755 resultados para COSMOLOGY


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This paper deals with two aspects of relativistic cosmologies with closed spatial sections. These spacetimes are based on the theory of general relativity, and admit a foliation into space sections S(t), which are spacelike hypersurfaces satisfying the postulate of the closure of space: each S(t) is a three-dimensional closed Riemannian manifold. The topics discussed are: (i) a comparison, previously obtained, between Thurston geometries and Bianchi-Kantowski-Sachs metrics for such three-manifolds is here clarified and developed; and (ii) the implications of global inhomogeneity for locally homogeneous three-spaces of constant curvature are analyzed from an observational viewpoint.


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We study the effect of shear and rotation on results previously obtained dealing with the application of the spherical collapse model (SCM) to generalized Chaplygin gas (gCg)-dominated universes. The system is composed of baryons and gCg and the collapse is studied for different values of the parameter α of the gCg. We show that the joint effect of shear and rotation is that of slowing down the collapse with respect to the simple SCM. This result is of utmost importance for the so-called unified dark matter models, since the described slowdown in the growth of density perturbations can solve one of the main problems of the quoted models, namely the instability described in previous papers [e.g., H. B. Sandvik, Phys. Rev. D 69, 123524 (2004)] at the linear perturbation level. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Type Ia supernovae have been successfully used as standardized candles to study the expansion history of the Universe. In the past few years, these studies led to the exciting result of an accelerated expansion caused by the repelling action of some sort of dark energy. This result has been confirmed by measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation, the large-scale structure, and the dynamics of galaxy clusters. The combination of all these experiments points to a “concordance model” of the Universe with flat large-scale geometry and a dominant component of dark energy. However, there are several points related to supernova measurements which need careful analysis in order to doubtlessly establish the validity of the concordance model. As the amount and quality of data increases, the need of controlling possible systematic effects which may bias the results becomes crucial. Also important is the improvement of our knowledge of the physics of supernovae events to assure and possibly refine their calibration as standardized candle. This thesis addresses some of those issues through the quantitative analysis of supernova spectra. The stress is put on a careful treatment of the data and on the definition of spectral measurement methods. The comparison of measurements for a large set of spectra from nearby supernovae is used to study the homogeneity and to search for spectral parameters which may further refine the calibration of the standardized candle. One such parameter is found to reduce the dispersion in the distance estimation of a sample of supernovae to below 6%, a precision which is comparable with the current lightcurve-based calibration, and is obtained in an independent manner. Finally, the comparison of spectral measurements from nearby and distant objects is used to test the possibility of evolution with cosmic time of the intrinsic brightness of type Ia supernovae.


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The present thesis is divided into two main research areas: Classical Cosmology and (Loop) Quantum Gravity. The first part concerns cosmological models with one phantom and one scalar field, that provide the `super-accelerated' scenario not excluded by observations, thus exploring alternatives to the standard LambdaCDM scenario. The second part concerns the spinfoam approach to (Loop) Quantum Gravity, which is an attempt to provide a `sum-over-histories' formulation of gravitational quantum transition amplitudes. The research here presented focuses on the face amplitude of a generic spinfoam model for Quantum Gravity.


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The goal of this thesis is to analyze the possibility of using early-type galaxies to place evolutionary and cosmological constraints, by both disentangling what is the main driver of ETGs evolution between mass and environment, and developing a technique to constrain H(z) and the cosmological parameters studying the ETGs age-redshift relation. The (U-V) rest-frame color distribution is studied as a function of mass and environment for two sample of ETGs up to z=1, extracted from the zCOSMOS survey with a new selection criterion. The color distributions and the slopes of the color-mass and color-environment relations are studied, finding a strong dependence on mass and a minor dependence on environment. The spectral analysis performed on the D4000 and Hδ features gives results validating the previous analysis. The main driver of galaxy evolution is found to be the galaxy mass, the environment playing a subdominant but non negligible role. The age distribution of ETGs is also analyzed as a function of mass, providing strong evidences supporting a downsizing scenario. The possibility of setting cosmological constraints studying the age-redshift relation is studied, discussing the relative degeneracies and model dependencies. A new approach is developed, aiming to minimize the impact of systematics on the “cosmic chronometer” method. Analyzing theoretical models, it is demonstrated that the D4000 is a feature correlated almost linearly with age at fixed metallicity, depending only minorly on the models assumed or on the SFH chosen. The analysis of a SDSS sample of ETGs shows that it is possible to use the differential D4000 evolution of the galaxies to set constraints to cosmological parameters in an almost model-independent way. Values of the Hubble constant and of the dark energy EoS parameter are found, which are not only fully compatible, but also with a comparable error budget with the latest results.


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L'equazione di Klein-Gordon descrive una ampia varietà di fenomeni fisici come la propagazione delle onde in Meccanica dei Continui ed il comportamento delle particelle spinless in Meccanica Quantistica Relativistica. Recentemente, la forma dissipativa di questa equazione si è rivelata essere una legge di evoluzione fondamentale in alcuni modelli cosmologici, in particolare nell'ambito dei cosiddetti modelli di k-inflazione in presenza di campi tachionici. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro consiste nell'analizzare gli effetti del parametro dissipativo sulla dispersione nelle soluzioni dell'equazione d'onda. Saranno inoltre studiati alcuni tipici problemi al contorno di particolare interesse cosmologico per mezzo di grafici corrispondenti alle soluzioni fondamentali (Funzioni di Green).


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In this work a Bianchi type II space-time within the framework of projectable Horava Lifshitz gravity was investigated; the resulting field equations in the infrared limit λ = 1 were analyzed qualitatively. We have found the analytical solutions for a toy model in which only the higher curvature terms cubic in the spatial Ricci tensor are considered. The resulting behavior is still described by a transition among two Kasner epochs, but we have found a different transformation law of the Kasner exponents with respect to the one of Einstein's general relativity.