993 resultados para CHARGED LATEX-PARTICLES


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The kinetic studies of the acrylic octadecyl ester and styrene polymerization in microemulsion systems, (1) cetyl pyridine bromide (CPDB)/t-butanol/styrene/water; (2) CPDB/t-butanol/toluene + acrylic octadecyl ester (1:1, w/v)/ water; (3) cetyl pyridine bromide/styrene/formamide, were made by using dynamic laser light scattering techniques (DLS). The mechanisms of nucleation of latex particles were discussed. The most possible nucleation location of the styrene and acrylic octadecyl ester microlatex particles in aqueous microemulsion system is in aqueous phase via homogeneous nucleation. Meanwhile, parts of microlatex particles are possibly produced via swollen micelles (microemulsions) and monomer droplets nucleation. On the other hand, the most possible nucleation location of the styrene microlatex particles in nonaqueous microemulsion system is inside monomer droplets. The relationship between the amount of monomer and the size of microlatex was also investigated. It has been found that the size of microlatex particles could be controlled by changing the amount of monomer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Liquid mixtures of water and deuterium oxide as the liquid phase, were used to match the density of charged colloidal particles. Kossel diffraction method was used to detect the crystal structures. The experiments under the density-matched (g=0) and unmatched (g=1) conditions are compared to examine the influence of gravity on the crystal structures formed by self-assembly of 110 nm (in diameter) polystyrene microspheres. The result shows that die gravity tends to make the lattice constants of colloidal crystals smaller at lower positions, which indicates that the effect of gravity should be taken into account in the study of the colloidal crystals.


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Corynebacterium diphtheriae pode ser isolado tanto de quadros de difteria clássica, quanto de infecções sistêmicas, como endocardite. O fibrinogênio (Fbn) e a fibronectina (Fn) são glicoproteínas presentes na matriz extracelular de tecidos conjuntivos. A influência destas proteínas na patogênese das infecções locais e invasivas causadas por C. diphtheriae é objeto de estudo devido ao fato do bacilo diftérico poder ser encontrado em lesões nas quais o Fbn e a Fn são predominantes, incluindo a pseudomembrana diftérica e vegetações cardíacas presentes na endocardite infecciosa. São crescentes as evidências de que o C. diphtheriae pode, além de aderir, ser internalizado por células em cultura. No presente estudo, investigou-se a participação de C. diphtheriae e das proteínas de superfície 67-72p na aderência à Fn e ao Fbn de plasma humano e a eritrócitos. A aderência às células HEp-2 e internalização também foram analisadas. A participação de 67-72p nos mecanismos de morte celular foi avaliada através das colorações por Azul de Tripan e 46-diamidino-2-fenil indol (DAPI), pelo ensaio de redução utilizando dimetil-tiazol-difenil tetrazólio (MTT) e por citometria de fluxo. As 67-72p foram extraídas da superfície da amostra toxigênica C. diphtheriae subsp. mitis CDC-E8392 através de processos mecânicos e precipitação com sulfato de amônio saturado. Análises por SDS-PAGE e immunoblotting detectaram a presença das bandas protéicas de 67 e 72kDa nas amostras toxinogênicas e atoxinogênicas analisadas, as quais pertenciam aos biotipos fermentador e não fermentador de sacarose. C. diphtheriae foi capazes não só de formar agregados na presença de plasma de coelho, mas também de converter Fbn em fibrina independentemente da presença do gene tox. No entanto, a amostra atoxinogênica ATCC 27010 (tox-) foi menos aderente ao Fbn do que a homóloga ATCC 27012 (tox+). A interação bacteriana com eritrócitos foi inibida somente pela Fn. Ligações entre Fn e/ou Fbn com 67-72p foram demonstradas por dot blotting, ELISA e/ou ensaios utilizando fluorescência. As 67-72p foram capazes de inibir as interações bacterianas com o Fbn, indicando que 67-72p podem participar do processo de aderência do patógeno aos tecidos do hospedeiro. Através da microscopia óptica, demonstrou-se a ligação de 67-72p adsorvidas em microesferas de látex com células HEp-2. Anticorpos de coelho do tipo IgG anti 67-72p interferiram somente com a expressão do padrão de aderência do tipo difuso, normalmente apresentado pela amostra CDC-E8392. A Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET) e a inibição da internalização bacteriana pela IgG anti 67-72p ou por 67-72p indicaram o papel de 67-72p como invasina. Alterações do citoesqueleto de células HEp-2 com acumulação de actina polimerizada, induzida por microesferas sensibilizadas com 67-72p, foi observada pelo fluorescent actin staining (FAS) test. Foi visualizado um aumento no número de bactérias viáveis no compartimento intracelular após tratamento de células HEp-2 ou dos microrganismos com Fn. A presença de partículas de látex adsorvidas com 67-72p no interior de vacúolos frouxos em células HEp-2 sugeriu que estas proteínas podem causar efeito citotóxico. A avaliação através das colorações com Azul de Tripan, DAPI e os ensaios de redução utilizando MTT demonstraram um decréscimo na viabilidade de células tratadas com 67-72p. As mudanças morfológicas observadas 3 horas após o início do tratamento com 67-72p incluíram vacuolização, fragmentação nuclear e formação de corpúsculos apoptóticos. A citometria de fluxo revelou um decréscimo de 15,13% no volume/tamanho de células tratadas com 67-72p. Além disso, o ensaio utilizando Iodeto de Propídio (IP) e Anexina V (AV)-FITIC demonstrou que havia 66,1% de células vivas (IP-/AV-), 16,6% de células em apoptose inicial (IP-/AV+) e 13,8% de células em apoptose tardia ou necrose secundária. Em conclusão, as 67-72p estão diretamente envolvidas na interação com Fn e Fbn. As proteínas não fimbriais 67-72p são hemaglutininas implicadas na aderência a células respiratórias e na internalização. Além disso, estas proteínas podem atuar como fatores de virulência em potencial para induzir apoptose de células epiteliais nos estágios iniciais da difteria e nas infecções invasivas causadas pelo C. diphtheriae


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A-type zeolite membranes were prepared on the nonporous metal supports by using electrophoretic technique. The as-synthesized membranes were characterized by XRD and SEM. The effect of the applied potential on the formation of the A-type zeolite membrane was investigated, and the formation mechanism of zeolite membrane in the electric field was discussed. The results showed that the negative charged zeolite particles could migrate to the anode metal surface homogenously and rapidly under the action of the applied electric field, consequently formed uniform and dense membranes in short time. The applied potential had great effect on the membrane formation, and more uniform and denser zeolite membranes were prepared on the nonporous metal supports with 1 V potential.


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A facile, efficient way to fabricate macroscopic soft colloidal crystals with fiber symmetry by drying a latex dispersion in a tube is presented. A transparent, stable colloidal crystal was obtained from a 25 wt % latex dispersion by complete water evaporation for 4 days. The centimeter-long sample was investigated by means of synchrotron small-angle X-ray diffraction (SAXD). Analysis of a large number of distinct Bragg peaks reveals that uniaxially oriented colloidal crystals with face-centered cubic lattice structure were formed.


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Micromolding in capillaries (MIMIC) and non-conformal contact micromolding (NCCM) were employed to pattern the silica microspheres by the use of capillary forces. Three types of silica microspheres aggregations, small dot, ring and grid patterns, from the same prepatterned poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) stamps, were created by tuning the contact mode between the PDMS mold and the substrate and the concentration of silica microspheres suspension during the micromolding. The formation mechanisms of different patterns were discussed.


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Evaporation of a droplet of silica microsphere suspension on a polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) blend film with isolated holes in its surface has been exploited as a means of particles self-assembly. During the retraction of the contact line of the droplet, spontaneous dewetting combined with the strong capillary force pack the silica microspheres into the holes in the polymer surface. Complex aggregates of colloids are formed after being exposed to acetone vapor. The morphology evolution of the underlying polymer film by exposure to acetone solvent vapor is responsible for the complex aggregates of colloids formation.


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Poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA)/SiO2 hybrids with different compositions were prepared under different casting temperatures and pH values. Their morphology as investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that samples with different compositions have different morphologies. When the SiO2 content is lower, PEA is the continuous phase and SiO2 is the dispersed phase. At higher SiO2 content, the change in phase morphology takes place, nd PEA gradually dispersing in the form of latex particles in SiO2 matrix. Change in phase morphology depends mainly on the time the sol-gel transition occurs. At suitable casting temperature and pH value, PEA/SiO2 in 95/5 and 50/50 hybrids with even dispersion was obtained.


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In this article, we report on an approach of using an emulsion polymerized polymer in preparing organic-inorganic nanocomposites through a sol-gel technique. By mixing a polymer emulsion with prehydrolyzed tetraethoxysilane transparent poly(butyl methacrylate)/SiO2, nanocomposites were prepared as shown by TEM. AFM, FTIR, and XPS results show that there is a strong interaction between polymer latex particles and the SiO2 network. Comparison of the emulsion method with a traditional solution method shows that nanocomposites can be prepared by both methods, but there is some difference in their morphology and properties.


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Theoretical and numerical studies are presented of the nonlinear amplitude modulation of dust-acoustic (DA) waves propagating in an unmagnetized three component, weakly-coupled, fully ionized plasma consisting of electrons, positive ions and charged dust particles, considering perturbations oblique to the carrier wave propagation direction. The stability analysis, based on a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE), shows that the wave may become unstable; the stability criteria depend on the angle theta between the modulation and propagation directions. Explicit expressions for the instability rate and threshold have been obtained in terms of the dispersion laws of the system. The possibility and conditions for the existence of different types of localized excitations have also been discussed.


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A theoretical study is presented of the nonlinear amplitude modulation of waves propagating in unmagnetized plasmas contaminated by charged dust particles. Distinct well-known dusty plasma modes are explicitly considered, namely, the dust-acoustic wave, the dust-ion acoustic wave, and transverse dust-lattice waves. Using a multiple-scale technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is derived, describing the evolution of the wave amplitude. A stability analysis reveals the possibility for modulational instability to occur, possibly leading to the formation of different types of envelope-localized excitations (solitary waves), under conditions which depend on the wave dispersion laws and intrinsic dusty plasma parameters.


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The modulational instability of dust-acoustic waves is investigated, relying on a recently proposed model for strong electrostatic interactions between the highly charged dust particles. The resulting effect on the occurrence (threshold, growth rate) of modulational instability is investigated. Our results can in principle be tested experimentally.


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Electron–positron pair plasmas represent a unique state of matter, whereby there exists an intrinsic and complete symmetry between negatively charged (matter) and positively charged (antimatter) particles. These plasmas play a fundamental role in the dynamics of ultra-massive astrophysical objects and are believed to be associated with the emission of ultra-bright gamma-ray bursts. Despite extensive theoretical modelling, our knowledge of this state of matter is still speculative, owing to the extreme difficulty in recreating neutral matter–antimatter plasmas in the laboratory. Here we show that, by using a compact laser-driven setup, ion-free electron–positron plasmas with unique characteristics can be produced. Their charge neutrality (same amount of matter and antimatter), high-density and small divergence finally open up the possibility of studying electron–positron plasmas in controlled laboratory experiments.


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Charged aerosol particles and water droplets are abundant throughout the lower atmosphere, and may influence interactions between small cloud droplets. This note describes a small, disposable sensor for the measurement of charge in non-thunderstorm cloud, which is an improvement of an earlier sensor [K. A. Nicoll and R. G. Harrison, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 014501 (2009)]. The sensor utilizes a self-calibrating current measurement method. It is designed for use on a free balloon platform alongside a standard meteorological radiosonde, measuring currents from 2 fA to 15 pA and is stable to within 5 fA over a temperature range of 5 °C to −60 °C. During a balloon flight with the charge sensor through a stratocumulus cloud, charge layers up to 40 pC m−3 were detected on the cloud edges.