995 resultados para CMs


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The purpose of the work was to realize a high-speed digital data transfer system for RPC muon chambers in the CMS experiment on CERN’s new LHC accelerator. This large scale system took many years and many stages of prototyping to develop, and required the participation of tens of people. The system interfaces to Frontend Boards (FEB) at the 200,000-channel detector and to the trigger and readout electronics in the control room of the experiment. The distance between these two is about 80 metres and the speed required for the optic links was pushing the limits of available technology when the project was started. Here, as in many other aspects of the design, it was assumed that the features of readily available commercial components would develop in the course of the design work, just as they did. By choosing a high speed it was possible to multiplex the data from some the chambers into the same fibres to reduce the number of links needed. Further reduction was achieved by employing zero suppression and data compression, and a total of only 660 optical links were needed. Another requirement, which conflicted somewhat with choosing the components a late as possible was that the design needed to be radiation tolerant to an ionizing dose of 100 Gy and to a have a moderate tolerance to Single Event Effects (SEEs). This required some radiation test campaigns, and eventually led to ASICs being chosen for some of the critical parts. The system was made to be as reconfigurable as possible. The reconfiguration needs to be done from a distance as the electronics is not accessible except for some short and rare service breaks once the accelerator starts running. Therefore reconfigurable logic is extensively used, and the firmware development for the FPGAs constituted a sizable part of the work. Some special techniques needed to be used there too, to achieve the required radiation tolerance. The system has been demonstrated to work in several laboratory and beam tests, and now we are waiting to see it in action when the LHC will start running in the autumn 2008.


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Tras analizar y evaluar la argumentación jurídica efectuada por el Tribunal del CIADI respecto del caso CMS vs. Argentina, se aprecia que tal argumentación descansa sobre la errada concepción de que en el caso no existían aspectos que afecten derechos humanos. En realidad se trataba de un caso difícil, en materia de derechos sociales, que no podía ser resuelto por la simple aplicación de las reglas específicas del sistema (subsunción), como erróneamente lo hizo el Tribunal del CIADI, pues necesariamente debía acudirse al procedimiento de la ponderación. Si se acude a la ponderación se podrá constatar que existen dos principios aplicables, cada uno de los cuales lleva a una solución incompatible con la del otro: por un lado, la protección del derecho a la seguridad jurídica del inversionista extranjero, que exige un respeto a los derechos pactados contractual y legalmente, y, por otro, el de la protección al derecho a la vivienda, que exige una congelación en las tarifas de servicios básicos esenciales, entre ellos del transporte y distribución del gas. En este caso el segundo prevalece sobre el primero.


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Guidance for University of Reading staff wishing to add CentAUR publication lists to CMS web pages: staff profile page; department page; standard page. Log in with University of Reading (staff) username and password when prompted.


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Arbetet behandlar säkerhetstestning av webbapplikationer och CMS plattformen EPiServer. För att Know IT Dalarna ska kunna fortsätta leverera säkra webblösningar efterfrågar de en säkerhetsanalys över plattformen EPiServer men även över sina egenutvecklade applikationer. Syftet med arbetet var att höja säkerheten kring Know ITs webbaserade projekt och samtidigt göra utvecklarna mer medvetna om säkerheten vid utvecklingsfasen. Resultatet var att EPiServer som plattformen tillhandahåller en fullgod säkerhet. De direkta brister som identifierades var upp till antingen Know IT eller kunden att åtgärda och ansvaret lades på den som hade hand om driften av webbplatsen. Säkerhetstesterna som utfördes var bland annat tester emot åtkomsthantering, avlyssningsattacker, lösenordsattacker, SQL-injections och XSS-attacker.För att förenkla säkerhetstestningen skapades en checklista innehållandes steg för steg för att göra en grundläggande säkerhetstestning. Den innehöll även rekommendationer till Know IT Dalarna på områden som ska belysas och undersökas i framtiden. Checklistan kan användas av utvecklarna för att säkerställa att ett pågående projekt håller en bra nivå säkerhetsmässigt. Listan måste i framtiden uppdateras och hållas i fas med den ständiga tekniska utvecklingen som sker på området.


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This paper explores the power effects of, and possible justifications for, the differential 'voice' and 'silence' accorded to academic and non-academic subjects within Critical Management Studies (CMS). I explore these issues through a discussion of the practice of 'giving voice' to some subjects critiqued in CMS journal articles by providing them with the opportunity to publish a 'response'. I question the justification for extending this right only to academic subjects, and use this example to provoke CMS to question further its institutional orientation to issues of voice and silence in relation to the non-academic research subject.


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CMS is a general purpose experiment, designed to study the physics of pp collisions at 14 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC). It currently involves more than 2000 physicists from more than 150 institutes and 37 countries. The LHC will provide extraordinary opportunities for particle physics based on its unprecedented collision energy and luminosity when it begins operation in 2007. The principal aim of this report is to present the strategy of CMS to explore the rich physics programme offered by the LHC. This volume demonstrates the physics capability of the CMS experiment. The prime goals of CMS are to explore physics at the TeV scale and to study the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking - through the discovery of the Higgs particle or otherwise. To carry out this task, CMS must be prepared to search for new particles, such as the Higgs boson or supersymmetric partners of the Standard Model particles, from the start- up of the LHC since new physics at the TeV scale may manifest itself with modest data samples of the order of a few fb(-1) or less. The analysis tools that have been developed are applied to study in great detail and with all the methodology of performing an analysis on CMS data specific benchmark processes upon which to gauge the performance of CMS. These processes cover several Higgs boson decay channels, the production and decay of new particles such as Z' and supersymmetric particles, B-s production and processes in heavy ion collisions. The simulation of these benchmark processes includes subtle effects such as possible detector miscalibration and misalignment. Besides these benchmark processes, the physics reach of CMS is studied for a large number of signatures arising in the Standard Model and also in theories beyond the Standard Model for integrated luminosities ranging from 1 fb(-1) to 30 fb(-1). The Standard Model processes include QCD, B-physics, diffraction, detailed studies of the top quark properties, and electroweak physics topics such as the W and Z(0) boson properties. The production and decay of the Higgs particle is studied for many observable decays, and the precision with which the Higgs boson properties can be derived is determined. About ten different supersymmetry benchmark points are analysed using full simulation. The CMS discovery reach is evaluated in the SUSY parameter space covering a large variety of decay signatures. Furthermore, the discovery reach for a plethora of alternative models for new physics is explored, notably extra dimensions, new vector boson high mass states, little Higgs models, technicolour and others. Methods to discriminate between models have been investigated. This report is organized as follows. Chapter 1, the Introduction, describes the context of this document. Chapters 2-6 describe examples of full analyses, with photons, electrons, muons, jets, missing E-T, B-mesons and tau's, and for quarkonia in heavy ion collisions. Chapters 7-15 describe the physics reach for Standard Model processes, Higgs discovery and searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)