36 resultados para CD73
The method of isolation of bone marrow (BM) mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) is a limiting factor in their study and therapeutic use. MSCs are typically expanded from BM cells selected on the basis of their adherence to plastic, which results in a heterogeneous population of cells. Prospective identification of the antigenic profile of the MSC population(s) in BM that gives rise to cells with MSC activity in vitro would allow the preparation of very pure populations of MSCs for research or clinical use. To address this issue, we used polychromatic flow cytometry and counterflow centrifugal elutriation to identify a phenotypically distinct population of mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MSPCs) within human BM. The MSPC activity resided within a population of rare, small CD45⁻CD73⁺CD90⁺CD105⁺ cells that lack CD44, an antigen that is highly expressed on culture-expanded MSCs. In culture, these MSPCs adhere to plastic, rapidly proliferate, and acquire CD44 expression. They form colony forming units-fibroblast and are able to differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes under defined in vitro conditions. Their acquired expression of CD44 can be partially downregulated by treatment with recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, a response not found in BM-MSCs derived from conventional plastic adherence methods. These observations indicate that MSPCs within human BM are rare, small CD45⁻CD73⁺CD90⁺CD105⁺ cells that lack expression of CD44. These MSPCs give rise to MSCs that have phenotypic and functional properties that are distinct from those of BM-MSCs purified by plastic adherence.
The molecular mechanisms that mediate endometrial cancer invasion and metastasis remain poorly understood. This is a significant clinical problem, as there is no definitive cure for metastatic disease. The purinergic pathway’s generation of adenosine and its activation of the adenosine receptor A2B (A2BR) induces cell-cell adhesion to promote barrier function. This barrier function is known to be important in maintaining homeostasis during hypoxia, trauma, and sepsis. Loss of this epithelial barrier function provides a considerable advantage for carcinoma progression, as loss of cell-cell adhesions supports proliferation, aberrant signaling, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, invasion, and metastasis. The present work provides strong evidence that CD73-generated adenosine actively promotes cell-cell adhesion in carcinoma cells by filopodia-induced zippering. Adenosine-generating ecto-enzyme, CD73, was down-regulated in moderately- and poorly-differentiated, invasive, and metastatic endometrial carcinomas. CD73 expression and enzyme activity in normal endometrium and endometrial carcinomas was significantly correlated to the epithelial phenotype. Barrier function in normal epithelial cells of the endometrium was dependent on stress-induced generation of adenosine by CD73 and adenosine’s activation of A2BR. This same mechanism inhibited endometrial carcinoma cell migration and invasion. Finally, adenosine’s activation of A2BR induced the formation of filopodia that promoted the re-forming of cell-cell adhesions in carcinoma cells. Overall, these studies identified purinergic pathway-induced filopodia to be a novel mechanism of adenosine’s barrier function and a mechanism that has to be avoided/down-regulated by endometrial carcinoma cells attempting to lose attachment with their neighboring cells. These results provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of endometrial cancer invasion. In addition, because loss of cell-cell adhesions has been closely linked to therapy resistance in cancer, these results provide a rational clinical strategy for the re-establishment of cell-cell adhesions to potentially increase therapeutic sensitivity. In contrast to other molecular mechanisms regulating cell-cell adhesions, the purinergic pathway is clinically druggable, with agonists and antagonists currently being tested in clinical trials of various diseases.
Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the neuroglial phenotype of Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSC) from pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia and gestational age (GA)-matched controls. Methods: WJ-MSC were isolated from umbilical cords from both groups and analyzed for the cell surface expression of MSC markers and the gene and protein expression of neuroglial markers. Results: All WJ cells were highly positive for the MSC markers CD105, CD90 and CD73, but negative for markers specific for hematopoietic (CD34) and immunological cells (CD45, CD14, CD19 and HLA-DR). WJ-MSC from both groups expressed neuroglial markers (MAP-2, GFAP, MBP, Musashi-1 and Nestin) at the mRNA and protein level. The protein expressions of neuronal (MAP-2) and oligodendrocytic (MBP) markers were significantly increased in WJ-MSC from preeclampsia versus GA-matched controls. Conclusions: WJ-MSC from preeclamptic patients are possibly more committed to neuroglial differentiation through the activation of pathways involved both in the pathophysiology of the disease and in neurogenesis.
Human adipose mesenchymal stem cells are a heterogeneous population, where cell cultures derived from single cell-expanded clones present varying degrees of differential plasticity. This work focuses on the immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory properties of these cells. To this end, 5 single cell clones were isolated (generally called 1.X and 3.X) from 2 volunteers. Regarding the expression level of the lineage-characteristic surface antigens, clones 1.10 and 1.22 expressed the lowest amounts, while clones 3.10 and 3.5 expressed more CD105 than the rest and clone 1.7 expressed higher amounts of CD73 and CD44. Regarding cytokine secretion, all clones were capable of spontaneously releasing high levels of IL-6 and low to moderate levels of IL-8. These differences can be explained in part by the distinct methylation profile exhibited by the clones. Furthermore and after lipopolysaccharide stimulation, clone 3.X produced the highest amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, while clones 1.10 and 1.22 highly expressed IL-4 and IL-5. In co-culture experiments, clones 1.X are altogether more potent inhibitors than clones 3.X for proliferation of total, CD3+T, CD4+T and CD8+T lymphocytes and NK cells. The results of this work indicates that adipose stem cell population is heterogeneous in cytokine production profile, and that isolation, characterization and selection of the appropriate cell clone is a more exact method for the possible treatment of different patients or pathologies.
Desde la organogénesis y hasta estadios adultos, las células madre mesenquimales participan activamente dando origen y manteniéndola homeostasis del organismo. En la cavidad oral han sido aisladas desde variadas estructuras del órgano dental tales como el ligamento periodontal, pulpa dental, tejido gingival, folículo dental y papila apical significando una prometedora fuente de células madre mesenquimales las que pueden ser caracterizadas de acuerdo a los criterios mínimos establecidos por "The International Society for Cellular Therapy" que son: a) La adherencia al plástico; b) La expresión de marcadores CD73, CD90, CD105 y la carencia de CD34, CD45, CD14, CD11, CD79, CD19 y HLA-DR (clase II); c) Capacidad multipotencial de diferenciación hacia linaje osteogénico, condrogénico y adipogénico. El objetivo de esta revisión consiste en realizar un levantamiento de la situación actual de este tema efectuando una revisión comprensiva de la literatura en los campos de; identificación a través demarcadores de superficie, aislamiento por medio de mecanismos de digestión enzimática o explante, almacenamiento atendiendo a la necesidad de suprimir el uso de suero fetal bovino como medio de cultivo en un esfuerzo por avanzar hacia aplicaciones terapéuticas, banca o criopreservación destacando nuevas experiencia en este campo como lo es la criopreservación de piezas dentales completas gracias a la tecnología láser Nd:YAG. Y, finalmente, las aplicaciones clínicas que promete este grupo de células a través de la medicina regenerativa y la ingeniería tisular tanto en el campo de la odontología como la medicina general.
RESUMO: A geleia de Wharton é uma fonte de células tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) que ainda não havia sido testada para a produção de embriões bovinos por transferência nuclear (TN). O objetivo deste estudo foi isolar, caracterizar e testar as CTMs derivadas da geleia de Wharton para produção de embriões e gestações por transferência nuclear em bovinos. O cordão umbilical foi coletado durante o nascimento e as células derivadas da geleia de Wharton (CGWs) foram isoladas por explante e cultivadas em Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle Medium. Fibroblastos (FB) da pele foram isolados após 6 meses de vida. As análises morfológicas foram realizadas pelas microscopias de campo claro e eletrônica de varredura durante o cultivo celular. Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica por citometria de fluxo, imunocitoquímica, RT-PCR e indução da diferenciação em linhagens celulares foi realizada com as CGWs. No procedimento de TN, ovócitos no estágio de metáfase II foram enucleados usando micromanipuladores, fusionados com CGWs ou FB e então ativados artificialmente. Micrografias de microscopia de varredura revelaram que CGWs tiveram forma variada sob cultivo. Os marcadores mesenquimais de CTMs (CD29+, CD73+, CD90+ and CD105+) foram expressos em cultura de CGWs bovina, como evidenciado por citometria de fluxo, imunocitoquímica e RT-PCR. Quando induzidas, estas células diferenciaram-se em osteócitos, condrócitos e adipócitos. Após classificação, as CGWs foram utilizadas na TN. A taxa de formação de blastocistos por TN com CGWs no sétimo dia de cultivo foi de 25,80±0,03%, similar a produção de blastócitos por TN com fibroblastos de pele (19,00±0,07). Gestações foram obtidas e mostraram que CGWs constituem um novo tipo celular para ser usado na clonagem animal. ABSTRACT: Wharton?s jelly is a source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that had not yet been tested for bovine embryo production by nuclear transfer (NT). Thus, the objective of this study was to isolate, characterize and test MSCs derived from Wharton?s jelly for embryo and pregnancy production by NT in cattle. The umbilical cord was collected during calving and cells derived from Wharton?s jelly (WJCs) were isolated by explant and cultured in Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle Medium. Skin Fibroblasts (FB) were isolated after 6 months of life. Morphological analysis was performed by bright field and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) during cell culture. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR and differentiation induction in cell lineages were performed for WJC. In the NT procedure, oocytes at the arrested metaphase II stage were enucleated using micromanipulators, fused with WJCs or FB and later activated artificially. SEM micrographs revealed that WJCs have variable shape under culture. Mesenchymal markers of MSCs (CD29+, CD73+, CD90+ and CD105+) were expressed in bovine-derived WJC cultures, as evidenced by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. When induced, these cells differentiated into osteocytes, chondrocytes and adipocytes. After classification, the WJCs were used in NT. Blastocyst formation rate by NT with WJCs at day 7 was 25.80±0.03%, similar to blatocyst rate with NT using skin fibroblasts (19.00±0.07%). Pregnancies were obtained and showed that WJCs constitute a new cell type for use in animal cloning.