136 resultados para CHELATION
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli löytää keino korkean mangaanipitoisuuden hallintaan ECF-valkaisussa. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin eri metallien ja kuidun vuorovaikutuksia sekä niiden vaikutuksia prosessiin. Lisäksi käytiin läpi sellunvalmituksen yleisimpiä metallienhallintamenetelmiä. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tehtiin esikokeina laboratoriokokeita, jotta löydettiin oikeat kelatointistrategiat tehdasmittakaavan koeajoille. Laboratoriovalkaisut suoritettiin kuudella eri kemikaalilla käyttäen DD3-pesurin jälkeistä massaa ja samanlaisia parametrejä kuin tehdasvalkaisussa. Kolmesta eri valkaisusekvenssistä paras tulos saavutettiin D0-QEP-sekvenssillä. Tehdasmittakaavan koeajojen tavoitteena oli saavuttaa alle 1 mg/kg jäännösmangaanipitoisuus valkaistussa massassa ja korkeampi vaaleus EOP-vaiheessa pienemmällä klooridioksidin kulutuksella. Koeajoissa käytettiinDTPA:ta ja EDTA:ta kahdeksassa eri koepisteessä. Pienimpiin jäännöspitoisuuksiin päästiin koepisteissä, joissa kelatointiaine annosteltiin ennen valkaisun viimeistä pesuvaihetta tai sen jälkeen. Samanlaisia tuloksia saavutettiin koepisteissä, joissa kelatointiaine lisättiin suoraan EOP-vaiheeseen. Tällöin kelatointiaineen käyttö johti myös korkeampaan vaaleuteen EOP-vaiheessa pienemmällä kappakertoimella kuin referenssissä. Säästöt klooridioksidin kulutuksessa eivät olleet kuitenkaan tarpeeksi suuret kattaakseen kelatointiaineiden käytön kustannuksia. Kustannustehokkain tapa kontrolloida jäännösmangaanipitoisuutta oli EDTA:n annostelu D2 DD-pesurin jälkeen. Haittapuolena tälläisessä kelatoinnissa oli metallikompleksien palautuminen valkaisuun kuivauskoneen kiertoveden mukana. Tärkeimmät onnistuneeseen kelatointiin vaikuttavat parametrit olivat lajittelussa käytetyn rikkihapon annos, D0-vaiheen pH ja D0 DD-pesurin pesutehokkuus.
Mangaanilla on havaittu olevan haitallisia vaikutuksia mekaanisen massan peroksidivalkaisussa. Suurin ongelma on mangaanin katalyyttisen aktiivisuuden aiheuttama peroksidin hajoaminen. On havaittu, että mangaanin hapetusasteella voisi olla merkittävä vaikutus mangaanin kelatoitumiseen sekä sen katalysoimaan peroksidin hajoamiseen valkaisun aikana. Työssä selvitettiin, miten massan mangaanipitoisuus ja mangaanin hapetusasteen muutos vaikuttavat valkaisuun ja mangaanin kelatoitumiseen. Laboratoriokokeiden tulokset osoittavat, että mangaani kelatoituu hapetusasteilla +II ja +III happamissa oloissa yhtä hyvin. pH:n nousu heikentää enemmän hapetusasteella +III olevan mangaanin kelatoitumista. Mangaani ei kelatoidu hapetusasteella +IV lainkaan. Valkaisukokeiden perusteella mangaani katalysoi peroksidin hajoamista hapetusasteilla +II ja +III yhtä voimakkaasti, mikä näkyy samalla vaaleuden nousun heikkenemisenä peroksidin määrän vähetessä. Mn(IV) ei katalysoi peroksidin hajoamista ollenkaan ja sen vaikutus vaaleuteen on selvästi pienempi kuin hapetusasteilla +II ja +III. Laboratoriokokeiden tulokset osoittavat myös, että kompleksinmuodostajalla on valkaisussa selvä positiivinen vaikutus. DTPA estää hapetusasteen +II katalyyttistä aktiivisuutta voimakkaammin kuin hapetusasteen +III. Valkaisusakeuden nosto pienensi mangaanin katalyyttistä aktiivisuutta, minkä oletettiin johtuvan stabilointikemikaalien konsentraation noususta.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli pienentää TCF-valkaisimon laatuvaihtelua ja vähentää kemikaaleista aiheutuvia kustannuksia. Työn kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin valkaisuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Valkaisukemikaaleista olivat mukana TCF-valkaisussa käytettävät otsoni ja vetyperoksidi. Lisäksi selvitettiin metallien poistoa massasta sekä vesikierron sulkemisesta aiheutuvia ongelmia. Kokeellisessa osassa etsittiin Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab Rauman tehtaan valkaisuprosessin suurimmat laatuominaisuuksien vaihteluun vaikuttavat tekijät. Tavoitteena oli pienentää vaihtelua valmiin massan laatuominaisuuksissa sekä vähentää raaka-aineista ja kemikaaleista aiheutuvia kustannuksia laatuominaisuuksien tasoa laskematta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin hyväksi Taguchi-menetelmää sekä monimuuttuja-analyysiä. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin kaksi Taguchi-koetta, joissa tutkittiin valkaisimon ensimmäistä otsonivaihetta sekä koko valkaisimoa. Otsonivaiheen merkittävimmiksi tekijöiksi osoittautuivat otsoniannos, otsonin väkevyys sekä pH. Kaikkia valkaisimon vaiheita tutkittaessa löydettiin merkittävimmiksi tekijöiksi ensimmäisen peroksidivaiheen lämpötila, vetyperoksidin jakaminen peroksidivaiheisiin, kelatointi sekä otsonivaiheen otsoniannos ja pH. Optimiajomallin avulla saatiin valkaisimon laatuvaihtelua pienennettyä. Kemikaalikustannuksiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä merkittävimmiksi osoittautuivat kelatoinnin vaikutus, vetyperoksidin annosteleminen molempiin vaiheisiin sekä ensimmäisen peroksidivaiheen lämpötila. Optimiajomallien avulla vetyperoksidikulutusta saatiin pienennettyä noin 24 %.
Mekaanisen massan peroksidivalkaisussa on perinteisesti käytetty kahta kompleksinmuodostajaa, jotka ovat dietyleenitriamiinipentaetikkahappo (DTPA) ja etyleenidiamiinipentaetikkahappo (EDTA). Kompleksinmuodostajat saavat aikaan hyvän kelatointituloksen muodostamalla valkaisulle haitallisten metalli-ionien kanssa kompleksin ja estäen näin metalli-ionien valkaisutulosta huonontavan vaikutuksen. Perinteiset kompleksinmuodostajat DTPA ja EDTA eivät kuitenkaan ole biohajoavia ja niiden epäillään irrottavan metalleja vesistöjen sedimenteistä. Työssä selvitettiin kolmen eri biohajoavan kompleksinmuodostajan valkaisuteho verrattuna perinteisiin kompleksinmuodostajiin. Laboratoriossa suoritetut pesukokeet osoittivat, että mikään biohajoava kompleksinmuodostaja ei saavuttanut samaa pesutehoa kuin perinteiset kompleksinmuodostajat. Valkaisukokeet kuitenkin osoittivat, että biohajoava kompleksinmuodostaja ISA pääsi hyvin lähelle perinteisten kompleksinmuodostajien valkaisutuloksia suoritettaessa valkaisu siten, että massa esipestään kompleksinmuodostajalla ja sen jälkeen valkaistaan vakiokemikaaliannoksella alkalina ollessa natriumhydroksidi. Kaksi muuta biohajoavaa kompleksinmuodostajaa, ISA+EDDS ja HAS, eivät saavuttaneet samaa tasoa. HAS toimi kyllä stabilaattorina, muttei pystynyt nostamaan massan vaaleutta.
The obtained corn germ phytic acid (CGPA) antioxidant potential was evaluated through the deoxyribose, bathophenanthroline (BPS) and DPPH assays. In the concentration of 130.5 μM of CGPA the hydroxyl radical maximum sequestering antioxidant activity was 29.3% while standard phytic acid (SPA) presented this maximum activity of 18.2% in the concentration of 33.2 μM of SPA. The BPS assays revealed that the chelation activity towards Fe2+ increased concurrently with the increase of CGPA concentration and its Fe2+ contact time. Finally, DPPH assay showed that CGPA and SPA did not present electron-donating capacity to DPPH.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of coffee decaffeination with dichloromethane on the in vitro antioxidant activity of this matrix. It were determined the content of total phenolics, chlorogenic acid and caffeine of the coffee samples. The assessment of the antioxidant potential was investigated by DPPH radical scavenging method, reducer power and Fe2+chelation activity. The process of decaffeination and roasting caused changes in the levels of the compounds investigated. The results show that the decaffeination by the dichloromethane method reduces the in vitro antioxidant potential of coffee.
This review explores advances in our understanding of the intracellular regulation of the endothelial isoform of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the context of its dynamically regulated subcellular targeting. Nitric oxide (NO) is a labile molecule, and may play important biological roles both within the cell in which it is synthesized and in its interactions with nearby cells and molecules. The localization of eNOS within the cell importantly influences the biological role and chemical fate of the NO produced by the enzyme. eNOS, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent enzyme, is subject to a complex pattern of intracellular regulation, including co- and post-translational modifications and interactions with other proteins and ligands. In endothelial cells and cardiac myocytes eNOS is localized in specialized plasmalemmal signal-transducing domains termed caveolae; acylation of the enzyme by the fatty acids myristate and palmitate is required for targeting of the protein to caveolae. Targeting to caveolae facilitates eNOS activation following receptor stimulation. In resting cells, eNOS is tonically inhibited by its interactions with caveolin, the scaffolding protein in caveolae. However, following agonist activation, eNOS dissociates from caveolin, and nearly all the eNOS translocates to structures within the cell cytosol; following more protracted incubations with agonists, most of the cytosolic enzyme subsequently translocates back to the cell membrane. The agonist-induced internalization of eNOS is completely abrogated by chelation of intracellular Ca2+. These rapid receptor-mediated effects are seen not only for "classic" eNOS agonists such as bradykinin, but also for estradiol, indicating a novel non-genomic role for estrogen in eNOS activation. eNOS targeting to the membrane is labile, and is subject to receptor-regulated Ca2+-dependent reversible translocation, providing another point for regulation of NO-dependent signaling in the vascular endothelium.
The purpose of the present study was to identify noninvasive methods to evaluate the severity of iron overload in transfusion-dependent ß-thalassemia and the efficiency of intensive intravenous therapy as an additional tool for the treatment of iron-overloaded patients. Iron overload was evaluated for 26 ß-thalassemia homozygous patients, and 14 of them were submitted to intensive chelation therapy with high doses of intravenous deferoxamine (DF). Patients were classified into six groups of increasing clinical severity and were divided into compliant and non-compliant patients depending on their adherence to chronic chelation treatment. Several methods were used as indicators of iron overload. Total gain of transfusion iron, plasma ferritin, and urinary iron excretion in response to 20 to 60 mg/day subcutaneous DF for 8 to 12 h daily are useful to identify iron overload; however, urinary iron excretion in response to 9 g intravenous DF over 24 h and the increase of urinary iron excretion induced by high doses of the chelator are more reliable to identify different degrees of iron overload because of their correlation with the clinical grades of secondary hemochromatosis and the significant differences observed between the groups of compliant and non-compliant patients. Finally, the use of 3-9 g intravenous DF for 6-12 days led to a urinary iron excretion corresponding to 4.1 to 22.4% of the annual transfusion iron gain. Therefore, continuous intravenous DF at high doses may be an additional treatment for these patients, as a complement to the regular subcutaneous infusion at home, but requires individual planning and close monitoring of adverse reactions.
The objectives of this work were synthesizing an EDTA-β-CD adsorbent and investigating its adsorption potential and applications in preconcentration of REEs from aqueous phase. The adsorption capacity of EDTA-β-CD was investigated. The adsorption studies were performed by batch techniques both in one- and multi-component systems. The effects of pH, contact time and initial concentration were evaluated. The analytical detection methods and characterization methods were presented. EDTA-β-CD adsorbent was synthesized successfully with high EDTA coverage. The maximum REEs uptake was 0.310 mmol g-1 for La(III), 0.337 mmol g-1 for Ce(III) and 0.353 mmol g-1 for Eu(III), respectively. The kinetics of REEs onto EDTA-β-CD fitted well to pseudo-second-order model and the adsorption rate was affected by intra-particle diffusion. The experimental data of one component studies fitted to Langmuir isotherm model indicating the homogeneous surface of the adsorbent. The extended Sips model was applicable for the isotherm studies in three-component system. The electrostatic interaction, chelation and complexation were all involved in the adsorption mechanism. The preconcentration of RE ions and regeneration of EDTA-β-CD were successful. Overall, EDTA-β-CD is an effective adsorbent in adsorption and preconcentration of REEs.
The fermented herbal juices are capable of curing and preventing diseases and reducing the aging progress. The present study was performed to investigate the fermentation of Phyllanthus emblica fruit by Lactobacillus paracasei HII01 with respect to carbon sources, polyphenols, and antioxidant properties. The physical changes, for instance, color, odor, taste, turbidity and gas formation, throughout the fermentation process was manually monitored. The fermented product was rich in polyphenolic content. The acid content and pH of the product were under the norms of Thai community product standards. Antioxidant properties of the fermented product were proved using ABTS, and FRAP assays. Chelation based study suggested that fermented P. emblica fruit juices are healthy enough to stabilize the oxidized form of the metal ion. The optimum fermentation period was 15 days. All the results supported that studied carbon sources did not interfere with the quality of the product. This report is the prelude study on the use of probiotic starter culture for the production of P. emblica fruit based lactic acid bacteria fermented beverages (LAFB) enriched with bioactive compounds. Further research on the impact of different carbon sources and upstream processes on the quality of LAFB is currently in progress.
Two efficient, regio- and stereo controlled synthetic approaches to the synthesis of racemic analogs of pancratistatin have been accomplished and they serve as the model systems for the total synthesis of optically active 7-deoxy-pancratistatin. In the Diels-Alder approach, an efficient [4+2] cycloaddition of 3,4-methylenedioxyco- nitrostyrene with Danishefsky's diene to selectively form an exo-nitro adduct has been developed as the key step in the construction of the C-ring of the target molecule. In the Michael addition approach, the key step was a conjugate addition of an organic zinc-cuprate to the 3,4-methylenedioxy-(B-nitrostyrene, followed by a diastereocontroUed closure to form the cyclohexane C-ring of the target molecule via an intramolecular nitro-aldol cyclization on a neutral alumina surface. A chair-like transition state for such a cyclization has been established and such a chelation controlled transition state can be useful in the prediction of diastereoselectivity in other related 6-exo-trig nitroaldol reactions. Cyclization of the above products fi^om both approaches by using a Bischler-Napieralski type reaction afforded two lycoricidine derivatives 38 and 50 in good yields. The initial results from the above modeling studies as well as the analysis of the synthetic strategy were directed to a chiral pool approach to the total synthesis of optically active 7-deoxy-pancratistatin. Selective monsilylation and iodination of Ltartaric acid provided a chiral precursor for the proposed key Michael transformation. The outlook for the total synthesis of 7-deoxy-pancratistatin by this approach is very promising.A concise synthesis of novel designed, optically pure, Cz-symmetrical disulfonylamide chiral ligands starting from L-tartaric acid has also been achieved. This sequence employs the metallation of indole followed by Sfj2 replacement of a dimesylate as the key step. The activity for this Cz-symmetric chiral disulfonamide ligand in the catalytic enantioselective reaction has been confirmed by nucleophilic addition to benzaldehyde in the disulfonamide-Ti (0-i-Pr)4-diethylzinc system with a 48% yield and a 33% e.e. value. Such a ligand tethered with a suitable metal complex should be also applicable towards the total synthesis of 7-deoxy-pancratistatin.
Two new families of building blocks have been prepared and fully characterized and their coordination chemistry exploited for the preparation of molecule-based magnetic materials. The first class of compounds were prepared by exploiting the chemistry of 3,3'-diamino-2,2'-bipyridine together with 2-pyridine carbonyl chloride or 2-pyridine aldehyde. Two new ligands, 2,2'-bipyridine-3,3'-[2-pyridinecarboxamide] (Li, 2.3) and N'-6/s(2-pyridylmethyl) [2,2'bipyridine]-3,3'-diimine (L2, 2.7), were prepared and characterized. For ligand L4, two copper(II) coordination compounds were isolated with stoichiometrics [Cu2(Li)(hfac)2] (2.4) and [Cu(Li)Cl2] (2.5). The molecular structures of both complexes were determined by X-ray crystallography. In both complexes the ligand is in the dianionic form and coordinates the divalent Cu(II) ions via one amido and two pyridine nitrogen donor atoms. In (2.4), the coordination geometry around both Cu11 ions is best described as distorted trigonal bipyramidal where the remaining two coordination sites are satisfied by hfac counterions. In (2.5), both Cu(II) ions adopt a (4+1) distorted square pyramidal geometry. One copper forms a longer apical bond to an adjacent carbonyl oxygen atom, whereas the second copper is chelated to a neighboring Cu-Cl chloride ion to afford chloride bridged linear [Cu2(Li)Cl2]2 tetramers that run along the c-axis of the unit cell. The magnetic susceptibility data for (2.4) reveal the occurrence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the copper(II) ions. In contrast, variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements for (2.5) reveal more complex magnetic properties with the presence of ferromagnetic exchange between the central dimeric pair of copper atoms and weak antiferromagnetic exchange between the outer pairs of copper atoms. The Schiff-base bis-imine ligand (L2, 2.7) was found to be highly reactive; single crystals grown from dry methanol afforded compound (2.14) for which two methanol molecules had added across the imine double bond. The susceptibility of this ligand to nucleophilic attack at its imine functionality assisted via chelation to Lewis acidic metal ions adds an interesting dimension to its coordination chemistry. In this respect, a Co(II) quaterpyridine-type complex was prepared via a one-pot transformation of ligand L2 in the presence of a Lewis acidic metal salt. The rearranged complex was characterized by X-ray crystallography and a reaction mechanism for its formation has been proposed. Three additional rearranged complexes (2.13), (2.17) and (2.19) were also isolated when ligand (L2, 2.7) was reacted with transition metal ions. The molecular structures of all three complexes have been determined by X-ray crystallography. The second class of compounds that are reported in this thesis, are the two diacetyl pyridine derivatives, 4-pyridyl-2,6-diacetylpyridine (5.5) and 2,2'-6,6'-tetraacetyl-4,4'-bipyridine (5.15). Both of these compounds have been designed as intermediates for the metal templated assembly of a Schiff-base N3O2 macrocycle. From compound (5.15), a covalently tethered dimeric Mn(II) macrocyclic compound of general formula {[Mn^C^XJCl-FkO^Cl-lO.SFbO (5.16) was prepared and characterized. The X-ray analysis of (5.16) reveals that the two manganese ions assume a pentagonal-bipyramidal geometry with the macrocycle occupying the pentagonal plane and the axial positions being filled by a halide ion and a H2O molecule. Magnetic susceptibility data reveal the occurrence of antiferromagnetic interactions between covalently tethered Mn(II)-Mn(II) dimeric units. Following this methodology a Co(II) analogue (5.17) has also been prepared which is isostructural with (5.16).
The preparation of chelated difluoroboron cations (DD)BF2+, where DD is a saturated polydentate tertiary-amine or polydentate aromatic ligand, has been systematically studied by using multinuclear solution and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Three new methods of synthesis of (DD)BF2+ cations are reported, and compared with the previous method of reacting a chelating donor with Et20.BF3. The methods most effective for aromatic donors such as 1,1O-phenanthroline are ineffective for saturated polydentate tertiary-amines like N,N,N' ,Nil ,Nil-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine. Polydentate tertiary-amine donors that form 5-membered rings upon bidentate chelation were found to chelate effectively when the BF2 source contained two leaving groups (a heavy halide and a Lewis base such as pyridine =pyr or isoxazole =ISOX), i.e., pyr.BF2X (X = CI or Br), ISOX.BF2X and (pyr)2BF2+. Those that would form 6membered rings upon chelation do not chelate by any of the four methods. Polydentate aromatic ligands chelate effectively when the BF2 source contained a weak Lewis base, e.g., ISOX.BF3, ISOX.BF2X and Et20.BF3. Bidentate chelation by polydentate tertiaryamine and aromatic donors leads to nmr parameters that are significantly different then their (D)2BF2+ relatives (D =monod~ntate t-amines or pyridines). The chelated haloboron cations (DD)BFCI+, and (DD)BFBr+ were generated from D.BFX2 adducts for all ligands that form BF2+ cations above. In addition, the (DD)BCI2+ and (DD)BBr2+ cations were formed from D.BX3 adducts by the chelating aromatic ligands, except for the aromatic ligand 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene, which formed only the (DD)BF2+ cation, apparently due to its extreme steric hindrance. Chelation by a donor is a two-step reaction. For polydentate tertiary-amine ligands, the two rates appear to be very dependent on the two possible leaving groups on the central boron atom. The order of increasing ease of displacement for the donors was: pyr < Cl < Br < ISOX. The rate of chelation by polydentate aromatic ligands appears to be dependent on the displacement of the first ligand from the boron. The order of increasing ease of displacement for the donors was: pyr < CI < ISOX ~ Br < Et20.
Solid complexes of pyridoxine with Mn(II) , Cd(II) and Zn(II) have been isolated, as well as compounds containing Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(III), Cd(II) and Zn(II), and pyridoxamine in various protonated forms. Infrared spectra provide evidence for protonation at the pyridine nitrogen site in the complexes, but not in the neutral vitamins and the complexes of anionic pyridoxamine. Thus the complexed vitamins are in zwitterionic forms, with chelation probably occurring through the phenolate oxygen and either the amino or the hydroxy group at the 4' position.
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and malic enzyme activities in soluble protein extracts of Avena coleoptiles were investigated to determine whether their kinetics were consistent with a role in cytosol pH regulation. Malic enzyme activity was specific for NADP+ and Mn2+. Maximal labelled product formation from [14C]-substrates required the presence of all coenzymes, cofactors and substrates. Plots of rate versus malate concentration, and linear transformations there- 2 of, indicated typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics at non-saturating malate levels and substrate inhibition at higher malate levels. pH increases between 6.5 and 7.25 increased near-optimal activity, decreased the degree of substrate inhibition and the Kmapp(Mn2+) but did not affect the Vmax or Kmapp(malate). Transformed data of PEPC activity demonstrated non-linear plots indicative of non-Michaelian kinetics. pH increases between 7.0 and 7.6 increased the Vmax and decreased the Km app (Mg2+) but did not affect the Kmapp(PEP). Various carboxylic acids and phosphorylated sugars inhibited PEPC and malic enzyme activities, and these effects decreased with pH increases. Metabolite inhibited malic enzyme activity was non-competitive and resulted mainly from Mn2+ chelation. In contrast, metabolite inhibited PEPC activity was unique for each compound tested, being variously dependent on the PEP concentration and the pH employed. These results indicate that fluctuations in pH and metabolite levels affect PEPC and malic enzyme activities similarly and that 3 the in vitro properties of PEPC are consistent with its proposed role in a pH-stat, whereas the in vitro properties of the malic enzyme cannot be interpreted in terms of a role in pH regulation.