Cupins-de-montículo predominam em áreas menos sujeitas à mecanização, como as pastagens. Dessa forma, quando não controlados, pastagens mais velhas podem apresentar níveis de infestação mais elevados. Em verdade, altas infestações desses cupins são, em muitos casos, indicadores de pastagens degradadas. As espécies mais comuns em pastagens pertencem ao gênero Cornitermes, destacando-se C. cumulans, C. bequaerti e C. silvestrii. Não há confirmação de danos diretos ocasionados por esses insetos em pastagens, assim como, contesta-se sobre a possível redução de área útil, normalmente associada aos cupinzeiros. Podem, sim, dificultar a movimentação de máquinas e implementos, assim como abrigar animais peçonhentos. Embora a importância desses cupins como pragas de pastagem seja discutível, tem sido generalizada a demanda por controle; que, predominantemente, tem sido feito através de inseticidas químicos. Ressalta-se que em pastagens altamente infestadas, muitas vezes velhas e degradadas, ocorre a morte natural de colônias, e o percentual de cupinzeiros já abandonados na área pode ser alto. Como essas áreas são passíveis de serem reformadas, não se recomenda o controle prévio dos cupinzeiros dessas espécies, e sim, que sejam implementadas as práticas previstas e recomendadas na reforma da pastagem. Estas práticas por si só controlam a maioria, se não todas, as colônias presentes na área. Alerta-se, no entanto, que alguns cupins pertencentes ao gênero Syntermes que, por vezes, também constroem montículos em pastagens, têm a característica de forragear na superfície, coletando folhas secas e verdes. Embora se admita que ocorram em menor freqüência, se comparado a outras espécies de cupins-de-montículo em pastagens, os mesmos representam uma ameaça em potencial.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do Arroio Sapucaia, RS, através da comparação de diferentes metodologias de coleta de sedimento (draga de Eckman e corer hand), de diferentes organismos-teste (Hyalella azteca e Ceriodaphnia dubia) e de diferentes compartimentos aquáticos (água superficial e sedimento). A avaliação foi realizada no período de março de 2000 a janeiro de 2001, com a utilização de testes de toxicidade baseados em metodologias padronizadas, e os resultados demonstraram que não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa na avaliação ecotoxicológica do sedimento do Arroio Sapucaia, RS, coletado com diferentes amostradores e exposto a diferentes organismos-teste, bem como na avaliação dos compartimentos aquáticos. Os dados deste estudo indicam que é possível obter o mesmo resultado no monitoramento ecotoxicológico do Arroio Sapucaia quando forem utilizados organismos bentônicos (H. azteca) e planctônicos (C. dubia). Também, quando utilizados testes de toxicidade crônica, com C. dubia, não se observou diferenças na toxicidade das amostras de água superficial e de sedimento. E, para amostras de sedimento, observou-se a mesma toxicidade quando coletados com draga de Eckman e com "corer hand". Os resultados desta avaliação demonstraram um aumento na contaminação das quatro estações amostrais, para ambos compartimentos: água e sedimento.
O Sistema Hidrológico do Taim, que inclui o Banhado do Taim, insere-se em uma região de áreas alagáveis contínuas caracterizadas por banhados e lagoas de água doce, em uma dinâmica de baixo relevo entre o Oceano Atlântico e a Lagoa Mirim, litoral Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Este sistema encontra-se associado a uma vasta área de monocultura de arroz irrigado. As alterações antropogênicas ou naturais dos níveis d’água no sistema podem afetar a estrutura das comunidades planctônicas associadas às lagoas e à vegetação macrofítica. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi caracterizar a estrutura da comunidade zooplanctônica e verificar sua variação horizontal e temporal num eixo formado por uma área aberta (livre de vegetação) e uma área vegetada por densos estandes de macrófitas, assim como verificar a relação das características limnológicas e climatológicas com estas comunidades de forma a contribuir com elementos para a definição de regras adequadas ao uso dos recursos hídricos desta área. O estudo foi conduzido numa lagoa rasa interna ao Banhado (Lagoa Jacaré), e na porção do Banhado do Taim adjacente à Lagoa. Foi definida uma transecção Banhado-Lagoa composta por três pontos de amostragem (Banhado, Interface e Lagoa). Amostras de água foram coletadas trimestralmente, ao longo de um ano (Agosto/2002 a Junho/2003), para a análise do zooplâncton e das características ambientais. A comunidade zooplanctônica esteve representada por um total de 85 espécies, dentre as quais 39 pertencem aos cladóceros, caracterizando-o como o grupo de maior riqueza específica. O Índice de Constância demonstrou como espécies constantes no eixo Banhado-Lagoa, os rotíferos Lecane leontina e Testudinella sp., e os cladóceros Ceriodaphnia richardi e Chydorus sphaericus. Os copépodos foram o grupo de maior abundância, representada pela dominância dos náuplios e copepoditos, pois os indivíduos adultos freqüentemente ocorreram em número reduzido. Agosto (inverno) foi o período com o maior número de indivíduos, com valores de densidade bastante acentuados em relação aos demais. O Banhado apresentou a maior densidade zooplanctônica, assim como os maiores valores de riqueza e diversidade específica. Este habitat revela-se como uma zona potencial de abrigo e manutenção da fauna zooplanctônica, enfatizando a importância da conservação dos ecossistemas de banhados. As flutuações do nível d’água demonstraram a maior correlação com a variação da comunidade zooplanctônica. A ocorrência de níveis d’água elevados permitiu ampla conexão entre os habitats e grande disponibilidade de nichos, contribuindo para a manutenção de elevada densidade, riqueza e diversidade zooplanctônica nos períodos com tais condições.
Análises ecotoxicológicas vêm sendo empregadas no monitoramento de efluentes industriais com o intuito de minimizar o impacto ambiental, avaliar a eficiência de estações de tratamento, bem como requisito para a obtenção e manutenção de licenças junto aos órgãos ambientais. Com o objetivo de avaliar a toxicidade de um efluente industrial de origem petroquímica, foram realizados ensaios de toxicidade crônica com espécies de três diferentes níveis tróficos (Selenastrum capricornutum, Ceriodaphnia dubia e Pimephales promelas). As amostras do efluente foram também analisadas quanto aos valores de cianeto, DBO5, DQO, fenol, fósforo solúvel, fósforo total, nitrogênio amoniacal, nitrogênio total, óleos e graxas minerais, óleos e graxas totais, óleos e graxas vegetal/animal, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, sólidos suspensos totais, sulfeto, surfactantes e metais (mercúrio, cádmio, cobre, cromo, manganês, chumbo, zinco e níquel). As coletas ocorreram mensalmente, de agosto de 2002 a julho de 2003, na saída da estação de tratamento. Os resultados das análises físicas e químicas foram comparados com os limites de emissão disponíveis na Resolução nº 20/86 do CONAMA e Portaria Estadual nº 05/89 da Secretaria da Saúde e do Meio Ambiente (RS) A maioria dos parâmetros (85,7%) estava de acordo com a legislação vigente, exceto o fósforo total, o nitrogênio total e o nitrogênio amoniacal. No entanto, todas as amostras apresentaram toxicidade para pelo menos um dos organismos utilizados nos ensaios. Apesar de um maior número de amostras ter apresentado toxicidade para S. capricornutum, o efluente foi tóxico para P. promelas em concentrações mais baixas, se comparado com os outros dois organismos. Foi possível identificar correlação estatisticamente significativa (p≤0,05) entre a toxicidade para S. capricornutum e os valores de manganês (r=0,44), toxicidade para C. dubia e os valores de nitrogênio total e DQO (r=0,40) e toxicidade para P.promelas e os valores de sólidos suspensos totais, sulfeto, nitrogênio total e cianeto (r=0,71).
Leachates are effluent produced by decomposition of solid waste, they have complex composition and can be highly toxic. Therefore such percolated liquid should be collected and treated properly to avoid environmental contamination of soil and of water bodies. The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity through ecotoxicological tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia (Cladocera - Crustacea) of percolated liquids generated in two different systems of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal in the city of Natal/ RN: A Sanitary Landfill in the Metropolitan Region of Natal/ RN, and in a dump off area. Furthermore, it was evaluated the possible contamination of the underground water of the dump off area. Two monthly samples were taken at four points between the months of May/2009 and January/2010. The Point "A" corresponds to the end of the pond leachate treatment in ASRMN; The Point "B" corresponds to a containment pond at the dump. The Point "C" is an area near one of the cells of the dump off area where the leachate outcrops; The Point "D" stands for an underground water well at the area. The last point, called "E" was sampled only once and corresponds to the slurry produced by temporary accumulation of solid waste in the open area of the dump. The ecotoxicological tests, acute and chronic, followed the ABNT 13373/2005 rules, with some modifications. The samples were characterized by measuring the pH number, the dissolved oxygen (DO), the salinity, BOD5, COD, Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr, Fe, Mg, Ni, and Zn. At Point A, the average number of EC50-48h ranged between 1.0% and 2.77% (v/v), showing a high toxicity of the leachate to C.dubia in all months. To this point, positive correlations were found between the EC50- 48 with precipitation. Negative correlations were found between the EC50- 48h with salinity. At point B there was no response of the acute exposure of organisms to the test samples. At point C the EC50-48h ranged from 17.68% to 35.36% in just two months of the five ones analyzed, not correlated meaning. Point D, the EC50-48h level ranged between 12.31% and 71.27%, showed a negative correlation with, only, precipitation. Although it was observed toxicity of underground water in the Landfill Area, there was no evidence of water contamination by leachate, however, due to the toxic character of this water, additional tests should be conducted to confirm the quality of water that is used for human supply. At point E there was no acute toxicity. These results support the dangers of inappropriate disposal of MSW to water bodies due to the high toxicity of the leachate produced highlighting the necessity of places of safe confinement and a treatment system more effective to it
Soil contamination by pesticides is an environmental problem that needs to be monitored and avoided. However, the lack of fast, accurate and low cost analytical methods for discovering residual pesticide in complex matrices, such as soil, is a problem still unresolved. This problem needs to be solved before we are able to assess the quality of environmental samples. The intensive use of pesticides has increased since the 60s, because the dependence of their use, causing biological imbalances and promoting resistance and recurrence of high populations of pests and pathogens (upwelling). This has contributed to the appearance of new pests that were previously under natural control. To develop analytical methods that are able to quantify residues pesticide in complex environment. It is still a challenge for many laboratories. The integration of two analytical methods one ecotoxicological and another chemical demonstrates the potential for environmental analysis of methamidophos. The aim of this study was to evaluate an ecotoxicological method as "screening" analytical methamidophos in the soil and perform analytical confirmation in the samples of the concentration of the analyte by chemical method LC-MS/MS In this work we tested two soils: a clayey and sandy, both in contact with the kinetic methamidophos model followed pseudo-second order. The clay soil showed higher absorption of methamidophos and followed the Freundlich model, while the sandy, the Langmuir model. The chemical method was validated LC-MS/MS satisfactory, showing all parameters of linearity, range, precision, accuracy, and sensitivity adequate. In chronic ecotoxicological tests with C. dubia, the NOEC was 4.93 and 3.24 for ng L-1 of methamidophos to elutriate assays of sandy and clay soils, respectively. The method for ecotoxicological levels was more sensitive than LC-MS/MS detection of methamidophos, loamy and sandy soils. However, decreasing the concentration of the standard for analytical methamidophos and adjusting for the validation conditions chemical acquires a limit of quantification (LOQ) in ng L-1, consistent with the provisions of ecotoxicological test. The methods described should be used as an analytical tool for methamidophos in soil, and the ecotoxicological analysis can be used as a "screening" and LC-MS/MS as confirmatory analysis of the analyte molecule, confirming the objectives of this work
Environmental pollution causes the loss of the quality of aquatic resources and also affects the health of human beings. The Golandim River is located in São Gonçalo do Amarante (RN Brazil) and had its water recovered seven years ago by measurements of parameters of the water s quality analyses physicochemistry, microbiological and heavy metals. However, it is not well established if this river is truly recovered, so this study provides a wide knowledge about the quality of these waters. Therefore, this investigation was accomplished by assays of ecotoxicology utilizing Ceriodaphnia dubia and of genotoxicity of the river s water using a biomarker Tradescantia Pallida (Trad-MCN). In set, it carried through a study of environmental perception through questionnaires that approached questions related to the profile of the interviewed one, knowledge on the environment and of the river Golandim with the community that lives in the neighborhoods of the river to diagnosis as they perceive the environment where live and its problems. The assays of the water had been carried out by collecting samples in three different sites of the Golandim River. They were collected between the periods of December 2010 (dry season in the northeast of Brazil) and July 2011 (rainy season in the northeast of). The analysis of the data allowed observing that the majority of the inhabitants are adult and presents a global vision of what it is part of the environment, the majority mentions the pollution of the river as one of the problems of the city, considering it serious. The ecotoxicology assay showed that there was not acute toxicity in all three samples collected. Meanwhile, all these three samples demonstrated significant chronic toxicity. The results from the Trad-MCN assay presented an increase in the frequency of micronucleus in one of the sites analyzed (S3) (p<0.01), in both seasons collected. On the other hand, the sites S1 and S2 did not presented a significant increase of micronucleus using this bioassay. The analyses of chemicals detected an increase in the levels of some metals, in different seasons and samples, which can be associates with some compounds found in urban and industrial areas. On the other hand, the physicochemistries parameters demonstrated that the Golandim River is recouped, when compared with the values presented at the CONAMA s legislation. However, these results indicate the presence of compounds capable of inducing chromosomal mutation in plants. On the other hand, the parameters physicistchemistries demonstrate that the river Golandim is if recouping, since when compares the values observed with the legislation of the CONAMA. All these results point to the fact that the Trad-MCN assay was sensitive and efficient biomarker for chromosomal instability and the C. dubia ecotoxicology assay was as though an efficient biomarker of toxicity of water s quality. The results from Trad-MCN associated with the ecotoxicology demonstrates that these analyses are important for environmental monitoring, once the first bioassay described above indicates alterations at the standards of cells and the other one indicates alterations at the standards of organisms. This study alerts for the necessity to carry out biological assays for the analyses of the water s quality
The research is developed in areas of horticulture in the city of Natal, in the neighborhoods of Lagoa Azul, Pajuçara and Redinha, along the Doce River, border area with Extremoz city, Rio Grande do Norte State. The region of the fluvial plain of Doce River is located in an Environmental Protection Zone (ZPA-9). This is one of the ZPA which is not under the regulatory marks and there are several environmental problems caused by use and land occupation, featuring an evident disregard of environmental laws and whose protection is hindered by the lack of specific legal mechanisms. This study aims to provide an overview of the use of pesticides in the lower course of the Doce River, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, and to assess environmental degradation in the area through chronic toxicity tests using the microcrustaceous Ceriodaphnia dubia Richard 1894 (Cladocera, Crustacea) as test organism. Visits were made to the area in 2009 and 2010. To obtain information a diagnosis of the local situation was accomplished based on personal observation and non-participatory photographic record, with the aim of assessing the environmental characteristics, population diversity and work processes of horticulturists. During the visits four different points of the Doce River were chosen to collect water for ecotoxicological tests and survey of physico-chemical parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, chloride, turbidity, conductivity and temperature), which were measured in the field using Multiparameter Probe (TROLL 9500). The adverse effects of pesticide use in the lower course of the Doce River is a major problem for both the environmental and human health, since many of the substances and active principles that enter in the composition of the products are synthesized molecules whose effects can only be evaluated through different studies on their actions and behavior at short, medium or long term
For many decades the problematic raised about the indiscriminate use of pesticides in modern agriculture has incited the interest of many researchers to discover the effects caused by such products in the environment and consequently in the life of the ones which use that products (farmers) and those people who live in places next to the agricultural areas. Facing these facts, this research had the intention of comprehend the environmental perception of habitants of the Distrito Irrigado do Baixo-Açu (DIBA), located in the semiarid of Rio Grande do Norte, by using agro toxics and its possible environmental effects, as well as evaluate the levels of toxicity of waters from agricultural runoff in this region by using eco-toxicological exams with Ceriodaphnia silvestii. Were done 86 interviews with dwellers and farmers from DIBA. With the results reached in the evaluation of the interviews it was possible to identify that one of major problems is the inappropriate discard of empty packs of the pesticides used at that place. The samples collected for eco-toxicological evaluation showed a variation in its toxicity, once that the point of collect which receives waters from different cultures presented in four out of five samples toxicity for the tested species. Therefore, it concludes that the indiscriminate use of pesticides agricultural practice presented a potential to pollute to the irrigation waters, and the absence of elucidation by the farmers about the manipulation of these products contribute to the risk of environmental contamination and the possible decrease of the quality of life of the dwellers of the region
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The abundance of zooplankton in two lakes of Southwest Amazonia was studied for 10 months in different regions and at different periods of the day. The lakes were Lago Amapá, located at 10°02′36″S, 67°50′24″W, and Lago Pirapora, at 9°27′21″S, 67°31′39″. Both lakes are characterized as oxbow lakes. The aim of this study was to compare the pelagic and littoral regions, as well as to determine differences in the distribution of zooplankton in the water column in the morning and at night. Collections were made by filtering water through a 55μm zooplankton net into a 5L Van Dorn bottle, collecting 4L from the top and 5L from the middle and bottom layers, totaling 14L of water for each sampling location. In addition, physical and chemical parameters were measured, including transparency, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and turbidity. Anova (analysis of variance) and Tukey's test were used. There was no statistically significant difference between the regions studied, nor between the two time periods examined. The results of the Pearson correlation (p<0.05) demonstrated that the physical and chemical characteristics of the water correlated with the cladocerans Moina spp. (represented by M. minuta and M. reticulata) and Ceriodaphnia cornuta, and that Daphnia gessneri was associated with Chaoboridae.
The zooplankton communities of two lacustrine ecosystems in southwestern Amazonia (Lago Amapá and Lago Pirapora) were studied based on samples collected over an 11-month period. The general aim of the present work was to contribute to the knowledge of the zooplankton fauna in southwestern Amazonia, by studying the occurrence of certain species; and to improve the knowledge of the Rio Acre tributaries. The total number of taxa included 38 species of rotifers, 6 cladocerans and 7 copepods. Most of the species were from the rotifer family Brachionidae. Jaccard's similarity index was similar for the two lakes at 0.6964 The constancy index defined the species Keratella cochlearis, Filinia cf. terminate, Filinia opoliensis, Hexarthra intermedia braziliensis, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina minuta, Diaphanosoma spinulosnm, and immature forms (nauplii and copepodites) as the constant in these lakes. The presence of zooplankton with higher number of species occupying the middle depths, during morning and night periods.
This study focused the spatial and temporal distribution of the composition, abundance, and diversity of planktonic cladocerans from eutrophic, Iraí Reservoir, as well as their relationships with some biotic and abiotic variables. The tested hypothesis was that cladocerans present higher variation in a temporal than in a spatial scale. The samples were taken monthly in 6 stations, from March/02 to July/03. Twenty-four taxa were identified, distributed in 7 families, the richest families being Daphniidae (6 spp.), Chydoridae (6 spp.), and Bosminidae (5 spp.). The most frequent and abundant species were Bosmina hagmanni, Moina minuta, and Ceriodaphnia cornuta. The highest abundances were found in September/2002. Temporally, rainfall influenced organism's distribution, while spatially cladocerans were more affected by reservoir hydrodynamics and wind action. The low species richness could be a reflection of the trophic state of the reservoir, in which a dominance of Cyanobacteria was observed during that study period. Both scales showed high variation, but only the temporal scale showed significant difference to richness and abundance. Nearby the end of this study, higher stable values of species richness were recorded, which could suggest an increase in the water quality due to des-pollutions actions.
Evaluate the performance and survival of capaz larvae Pimelodus grosskopfii after supplying live food (Cladocera, Copepod and Artemia Salina). Materials and methods. Capaz larva were placed in plastic containers with an useful volume of 3 L , and a larvae density of 10 L-1, they were fed four times a day during 15 days with newly hatched Artemia nauplii, Cladocerans of the genders Moina and Ceriodaphnia and Copepods calanoides. Capaz larva were weighed and measured at the beginning and the end of the experiment in order to evaluate their weight gain (WG), length gain (LG), specific growth rate (SGR), relative growth factor (RGF), and survival rate(S). Results. The treatment that showed the best results in WG, LG and S was the lot fed with Artemia nauplii (3.8±0.2 mg, 8±0.7 mm and 48.3% respectively), followed by sample supplied with Cladocera and Copepods. Conclusions. The Artemia nauplii treatment revealed the best results on the productive variables evaluated in P. grosskopfii larvae at the beginning of their exogenous feeding.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)