957 resultados para COMPLEX-I
The new trinuclear gadolinium complex [Gd(3)L(2)(NO(3))(2)(H(2)O)(4)]NO(3)center dot 8H(2)O (1) with the unsymmetrical ligand 2-[N-bis-(2-pyridylmethyl)aminomethyl]-4-methyl-6-[N-bis(2-hydroxy-2-oxoethyl)aminomethyl] phenol (H(3)L) was synthesized and characterized. The new ligand H(3)L was obtained in good yield. Complex I crystallizes in an orthorhombic cell, space group Pcab. Kinetic studies show that complex 1 is highly active in the hydrolysis of the substrate 2,4-bis(dinitrophenyl)phosphate (K(m) = 4.09 mM, V(max) = 2.68 x 10(-2) mM s(-1), and k(cat) = V(max)/[1] = 0.67 s(-1)). Through a potentiometric study and determination of the kinetic behavior of 1 in acetonitrile/water solution, the species present in solution could be identified, and a trinuclear monohydroxo species appears to be the most prominent catalyst under mild conditions. Complex 1 displays high efficiency in DNA hydrolytic cleavage, and complete kinetic studies were carried out (K(m) = 4.57 x 10(-4) M, K(cat)` = 3.42 h(-1), and k(cat)`/K(m) = 7.48 x 10(3) M(-1) h(-1)). Studies with a radical scavenger (dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO) showed that it did not inhibit the activity, indicating the hydrolytic action of 1 in the cleavage of DNA, and studies on the incubation of distamycin with plasmid DNA suggest that 1 is regio-specific, interacting with the minor groove of DNA.
Monocrotaline is a pyrrolizidine alkaloid present in plants of the Crotalaria species, which causes cytotoxicity and genotoxicity, including hepatotoxicity in animals and humans. It is metabolized by cytochrome P-450 in the liver to the alkylating agent dehydromonocrotaline. We evaluated the effects of monocrotaline and its metabolite on respiration, membrane potential and ATP levels in isolated rat liver mitochondria, and on respiratory chain complex I NADH oxidase activity in submitochondrial particles. Dehydromonocrotaline, but not the parent compound, showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of glutamate/malate-supported state 3 respiration (respiratory chain complex 1), but did not affect succinate-supported respiration (complex II). Only dehydromonocrotaline dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential, depleted ATP, and inhibited complex I NADH oxidase activity (IC50 = 62.06 mu M) through a non-competitive type of inhibition (K-I = 8.1 mu M). Therefore, dehydromonocrotaline is an inhibitor of the activity of respiratory chain complex I NADH oxidase, an action potentially accounting for the well-documented monocrotaline's hepatotoxicity to animals and humans. The mechanism probably involves change of the complex I conformation resulting from modification of cysteine thiol groups by the metabolite. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The fac-[RuCl3(NO)(dppb)] complex I has been prepared from solution of the correspondent mer isomer in refluxing methanol (dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane). The mer-[RuCl3(NO)(diop)] (II) has been obtained from the mer-[RuCl3(diop)(H2O)] by bubbling NO for 1 h in dichloromethane (diop = 2S,3S-O-isopropylidene-2,3-dihydroxy-1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane). The complexes have been characterized by microanalysis, cyclic voltammetry (CV), IR and 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopies. The crystal and molecular structures of these two compounds have been determined from X-ray studies. The mer-[RuCl3(NO)(dppb)] isomer III was characterized in solution by NMR spectra (31P{1H}, 1H{31P}, 31P-1H HETCORR, COSY 1H-1H, HMQC 1H-13C and HMBC 1H-13C). © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recently, a nongenomic cytotoxic component of the chemotherapeutic agent tamoxifen (TAM) has been identified that predominantly triggers mitochondrial events. The present study delineates the intracellular fate of TAM and studies its interaction with a spectrum of cell homeostasis modulators primarily relevant to mitochondria. The subcellular localization of TAM was assessed by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The effect of the modulators on TAM cytotoxicity was assessed by standard MTT assays. Our findings show that in estrogen receptor positive MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cells and DU145 human prostate cancer cells, TAM largely accumulates in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, but not lysosomes. Our results further demonstrate that in MCF7, but not in DU145 cells, mitochondrial electron transport chain complex I and III inhibitors exacerbate TAM toxicity with an order of potency of myxothiazol = stigmatellin > rotenone > antimycin A, suggesting a cell-specific cytotoxic interplay between mitochondrial complex I and III function and TAM action.
The relevance of human joint models was shown in the literature. In particular, the great importance of models for the joint passive motion simulation (i.e. motion under virtually unloaded conditions) was outlined. They clarify the role played by the principal anatomical structures of the articulation, enhancing the comprehension of surgical treatments, and in particular the design of total ankle replacement and ligament reconstruction. Equivalent rigid link mechanisms proved to be an efficient tool for an accurate simulation of the joint passive motion. This thesis focuses on the ankle complex (i.e. the anatomical structure composed of the tibiotalar and the subtalar joints), which has a considerable role in human locomotion. The lack of interpreting models of this articulation and the poor results of total ankle replacement arthroplasty have strongly suggested devising new mathematical models capable of reproducing the restraining function of each structure of the joint and of replicating the relative motion of the bones which constitute the joint itself. In this contest, novel equivalent mechanisms are proposed for modelling the ankle passive motion. Their geometry is based on the joint’s anatomical structures. In particular, the role of the main ligaments of the articulation is investigated under passive conditions by means of nine 5-5 fully parallel mechanisms. Based on this investigation, a one-DOF spatial mechanism is developed for modelling the passive motion of the lower leg. The model considers many passive structures constituting the articulation, overcoming the limitations of previous models which took into account few anatomical elements of the ankle complex. All the models have been identified from experimental data by means of optimization procedure. Then, the simulated motions have been compared to the experimental one, in order to show the efficiency of the approach and thus to deduce the role of each anatomical structure in the ankle kinematic behavior.
Die effiziente Generierung von Peptid-Epitopen aus zelleigenen oder viralen Proteinen für die Präsentation auf „Major Histocompatibility Complex I“ (MHC I) Molekülen ist essentiell für die Aktivierung des adaptiven Immunsystems und die Effektorfunktion der CD8+ zytotoxischen T-Zellen (CTLs). CTLs erkennen diese Peptide in Kontext mit MHC I Molekülen über ihren spezifischen T-Zellrezeptor (TCR). Die Generierung dieser Epitope ist das Resultat eines komplexen proteolytischen Prozesses, der im Zytosol und im endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) stattfindet. Im Zytosol generiert das Proteasom N-terminal verlängerte Epitop-Vorläufer. Diese werden durch weitere zytosolische Proteasen abgebaut, es sei denn, sie werden durch den „transporter associated with antigen processing“ (TAP) in das ER transportiert. Dort werden sie durch Aminopeptidasen getrimmt, um den Bindungsvoraussetzungen der MHC I Moleküle zu genügen. Im murinen System ist die „ER aminopeptidase associated with antigen processing“ (ERAAP) die bislang einzige beschriebene Aminopeptidase, die dieses N-terminale Trimming von CTL Epitopen vermitteln kann. Das Profil der proteolytischen Aktivität in angereichertem murinen ER kann jedoch nicht allein durch die Aktivität von ERAAP erklärt werden, was auf die Anwesenheit weiterer Aminopeptidasen mit einer potentiellen Funktion in der Antigenprozessierung hinweist. In dieser Arbeit konnte die immunologisch bislang noch nicht beschriebene Aminopeptidase ERMP1 (endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1) im murinen ER identifiziert werden. Nach Aufreinigung muriner Mikrosomen und anschließender Anionenaustausch-Chromatographie wurden die gesammelten Fraktionen mit fluorogenen Substraten auf Aminopeptidase-Aktivität getestet. Durch massenspektrometrische Analyse konnten in den beobachteten Peaks die schon beschriebenen Aminopeptidasen ERAAP, die „insulin regulated aminopeptidase“ IRAP und die immunologisch bislang nicht beschriebene Aminopeptidase ERMP1 identifiziert werden. Durch Fluoreszenzmikroskopie konnte die intrazelluläre Lokalisation von ERMP1 im ER durch Kolokalisation mit TAP verifiziert werden. Wie viele Komponenten des MHC I Prozessierungsweges wird auch die Expression von ERMP1 durch IFN-γ stimuliert. Dies macht ERMP1 zu einer potentiellen zweiten trimmenden Aminopeptidase im murinen ER. Überexpression von ERMP1 hat einen allelspezifischen Einfluss auf die globale MHC I Präsentation auf der Zelloberfläche und durch Überexpression und shRNA vermitteltes gene silencing konnte außerdem ein epitopspezifischer Effekt nachgewiesen werden. Da N-terminales Trimming durch ERAAP mit der Evasion von Tumoren und veränderter Immundominanz assoziiert wird, ist die detaillierte Charakterisierung der Aminopeptidase ERMP1 ein wichtiger Schritt zum Verständnis der MHC I Antigen-Prozessierung und der Generierung von CTL Epitopen im ER.
The reaction of 4,5-bis(2'-cyanoethylsulfanyl)-4',5'-dipropylthiotetrathiafulvalene with Pt(phen)Cl-2 (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) with CsOH as base in CH3OH-THE affords the target complex I in 44% yield. This complex crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/c, M = 790.01, a = 12.1732(12), b = 15.851(2), c = 14.5371(16) angstrom, beta = 107.693(12)degrees, V = 2672.4(5) angstrom(3) and Z = 4. It undergoes two reversible single-electron oxidation and two irreversible reduction processes. An intense electronic absorption band at 15200 cm(-1) (658 nm) in CH2Cl2 is assigned to the intramolecular mixed metal/ligand-to-ligand charge transfer (LLCT) from a tetrathiafulvalene-extended dithiolate-based HOMO to a phenanthroline-based LUMO. This band shifts hypsochromically with increasing solvent polarity. Systematic changes in the optical spectra upon oxidation allow precise tuning of the oxidation states of 1 and reversible control over its optical properties. Irradiation of 1 at 15625 cm(-1) (640 nm) in glassy solution below 150K results in emission from the (LLCT)-L-3 excited state. GRAPHICS (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Artemis, a member of the SNM1 gene family, is one of the six known components of the non-homologous end joining pathway. It is a multifunctional phospho-protein that has been shown to be modified by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PIKs) DNA-PKcs, ATM and ATR in response to a variety of cellular stresses. Artemis has important roles in V(D)J recombination, DNA double strand breaks repair and damage-induced cell-cycle checkpoint regulation. The detailed mechanism by which Artemis mediates its functions in these cellular pathways needs to be further elucidated. My work presented here demonstrates a new function for Artemis in cell cycle regulation as a component of Cullin-based E3 ligase complex. I show that Artemis interacts with Cul4A-DDB1 ligase complex via a direct interaction with the substrate-specific receptor DDB2, and deletion mapping analysis shows that part of the Snm1 domain of Artemis is responsible for this interaction. Additionally, Artemis also interacts with p27, a substrate of Cul4A-DDB1 complex, and both DDB2 and Artemis are required for the degradation of p27 mediated by this complex. Furthermore, I show that the regulation of p27 by Artemis and DDB2 is critical for cell cycle progression in normally proliferating cells and in response to serum withdrawal. Finally, I provide evidence showing that Artemis may be also a part of other Cullin-based E3 ligase complexes, and it has a role in controlling p27 levels in response to different cellular stress, such as UV irradiation. These findings suggest a novel pathway to regulate p27 protein level and define a new function for Artemis as an effector of Cullin-based E3-ligase mediated ubiquitylation, and thus, a cell cycle regulator in proliferating cells.
Xenopus ARVCF (xARVCF), a member of p120-catenin subfamily, binds cadherin cytoplasmic domains to enhance cadherin metabolic stability, or when dissociated, modulates Rho-family GTPases. We previously found that xARVCF binds directly to Xenopus KazrinA (xKazrinA), a widely expressed, conserved protein that bears little homology to established protein families. xKazrinA is also known to influence keratinocyte proliferation-differentiation and cytoskeletal activity. In my study, I first evaluated the expression pattern of endogenous Kazrin RNA and protein in Xenopus embryogenesis as well as in adult tissues. We then collaboratively predicted the helical structure of Kazrin’s coiled-coil domain, and I obtained evidence of Kazrin’s dimerization/oligomerization. In considering the intracellular localization of the xARVCF-catenin:xKazrin complex, I did not resolve xKazrinA in a larger ternary complex with cadherin, nor did I detect its co-precipitation with core desmosomal components. Instead, screening revealed that xKazrinA binds spectrin. This suggested a potential means by which xKazrinA localizes to cell-cell junctions, and indeed, biochemical assays confirmed a ternary xARVCF:xKazrinA:xβ2-spectrin complex. Functionally, I demonstrated that xKazrin stabilizes cadherins by negatively modulating the RhoA small-GTPase. I further revealed that xKazrinA binds to p190B RhoGAP (an inhibitor of RhoA), and enhances p190B’s association with xARVCF. Supporting their functional interaction in vivo, Xenopus embryos depleted of xKazrin exhibited ectodermal shedding, a phenotype that could be rescued with exogenous xARVCF. Cell shedding appeared to be caused by RhoA activation, which consequently altered actin organization and cadherin function. Indeed, I was capable of rescuing Kazrin depletion with ectopic expression of p190B RhoGAP. In addition, I obtained evidence that xARVCF and xKazrin participate in craniofacial development, with effects observed upon the neural crest. Finally, I found that xKazrinA associates further with delta-catenin and p0071-catenin, but not with p120-catenin, suggesting that Kazrin interacts selectively with additional members of the p120-catenin sub-family. Taken together, my study supports Kazrin’s essential role in development, and reveals KazrinA’s biochemical and functional association with ARVCF-catenin, spectrin and p190B RhoGAP.
I-compounds are newly discovered covalent DNA modifications detected by the $\sp{32}$P-postlabeling assay. They are age-dependent, tissue-specific and sex-different. The origin(s), chemistry and function(s) of I-compounds are unknown. The total level of I-compounds in 8-10 month old rat liver is 1 adduct in 10$\sp7$ nucleotides, which is not neglectable. It is proposed that I-compounds may play a role in spontaneous tumorigenesis and aging.^ In the present project, I-compounds were investigated by several different approaches. (1) Dietary modulation of I-compounds. (2) Comparison of I-compounds with persistent carcinogen DNA adducts and 5-methylcytosine. (3) Strain differences of I-compounds in relation to organ site spontaneous tumorigenesis. (4) Effects of nongenotoxic hepatocarcinogenes on I-compounds.^ It was demonstrated that the formation of I-compounds is diet-related. Rats fed natural ingredient diet exhibited more complex I-spot patterns and much higher levels than rats fed purified diet. Variation of major nutrients (carbohydrate, protein and fat) in the diet, produced quantitative differences in I-compounds of rat liver and kidney DNAs. Physiological level of vitamin E in the diet reduced intensity of one I-spot compared with vitamin E deficient diet. However, extremely high level of vitamin E in the diet gave extra spot and enhanced the intensities of some I-spots.^ In regenerating rat liver, I-compounds levels were reduced, as carcinogen DNA adducts, but not 5-methylcytosine, i.e. a normal DNA modification.^ Animals with higher incidences of spontaneous tumor or degenerative diseases tended to have a lower level of I-compounds.^ Choline devoid diet induced a drastic reduction of I-compound level in rat liver compared with choline supplemented diet. I-compound levels were reduced after multi-doses of carbon tetrachloride (CCl$\sb4$) exposure in rats and single dose exposure in mice. An inverse relationship was observed between I-compound level and DNA replication rate. CCl$\sb4$-related DNA adduct was detected in mice liver and intensities of some I-spots were enhanced 24 h after a single dose exposure.^ The mechanisms and explanations of these observations will be discussed. I-compounds are potentially useful indicators in carcinogenesis studies. ^
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves were used to isolate and characterize the chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex. The stroma fraction and the thylakoid fraction solubilized with sodium deoxycholate were analyzed by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the enzymes detected with NADH and nitroblue tetrazolium were electroeluted. The enzymes electroeluted from band S from the stroma fraction and from bands T1 (ET1) and T2 from the thylakoid fraction solubilized with sodium deoxycholate had ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase (FNR; EC and NAD(P)H-FeCN oxidoreductase (NAD[P]H-FeCNR) activities. Their NADPH-FeCNR activities were inhibited by 2′-monophosphoadenosine-5′-diphosphoribose and by enzyme incubation with p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (p-CMPS), NADPH, and p-CMPS plus NADPH. They presented Michaelis constant NADPH values that were similar to those of FNRs from several sources. Their NADH-FeCNR activities, however, were not inhibited by 2′-monophosphoadenosine-5′-diphosphoribose but were weakly inhibited by enzyme incubation with NADH, p-CMPS, and p-CMPS plus NADH. We found that only ET1 contained two polypeptides of 29 and 35 kD, which reacted with the antibodies raised against the mitochondrial complex I TYKY subunit and the chloroplast ndhA gene product, respectively. However, all three enzymes contained two polypeptides of 35 and 53 kD, which reacted with the antibodies raised against barley FNR and the NADH-binding 51-kD polypeptide of the mitochondrial complex I, respectively. The results suggest that ET1 is the FNR-containing thylakoidal NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex.
Il Complesso I (CI) mitocondriale è uno dei target metabolici più promettenti nelle terapie anti- cancro. In particolare, la metformina è un inibitore noto del CI, capace di inibire la crescita delle cellule tumorali, ma non di eradicare la patologia. Recentemente, l’associazione metformina ed ipoglicemia si è rivelata letale per i tumori, sebbene l’efficacia terapeutica del trattamento sinergico possa essere influenzata dall’accumulo di alterazioni genetiche nei più noti drivers della tumorigenesi. Abbiamo così investigato l’effetto dello stress metabolico indotto dalla restrizione di glucosio in un pannello di linee cellulari tumorali con un severo deficit sul CI e con un diverso stato genetico di TP53. Il deficit del CI associato alla carenza di glucosio inducono un abbattimento dei livelli di espressione della proteina p53 mutata, ma non della controparte wild-type. Il fenomeno biologico osservato non dipende né da un blocco trascrizionale, né dall’innesco di vie di degradazione intracellulare, come proteasoma ed autofagia. La scomparsa di p53 mutata, invece, sembra dipendere da un blocco generale della sintesi proteica, verosimilmente indotto dallo stress energetico e nutrizionale. Nella controparte p53 wild-type, invece, si osserva solo una parziale riduzione della sintesi proteica, suggerendo l’innesco di possibili vie di adattamento per compensare il danno sul CI. La carenza di amminoacidi è una caratteristica dei tumori solidi che potrebbe essere esacerbata in condizioni di deficit generali della catena respiratoria mitocondriale. In particolare, l’inibizione del CI causa auxotrofia da aspartato, metabolita limitante per la proliferazione, condizione che potrebbe generare il blocco della sintesi proteica osservato. L’incremento di espressione dei livelli del trasportatore aspartato/glutatammato mediata da p53 mutata compensa l’auxotrofia da aspartato, identificando un meccanismo di adattamento al deficit del CI. Dunque, i risultati ottenuti sottolineano l’importanza di implementare la terapia anti-complesso I nel cancro, poiché il diverso stato di p53 può alterare l’efficacia del trattamento.
L'inibizione del complesso respiratorio I (CI) è una strategia antitumorale emergente, sebbene la specificità e l’efficacia di nuovi farmaci restino poco investigate. La generazione di modelli cellulari tumorali nulli per il CI rivela la specificità di EVP 4593 e BAY 872243 nell’indurre gli effetti antiproliferativi non associati all’apoptosi, selettivamente via CI, riducendo eventuali effetti collaterali. Studi preliminari in vivo evidenziano un rallentamento della crescita tumorale negli animali trattati con EVP 4593, il quale emerge come l’inibitore più potente. Per il suo ruolo nella riprogrammazione metabolica, e la sua elevata frequenza di mutazioni nelle neoplasie umane, sono stati investigati i potenziali meccanismi di adattamento alla terapia anti-CI sulla base dello stato mutazionale di TP53. L’auxotrofia da aspartato, un hallmark metabolico delle cellule tumorali con un danno al CI, causa un blocco della sintesi proteica mTORC1-dipendente nelle linee cellulari con una p53 mutata o nulla, inducendo un collasso metabolico. Viceversa, l'attivazione del sensore energetico AMPK promuove un recupero parziale della sintesi di aspartato in linee cellulari con la forma wild type di P53, che è in grado di sostenere una migliore anaplerosi attraverso SCO2, fattore di assemblaggio del complesso respiratorio IV. Al fine di traslare questi risultati in un modello preclinico, si è ottimizzato l’ottenimento di colture di tumori umani espiantati tramite il bioreattore U-CUP. Il modello scelto è stato quello di carcinoma sieroso ad alto grado dell’ovaio (HGSOC), a partire da tessuto congelato, per l’elevata frequenza di mutazioni driver in TP53. I tessuti congelati preservano l'eterogeneità delle componenti cellulari del tessuto di origine e sono caratterizzati da cellule in attiva proliferazione senza attivazione di apoptosi. Dati preliminari mostrano un trend di riduzione dell’area tumorale nei tessuti trattati con EVP 4593 e supportano l’utilizzo del modello preclinico nello studio di nuovi inibitori del CI sfruttando materiale primario di pazienti oncologici.
Chronic and systemic treatment of rodents with rotenone, a classical inhibitor of mitochondrial respiratory complex I, results in neurochemical, behavioral, and neuropathological features of Parkinson's disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether brain mitochondria from old rats (24 months old) would be more susceptible to rotenone-induced inhibition of oxygen consumption and increased generation of H2O2 than mitochondria from young-adult rats (3-4 months old). Isolated brain mitochondria were incubated in the presence of different rotenone concentrations (5, 10, and 100nM), and oxygen consumption and H2O2 production were measured during respiratory states 3 (ADP-stimulated respiration) and 4 (resting respiration). Respiratory state 3 and citrate synthase activity were significantly lower in mitochondria from old rats. Mitochondria from young-adult and old rats showed similar sensitivity to rotenone-induced inhibition of oxygen consumption. Similarly, H2O2 production rates by both types of mitochondria were dose-dependently stimulated to the same extent by increasing concentrations of rotenone. We conclude that rotenone exerts similar effects on oxygen consumption and H2O2 production by isolated brain mitochondria from young-adult and old rats. Therefore, aging does not increase the mitochondrial H2O2 generation in response to complex I inhibition.
Background: Protein aggregates containing alpha-synuclein, beta-amyloid and hyperphosphorylated tau are commonly found during neurodegenerative processes which is often accompanied by the impairment of mitochondrial complex I respiratory chain and dysfunction of cellular systems of protein degradation. In view of this, we aimed to develop an in vitro model to study protein aggregation associated to neurodegenerative diseases using cultured cells from hippocampus, locus coeruleus and substantia nigra of newborn Lewis rats exposed to 0.5, 1, 10 and 25 nM of rotenone, which is an agricultural pesticide, for 48 hours. Results: We demonstrated that the proportion of cells in culture is approximately the same as found in the brain nuclei they were extracted from. Rotenone at 0.5 nM was able to induce alpha-synuclein and beta amyloid aggregation, as well as increased hyperphosphorylation of tau, although high concentrations of this pesticide (over 1 nM) lead cells to death before protein aggregation. We also demonstrated that the 14kDa isoform of alpha-synuclein is not present in newborn Lewis rats. Conclusion: Rotenone exposure may lead to constitutive protein aggregation in vitro, which may be of relevance to study the mechanisms involved in idiopathic neurodegeneration.