997 resultados para CHARACTER STATES
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB
Os trabalhos sobre dimorfismo sexual em Cebus disponíveis na literatura apontam Cebus apella como a espécie mais dimórfica do gênero. Contudo, vale ressaltar que diversas espécies de macacos-prego eram consideradas anteriormente subespécies de C. apella, sendo analisadas em conjunto nestes estudos. O arranjo taxonômico que segui neste estudo considera tais táxons como espécies válidas, com considerável grau de diferenciação morfológica. A maior parte destes estudos utilizou somente exemplares adultos, assumindo que os indivíduos cessariam seu crescimento assim que a sua dentição estivesse completa. A falta de estudos sobre idades anteriores à idade adulta pode resultar em um entendimento incompleto sobre a natureza do dimorfismo sexual, pois níveis similares deste dimorfismo podem ser gerados por diferentes processos ontogenéticos, refletindo causas evolutivas distintas. Com base nestas informações, os objetivos do presente estudo foram verificar as diferenças sexuais cranianas e no grau de desenvolvimento dos tufos do capuz da cabeça ao longo da ontogenia de seis espécies de macacos-prego, todas pertencentes ao subgênero Sapajus (Cebus apella, C. macrocephalus, C. libidinosus, C. cay, C. nigritus e C. robustus) e confrontar os resultados obtidos entre as espécies para constatar se existem diferenças interespecíficas. Para tanto, examinei 774 espécimes depositados em coleções científicas brasileiras. Mensurei 20 variáveis craniométricas, examinei 12 caracteres cranianos discretos e estabeleci quatro estados de caráter para o grau de desenvolvimento dos tufos do capuz. Avaliei o dimorfismo sexual através do teste t de Student com ajustamento de Bonferroni e empreguei Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP), seguida de Análise de Função Discriminante (AFD) para testar a significância dos agrupamentos etários (infantes, jovens, subadultos e adultos, sendo este último grupo dividido em AD1 e AD2 para C. apella). Os resultados mostraram que diferenças sexuais cranianas podem ser evidenciadas no subgênero Sapajus somente a partir da idade subadulta (aproximadamente 3,5 anos de idade), sendo o comprimento dos caninos a mais conspícua. Contudo, estas diferenças ainda não são estatisticamente significativas. Somente a partir da idade adulta (cerca de 5 anos de idade) a maior parte das variáveis cranianas passou a apresentar dimorfismo sexual significativo, com as espécies comportando-se de modo distinto em relação ao tipo e número de variáveis dimórficas. As espécies que apresentaram maior número de variáveis significativas foram C. apella e C. robustus (N=15), seguidas de C. nigritus (N=13), C. libidinosus (N=10), C. cay (N=7) e C. macrocephalus (N=3). Estudos anteriores apontam que o dimorfismo sexual craniano em Cebus (Sapajus) surge em indivíduos jovens (cerca de 27 meses de idade). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo não corroboram esta idéia, pois demonstram que o dimorfismo sexual significativo surge apenas em indivíduos adultos. Tais resultados ainda sugerem que o processo heterocrônico da taxa de hipermorfose representa o principal fator para o padrão ontogenético de dimorfismo sexual craniano exibido. A despeito do dimorfismo sexual craniano, as espécies de macacos-prego diferem entre si em relação ao grau de desenvolvimento dos tufos do capuz. Constatei que o desenvolvimento dos tufos do capuz em Cebus (Sapajus) está diretamente relacionado à idade, não existindo dimorfismo sexual quanto ao grau de desenvolvimento desta estrutura em C. cay, C. robustus e C. nigritus. Em contrapartida, parece existir dimorfismo sexual negativo em relação ao desenvolvimento dos tufos em C. libidinosus, fato que carece de maiores investigações. Por fim, os resultados deste estudo sugerem que as espécies de macacos-prego podem ter experimentado diferentes graus e/ou tipos de pressões seletivas quanto ao dimorfismo sexual ao longo de sua história evolutiva.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The evolutionary history of Hystricognathi is associated with major transformations in their placental system. Data so far indicate that key characters are independent from size dimensions in medium to very large species. To better understand the situation in smaller species, we analyzed placental development in a spiny rat, Thrichomys laurentinus. Fourteen individuals ranging from early implantation to near term were investigated by histology, immunohistochemistry, proliferation activity and electron microscopy. Placentation in Thrichomys revealed major parallels to the guinea pig and other hystricognath rodents with respect to the early and invasive implantation, the process of trophoblast invasion, the internal organization of the labyrinth and the trophospongium as well as the establishment of the complete inverted yolk sac placenta. In contrast to systematically related small-sized species, the placental regionalization in Thrichomys was characterized by a remarkable lobulated structure and associated growing processes. Reverse to former perspectives, these conditions represented ancient character states of hystricognaths. The subplacenta was temporarily supplied by both the maternal and fetal blood systems, a rare condition among hystricognaths. The extraplacental trophoblast originating from the subplacenta was partly proliferative in mid gestation. In conclusion, the presented results indicated that only minor variations occurred in small-sized hystricognath species, independent of their systematic interrelationships. Previous views were supported that placentation in hystricognaths followed an extraordinary stable pattern, although the group had distinct habitats in South America and Africa that were separated 30-40 million years ago. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 318:13-25, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A recent review of the homology concept in cladistics is critiqued in light of the historical literature. Homology as a notion relevant to the recognition of clades remains equivalent to synapomorphy. Some symplesiomorphies are homologies inasmuch as they represent synapomorphies of more inclusive taxa; others are complementary character states that do not imply any shared evolutionary history among the taxa that exhibit the state. Undirected character-state change (as characters optimized on an unrooted tree) is a necessary but not sufficient test of homology, because the addition of a root may alter parsimonious reconstructions. Primary and secondary homology are defended as realistic representations of discovery procedures in comparative biology, recognizable even in Direct Optimization. The epistemological relationship between homology as evidence and common ancestry as explanation is again emphasized. An alternative definition of homology is proposed. (c) The Willi Hennig Society 2012.
We describe a new species of bufonid from a lowland, sandy soil, restinga habitat in the state of Espirito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Based on the shared occurrence of putative morphological synapomorphies of Melanophryniscus and the results of a phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of a broad sample of bufonids, and other anurans, we assign the new species to Melanophryniscus. The new species possesses several peculiar character states that distinguish it from all other Melanophryniscus including, but not limited to: fingers II, III, and V much reduced; nuptial pad with few enlarged, brown-colored spines on medial margin of finger II; seven presacral vertebrae, the last fused with the sacrum; and ventral humeral crest prominent, forming a spinelike projection.
Crenicichla chicha, new species, occurs in clear, fast-running waters with rocky substrates in the rio Papagaio and tributaries. It is distinguished from all other Crenicichla species by the combination of two character states: infraorbitals 3 and 4 co-ossified (vs. separated) and 66-75 scales in the row immediately above to that containing the lower lateral line (E1 row scales). Crenicichla chicha shares a smooth preopercular margin, co-ossification of infraorbitals 3 and 4, and some color features with C. hemera from the adjacent rio Aripuana drainage, rio Madeira basin. It differs from Crenicichla hemera in more E1 scales (6675 vs. 58-65) and presence of a conspicuous black narrow stripe running from infraorbital 3 obliquely caudoventrad toward the preopercular margin vs. a rounded and faint suborbital marking present on infraorbitals 3-4. Examination of the type series and additional material from the rio Aripuana confirms that Crenicichla guentheri Ploeg, 1991 is a junior subjective synonym of C. hemera Kullander, 1990.
Crenicichla chicha, new species, occurs in clear, fast-running waters with rocky substrates in the rio Papagaio and tributaries. It is distinguished from all other Crenicichla species by the combination of two character states: infraorbitals 3 and 4 co-ossified (vs. separated) and 66-75 scales in the row immediately above to that containing the lower lateral line (E1 row scales). Crenicichla chicha shares a smooth preopercular margin, co-ossification of infraorbitals 3 and 4, and some color features with C. hemera from the adjacent rio Aripuanã drainage, rio Madeira basin. It differs from Crenicichla hemera in more E1 scales (66-75 vs. 58-65) and presence of a conspicuous black narrow stripe running from infraorbital 3 obliquely caudoventrad toward the preopercular margin vs. a rounded and faint suborbital marking present on infraorbitals 3-4. Examination of the type series and additional material from the rio Aripuanã confirms that Crenicichla guentheri Ploeg, 1991 is a junior subjective synonym of C. hemera Kullander, 1990.
Homobasidiomycete fungi display many complex fruiting body morphologies, including mushrooms and puffballs, but their anatomical simplicity has confounded efforts to understand the evolution of these forms. We performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of homobasidiomycetes, using sequences from nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal DNA, with an emphasis on understanding evolutionary relationships of gilled mushrooms and puffballs. Parsimony-based optimization of character states on our phylogenetic trees suggested that strikingly similar gilled mushrooms evolved at least six times, from morphologically diverse precursors. Approximately 87% of gilled mushrooms are in a single lineage, which we call the “euagarics.” Recently discovered 90 million-year-old fossil mushrooms are probably euagarics, suggesting that (i) the origin of this clade must have occurred no later than the mid-Cretaceous and (ii) the gilled mushroom morphology has been maintained in certain lineages for tens of millions of years. Puffballs and other forms with enclosed spore-bearing structures (Gasteromycetes) evolved at least four times. Derivation of Gasteromycetes from forms with exposed spore-bearing structures (Hymenomycetes) is correlated with repeated loss of forcible spore discharge (ballistospory). Diverse fruiting body forms and spore dispersal mechanisms have evolved among Gasteromycetes. Nevertheless, it appears that Hymenomycetes have never been secondarily derived from Gasteromycetes, which suggests that the loss of ballistospory has constrained evolution in these lineages.
Esta tese é dividida em duas partes: traçar a filogenia de Sericothripinae Karny, 1921 e realizar uma revisão taxonômica das espécies neotropicais. Para a análise filogenética, estados de caracteres morfológicos foram examinados entre Sericothripinae e Thysanoptera-Terebrantia relacionados, e as relações genéricas e supragenéricas foram exploradas. O monofiletismo de Sericothripinae foi recuperado, mas o formato do metasterno, usado na classificação dos gêneros, provavelmente não reflete a filogenia. De acordo com estudos moleculares recentes, o grupo genérico Scirtothrips em conjunto com o gênero Echinothrips Moulton, 1911 foram recuperados como intimamente relacionados aos Sericothripinae, mas, neste trabalho, Psilothrips Hood, 1927 e Pseudothrips Hinds, 1902 foram recuperados como não relacionados com Sericothripinae. Muitos estados de caracteres morfológicos entre os Sericothripinae são considerados homoplásticos e, na ausência de análises moleculares adequadas, alterações formais de nomenclatura não foram realizadas. Na revisão taxonômica, 14 novas espécies de Sericothripinae da região Neotropical são descritas. Chaves ilustradas foram elaboradas para as fêmeas de sete espécies de Hydatothrips Karny, 1913 e 41 espécies de Neohydatothrips John, 1929, principalmente do Brasil, mas incluindo todas as espécies registradas do sul da fronteira entre o México e os EUA até o extremo sul da América do Sul. Espécies de plantas em que associações-hospedeiras foram registradas são indicadas sempre que possível, comentários são elencados para as poucas espécies de importância econômica e uma chave para imaturos de segundo instar de cinco espécies é proposta. Neohydatothrips burungae (Hood, 1935) stat. rev. e N. aztecus Johansen, 1983 stat. rev. são retiradas de sinonímia com N. signifer (Priesner, 1932), ao passo que Sericothrips denigratus De Santis, 1966 syn. n. é sinonimizada com N. burungae. Hydatothrips williamsi (Hood, 1928) comb. n. é realocado de Neohydatothrips e, com isso, houve um caso de homônimo no gênero. Para resolver esse problema, H. tareei nom. nov. é proposto para H. williamsi Mound e Tree, 2009, da Austrália.
Seed testing laboratories worldwide analyse samples for quarantine assessments to prevent the entry of prohibited and restricted seeds. Current practices of identifying seeds by comparing an unknown seed with samples of known seeds or photographs of seeds are time consuming, costly and inefficient. A Seed Identification Key using a computerised database has been developed to identify prohibited and restricted seeds. There are currently 78 prohibited and 47 restricted seeds in the database. Lucid software was used to develop the Key because of its versatility in handling both text and image data. A total of 21 externally visible seed characters were identified as most suitable for development of the Key. Explanatory images and notes are attached to the character states to assist the user in correct selection of the state. The Key may be helpful to quarantine officers as well as seed analysts working in seed testing laboratories. It may also be used as an educational tool by agricultural scientists, students and others interested in seeds.
Character states used in distinguishing taxa within the Thripidae subfamily Dendrothripinae are discussed, and a key presented to the 11 genera recognized worldwide. Comments on each of these genera are provided, together with keys to the species from Australia of Dendrothrips, Ensiferothrips and Pseudodendrothrips. From Australia are described, four new species of Dendrothrips, one of Pseudodendrothrips, and a remarkable new species of Ensiferothrips that has required a re-diagnosis of that genus. Another new species of Ensiferothrips is described from Sulawesi, thus greatly extending the known geographical range of this previously Australian genus. © 2016 Magnolia Press.