958 resultados para CEREBRAL-BLOOD-FLOW


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Frontal alpha band asymmetry (FAA) is a marker of altered reward processing in major depressive disorder (MDD), associated with reduced approach behavior and withdrawal. However, its association with brain metabolism remains unclear. The aim of this study is to investigate FAA and its correlation with resting – state cerebral blood flow (rCBF). We hypothesized an association of FAA with regional rCBF in brain regions relevant for reward processing and motivated behavior, such as the striatum. We enrolled 20 patients and 19 healthy subjects. FAA scores and rCBF were quantified with the use of EEG and arterial spin labeling. Correlations of the two were evaluated, as well as the association with FAA and psychometric assessments of motivated behavior and anhedonia. Patients showed a left – lateralized pattern of frontal alpha activity and a correlation of FAA lateralization with subscores of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale linked to motivated behavior. An association of rCBF and FAA scores was found in clusters in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex bilaterally (patients) and in the left medial frontal gyrus, in the right caudate head and in the right inferior parietal lobule (whole group). No correlations were found in healthy controls. Higher inhibitory right – lateralized alpha power was associated with lower rCBF values in prefrontal and striatal regions, predominantly in the right hemisphere, which are involved in the processing of motivated behavior and reward. Inhibitory brain activity in the reward system may contribute to some of the motivational problems observed in MDD.


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BACKGROUND White matter (WM) fibers connect different brain regions and are critical for proper brain function. However, little is known about the cerebral blood flow in WM and its relation to WM microstructure. Recent improvements in measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF) by means of arterial spin labeling (ASL) suggest that the signal in white matter may be detected. Its implications for physiology needs to be extensively explored. For this purpose, CBF and its relation to anisotropic diffusion was analyzed across subjects on a voxel-wise basis with tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) and also across white matter tracts within subjects. METHODS Diffusion tensor imaging and ASL were acquired in 43 healthy subjects (mean age = 26.3 years). RESULTS CBF in WM was observed to correlate positively with fractional anisotropy across subjects in parts of the splenium of corpus callosum, the right posterior thalamic radiation (including the optic radiation), the forceps major, the right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, the right inferior longitudinal fasciculus and the right superior longitudinal fasciculus. Furthermore, radial diffusivity correlated negatively with CBF across subjects in similar regions. Moreover, CBF and FA correlated positively across white matter tracts within subjects. CONCLUSION The currently observed findings on a macroscopic level might reflect the metabolic demand of white matter on a microscopic level involving myelination processes or axonal function. However, the exact underlying physiological mechanism of this relationship needs further evaluation.


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The rheoencephalogram (REG) is the change in the electrical impedance of the head that occurs with each heart beat. Without knowledge of the relationship between cerebral blood flow (Q) and the REG, the utility of the REG in the study of the cerebral vasculature is greatly limited. The hypothesis is that the relationship between the REG and Q when venous outflow is nonpulsatile is^ (DIAGRAM, TABLE OR GRAPHIC OMITTED...PLEASE SEE DAI)^ where K is a proportionality constant and Q is the mean Q.^ Pulsatile CBF was measured in the goat via a chronically implanted electromagnetic flowmeter. Electrodes were implanted in the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere, and the REG was measured with a two electrode impedance plethysmograph. Measurements were made with the animal's head elevated so that venous flow pulsations were not transmitted from the heart to the cerebral veins. Measurements were made under conditions of varied cerebrovascular resistance induced by altering blood CO(,2) levels and under conditions of high and low cerebrospinal fluid pressures. There was a high correlation (r = .922-.983) between the REG calculated from the hypothesized relationship and the measured REG under all conditions.^ Other investigators have proposed that the REG results from linear changes in blood resistivity proportional to blood velocity. There was little to no correlation between the measured REG and the flow velocity ( r = .022-.306). A linear combination of the flow velocity and the hypothesized relationship between the REG and Q did not predict the measured REG significantly better than the hypothesized relationship alone in 37 out of 50 experiments.^ Jacquy proposed an index (F) of cerebral blood flow calculated from amplitudes and latencies of the REG. The F index was highly correlated (r = .929) with measured cerebral blood flow under control and hypercapnic conditions, but was not as highly correlated under conditions of hypocapnia (r = .723) and arterial hypotension (r = .681).^ The results demonstrate that the REG is not determined by mean cerebral blood flow, but by the pulsatile flow only. Thus, the utility of the REG in the determination of mean cerebral blood flow is limited. ^


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Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a technique for noninvasively measuring cerebral perfusion using magnetic resonance imaging. Clinical applications of ASL include functional activation studies, evaluation of the effect of pharmaceuticals on perfusion, and assessment of cerebrovascular disease, stroke, and brain tumor. The use of ASL in the clinic has been limited by poor image quality when large anatomic coverage is required and the time required for data acquisition and processing. This research sought to address these difficulties by optimizing the ASL acquisition and processing schemes. To improve data acquisition, optimal acquisition parameters were determined through simulations, phantom studies and in vivo measurements. The scan time for ASL data acquisition was limited to fifteen minutes to reduce potential subject motion. A processing scheme was implemented that rapidly produced regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) maps with minimal user input. To provide a measure of the precision of the rCBF values produced by ASL, bootstrap analysis was performed on a representative data set. The bootstrap analysis of single gray and white matter voxels yielded a coefficient of variation of 6.7% and 29% respectively, implying that the calculated rCBF value is far more precise for gray matter than white matter. Additionally, bootstrap analysis was performed to investigate the sensitivity of the rCBF data to the input parameters and provide a quantitative comparison of several existing perfusion models. This study guided the selection of the optimum perfusion quantification model for further experiments. The optimized ASL acquisition and processing schemes were evaluated with two ASL acquisitions on each of five normal subjects. The gray-to-white matter rCBF ratios for nine of the ten acquisitions were within ±10% of 2.6 and none were statistically different from 2.6, the typical ratio produced by a variety of quantitative perfusion techniques. Overall, this work produced an ASL data acquisition and processing technique for quantitative perfusion and functional activation studies, while revealing the limitations of the technique through bootstrap analysis. ^


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Positron emission tomography studies were conducted during genesis of moderate thirst by rapid i.v. infusion of hypertonic saline (0.51 M) and after satiation of thirst by drinking water. The correlation of regional cerebral blood flow with the change in the plasma Na concentration showed a significant group of cerebral activations in the anterior cingulate region and also a site in the middle temporal gyrus and in the periaqueductal gray. Strongest deactivations occurred in the parahippocampal and frontal gyri. The data are consistent with an important role of the anterior cingulate in the genesis of thirst.


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Functional brain mapping based on changes in local cerebral blood flow (lCBF) or glucose utilization (lCMRglc) induced by functional activation is generally carried out in animals under anesthesia, usually α-chloralose because of its lesser effects on cardiovascular, respiratory, and reflex functions. Results of studies on the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the mechanism of functional activation of lCBF have differed in unanesthetized and anesthetized animals. NO synthase inhibition markedly attenuates or eliminates the lCBF responses in anesthetized animals but not in unanesthetized animals. The present study examines in conscious rats and rats anesthetized with α-chloralose the effects of vibrissal stimulation on lCMRglc and lCBF in the whisker-to-barrel cortex pathway and on the effects of NO synthase inhibition with NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) on the magnitude of the responses. Anesthesia markedly reduced the lCBF and lCMRglc responses in the ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus and barrel cortex but not in the spinal and principal trigeminal nuclei. l-NAME did not alter the lCBF responses in any of the structures of the pathway in the unanesthetized rats and also not in the trigeminal nuclei of the anesthetized rats. In the thalamus and sensory cortex of the anesthetized rats, where the lCBF responses to stimulation had already been drastically diminished by the anesthesia, l-NAME treatment resulted in loss of statistically significant activation of lCBF by vibrissal stimulation. These results indicate that NO does not mediate functional activation of lCBF under physiological conditions.


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The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the increase in local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) elicited by focal cortical epileptic seizures was investigated in anesthetized adult rats. Seizures were induced by topical bicuculline methiodide applied through two cranial windows drilled over homotopic sites of the frontal cortex, and LCBF was measured by quantitative autoradiography by using 4-iodo[N-methyl-14C]antipyrine. Superfusion of an inhibitor of NO synthase, N omega-nitro-L-arginine (NA; 1 mM), for 45 min abolished the increase of LCBF induced by topical bicuculline methiodide (10 mM) [164 +/- 18 ml/100 g per min in the artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)-superfused side and 104 +/- 12 ml/100 g per ml in the NA-superfused side; P < 0.005]. This effect was reversed by coapplication of an excess of L-arginine substrate (10 mM) (218 +/- 22 ml/100 g per min in the aCSF-superfused side and 183 +/- 31 ml/100 g per min in the NA + L-Arg-superfused side) but not by 10 mM D-arginine, a stereoisomer with poor affinity for NO synthase (193 +/- 17 ml/100 g per min in the aCSF-superfused side and 139 +/- 21 ml/100 g per min in the NA + D-Arg-superfused side; P < 0.005). Superfusion of the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor methylene blue attenuated the LCBF increase elicited by topical bicuculline methiodide by 25% +/- 16% (P < 0.05). The present findings suggest that NO is the mediator of the vasodilation in response to focal epileptic seizures.


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It is well known that there is a dynamic relationship between cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV). With increasing applications of functional MRI, where the blood oxygen-level-dependent signals are recorded, the understanding and accurate modeling of the hemodynamic relationship between CBF and CBV becomes increasingly important. This study presents an empirical and data-based modeling framework for model identification from CBF and CBV experimental data. It is shown that the relationship between the changes in CBF and CBV can be described using a parsimonious autoregressive with exogenous input model structure. It is observed that neither the ordinary least-squares (LS) method nor the classical total least-squares (TLS) method can produce accurate estimates from the original noisy CBF and CBV data. A regularized total least-squares (RTLS) method is thus introduced and extended to solve such an error-in-the-variables problem. Quantitative results show that the RTLS method works very well on the noisy CBF and CBV data. Finally, a combination of RTLS with a filtering method can lead to a parsimonious but very effective model that can characterize the relationship between the changes in CBF and CBV.


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The difference between the rate of change of cerebral blood volume (CBV) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) following stimulation is thought to be due to circumferential stress relaxation in veins (Mandeville, J.B., Marota, J.J.A., Ayata, C., Zaharchuk, G., Moskowitz, M.A., Rosen, B.R., Weisskoff, R.M., 1999. Evidence of a cerebrovascular postarteriole windkessel with delayed compliance. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 19, 679–689). In this paper we explore the visco-elastic properties of blood vessels, and present a dynamic model relating changes in CBF to changes in CBV. We refer to this model as the visco-elastic windkessel (VW) model. A novel feature of this model is that the parameter characterising the pressure–volume relationship of blood vessels is treated as a state variable dependent on the rate of change of CBV, producing hysteresis in the pressure–volume space during vessel dilation and contraction. The VW model is nonlinear time-invariant, and is able to predict the observed differences between the time series of CBV and that of CBF measurements following changes in neural activity. Like the windkessel model derived by Mandeville, J.B., Marota, J.J.A., Ayata, C., Zaharchuk, G., Moskowitz, M.A., Rosen, B.R., Weisskoff, R.M., 1999. Evidence of a cerebrovascular postarteriole windkessel with delayed compliance. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 19, 679–689, the VW model is primarily a model of haemodynamic changes in the venous compartment. The VW model is demonstrated to have the following characteristics typical of visco-elastic materials: (1) hysteresis, (2) creep, and (3) stress relaxation, hence it provides a unified model of the visco-elastic properties of the vasculature. The model will not only contribute to the interpretation of the Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signals from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) experiments, but also find applications in the study and modelling of the brain vasculature and the haemodynamics of circulatory and cardiovascular systems.


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The temporal relationship between changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) is important in the biophysical modeling and interpretation of the hemodynamic response to activation, particularly in the context of magnetic resonance imaging and the blood oxygen level-dependent signal. Grubb et al. (1974) measured the steady state relationship between changes in CBV and CBF after hypercapnic challenge. The relationship CBV proportional to CBFPhi has been used extensively in the literature. Two similar models, the Balloon (Buxton et al., 1998) and the Windkessel (Mandeville et al., 1999), have been proposed to describe the temporal dynamics of changes in CBV with respect to changes in CBF. In this study, a dynamic model extending the Windkessel model by incorporating delayed compliance is presented. The extended model is better able to capture the dynamics of CBV changes after changes in CBF, particularly in the return-to-baseline stages of the response.


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We investigated the differences in the resting state corticolimbic blood flow between 20 unmedicated depressed patients and 21 healthy comparisons. Resting state cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured with H215O PET. Anatomical MRI scans were performed on an Elscint 1.9 T Prestige system for PET-MRI coregistration. Significant changes in cerebral blood flow indicating neural activity were detected using an ROI-free image subtraction strategy. In addition, the resting blood flow in patients was correlated with the severity of depression as measured by HAM-D scores. Depressed patients showed decreases in blood flow in right anterior cingulate (Brodmann areas 24 and 32) and increased blood flow in left and right posterior cingulate (Brodmann areas 23, 29, 30), left parahippocampal gyrus (Brodmann area 36), and right caudate compared with healthy volunteers. The severity of depression was inversely correlated with the left middle and inferior frontal gyri (Brodmann areas 9 and 47) and right medial frontal gyrus (Brodmann area 10) and right anterior cingulate (Brodmann areas 24, 32) blood flow, and directly correlated with the right thalamus blood flow. These findings support previous reports of abnormalities in the resting state blood flow in the limbic-frontal structures in depressed patients compared to healthy volunteers. Hum Brain Mapp, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.