspective and as a mean towards the aim of better understanding resilience in rail engineering planning.


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There is strong evidence that neonates imitate previously unseen behaviors. These behaviors are predominantly used in social interactions, demonstrating neonates’ ability and motivation to engage with others. Research on neonatal imitation can provide a wealth of information about the early mirror neuron system (MNS): namely, its functional characteristics, its plasticity from birth, and its relation to skills later in development. Though numerous studies document the existence of neonatal imitation in the laboratory, little is known about its natural occurrence during parent-infant interactions and its plasticity as a consequence of experience. We review these critical aspects of imitation, which we argue are necessary for understanding the early action-perception system. We address common criticisms and misunderstandings about neonatal imitation and discuss methodological differences among studies. Recent work reveals that individual differences in neonatal imitation positively correlate with later social, cognitive, and motor development. We propose that such variation in neonatal imitation could reflect important individual differences of the MNS. Although postnatal experience is not necessary for imitation, we present evidence that neonatal imitation is influenced by experience in the first week of life.


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Information Technology (IT) changes very quickly and influences business, industry and the public in an enormous manner. Outsourcing of IT jobs to cheaper overseas labor and globalization of IT companies become a common practice. Graduates of IT university courses must be well prepared to address the needs and expectations of business, industry and every day life. Many factors in an Information Technology curriculum influence graduates’ professional preparation and image. The most important of them is to reflect technology change, the current state of knowledge of computing, business and industry demands and students’ expectations. The aim of our project was to develop a new Bachelor of IT curriculum that satisfies these requirements. In this report we concentrate our attention on two critical aspects of IT curriculum content, the modern technologies to be used to illustrate basic concepts and principles of computing, and the generic skills that each graduate is expected to acquire to get a job in Australia.


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The current social climate of heightened intercultural tensions in culturally pluralist societies such as Australia highlights the need to develop a more nuanced understanding of the complex cultural adjustment processes  encountered by migrant youth in developing and articulating a sense of  national belonging, To this end, this chapter examines migrant settlement experiences as a 'process by which individuals and groups ... maintain their cultural identity while actively participating in the larger societal framework' (Karac 2001). Research into these critical aspects of integration and  acculturation examines identity formation as a cultural process of  renegotiating individual and group identity, and focuses on concepts of belonging, recognition and self-respect (Berry '997). While cultural factors are considered critical indicators of successful integration into the host community, insufficient research has been conducted into the particular processes of group and individual identity formation that take place amongst migrant youth. In the case of Australia, this process has been made  particularly difficult for some cultural groups due to the contemporary resurgence of populist and exclusionary discourses of national identity. In such a context, the construction of identity amongst migrant youth is all the more challenging, especially when this process exhibits notions of dual attachment, hybridity and difference. For migrant youth, the engagement with different social institutions such as family, school and wider societal networks often affects the processes of identity 'formation that are inherently  dynamic and 'necessarily multiple and fluid' (Noble & Tabar 2002, pp.I28). Negotiating life in-between cultures, youths from migrant backgrounds experience identity construction as a highly contested territory.

Cultural identity is a central issue for immigrants, regardless of how much time has elapsed since leaving their country of origin. This issue is particularly salient for first- and second-generation1 migrant youth, who negotiate identity space comfortably alongside, in opposition to, or more commonly, somewhere in between, their immigrant parents' conceptions of culture and the receiving culture in which they live. Unlike their native peers,  the children of immigrants arc exposed to intra-ethnic and inter- ethnic   dynamics and experiences in their journey towards cultural identity formation. These experiences are complex and diverse, and are navigated within multi- layered ethnic, racial, familial, gendered, socioeconomic and educational  contexts.

The chapter begins by providing theoretical frameworks for conceptualising  cultural diversity and cultural identity. It then examines how migrant youth  negotiate cultural identity in the public realms of family networks and school  environments and how these translate into key educational and behavioural  outcomes. It will draw on some qualitative snapshots as a way of illustrating  shifting migrant youth attitudes towards society, school and culture.


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This study identified four educationally critical aspects of ‘rate’ through analysis of phenomenographic, video-recorded interviews with Year 10 students. Further analysis indicated understandings in one representation or context were not necessarily transferable.


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Rate is an important, but difficult, mathematical concept. Despite more than 20 years of research, especially with calculus students, difficulties are reported with this concept. This paper reports the results from analysis of data from 20 Australian Grade 10 students. Interviews targeted students’ conceptions of rate, focussing on the influence of representation and context on their expression of their understanding of rate. This analysis shows that different representations of functions provide varying levels of rate-related information for individual students. Understandings of rate in one representation or context are not necessarily transferred to another representation or context. Rate is an important, but commonly misunderstood, mathematical concept with many everyday applications (Swedosh, Dowsey, Caruso, Flynn, & Tynan, 2007). It is a complicated concept comprising many interwoven ideas such as the ratio of two numeric, measurable quantities but in a context where both quantities are changing. In mathematics classes, this is commonly expressed as change in the dependent variable resulting from a unit change in the independent variable, and variously described as constant or variable rate; average or instantaneous rate. In addition, rate may be seen as a purely abstract mathematical notion or embedded in the understanding of real-world applications. This paper explores the research question: Are students’ expressions of their conceptions of rate affected by either context or mathematical representation? This question was part of a larger study (Herbert, 2010) conducted with Grade 10 students from the Australian state of Victoria.


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This thesis has two outcomes. First, it provides a detailed analysis of how international computing students experience a blended learning environment, identifying their perceptions of the new environment, perceptions of the use of ICT in their studies, preparedness and experiences in using ICT tools, and effective participation in ICT-mediated activities as critical aspects of teaching and learning environments that warrant particular attention by teachers of these students. The second outcome of this thesis is a set of pedagogical principles for the design and development of blended learning, contextualised in local and broader educational challenges typical of a multicultural student body, consistent with a globalised world.


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At what age do young children begin thinking mathematically? Can young children work on mathematical problems? How do early childhood educators ensure young children feel good about mathematics? Where do early childhood educators learn about suitable mathematics activities?

A good early childhood start in mathematics is critical for later mathematics success. Parents, carers and early childhood educators are teaching mathematics, either consciously or unconsciously, in any social interaction with a child.

Mathematical Thinking of Preschool Children in Rural and Regional Australia is an extension of a conference of Australian and New Zealand researchers that identified a number of important problems related to the mathematical learning of children prior to formal schooling. A project team of 11 researchers from top Australian universities sought to investigate how early childhood education can best have a positive influence on early mathematics learning.

The investigation complements and extends the work of Project Good Start by focusing attention on critical aspects of parents, carers and early childhood educators who care for young children. Early childhood educators from regional and rural New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria were interviewed, following a set of structured questions. The questions focused on: children’s mathematics learning; support for mathematics teaching; use of technology; attitudes to mathematics; and assessment and record keeping.

The researchers also reviewed research focusing on the mathematical capacities and potential foundations for further mathematical development in young children (0–5 years) published in the last decade and produced an annotated bibliography. This should provide a good basis for further research and reading.

Based upon the results of this investigation, the researchers make 11 recommendations for improving the practices of early childhood education centres in relation to young children’s mathematical thinking and development. The implications for policy and decision makers are outlined for teacher education, the provision of resources and further research.


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Second generation biofuel development is increasingly reliant on the recombinant expression of cellulases. Designing or identifying successful expression systems is thus of preeminent importance to industrial progress in the field. Recombinant production of cellulases has been performed using a wide range of expression systems in bacteria, yeasts and plants. In a number of these systems, particularly when using bacteria and plants, significant challenges have been experienced in expressing full-length proteins or proteins at high yield. Further difficulties have been encountered in designing recombinant systems for surface-display of cellulases and for use in consolidated bioprocessing in bacteria and yeast. For establishing cellulase expression in plants, various strategies are utilized to overcome problems, such as the auto-hydrolysis of developing plant cell walls. In this review, we investigate the major challenges, as well as the major advances made to date in the recombinant expression of cellulases across the commonly used bacterial, plant and yeast systems. We review some of the critical aspects to be considered for industrial-scale cellulase production.


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O ambiente empresarial, tanto em nível mundial como nacional, tem passado por profundas mudanças nos últimos anos, as quais têm sido consideradas diretamente relacionadas com a Tecnologia de Informação, e mais especificamente com a aplicação de tecnologia de informação e comunicação na educação, considerada uma realidade com alguns casos de sucesso. Este projeto tem como objetivo principal identificar as possíveis aplicações desta tecnologia num curso de educação continuada, analisando os seus aspectos críticos e as contribuições oferecidas e confirmadas destas aplicações. O caso a ser utilizado será um curso de educação continuada da EAESP/FGV. A sua contribuição é o aprimoramento do conhecimento sobre aplicações de tecnologia na área educacional, assim como a identificação de seus aspectos e contribuições.


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O ambiente empresarial, tanto em nível mundial como nacional, tem passado por profundas mudanças nos últimos anos, as quais têm sido consideradas diretamente relacionadas com a Tecnologia de Informação, e mais especificamente com o Comércio Eletrônico, considerado um realidade nos vários setores da economia. Este projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar a situação atual do Comércio Eletrônico, em três dimensões: processos permeados pela aplicação desta tecnologia, tanto em nível de quantidade como de valor de transações; aspectos críticos; e contribuições oferecidas e efetivadas. A sua contribuição é a consolidação dos componentes de estudo de Comércio Eletrônico, assim como a identificação de sua situação atual e tendências.